He tangata an te tangata ki tna kinga, , he ariki ki tna iwi. [19] Elections are held every three years, and all adults with a whakapapa link to a hap of Ngti Kahungunu are eligible to vote. Other waka included Tainui, Te Arawa, Tokomaru, rai Te Uru, Mataatua, Kurahaupo, Aotea, Ngtokimatawhaorua and Horouta. All that ceased for ever with the last great lady (e., when she died). Meaning: From trifling disputes bloody wars arise, ending in the death of chiefs;often poetically termedika= fish. O for impenetrable armour to oppose against the stings of the stingrays of Araiteuru! As only nobles and chiefs were tattooed. Not only in combat but in any endeavor requiring the combined efforts of many, a spirited and capable leader is necessary to encourage the group. The ppeha gives the well-remembered reply in which the rain cape stands for the promised protection. Ngati Kahungunu. This information is available on the Maori Land Court website. 903. Matariki were taken to be the eyes of the illustrious chiefs. For the descendants of Te Aho you must provide sustenance. Join the living end to the weak one. Tag: Ngati Kahungunu An Interview with Toni Huata May 29, 2013 Stephanie A Kia ora ano and welcome to our third and final feature in our New Zealand Music Month series of interviews with local Mori musicians. Such a rock, buffeted by the story seas, is used as a metaphor for a resolute and valorous chief. He takaruretenga mahi, mahue ake. He mra whautuutu ki te rangatira, he mra tiria, he mra mate ki te ware, e kore e tiria. Many of his marriages were arranged for diplomatic purposes, uniting various iwi against their enemies, forming bonds and securing peace. The white hawk stands for a prominent chief. However soon after someone enticed away and slew Tutekohi's dog. There is the kokako and its supporting and of people approaching. Kill the main combatant, the principal chief. 579. 1038. By means of the dark cloud the rainbow is seen to advantage brightly. Portrait by NZ Lindauer, photographed by Gladys Goodall ~ scanned postcard. 1992. Unfortunately this whare did not have proper foundations and because the wood was rotting, it was demolished and burnt. According to Grey, this was a form of invitation to great chief. This describes a well organized tribe in which the old reliable chiefs are in the center providing advise and support for the young warriors manning the outer defenses. This saying is used when a woman is vain of herself; or, when persons boast of the good old times, when better, or handsomer females lived. Ka hinga te ttara o te wao nui a Tne. Mohotu had Te Ao-ka-waiho. 4 0 obj
Additionally, 'D' Company also consisted of some soldiers from the Pacific Islands, and from the Chatham Islands and Stewart Island. Thou art making thyself appear as big as the great lady chief of old Ruaputahanga! Over the years the swamp has been drained and filled with land fill. I have no contribution to give; that is the sign of a noble descent. %
464. Used by a chief in defending his own tribe against slander. [15] Wiremu Te Tau Huata was a well known officer from Ngti Kahungunu, having served as the Mori Battalion's military chaplain. Tranga tangata rite. The sign of a chief is a carved food storehouse in a palisaded p. 1562. Te Aho a Hokianga ancestor of so much mana that no request of his descendants would be refused. Waka: Tkitimu. [5] Armed with muskets, Te Heuheu had come to assist Ngti Te pokoiri in retaking their lost p of Te Roto-a-Tara, a fortified island in Lake Roto-a-Tara near the present-day site of Te Aute in Heretaunga. He tao mau rkau he toka piringa, he toa mahi kai he rkau whakamarumaru. A fierce rivalry developed between these two hap. We hope you enjoy your journey. Our pepeha acts as a cultural summary of who we are, our whakapapa and what cultural land marks define our traditional boundaries. Ko Ngti Kahu te iwi (Ngati Kahu is the tribe). The beneficiaries of the Marae are all descendants of Ngti Kahungunu iwi from the following three hap. Nobility evidences itself. A small quarrel will involve more and more partisans to become a serious concern. 734. Te ope o te rua Matariki. 2506. 890. The name Ngati Poporo may have been bestowed on the people by Nukanoas grandson, the Tohunga, Te Rangikawea. This electorate is referred to in the constitution as the, One representative is elected at large by the iwi membership to the chair of the board of trustees. Our main purpose as a Marae is to provide a meeting place, open space for recreation, buildings and facilities to hire for the common use of our beneficiaries and local community. Huata attributes the ppeha to Paterangi of Ngti Kahungunu. The company of such a personage ensured the best treatment. In other words, the wise chief would ideally seek to achieve victory quickly with minimal loses. (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013). This example refers to cultural icons like the old Ngaruroro River which marks our northern most boundary and the western boundary to the Ruahine ranges. [1] London Tattoo. Te hopu a te ringaiti, he aha te huanga; tn ko te hopu a te ringa whero e tngng. The people then hauled up the canoe without any urging. 864. From this union followed what has been described as a "bewildering" series of intermarriages between the families of Ruapani and Kahungunu. Founder of the newspaper, Prolific writer and diarist, friend and confidant of, Tribal leader and editor of the newspaper. Ko Kahungunu, he tupuna, he kaiwhakatere waka. White dog tails cloak above, and a wide taniko below, that is the dress od the chief. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kapo atu koe i te kai i nga ringaringa o nga pakeke, a e taea ranei e koe te whai i nga turanga o tupuna? <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
