FIRO-B [Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation--Behavior], 15th MMY Adult Career Concerns Inventory, 12th MMY R p O \ ]
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EN. Subscale scores typically fall under "average," "some problems," "elevated," or "markedly . Personal Style Indicator, 13th MMY Children's Depression Rating Scale, Revised, 14th MMY Vulpe Assessment Battery--Revised, 14th MMY Job Search Inventory, 13th MMY Academic Competence Evaluation Scales, 16th MMY Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment ; 60 . Ilyin Oral Interview, 9th MMY Career Interests Test, 9th MMY CARE-2 Assessment: Chronic Violent Behavior Risk and Needs Assessment, 18th MMY Discipline Index, 15th MMY Psychological Stimulus Response Test, 9th MMY This is called Extraversion
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