If the waterline is connected, check to see if any valves or controls block off the brine tank. Common Water Softener Problems 1. How long do AO Smith water softeners last? Improper programming of the control head or timer. (Explained for Homeowner)Continue, Read More Is Soft Water Safe to Drink? The Puronics Hydronex C model was designed to filter up to two million gallons of water before needing to be serviced. Its not worth the headacheor putting your familys health at risk. The company was founded in Wisconsin in 1874 and currently has 24 locations and multiple manufacturing facilities worldwide. Residential . Instruction manuals. In this case, you may hear the specific cycle sound, but you might notice the soft water is saltier. My cousin informed me that they intend to have a water filtration system in their home for safe drinking water, and he asked if I had any recommendations for the best alternative. Drinking salty water can become an unpleasant experience, especially if you have to deal with the aftermath of a stomachache. Your email address will not be published. By applying through our Technical Support Group, you can request a visit from the Service Department. Next, check the system for clogged debris and clean it. Check all the settings thoroughly. If your water softener goes in bypass, the water wont flow through the media tank and wont be softened. If you have to fix or replace parts, remember to follow the manufacturers instructions to avoid bringing other damages to the system. The bypass valve is usually positioned on top of the water softener media tank. Err 3 can be caused by a faulty valve, motor, or switch. The second reason is the salt bridging or salt mushing. So lets move on to mushing. Here it is necessary to make you know that you are going to test the calcium carbonate concentration levels to make sure that whether your softener is working or not. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Water Softener Problems with the Resin Beads, 8. Page 31 TB-A028-06 - A. O. SMITH - FVIR INTELLI-VENT TROUBLESHOOTING CHART LED STATUS PROBLEM SOLUTION The self diagnostic test has 1 Turn off power to the water heater. Another thing that you should check is the bypass valve. The Puronics Water Softener by the GoodFor Company, on the other hand, is tested and certified by all three organizations to ensure their customers health and safety. 1 year experience video on water softner A.o. (Important Facts Explained), Water Softener Leaking: (Reasons And Solutions), Best Sediment Filters for Well Water (Reviews & Guide 2023 Edition), How Much Salt Does A Water Softener Use? Blocked drain hose and control might also be the reason behind the excess of water. Actually I sell AO Smith and if you would go to a Win company or another wholesale supply house you would get quality grade softeners and water heaters. From there, I can go through all the other settings by repeatedly hitting the ENTER button. However, if youre one of the many thinking about purchasing an AO Smith Water Softener, youre going to want to read this first. However, there may be other reasons as well. However, the brine tank may not refill for various reasons: Float switch: If this is the problem with your system, then first look at the float switch of the brine tank. Perhaps youll be able to hear it during the regeneration cycle, but it must still be relatively silent, and the sounds must be smooth, like those of a running engine. Water Softener Problems With Water In Brine Tank 2. All Rights Reserved. Perhaps the primary concern water softener users are facing is a brine tank full of water. If you need to regenerate your softener manually, follow the steps below: Whirlpool is one of the best home appliance brands, and its range of water softeners lives up to expectations. Unidentified, a salt bridge can eventually break the system. If you dont hear the specific sounds, the timer is broken, and youll have to replace it. But after doing everything, if your softener is still not working and you are not getting the soft water, then it is time to go for the troubleshooting. If the system makes funny noises or its deafening, thats a sign something is wrong. Use the SET button to adjust the settings. Thanks. I did, the hardness level should be set at your incoming water supply (120ppm for you is ~7gpg, so you should set your hardness to 7 if I am not mistaken). Ill consider getting water softening for my home. Yes. Find a Local Service Provider. Download the general sales terms and conditions. A typical AO Smith water softener will filter out 600,000 gallons before needing a new filter or servicing. Rarely, a damaged nozzle or gasket may also trigger the error. As its name suggests, the Kinetico water softener doesnt use electricity; instead, it relies on the kinetic force of water to work and has no timer or buttons. This unit has several valve and drain connections: Refill Controller, Regenerant Tube connection, Injector and Cap, Backwash Drain Control and Injector Screen Filter. AO Smith Water Softener Reviews (Read Before Buying! Your email address will not be published. However, if no or too little enters into the brine tank, then it affects the regeneration cycle, and then the water conditioner fails to reduce the hardness properly. How to Fix the Hayward Heater CE Code Pool Heater Troubleshooting Guide. Thats 12,000 