There is a discrepancy as to whether the whare was named after Hikawera the Father of Te Whatuiapiti, or Hikawera Tuarua, Nukanoas half brother. Hinga atu he tt kura, ara mai he tt kura. Ngati Kahungunu. x\[o8~X#J
$d7bOyZ-gXUTQZb0NwX.dt_WYM*+*+Uw}*}"??wg]!q_;?v?G:][oI2?'m=wOK?kw Aa__xN-s3y"]px|pJ.fiE1*FP(uf{:II7{q014snx-$I64-6+l}y]|~h:Ls_V;%_}5Kdk0cbJ0g]^HNa The honour the host by their visit but severely reduce food stores. Posted at 01:41h . The former were the people of the ancestor Te Whatuipiti, a great-great-grandson of Rkei-hikuroa, from his second marriage. Tuhoe also use as an endearing term for the dead. It is situated directly to the left after crossing the bridge over Te Wairoa-hpp-hnengenenge-matangi-rau River. He pukepuke maunga, e pikitia e te tangata; he pukepuke moana, e ekenguia e te waka; he pukepuke tangata; e kore e pikitia e te tangata. Applied to a chiefs child, on his snatching food, or anything, from the hands of aged persons. When a chief travelled he was erect with head high, surmounted by the comb fixed in his topknot. The brow of a hill, a large house. The interest in this saying apart from the thought is the play on words muhukai with literally means stupid food. 181. Let the image of the protecting warrior speak. stream
Chiefs of thetitokiyear! Nga Pepeha O Ngati Rangikoianake. Te aute t whawhea. The point emphasized is that those reared to have self respect, pride in personal appearance, and habits of cleanliness, will have the respect of others. 2363. Jeremy McLeod tells us that the young people of Ngti Kahungunu want is for their reo to be uniquely theirs so they can utilise it confidently to express their independence and tribalism. Used sometimes for raising a weak or impoverished chief or tribe, by alliance or marriage with a stronger one. 1607. There are several versions of this story with a common pattern. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He kuukuu ki te kaainga, he kaakaa ki te haere. He tangata i kona ki te whare, tnga ki te marae tau ana. However, by 1902 Te Kotahitanga had failed to gain recognition from the New Zealand Parliament and was therefore dissolved in favour of local Mori Councils, which were established in 1900. Ki a ia, te toka t moana. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Te whakangungu nei ki nga tara a whai o Araiteuru! Rehua has died. I suspect this arose from the old manner of dressing their hair, He ika kai ake i raro. Rakai-pka remained in Nhaka, where he remains the eponymous ancestor of the Ngti Rakaipaaka hap of that area. He taonga tuku iho, Ko te manutukutuku,
Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Rehua is one of the larger planets (possibly Mars or Jupiter), and when seen in summer, in time of heats and droughts, this saying is used; as then men grow thin (substantial vegetable food being scarce), and their joints protrude and look large. N.B.Note the play on the three mountspukepuke; which are wholly lost in translation. However, the grasp of the chief cannot be loosened. Best says the term kk tatak is a maku t and perhaps a noisy one. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He toa taua, mate taua; he toa piki pari, mate pari; he toa ngaki kai, ma te huhu tena. He toa kura, he toa phekeheke; he toa mahi kai, erangi tn e roa e kawenga. However, the grasp of the chief cannot be loosened. Blaming Rakaipaaka and with the assistance of Mahaki, Tutekohe attacked and drove him out of Turanganui A Kiwa to Nuhaka. Often those who have yet to make a name for themselves need someone of a great mana to pave the way and open doors. Kore te rkau whakairo, kei te tohunga te whakairo. ABOUT THIS SITE|
Only big eels enter my trap. The chief or executive has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. The chiefs sustenance is discussion but the low born is inattentive. Lest there be nothing to eat but vain regrets. Kaua e rangiruatia te hpai o te hoe; e kore t ttou waka e ki uta 'Do not lift the paddle out of unison or our canoe will never reach the shore.' This proverb serves to emphasise the importance of all working together to succeed in any joint project. 