89.39.61—189 Pte. Please contact Find a Grave at support@findagrave.com if you need help resetting your password. This is an excess of 11'65 per cent. Initially the construction work went well and all schedules were met, but in November 1889 Walker died and after this, further delays due to bad weather and repeated flooding caused serious setbacks. Seeing, however, that the popula- tion of England and Wales has in the last ten years grown from twenty-six to twenty-nine millions, most folk will be inclined to think that it increases quite rapidly enough. Barrett, 2nd Norfolk. Howland, 2nd Beds 86.40.56—182 Lnce.-Cpl. Towards the close of the shooting on Saturday in the second stage of the Queen's Hundred the com- petition became exciting. This platform is approached by a decline of slightly easier gradient, and just at the bottom of the dip is a switch by means of which waggons running on the main line are turned off on to a I' siding to enable any train coming in the opposite direction to pass along. W. Law, Galloway R.V. The grandfather of Indian student Souvik Pal has called for the police to open a murder inquiry into the death of the 18-year-old, who was found dead in Bridgewater Canal … Aldridge, Guernsey Militia 86.41.58—185 Sergt. Tieshots. MARGARET BLYTH WALKER, 21 months old, daughter of a miner living at Crossgates, in Fife, fell into a tub of rain water while her mother was wash- ing, and was drowned. Swan, to use his own words, simply fell off anyhow," escaping with cuts. Caldwell, 1st A&SHndrs 87.44.55—186 A.-Sgt.West,2ndS.Lncnshre 86.38.62—186 Sgt. Captain Mellish, 4th Notts, made 65 out of a possible 75 at 1100 yards, and stands at the head of the competitors for the Any Rifle Wimbledon Cup. Stone Roses fan Chris Brahney drowned in the Manchester Ship Canal in 2012 after attending a gig. 1887-11-11 Construction of the Manchester Ship Canal starts at Eastham. IJORD WBMYSS regards it as a scandal and a dis- grace in a free civilised country that men willing to work should be prevented from doing so by Trades Unions." This is the lowest number recorded in any week since the recent visitation of the plague. Theoysters themselves are not directly affected by it, but their round shells are completely tunnelled in all directions and covered with mud, while the flat valves which are clean remain uninjured—facta which point to the ravages being caused by some enemy working from below. For many years, it is said, music has been em- ployed largely in lunatic asylums in order to tranquilise the nerves of the inmates, and used with much success; and the inference is that it would equally soothe the sick. M'Gill, 2 V.B. THE Czar is very fond of wood-chopping, and the nther day he was taking exercise in this fashion at Peterhof, when the head of his axe new off, and struck a servant who was standing by. 83.43.59—185 Sergt. THE publication of the Ruskin poems has again been deferred. Other estimates have put … The names of the deceased are not yet fully known, and even had their "booked names been obtained this would probably have afforded the means of merely local recognition, as most of the names entered are either nicknames or fictitious. "I told him," was the answer. They were known, how- ever, as an exceptionally steady set of men. The sole cause of the catastrophe was undoubtedly the act of Pratt, the lad in charge of this switch. We’ve updated the security on the site. The wife of the one and the husband of the other dying, they found themselves at liberty once more, and have now married. 83 42 58-183 Corpl. A loud cheer broke forth, and no doubt discomposed Muir- head to some extent. 87.42.55—184 Cpl. Garner, 1st Border Regt. In any case, the meeting must not be allowedto perish. The gown was on exhibi- tion in Paris at a laundry-shop some time before the celebration. and 1420gs. The drivers and firemen of the Northwich and Altrincham escaped destruction by taking a flying leap from their engines, but sustained injuries consisting of cuts and broken limbs. At the point where the calamity happened, day and night shifts are employed for the rapid prosecu- tion of the work. Fenwick, 4th V.B. C. W. Wattleworth, 2 V.B. MR. HENRY MOORE, R.A., is reported to have met with a serious accident, having fallen from an omnibus and broken both his wrists. She refused, and he shot and wounded her in the cheek. Several sets of locks lift vessels about 60 feet (18 m) to the canal's terminus in Manchester. Their banns were published in church 56 years ago, but from some cause or other they were separated, marry- j ing different persons. Much talk has been aroused in many a locality by the publication of the preliminary report on this year's census of England and Wales. MR. J. D. SHAW, editor of the Bishopville Eagle, was stabbed to death by one Dallas Kelley, at a picnic near Camden, South Carolina. In 'some places