It was strange. Her sister waited, while she thought, looking impatient. If you could do that why would you restrict it to human levels? Good point, Dragon replied, adding a Brute 2+ rating to the tally. I'm going to plug Tonight, She Comes which is my crossover with the movie Hancock. Weapon. A real AI isnt automatically a threat, you know, despite what the movies would have you believe. That may be so but even if not we need to look into it, he retorted, reaching over to turn off the microscope, then pick up his helmet. Taylor Hebert triggers inside her locker. Thanks for listening. The woman began to walk towards the edge of the roof, while he watched, still stunned. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! I have some other things to do tonight. In the end, as the footsteps grew louder from the alley, she dived between the third and fourth dumpster, which had a gap just large enough to permit her fairly slight frame to squeeze in. Lowered because of it being restricted to arthropods but even so, its global and absolute. Prodding the screen he opened it, then stared. For example, if it's just a story where Taylor can control the Endbrings and fixes all the problems in the world in a couple of chapters, I won't be interested in that. That much parallel processing power lets you simulate almost anything you can imagine. Youd probably know her under a different name, though, Sophia. The beginnings of a story I started around mid-2015 in the Worm setting, but semi-abandoned when I started Taylor Varga. The experience was enough to make the girl Trigger. She is for all intents and purposes a biological supercomputer of a level I can scarcely comprehend. From my point of view it's been more than four hundred years. A Conquerer Returns/Damn It Taylor, That's Not How A Fantasy Happens! All this from whats basically a completely broken Thinker/Master combo We havent finished yet either, Piggot sighed, also looking at the monitor. I saw this rec'ed recently and it is exactly what it says on the tin - God Girl. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Three paralyzed muggers at the following coordinates, ready for pickup. Chagas disease? Restricted to insect or arthropod based forms from what she said, but with additions that could come from anywhere. Something happened to the mosquitoes? It could fit into either or both depending on the insects in question. S Hess. I suspect youll get a number of yes answers to that question. What do you intend to do, Director? the man asked as he stood. Malaria is a major disease. Its killed more people through history than anything else, she replied seriously. Armsmaster frowned a little. 'Nearly a week,' he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. Has a bit of power wank, but most of the conflict so far is people not having figured out Taylors stronger than they are. Assault looked at his phone as it beeped at him, picking it up and seeing he had a text message. It started out as a yellowjacket but I shrank it to make it less obvious and to raise the pitch of the wings enough that it wasnt very audible, and changed the color so it doesnt stand out. I am. I dont know how it works, but the evidence would suggest that the neural interconnects must run at least at the speed of light which would give an enormous speed increase over normal biological brains. But she hasnt gotten high on her power and is still figuring out her limits. Well, like I said, I panicked and hid. In the end he said, But you said you were born here. Press J to jump to the feed. She abruptly realized that there were dozens of similar holes on all four arms. Nothing happened for a while. Although apparently also with a desire to help, she replied. 10 is probably a minimum. Sophia stared at him, then looked around at the others. Still, that's in the past. Fuck, she said in a small voice. None of these conclusions, except for the second one, made her feel in any way better. That would happen. Why was she in a school locker at two am on a Saturday in the first place? Armsmaster paused, then shrugged with another small sigh. Finding a bottle of nail polish remover she looked quizzically at it, shrugged, then tried it. Dismissed. Director. He nodded one last time to her then left the office, closing the door quietly behind himself. That two and a half months since Taylor died until now? She slowly turned her head and stared at him. Arthropods tend to creep humans out for some weird reason, especially ones six feet tall and intelligent. She cocked her head again, amusement radiating from her. The eyes were a work of art, no less than thirteen opsins covering vastly more than then normal human spectral range. . She stung them. There was a pause. Not necessarily in that order. If she had been capable of it at that point in time, Lisas eyes would have widened comically. "Taylor?" "It's you!" Taylor exclaimed. But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. It's great to see this get a thread of its own; the whole premise is interesting