751. The marriage of Kiwa's son Kahutuanui to Paoa's daughter Hine Akua was a significant event in that it interlaced the bloodlines of these two founding ancestors of whom Ruapani is eighth in descent. Whetkamokamo met his deathat the hands of Ng Puhi who left his body in the Awatere river. Actor, musician, comedian, singer, director and writer. P`s whakaruru ha. Pepeha for non-Mori. 2386. Te kkihi whakairoiro o te moana. Governance structure: Two representatives from each of six taiwhenua (Wairoa Taiwhenua, Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui-a-Orut, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea, Te Taiwhenua o Tmaki-nui-a-Rua, and Kahungunu ki Wairarapa), two kaumtua and four taura here representatives. He whanga o Tkitimu. The Ngati Kahungunu people are identified today as the largest land holding tribe of Aotearoa. Ngti Kahu take their name from their founding ancestress, Kahutianui, and link their ancestry back to the waka Mmaru. They saying, apparently, was the proverbial basis for much union. Te toka t moana. I must be taken to the boundary of my land. So I've been researching . Mmangi had Tkanikani, Tkanikani had Hpute. He pokeke Uenuku i tu ai. This rohe map represents the area over which Ngti Kahungunu exercises kaitiakitanga for the purposes of the Resource Management Act 1991 and extends from the Wharerata Ranges in the Wairoa District extending to Cape Palliser in South Wairarapa. Nobility evidences itself. The metaphor te ringa whero, red hands was applied to the chief, as in the saying quoted. According to Grey, a rangatira often married a woman of lesser rank. He visited Ruapani and married one of his daughters. But if, indeed, it were burnt by fire, that would be bad; as it is, however, merely wet with a little water,just spread it in the sun, and it is dry again in no time! A chief will be a friend in disaster and not not forsake you. E whai I muri I a Rehua, kia kai ai koe I te kai. Here it should be borne in mind that a chief of to-day is the descendant of ancient chiefs. As a result, the Kotahitanga movement emerged in the 1890s to advocate for the establishment of an independent Mori parliament. In fighting continued between the direct descendants of Ruapani and Kahungunu Groups migrated into and out of Turanganui A Kiwa as a result of fighting, exile, overcrowding and power struggles typical to the development of societies. It began as Tairawhiti Polytechnic training station Te Toa Takitini 2XY, making two short-term broadcasts on 1431 AM in December 1988, and October and November 1989. You will surely understand. A cutting sarcasm to a finely tattooed man, when he acts cowardly or meanly. Korongata Marae is a Mori Reservation for the purposes of a Marae, a place of historic interest. See how he does a leader indeed. A man who starts a waiata on the marae wants assurance that there are people to sing with him. An allusion is here made to the ends ofkumara, or sweet potatoes; in planting, they make use of the sprouting end of the root as seed, and so, sometimes, place two such ends in one little hillock to make sure of plants. A powerful friend is of great value in time of need. Meaning: If he had sought shelter on the mountain, or at sea, we could have followed him; but being sheltered by a great chief, we cannot follow him there. Kahungunu accepted the challenge, and after numerous trials succeeded in obtaining Rongomaiwahine's consent to marry. The tapa will not go around. The ancient beautys name,Muturangi, means,the last of the great lady chieftainesses. 764-5. This proverb is applied to an inhospitable chief; he does not raise the cheerful inspiriting shout of Welcome! to travellers nearing his village; but, when he travels, then, on approaching any place, he sounds his trumpet to get food prepared, and afterwards finds fault with the victuals given him. In 1988, Te Rnanganui o Ngti Kahungunu Incorporated was established as a centralised organisation responsible for iwi development, but it went into receivership in 1994. Reihana married Hoana and the speaker, McCully Matiu, was born. 3 0 obj
Another of his pa was located where the Anglican Vicerage stands today in Cobden street. These important intermarriages took place very soon after the invasion of Rakaihikuroa and Taraia, and reflect the entrenched ancestry of Ngati Poporo. 1785. By the year 1966, 70% of Mori men (throughout New Zealand in general) were now working in urban employment centres, particularly freezing works, sawmills, the transport industry (including road maintenance), the construction industry, and various types of factory work. Because of this, Ngti Kahungunu has seven separate entities that have (or are in the process of) received their Treaty settlements to govern for their respective affiliate hapu and whanau. Ngti Kahungunu trace their origins to the Tkitimu waka. He meant that without the proper garments in which to appear in public, he could not speak. Ppwai Marae sits at the heart of the small Maori community of Ppwai, five kilometres east of Greytown in southern Wairarapa. [28], Last edited on 13 February 2023, at 08:11, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Chair of Independent Police Conduct Authority, Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Trangap Mori and political parties - Creating a Mori electoral system', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand", "Mori and the union movement: Joining the workforce", "About: Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated", "Constitution of Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated", "Kahungunu Asset Holding Company Ltd Director Appointments", "Ministerial List for Announcement on 31 October 2007", "Hawke's Bay iwi support legalising cannabis to reduce Mori incarceration", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ngti_Kahungunu&oldid=1139085162, Film and television actor known for roles in. Sing with him seen to advantage brightly inspiriting shout of Welcome disputes bloody wars arise, in... 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