A blood vessel obstruction caused by air or gas bubbles in the cardiovascular system. Aero is a gender-neutral name and is of Greek origin. Babies easily catch and understand the meaning of goodbye, hello, cuddling and kissing and waving. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our Privacy Policy. Aerodynamics is the study of objects moving through the air, such as aerofoils, surfaces such as wings shaped to produce lift; aeronautics is the science of aerial travel; aerospace relates to vehicles that travel both through air and outer space; an aeroshell protects a spacecraft during re-entry into the atmosphere. If it is true, then we can perhaps safely separate the branches in verse 2 from Jesus words in verse 3. People who like the name Aero also like: Archer, Atticus, Fox, Apollo, Evander, Theodore, Arlo, Aurora, Nyx, Aria, Adora, Ophelia, Alice, Ava Names like Aero: After preaching through John 15 again, Ive decided, once for all, to clarify the validity and preference for the Greek word aero (air) to be translated lift up rather than take away. I was first introduced to the viability of this translation by Bruce Wilkinson in the Secrets of the Vine. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. . When Jesus told this vine illustration, Judas Iscariot was not present as he had been a few hours earlier. An example of the aero-prefix is an aerophysicist, someone who studies the physics the earth's atmosphere. There is no aspirated -sh sound in Greek, so the name had a soft -s sound. Summary: The Greek word aero does not demand any of the three translations; all are proper to use. See also the related categories, air (sky) and greek. Largest list of American baby names with meanings, numerology, popularity and comments. aerobeacons) A light used to warn aircraft away from tall structures. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He lifts up; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. It provides graphic effects, appealing color and translucent windows. (Greek) Latinum (Latin) Svenska (Swedish) Dansk (Danish) Suomi (Finnish) (Persian) (Yiddish) . Online Etymology Dictionary. https://www.etymonline.com/word/aero- (accessed $(datetime)). what does aero mean in greek. It is sometimes called air sickness, altitude sickness, or decompression sickness. They are not unbelievers, nor are they believers who lose their salvation. Our end goal is more ethical and sustainable manufacturing of what we wear and eat, and the devices we use to communicate. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned (John 15:6). David. ), from Latin aer "air, lower atmosphere, sky," from Greek ar (genitive aeros) "mist, haze, clouds," later "atmosphere" (perhaps related to aenai "to blow, breathe"), which is of unknown origin. Hydroponics on the other hand, uses the Greek term hydro . A babys eyesight is sharper than his brain. b. Its meaning depends heavily on context and the tone of voice ~ it can be friendly, . These formations may develop into cysts or tumors in the lungs. The gardener carefully maintains each vine and cultivates its branches to bear many grapes. This is why Jesus deals with them so gently here, that is, He lifts them up. The word derives from two ancient substantives, malakia (fem) (Greek: ) and malakos (Greek: ). c. 1300, "invisible gases that surround the earth," from Old French air "atmosphere, breeze, weather" (12c. What does aero mean? Aerometeorograph :A meteorograph designed to be used in an aircraft. At that point, they had never grown up into Christs fulness, though they were clearly in Christ. Daniel. What does the Greek root Aero mean? What starts with Aero? Original Word: , , Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration: ar Phonetic Spelling: (ah-ayr') Definition: air Usage: air, the lower air we breathe. It is not ranked with in the top 1000 names. An example of the aero-prefix is aeronautics, meaning the science of flying airplanes. Meaning of aero. Airspace Classes - The different types of airspace defined by ICAO and adopted around the world. I-e-s-o-u-s. Paul focuses on the above question in 1 Corinthians through teaching and example. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you (John 15:7). 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. Aero. The feminine name Aero is used in aeroplane, airplane Synonyms aereo Related words, aerophobia: aerophobia (English) Origin & history aero- + -phobia Noun aerophobia (uncountable) (medical) A pathological aversion or sensitivity to air or the movement of air, especially as a symptom of rabies. The name is currently in the top 500 of NameChef Most Popular Baby Names and not in the top 1000 of U.S birth chart. 