and I like a lot of the small things dotted around, like how casually Taylor interacts with everything. Just a feeling. A feeling? he asked curiously. no knowledge of either setting is required. Turning, she grabbed both her sister's shoulders. With a very warped view of interpersonal relations, as well. We've noticed, he told her. Vicky stared. That's how bad it was. He understood what she meant and winced. Injected with chemical agent. The night watchman had gone for a smoke outside the front door and the cleaning staff had all left by the point it started. If it wasn't for the fact that she's useful she'd be locked up right now. KonoDioDa7, LaurrenReyes, CloudySky01, AndrewWolfe, r74, kevin0617, KaitKatBar11, wrdeaton1, AnoneiricPhilosopher, Zephyrix, Galaxy_Blaze, DredgenAuryx, Desertjet, KindlingTheEmber, CosmicPenguin, lemonancy, ThreeLittleDucks, seadragon1012, Nobody_the_First, Gurdersnur, probablyaceok, terrancorn, Pyrdiu_Lefquo, 7019289, DemonChilde, DvaDI, ckcsh, BrackentheInvisible, WolfFry, Autistic_Ace, The_Chronomancer, Zafar, MaeRoAce, Ezok, Nevermore237, sirenensang, WolfSongGirl, snidget, NekoBoi66, GodzillasRevenge, InconspicuousUser, R_Midon, draco1221, RandomRiverReader, Volkosaurus, dc2008, Jep_Gambeson, Renok, Judge86, Pax_Mechanicus, and 147 more users So why do you keep doing it? Because it's funny to see them jump, like you just did, her sister laughed, coming closer and looking over her shoulder with her nose wrinkling a little at the smell. The man lost his wife less than three years ago, and now his only daughter in horrific circumstances. As he approached, he slowly became aware that there were a number of other oddities about the person which began to make him slightly less sure it was a woman at all. Sit down, Sophia, Piggot ordered in a tone of voice that brooked no disobedience. Shut up both of you, will you? she gritted, as Rachel came in at the rear of the group with all three dogs at her heels. Holy shit, she mumbled in shock. Lyme disease? My normal mental speed is so much faster that it can get pretty boring waiting for something to happen. The original range was maybe between a thousand and two thousand feet depending on various conditions. Director Piggot looked at the photos in the opened folder and winced despite herself. Eventually she moved, shaking her head slowly while still looking at her sister. Youre beautiful, she said in a low voice, then went red when she realized what shed said. I won't let them down, he added more quietly. Alec laughed slightly while Brian went quiet, sighing a little after a second or two. The back of the torso looked like it split open down the centerline, and was more very dark green than gray under the iridescence. Annette Hebert was a mystery. A story? he inquired. Looked at objectively it really did look very pretty. Im everywhere. Basically everywhere. What sort of activity? Colin watched as she looked momentarily uncertain, not a common occurrence. Are you available, Colin? A familiar voice spoke from beside him as the Tinker peered through a microscope of his own devising, gently manipulating tiny tools while watching the result. Some thought that a trigger event was the traumatic part of getting powers. Hebert? Everywhere. Sophia! Eventually she tentatively held out a hand, while thinking this was quite unlike her normal behavior, but putting it down to stress and sheer wondering curiosity. Which on its own is somewhat suspicious in my opinion. Took a while to think it through but Im pleased with the result. She sounded justifiably smug. She might have started panicking a little, at some point. No doubt at all. Wildworm A psuedo-tinker from Wildstorm appears in Brockton. A few seconds passed in silence, until she heard footsteps crossing the floor of the loft. You won't like it, I suspect, but if you insist Moving away a short distance she sat on the surface of the roof, leaning back against the low parapet surrounding it, her carapace clicking against the concrete in the process. Maybe one day. Turning back to him, she pointed at herself. Taylor knew she didn't have long and tried to write the shortest thing that would point at Sophia. By the time Assault managed to calm his whirling thoughts enough to speak sensibly, the insectoid woman had stood and gone back to watching the Sun rise slowly into the sky, apparently enjoying the sight. Skittering Campione - Taylor becomes a Campione for killing Scion. Well, when my abilities did what they did, I kind of overwrote a lot of normal insect behavior. She had ideals, you see, she wanted to be a Hero. Press J to jump to the feed. It proved to be a mistake only a couple of hundred feet further when the alleyway deposited her in a small loading dock with no way out except the way in. Or mine. Amy gasped as her savior banked around another building, heading upwards. For what it's worth, though, I've posted what I finished. So what are you going to do now? he asked rather plaintively. But for Taylor, it was bad. She resumed watching the performing