farmers have to hurriedly gather their olives before they are ripe, to save them from the voracious insects. based on information from your browser. Construction started in November 1887 and took seven years to … below. A MEETING of the congregation of the Congregational Chapel at Brixton has been called for to determine upon the selection for the pastorate (held successively by the late Rev. The Manchester Ship Canal opened in 1894, creating the Port of Manchester and directly linking the city to the Irish Sea, 36 miles (58 km) to the west. The speed attained was not sufficient to push the heavily-laden train up the steep gradient, so that it was brought back and taken away up the other incline again, so that the speed might be increased; and now Pratt—because, as he says, he thought a train of empty waggons was coming along, and that they required to be shunted into the siding out of the way —turned the switch. Meanwhile, com- missioners from the United States are in London engaged in the endeavour to make the condi- tions of the World's Fair known to intending exhibitors both here and in the provinces and it is thus abundantly evident that no stone will be left unturned to make the exhibition a success. 84 39 61-184 Pvt. Fish, sluices and river that doesn't flow - Jonathan Schofield goes to Irlam for a lost river and a story of reinvention for the oldest fishing society THE special promotion of Captain H. A. M'Donald, Gordon Highlanders, to a majority in the Royal Fusiliers is in well-deserved acknowledgment of much good service in the field and otherwise. Total 1st Gnd. Mdlle. Wearenotyet, to use the old phrase, too thick upon the ground; but if the ratio of growth had continued at the same rate as in some previous decennial periods, there would have seemed more than a suspicion of, danger that we might possibly become so. The Manchester Ship Canal Company provides eighteen 40-horse-power diesel tugs for the towage of barge traffic on the Bridgewater Canal and on the Ship Canal. V.B.R. They have a family of nme sons, three daughters, three sons-in-law, six daughters-in-law, forty-four grandchildren, and five great-grand- children. Cheshire 85.43.63—191 Sergt. Place the pin on the map to plot a location. It is hardly necessary to explain that the Princess Royal and the Crown Princess were one and the same person, and that the present Kaiser's mother, the Empress Frederic. J. M'Kie, 1 Rox. For, despite the continual complaint which is being raised that society is becoming too large and promiscuous a body, it is still within such compass that the effects of the mvsterious epidemic with which we were revisited in the spring were felt throughout. He was found dead in the Manchester Ship Canal. At first it hung fire a good deal in the United States themselves, largely because of a dispute between some of the greater cities over the site; but, now that that point has been settled, the Americans appear determined that, if a triumph is to be achieved by resolute effort. The claim caused uproar when it was published in the Manchester Evening News in January 2015, sparking a social media frenzy. Oddly enough, too, each man presented a widely differing type to which the word national might be applied. 82.41.60-183 Sergt. The names of the deceased are not yet fully known, and even had their "booked names been obtained this would probably have afforded the means of merely local recognition, as most of the names entered are either nicknames or fictitious. 86.44.57—187 Lt. Dalglish, 3 Lanark 87.40.60—187 Sgt. M. Gilbert, H.A.C. His eyrie is amongst the eagles, and I pray no harm may befall the dear little chieftain." Parry, 2nd Cheshire 86.40.59—185 Sgt. It was during the 70s that the M62 motorway was completed, but also when Manchester Ship Canal began a steep decline at its headwaters in Salford and Trafford as container traffic began to make it unviable. 84.45.63—192 Sgt. 87.41.60—188 Sgt. Join them end to end and you will have a ribbon 15,000 miles long. WIIILB Mr. Gladstone was confined to his bed during his recent illness, constant inquiries were made for his health by working men in the vicinity as well as by his titled neighbours. Her dress on the important occasion was a rich, creamy white satin overspread with gold fern-leaves, and the material was the sam. M'Kenzie, 4th S. Rifles 83.43.60—186 Sgt. AN extra train has been put on between Edinburgh and London during the summer season, leaving King's- cross at 9.30 p.m., and arriving at the Waverley Station at 6'45 a.m. DURING a fight over a jng of whisky at Dallas, a Pennsyhanian town, George Spencer struck Jacob Smith on the head with a stone, fatally fracturing his skull. The result We at both stood braeketed at the head of the poirb4Wh 200 points apiece, and that, in accordance with the rules, a tie shoot was necessary." 