14. This is step #1 of eight taught in the John 15:15-16 Genuine Friendship | Part of Study on John 15 Genuine Friendship John 15:15-16. In a piece for the Huffington Post, co-founded by very Greek and opa-lifestyle-embracing Arianna Huffington, he describes what "opa!" means to him and how adherence to his . D. Harper. Persons with the name Aero are trailblazers, torch-bearers, researchers, teachers and they are who show others the way. The most important fact supporting the usage of lift up as a plausible translation is that it serves as a main, oft-used, translation of the Greek word used here (aero). Explain. The root word-Aero comes from Greek ar that usually refers to air. But this is theological wrong (examine in Me statements in John) and linguistically inappropriateopposite to what Jesus actually said: You are already clean (John 15:3). Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Information and translations of aero- in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Origin of the word Malakas Once malakas always malakas Well, first let us give you the ancient meaning, cause this word is so old as the Greek language itself. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Aero was first launched in 1935 in peppermint flavour, followed by the milk chocolate variation in the 1970s. Classical Color. Etymology of aero-. Online Etymology Dictionary. "Greek Lexicon entry for Airo". US English. This and other New Testament articles are included in our huge New Testament BFF Digital Library. 4. But frankly, when we consider the other legitimate translations, they provide different interpretations, one of which I would consider superior. Name Analysis of Aero Character Analysis of Aero : Persons with the name Aero are trailblazers, torch-bearers, researchers, teachers and they are who show others the way. We must consider both lift up and bear up as possible translations. (Ime hortofgos) Meaning: I am a vegetarian. It is fair to say that words with the word root Aero are mostly used in reference to air . This is the reason Paul tells them to grow up (Eph 4:14). They are part of the normal flora of bacteria that live on the skin. Your comments are very welcome. In Me is used 24 times in the Gospel of John. These files are public domain. Enormous issues pop up once we assume those branches that do not bear fruit are the same as those taken away and burned up. AERO Meaning 4. Nova is frequently used as a girl name. Retrieved $(datetime), from https://www.etymonline.com/word/aero-. 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. Your email address will not be published. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from ami (to breathe, blow) Definition air NASB Translation air (7). Pardon me for the excitement Specialized tissue in some plants that form gaps or channels that allow air circulation between the roots and shoot. Normally, people with the name Aero are energetic, courageous and determined. Love Life of Aero : They are the disciples facing problems that need tending. Aerodontalgia : Pain in teeth caused by change in air pressure. Take away is a legitimate translation, but it is hardly the only one. verb Definition to raise, take up, lift NASB Translation What are the other possible translations of the Greek word (. Krittika Nakshatra: An old name of the Pleiades; personified as the nurses ofKrttikeya, a son of Shiva. John earlier pointed out Judas Iscariots impure heart when it is said he stole from the money bag (John 12:6). Inflammation or swelling of the parotid glands resulting from the abnormal presence of air. What does aero- mean? The name Aero having moon sign as Aries is represented by The Ram and considered as Cardinal . Sort. of The prefix (meso-) comes from the Greek mesos or middle. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Aeropathy (Aero - Pathy) A general term referring to any sickness resulting from a change in atmospheric pressure. Learn more about the meaning, origin, and popularity of the name Nova. . Aerovane : An anemometer used to measure wind-speed and direction. Krittika nakshatra. Importance of Success John 15:2 | Part of the Abiding in Him: Study. English Translation water More meanings for (ner) water noun water body waterborne water table water tables waterwork water pourer noun , water-borne water rates water skin water butt Find more words! AERO Meaning. The prefix (aer- or aero-) refers to air, oxygen, or a gas. "aircraft tricks, trick flying," 1914, from aero- + ending from acrobatics. Typical John 15:2 interpretations bypass good principles. The name Aero has Fire element. Broadcasting sense (as in on the air, airplay) is by 1927. Jesus affirmed that they, the branches in verse 2, were clean, not unclean. The name Aero is suitable for baby born in Strong's Greek 1097 Occurrences 1 Occ. 5 Occ. 1 Occ. To expose a substance to air or another gas: Air can aerate a liquid substance, or air can aerate the soil when digging into the ground and turning over parts of it. Use this phrase if you want to inform someone that you are a vegetarian. Meaning of aero-. Aer - is a variant of aero -, which loses its - o - when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels. ThoughtCo. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Some bacteria could not live with oxygen or air, and Pasteur called these anarobieanaerobic. They are the branches who bore no fruit and needed the Fathers help. What kind of birthday party does your little one want? While they have uppers with threaded forward assist . Aeromancer : One who uses Aeromancy(Divination using atmospheric conditions) 12. American. So, let us approach this question from a different angle by asking, Is it possible that followers of Christ can be unfruitful and yet be saved?. Aero is a Greek prefix relating to flight, and air. He hopes for them to bear fruit. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. I present five reasons we all should use lift up, and in all honesty, I cannot think of any reasons besides tradition that we should use take away. Besides, why should we let some inferior translation steal away from Jesus prized words, which bring deep comfort to the broken-hearted and confidence in Gods plans? This article relating to Greek mythology is a stub. The translation take away completely does not fit verse 2. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. They are similar if we think of a vineyard and the special care that unfruitful branches need. Originally published in STIR. Tooth pain that develops due to changes in atmospheric air pressure. Summary: We are forced to conclude that the branches in verse 2 are not the same as in verse 6. The build up of air or gas in a small natural cavity. Aeronautical. Her work has been featured in "Kaplan AP Biology" and "The Internet for Cellular and Molecular Biologists.". After studying for this article, I am convinced of the superiority of lift up. I dont say this lightly. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. Mars is the Ruling Planet for the name Aero Join our Free TELEGRAM GROUP for exclusive content and updates. Im studying the NT and Im using the Online Interlinear Greek - English NT to better understand the words of Jesus. 2022 Biblical Foundations for Freedom. Proud member List of American baby names, American babies names, American baby names and meanings has been compiled from various resources. All rights reserved. In Greek mythology, Haero or Aro (Ancient Greek: means 'to take up, raise, lift up') was a Chian princess as the daughter of King Oenopion and the nymph Helice. We offer a unique learning approach, and stand for an exercise in LEARNING, for us as well as our users. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned. (John 15:1-6), Here are the five strong supports for preferring the translation lift up in John 15:2a over take away.. in a similar manner as they respond to any kind of internal stimulation. This website uses cookies or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalized recommendations. To bear up is okay, but it typically refers to holding up in a permanent way rather than lift up referring to a movement to aid the branch. What is the meaning of the name Aero? Xerox doesn't mean anything in Greek or any other language. Used especially of automotive vehicles. What does Polis mean in Greek? Read more . 28 numbers of people were named Aero so far in last 100 years. A device that supplies air where there is no available oxygen. Mia. Summary: The lift up translation best fits the context. aerofoil. By having ones work burned up, we can safely assume this work refers to their fruit. Respire; by analogy, to blow); "air" (as naturally circumambient) -- air. Search for more names by meaning . The arrival of a baby in the family is the culmination of many months of planning and anticipation punctuated with periods of anxiety and concern. It can be used for both girls and boys. Instead of dreading if they, like the eleven, are thrown away, Gods people can relish and embrace the Gardeners ongoing care for their lives so to bear fruit for His glory. aerate (verb), aerates; aerated; aerating. Its. Copyright Michael Quinion 2008. Aerophilately : Study or collection of airmail stamps, cancellations , tickets etc. Windows Aero is a visual desktop experience introduced in Windows Vista and also present in Windows 7. 2. The act of swallowing excessive amounts of air. It comes from the Greek aer meaning air or referring to the lower atmosphere. Also called subcutaneous emphysema, this condition may develop from a ruptured airway or air sac in the lungs. Aer - is a combining form used like a prefix meaning "air." It is often used in scientific terms, especially in biology. She was also called Merope and was loved by Orion. (Meso-) means middle, between, intermediate, or moderate. air: to raise, take up, lift Original Word: Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: air Phonetic Spelling: (ah'-ee-ro) Definition: to raise, take up, lift Usage: I raise, lift up, take away, remove. A genus of airborne bacteria first identified in air samples. 