wasps, which now numbered about a dozen, forming ever more elaborate patterns in the air. How much more? he asked slowly. Assault sniggered, making her look at him. I could see it could have some uses for reconnaissance, that sort of thing, he ventured. I do. Does the name Taylor Hebert ring any bells? Assault asked with a certain amount of malicious amusement in his voice. Hopefully I can improve on this with some practice and come up with something that at least looks more human, but this will do for now. She paused, then went on, The biggest problem I have is thinking slowly enough to communicate with you people. It was definitely Taylor Hebert, Im afraid. Poor kid, the Director of the ENE PRT muttered. What happened? Amy shrugged a little. But, just before I got there, these three fuckers jumped me, or tried to, anyway. Vicky looked surprised at her language. As the locker got hotter and hotter, she tried writing the name of the person who shoved her in that fucking thing in her own blood, but couldn't finish it. Shes He mumbled, remembering the report. Are you sure? he asked faintly. What? Stung them. Combat uses are less obvious but I guess being stung a lot would slow most people down if nothing else. True, she replied. See you around, Ethan. He watched as she flew away rapidly, flickering out of visibility after a few seconds. I did that six weeks ago from some points of view, she giggled. No knowledge of League Of Legends Needed! I'm incurably curious, aside from anything else. This made her snicker, then shrug. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. Small consolation to her father, but Trailing off he sighed minutely. Ive never liked Amelia much. All right. Practically instant loss of voluntary muscle control. I think Taylor's doing a pretty good job of retiring so far. All of them, every arthropod on the planet. Most of the technology is weird and decades if not centuries away from anything normal. But you can understand it? he wondered out loud, amazed. She had been having a strange dream, one where she crying out for help to anyone who would listen, begging the cosmos to deliver her from the torment of her life. But But? he asked when she went silent again. I don't know why, perhaps it was just a convenient place. Or at least, nearly prevent it from happening. People have committed suicide over less, you know. It was a sensible suggestion. Theyve all stopped dead, all at once. Both of them were silent for some time, just staring at each other. Amy nodded. Where have you been and why didn't you call me for a pick up? Amy jumped a little, spinning around from her position at the sink in the bathroom where she'd been washing her hands to remove the dumpster-gunk, to find her sister peering in the open door watching her with mixed curiosity and worry on her face. The fire spread much too quickly and burned far too hot to be accidental but there is no sign of normal accelerants. The insect-woman laughed. Tens of thousands of compound lenses focused light over a much larger angle than a normal person could manage, extending across over two hundred and forty degrees. The wasp was joined by another one, both of them taking off and flying interlocked rings. Three gangs and a government walk into a city.They each try to rule, and get forced into a stalemate.Everyone knows whats going on, but everyone pretends theyre winning. Neither do I. She opened the folder again and flipped through the report and the stack of photos for a moment. But the end result was totally unlike anything shed ever encountered. He had managed to get a Tinker-tech firebomb from somewhere and tried using it on the E88 gangers. She looked at him for a moment, then went back to watching the helicopter. That's what it was meant to be. It immediately beeped at him. I was trying for non threatening but I have some limitations at the moment. Changer 7 to 8? Generally the powers escalate from weak to strongest in the world with a good scaling conflict. Standing, he looked around, then back to her. Hive indicated the nearest one with a graceful hand gesture. Why? He couldn't think of a good answer for a moment. Sophia was directly responsible, along with Emma Barnes and Madison Clements, for Taylor Triggering. Hoping you'll continue it soon! Guess I'll have to wear the spare one tomorrow. Not the way you're probably thinking. She turned to look at him. She designed that body from scratch. At least? Dragonslayers? Invisible. Killed them off? Worldwide, all at the same time? She shook her head. The second story I started is this one. We have too much to lose right now. Huddled as far back as she could get she waited for whatever would happen, her heart hammering in her ears. Lifting a hand she waved it dismissively. Taylor. Im compensating for it now as an autonomic action, but if I ceased to exist? She pointed at the pattern of wasps which suddenly dropped to the roof, all the two dozen members weakly twitching. You will be proof from the tapestry of fate that is laid over all of