gallons per month for a household of four people. Only the time shows on the display. A.O. In case the system is out of warranty, or if the motors not covered, the only thing you can do is buy either a new motor or a new system. A. O. Smith is proud to be known as one of the world's leading providers of water heating and water treatment solutions. AO Smith Water Softeners lack these certifications, which means youd have to independently test your homes waterwhich costs more time and money. The second reason is the salt bridging or salt mushing. When hes not working, Andrew enjoys spending time with his daughter. In some cases, they can break or lose their potential, requiring you to replenish salt more often. If the floater is at the bottom of the tank, it will cause the water supply to cut off almost immediately, making it impossible for the tank to refill. Its easy to understand this water is not good to drink, but if you have a water softener installed, perhaps youre wondering if it may be the cause of the disaster. Turn off the water softener (unplug the appliance, too), and use a wet-dry vac to remove everything from the brine tank. Our Technical Support Group can help yousolve problems, commission your appliance or system or offer you to provide all maintenance and service of your installation as an account. For more information about maintenanceand commissioning, pleaseseethe related pages. The most common is a faulty regeneration timer. All you have to do is repeat the steps above to fix your water softener. The fundamental working principle of water softening systems is to help remove Calcium (Ca+2) and Magnesium (Mg+2) ions that cause hardness of water through ion exchanging methods. You can prevent this issue by adding a mineral cleaner to the resin tank and setting more frequent regeneration cycles. Press J to jump to the feed. The most common cause of a softener not using salt is the formation of salt bridges that block salt crystals from dissolving. These appliances are known for their quality and minimal problems, but they could stop working correctly now and again. You may be able to reset the electronic readout by pressing this button if one has been installed on the unit. If you fail to reach the base, then there is a bridge. Another common water softener problem is noticing leakage in tanks, lines, or other components. Make sure they are programmed and working correctly. The float valve is set too high: The float valve controls the level of water in the compartment. (Complete Guide). Fixing an unresponsive control panel on a GE water softener will usually take 20 minutes and is easy to achieve without professional help if the culprit is the clip for the general electric touchpad. $426.55 when you choose 5% savings on eligible purchases every day. First, the control valve is set incorrectly. Our best overall pick, the GE GXSH40V Water Softener, has a high grain capacity, a digital control console, and the ability to optimize its regeneration schedule during periods of peak water usage. None of the buttons work (nothing changes on the screen when I press). Open the top, disassemble the nozzle, replace the broken gasket, and put everything back together. If any bypass valve is in the bypass position, then change its position. How Durable Are AO Smith Water Softeners? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hard water isnt necessarily a health risk, however, it does create problems for your plumbing over time. Err 4: Indicates that the controls have not been set correctly, and one or more settings may be out of the softeners range. But that doesnt make them worth all of your hard-earned money, and this holds true for many of the water softener systems on the market today. A.O Smith Triasoft Premium Water Treatment System A.O.Smith Triasoft is a point of entry compact system that can both filter and soften . Required fields are marked *. If yes, there is no broken timer, and if no, then it means that the timer has broken, and the only solution is to replace it. There are two common reasons why the water softener is not softening the water. You can choose DEMAND or DELAY for mode based on whether you want the factory setting or you want the unit to regenerate at the time selected. Call our technical assistance hotline at 877-214-7912. Read More Best Whole House Water Softener for Well Water With Iron 2023 EditionContinue, Read More How Many Grain Water Softeners Do I Need? Without the timer, the machine will never know that it must run its cycle. However, the most common problems reported include unresponsive control panels and water softener error codes. If the salt level of your brine tank is not going down, then it is a clear indication that the water softener is not using the salt. Manufacturer methods vary, so make sure to follow the suggested method when packing fresh salt. Smith provides you with custom tailored solutions according to your differing areas of implementation and requirements. Andrew has conducted residential and commercial plumbing jobs throughout the state and currently works for one of NYCs largest plumbing companies. A thing you should know right from the start is that water softeners must not be loud. Unclog the brine tank, injector, or drain line flow. We never tested for water hardness before and tested today. My incoming water is about 28gpg, and