1 : a science dealing with the operation of aircraft. Instead, we should, as faithful expositors, fairly try all three definitions and see which best fits the context. Aero is not very commonly used baby name for girl. The STANDS4 Network. Harper, Douglas. It is often associated with flying at high altitudes. They are in Christ! 15. In verse 10 Jesus uses the word commandments with an s on the end. Most common AERO abbreviation full forms updated in February 2023. Aerothorax : Presence of air inside pleural cavity due to injury to the chest or ribs. By using take away, the church is separated from the powerful comfort that Jesus provided His disciples when they fell away. Meaning Examples act Latin do action, actor, react, transact & enact aero Greek air aerobics, aerodynamics, aeronautics & aerate agr Latin field agriculture, agrarian, agronomy & agribusiness alter Latin other alter, alternate, alternative, altercation & alter ego anim Latin Isaiah 53:11-12). Summarize why the author believes take away is a poor translation in verse 2a. 2 : the art or science of flight. Bailey, Regina. Harper Douglas, Etymology of aero-, Online Etymology Dictionary, accessed $(datetime), https://www.etymonline.com/word/aero-. By listening to this podcast you can become the intellectual mon arch of arch, "ruling" over each and every word that uses this root. Home / Uncategorized / what does aero mean in greek . (SSA). All rights reserved. A general term referring to any sickness resulting from a change in atmospheric pressure. Information and translations of aero in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. .the British aero-engine maker, Rolls-Royce. Since the Greek word is frequently used in John with the three translations, we can dismiss the idea that we are trying to force a usage to match our desired interpretation. to raise from the ground, take up: stones, to raise upwards, elevate, lift up: the hand, to take upon one's self and carry what has been raised up, to bear, to bear away what has been raised, carry off, to take off or away what is attached to anything, to take away from another what is his or what is committed to him, to take by force, to take from among the living, either by a natural death, or by violence. . 3. What does agri mean in Latin? This much-loved chocolate is famous worldwide for its unique, bubbly texture, and has been for decades. We should not conclude that believers can lose their salvation by equivocating the branches in verse 2 with the ones in verse 6. Summary of the Abiding in Jesus Christ Principles summarizes the principles from John 15:1-17 and this series Abiding in Christ and encourages the reader to John 15:1-17 Bible Study Questions on Abiding in Christ. In old chemistry, air (with a qualifying adjective) was used of any gas. to take upon oneself and carry what has been raised, to bear, to bear away what has been raised, carry off. In British English, it is used as an adjective related to flight (e.g., as a shortened substitute for aeroplane). The seats are set up in a 1-to-1. Stomach pain resulting from excess air in the stomach. Affixes: aero- aer (o)- Air or another gas; the atmosphere; aircraft. That means everyone gets both an aisle seat and a window seat. They conclude that those who do not bear fruit (2a) are the same branches as those that do not abide in Him (6). THERMO- Meaning: "hot, heat, temperature," used in scientific and technical words, from Greek thermos "hot, warm," therme See origin and meaning of thermo-. It is rather embarrassing to discover one of the John 15:1-17 Summary of the Abiding in Christ Principles. Suggest. Verse 3, though seemingly out of place, points to Jesus special message for the eleven disciples present with Jesus. 18. 4 . A bacterium or microbe that produces gas. To provide oxygen by the procedure of respiration: Blood is aerated by oxygen in an individual's body. The last three letters take a bit more explanation. Written by Paul J. Bucknell on October, 22, 2020, Check out five great reasons Christians should start using lift up in John 15:2 as a translation rather than take away.. X in aerospace stands for . 1 : space comprising the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond 2 : a physical science that deals with aerospace 3 : the aerospace industry aerospace 2 of 2 adjective : of or relating to aerospace, to vehicles used in aerospace or the manufacture of such vehicles, or to travel in aerospace aerospace research aerospace profits aerospace medicine ( Aero - Pathy ) a light used to measure wind-speed and direction cavity due to changes in air... As Cardinal to grow up ( Eph 4:14 ) assume those branches do... Are at the top 1000 names devices we use to communicate this phrase if want... Circumambient ) -- air dealing with the ones in verse 2, were clean, not unclean their! To better understand the meaning, origin, and the special care that unfruitful branches need names meanings... Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning said he stole from the article title been compiled various! 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