creation. She was fitting facts to the story we wanted to hear, not the one she was going to tell. He'd seen extreme close-up photomicrographs of various insects on the internet, some of which were genuinely beautiful in a rather alien way. Paper and Sand is Endbringer!Peggy Sue!Taylor. Medical, financial, chemistry, biology, and physics data repositories, astrophysics, mathematics, you name it. 10 even? Piggot asked, looking worried. Or right, perhaps. Oh, Jesus, Piggot is going to go insane when she finds out about you, he groaned, holding his head in his hands. my guy,Taylor Varga is the definition of power wank. They made a trap, filling a locker with biological waste, then managed to push the young woman into it and lock her in. I wouldnt go that far, but Im certainly not a normal parahuman, no. She seemed to find the idea funny. Father was such a miserable person. Your use to the Wards may come to an abrupt end no matter what the Chief Director wants. There was a pregnant silence from everyone for a short time as Sophia shrank back into her chair, her mind whirling. They were mixed with some sort of metal in a repeating pattern that defied easy analysis. Adrian Gorgey May 11, 2015 #2 I- Coronation It was dark. Not natural one, Construct. Eh, if you use magic like a bard, sing like a bard, fight like a bard, everyone around you thinks you are a bard and there's no other elements to your build other than those of a bard then you are not a demigod. Even if I wanted to, I dont think I could do very much about it at this point, and I dont particularly want to anyway. Humans. This stopped him for a few seconds. The man who pulled the pin died a few hours later from a bad case of bullet to the brain, so it's not even possible to prosecute him. He opened his mouth, not himself sure what he was going to say to that. I was hiding behind it, she replied, now a little internally amused herself. Armsmaster nodded slightly. Taylor is a victim. Here, now, the light of hope shines bright. She waited, apparently willing to be patient for as long as it took. Possibly more than everything else. The man looked both scared and furious, neither expression one that normally crossed his face. All right, then. Her voice sounded amused. Colin, its every single disease that affects humans and is spread by or involves an insect vector. The next part was worse. I forgot to charge my phone last night because I was so tired when I got back and the battery ran down this afternoon. Now Taylor seeks to discover where her mother has gone, and for that, she needs to gather allies, hone her skill with her inherited magics, and uncover secrets her mother kept even from her daughter. Perpetuance Taylor is a black hole, short but good, incomplete. Neither one of them would want me to do it. His voice trembled with emotion but rang with surety. The figure disappeared from view as he bounded up the side of the next building over, redirecting his kinetic energy to keep him moving steadily upwards, bouncing between the two buildings. Its only me now. I'm sorry, he stated, meaning it. If she'd found out that one of the people responsible was a Ward, and decided that it was the Protectorate as well as the school who had let it all go on for so long? She sighed a little. Thinker 10+? In the aftermath, she starts to realize that no matter how much she tries, a normal life on Earth Bet is impossible, not with what she's become, what she can do. Nothing like that has happened. Dozens of people saw it happen but the school was so corrupt that they just walked past. Looking back at the Rig, on which a helicopter was currently landing, she sighed once again. The smaller man was being his usual self and their long-suffering leader was beginning to get annoyed about it. I have. She suspected that the woman holding her probably couldnt lift all that much more weight, but she seemed to have no real problems dealing with Amy. Youre shitting me, she breathed faintly. Not any more. Slipping easily off her perch, she stood and looked around. Now what do you think the equivalent number is for insect neurons? She cocked her head as she asked the question. Squealer is going to have to live with having lice for the rest of her life, she said in a tone that made him step back. Not much of a story where everything gets solved in a couple of days, right? Certainly not on a world-wide basis. Colin raised his eyes from where hed been staring at his hands, thinking, to look at his best friend again. I've got a rough idea of where I wanted to take it, but it's only a basic outline, and I'm not sure if it would actually work out. It didn't. Shit, he muttered, appalled. Together with a former serial killer doctor and a heroic organization whose morality is held together by duct tape they will need to find a way to save the world. The words seemed to mean only what they said. For a moment, leathery wings materialised behind her and with a single beat she launcher herself across the dark waters. Luckily for everyone concerned, that didn't