treated water comes out at about 3-4 if I am not . var intYear = dteNow.getFullYear(); All rights reserved. You can buy a system for less than $1,000 (the exact price depends on the size of the system you opt for), which is a fraction of the price of some of the best softeners currently on the market. Then, enter each selection menu by pressing > next to either Type or Mode. Smith Water Softener Unboxing and Review + DISASTERhttps://youtu.b. Some of the best water softeners are built to last for decades and are made from strong, durable materials that are built to last. Clean or replace the resin beads following the instructions in your user manual. The only maintenance needed for the AO Smith water softeners is topping up the brine cabinet with salt and cleaning the resin with a resin cleaner once a month. Then, check your user manual for targeted troubleshooting. Reason and How to Fix (Easy Checklist). Am not sure if my resin beads are working fine? Although most water softeners use salt to reduce the liquids hardness, the waters taste mustnt be salty. Am not sure why salt in the brink tank is decreasing when softener is not reducing the hardness. Expansion & Pump Tanks. Water Softener Problems with the Resin Beads 7. Many times, the incorrect plumbing of the system becomes the reason for the non-working water softener. There are two significant steps to take identifying the issue and stocking up on the required tools to fix the problems. Product Description. Any advice would be appreciated. Ensure the floater is about halfway up the brine tank or at the height suggested by the water softener manufacturer. You should end up with about 2.5-inch of water in the tank. I think if salt inside the brine tank is reducing then water softener should work fine but looks like it is not working. It is a process of removal whereby Sodium (Na+1) ions present in the cationic resin exchange places with the calcium and magnesium ions in the water. You can do it. Replace it if necessary. If the range is between 60-120 mg/l, then the water would be considered moderately hard. bypass is turnoff and water is flowing into water softener. Moreover, the water looks cloudy and even loses its color. Our Technical Support staff is available from Monday to Friday, from 8.00hrs until 17.30hrs. Also, check the settings and the switches. Hello! By purchasing the wrong water softener system, youll end up spending more money down the line on all of the above plus ongoing maintenance costs. The first thing to keep in mind is that when you purchase a water softener system for your home, youre making an investment that trickles down to everything you do involving the water usage in your home. Theres no drain hose for overflow, and several customers had issues with overflowing tanks, Some customers had issues with flimsy parts and leaking pipes or tanks. Diagnosing your water softener problems may seem intimidating, but you can pinpoint the issue effortlessly by following the steps below: Some water softeners dont have a bypass valve, but theyll still have standard plumbing valves or global valves that accomplish the same purpose. We hope the tips above will help you repair water softener issues regardless of what brand you own. This usually happens due to a lack of overflow or clogging. Different materials normally build up inside the resin tank due to highly concentrated water, and when they reach the maximum level, the resin bed becomes foul and looks dirty. So, if youre looking for a maintenance-free soft water solution, you wont find it here. Theres a lot of misinformation online about AO Smiths softening systems, but the systems are in fact NSF certified and easy to maintain in the long run. Closed valve: While not applicable to every water softener, there may be a manual or automated valve between the waterline and brine tank. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In this AO Smith water softener review, well be reviewing the most important features of the AO Smith water softener systems, and sharing the pros and cons of buying an AO Smith water softener. Together with you they will schedule a visit. This build-up can sometimes form salt bridges at the tanks base, preventing your system from softening the water. If your water softener is not working correctly, then you must have to do testing first. Keep in mind that the water softener stops working due to a wide variety of reasons. The power loss protection feature is useful, preventing the system from forgetting your saved settings in the case of a power outage. A place where people can come to learn and share their experiences of doing, building and fixing things on their own. I am having water problems right now. Dont waste your time or money on an unreliable product that doesnt come with the necessary certifications OR isnt transparent about their materials and manufacturing processes. Make sure that the outlet is not turned off. Check the float switch, brine valve, and the brine tube. Designs of water softeners can vary, but most are largely automated. It will draw brine into the resin tank but will not replace the drawn water back into the brine tank. The water entry valve is broken: If this valve is broken, it may not stop the water flowing into the salt tank, causing it to flood. For the Type selection menu, choose between HIGH EFFICIENCY, HIGH CAPACITY, or AUTOMATIC, depending on how much salt you want to use per regeneration. Moreover, check the brine line and the valve. Luckily, to solve a clogged water softener, you don't need a professional. If youve replaced the clip but the buttons are still not working, its worth replacing the gasket and nozzle. 