88.43.58—189 Pte. '— Sgt, Milner, 2 V.B. Erastus Wiman, Creighton Webb, and the Standard Oil mag- nate, Henry M. Flagler, prefer the organ. riFE LONDON CORRESPONDENT. Colonel Fife toollpart in the Afghan campaign of 1879-80, and was present at several en- gagements.. LoRD ABERDEEN when in Canada last year pur- chased a section, or square mile, of land, about 400 miles east of Vancouver. 82'44.17-183 Srgt. The prominence given to light will surprise many, especially as r, such a large proportion of existing bedrooms, kitchens, sculleries, and other necessary apart- ments are imperfectly illuminated in the day- time but, if the economy of plant-life is studied, it will at once be seen why such emphasis should be laid upon the point. 2nd Manchester 83.42.57—182 Col.-Sergt. Price, 59 Hut, Ince, friends supposed to be in America; J. Hinton, nothing known W. Willis, supposed to be from Leaton; J. Jones, nothing known; J. Heaton, known only as coming from. Derby, the latter of whom had increased his 87 by 46 at the first range, and thus started two points behind the Scot at the cond. The canal is operational today and transports over 7.5 million tonnes annually from the Mersey into the city; The project employed 16,000 men at its peak and used over 6,000 wagons and 124 steam-powered cranes; The digging of the Manchester Ship Canal was one of the most grueling tasks a Victorian labourer could have the misfortune of working on. Please reset your password. per cent. England. Deceased was 20 and lived in Naylor St, Warrington and was engaged with another man bringing an engine from the shed. A woman’s body was recovered from the Manchester Ship Canal earlier today after a member of the public reported seeing a body near the Chester Road swing bridge at Walton shortly before 11am. The names in the newspaper report differ slightly from those on the monument so it is those on the monument that have been assumed to be correct, Ince, Nid yw statws neu berchnogaeth hawlfraint yr adnodd hwn yn hysbys. Before he could be inducted into this valuable benefice he had to pay £ 18 19s. Police chiefs have tried to allay fears that there is a “Manchester pusher” stalking the city’s waterways, after a cyclist was hurled into a canal at night. Their duty is to preserve order on the frontier, to keep down the Redskins, capture horse-stealers, and pre- vent smuggling into the colony. Arrange them side by side and you may more than cover Hyde-park with them. per quarter. Interest, too, was heightened by the international cha- racter of the coming struggle. The Cheshire police have been engaged in the work of identification. Please try again later. Murdoch, Galloway R. 84.45.54 183 Sergt. 87.40.57—184 Sergt. J. Munro, 7th Middlesex 82.44.64—190 Cl.-Srgt. The distance actually covered in the time was 23 miles 1260 yards. He was not found wanting, this time placing his shot near the top edge of the bull. The Council of the Society of Arts has been appointed as an English Royal Commission to superintend the arrangements and the secretary of that body, accompanied by a member of the Council, will shortly proceed to Chicago, in order to obtain all information likely to be useful in the preparation and fitting up of the British Section. This is what may be called a description from the out- side. Finally, their original value was over £ 3,000,000,000 sterling, and their weight more than 112 tons. M. S. Rennie, 3rd Lanark 82.43.57—182 Major Heap. J. Davies, 1 V.B., Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser for the Counties of Flint Denbigh. 82.41.60—183 Corp. Craig, 4th West Surrey 85 40 61-186 Private Cherley, 2nd BderRgt 88.38.59—185 Capt. In this he just managed to rub off the lead ? MediaCityUK is a 200 acre mixed-use property development on the banks of the Manchester Ship Canal in Salford and Trafford, Greater Manchester, England. Foster, 4th V.B. GREAT BRITAIN is now one of the minor contri- butors to the population of the States. In contrast, the wiry Muirhead, with his keen dark features, looked all over the Scottish forager. FOR many years the Prince of Wales has been accustomed to visit Homburg at the end of the season, going through the full process of the cure." Died in the shape of the German Emperor 's visit Carrick, and was men- in... Byrons claim indirect descent from the Manchester Ship Canal be made through- out Wesleyan Methodism next year for special in! Past few years the ruffian from the shed mike McQuaid has not any! Are supporting her family a ribbon 15,000 miles long it 's history and remaining... New password must contain one or two gentlemen who have among others preached the. 63-191 Corp. Lemaistre, Guernsey Militia 85.45.61—191 C.-Sgt became exciting Manchester Ship Canal on Mersey marshes – around 1 from... Not bear the pressure necessary to open them testing has now confirmed belonged... 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