600 17th Street Suite 2890 SouthDenver, CO 80202. That means their products arent built to last, and even if yours last up to ten years before needing a replacement, youll still be spending upwards of $300 every ten years. As a result, the calcification problems that occur in pipe fittings, washing, heating and boiling systems within your homes are eliminated. Turn off the bypass valve on your softener. AO Smith water softeners are good systems, but they dont blow us away. Spec sheets. Otherwise, ask a professional to install and set up your unit. In the case of the misconfigured timer, you have to check the user manual to understand what to do when there is a misconfigured timer. Water softener stuck regeneration is triggered by: To fix this issue, check the switch first, ensure its working correctly, and then do the same with the control head and timer. The reason for this is salt bridging. All Puronics Water Softeners have an NSF rated Stainless steel body with a polyethylene interior that does not leach and withstands the test of time. 1. For the second reason, we have discussed the salt bridging earlier. Clean or replace brine float assembly. The different grain capacities available for this system are: Our verdict:The AO Smith Water Softener is a good option if youre looking for a compact water softener system thats relatively easy to install and offers a fast and quiet regeneration. Reconnecting the water softener to the waterline should let the brine tank refill. The cause of this issue is a damaged rubber gasket nothing severe and straightforward to fix without spending heaps of cash. While most wont have issues with valves blocking the brine tank, it remains a possibility. If it is set too high, excess water may build up as the softener may be unable to release it effectively. You can check this by opening any faucet that is near to you. Any ideas on what to do? Water softeners are designed to prevent minerals from scaling on your pipes and fixtures, but funnily enough, they are subject to salt which is still a mineral scaling inside the tank and within the systems lines. In industries where the use of soft water is crucial, layers of lime residue caused by hard water can cause heat and energy losses and can also cause serious damage to your machinery and large amounts of financial loss. Here are the most common reasons why water could gather in the salt tank: The water softener is too old: These systems have a life expectancy of around eight years, after which they degrade quickly. Also, the dirtiness of the resin bed is caused due to the long gaps between the regeneration cycles. If this happens, check the tubes and make sure they allow water to flush through, to ensure proper functioning. The softner has a setting for starting hardness. An NSF certification is a good place to start, but additional certifications would be an added bonus and an extra reassurance. A.O. Obsessively engineered, simply functional - protect your home from the effects of hard water. Smith Water Technologies. Check that the water softener is plugged in and powered on. If the brine tank is not refilling, check if the water softener is connected to your waterline. Defective timer. If this is the problem with your system, then first look at the float switch of the brine tank. Thank you for mentioning that one of the most common problems with water softeners is that the water does not flow through the softener and instead enters a bypass, which is a problem. After the regeneration cycle, test the hardness level of the output water. If salt mushing is there at the bottom area of the brine tank, then it must be cleaned thoroughly. Once you have the new piece, follow the steps below. If they are fine and the motor just doesnt start, there is little you can do. Smith water softening systems offer high levels of lime removal with minimal salt and water consumption. Product Information . The contaminated resin bed reduces the softening capacity of the softener. Reason and How to Fix (Easy Checklist), water softener problem is noticing leakage in tanks. Kinetico is one of the most popular water softener brands. Program the control head properly and unclog the control head. I flushed the valve and checked it for sealing properly by blowing into and drawing out of the tube. Also, the service department can assist you in taking entire solar systems in operation. Innovating for Tomorrow. Together with you they will schedule a visit. Further information for application of A.O. This issue is usually easy to fix by yourself without spending a fortune. , you can check this by opening any faucet that is near to.... Power outage needing to be serviced plumbing jobs throughout the state and currently for... This case, you may hear the specific cycle sound, but they could stop working correctly, there! System A.O.Smith Triasoft is a good place to start, there may unable! Why salt in the case of ao smith water softener troubleshooting stomachache tank full of water in the compartment testing.... 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