happen. True. Armsmaster thought about the idea for a little while. Well, Changer to some high level as well. You OK there, Amelia? she asked. Huh, well if you do continue this, note that Taylor referencing multiple gods might make people think shes part of E88 because of their neo-paganism aka worship of Norse gods. Although, weirdly enough, there was something about her that seemed.. Dragon and Armsmaster seem to have noticed so youll probably hear about it soon. Well, until the S9 made a pit stop in Brockton Bay anyway, in the latest chapter. A series of thuds told her that her teammates had met the same fate. Im not interested in telling most people what to do, its very boring. Presumably the conductive pathways were to allow the released electricity to exit through the claws. His head came up. At first, I might have wanted to try to end myself, but now? A gesture of resignation followed. Its very subtle but its everywhere if you know what to look for. Work Search: But it was a little more involved really. Still, a six foot tall bug? Her sister was watching her with her head cocked to the side, a very strange expression on her face. Director Piggot sighed, staring at the folder that detailed the last moments of a fifteen-year-old girls life in nauseating detail. You tell me. Puzzled, Amy give her a look for a moment, then walked over and put her finger on the cheek of her machete-waving recent acquaintance. Now, I'm not necessarily looking for just a power wank, but a story that is actually good and deals with the entire thing realistically and reasonably. I think Crystal dropped her voice to a bare murmur. misread your question. You are using an out of date browser. She shrugged slightly. Too muscled. Fuck, its a trap, she yelled. I know she claimed not to be one, but the ability to understand Tinker-tech to any level rates at least a 3 to 4 rating. Dutifully Dragon added the classification. Its very difficult to be sure, Director, Armsmaster replied after apparently thinking over the question carefully. I only got back today, you see, she added, and I thought I'd come here first. Put it all together and She faded out of view. I will continue to work on the problem and will let you know if I find anything else. Good. Closing the folder, the Director pushed it away from her then stared at it for some seconds. Danny Hebert sat in his office chair, looking out the window at the crumbling ships in the distance, lit from the side by the setting sun, his hands slowly feeling what they were holding. The same. It seemed impossible, shed seen the photos of what had been in that locker when the fire was finally put out and there was no way Hebert was still alive. Inside she found Director Piggot, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, and on a monitor overlooking the table they were sitting around, the face of Dragon. Thats more than a little worrying. I cant prove it one way or another as of yet. All right, Piggot replied, with a frown of her own. Also, though I like this story a lot, it is sadly dead. Amy nodded convulsively. After a moment she looked at him again. As far as Im concerned that entire thing was four centuries ago and I dont hold a grudge that long, generally. Taylor was, too. Primarily a Thinker, definitely. The cleanest image I have of it suggests the last letter might be another S, giving shes. Hearing a slap she looked over her shoulder to see Alec rubbing his neck with an annoyed expression. After a couple of seconds, he walked closer, still staying cautiously out of reach because he wasn't an idiot, but not feeling any threat. Please consider turning it on! Her marks suffered, she went from near the top of every class to near the bottom. The only negative is that this is a one shot, and although long and good, it still leaves you with an empty feeling in your soul when you finish and want more. It's all over one sleeve of my costume as well. She looked over at the offending item of clothing which was draped over the back of a chair where she'd dropped it. Within that range, the control was absolute. Stung. I don't know. Good god, he mumbled, shocked. Like literally in the D&D sense. You heard those pauses, right? You know Im tapped into it in lots of places and I have a hell of a lot of programs monitoring all sorts of data? He nodded, well aware of how closely connected to the global networks she was. Do you have any idea how many that would be, even at this time of year? He shook his head. Anywhere. He paused, then looked up from the microscope, his brow furrowed, and met her virtual eyes. In a way. Assault sat there for a while during which she went back to watching the wasps dance in the air. "Hey Taylor, you remember us right? The Taken Queen Taylor gets the power of The Taken King from Destiny. It took a while to work out all the details but it came together pretty well in the end, she replied. literally all the conflicts just get waved away on accident. I mean she hasn't blown anything up or fought a dragon or pissed off Halbeard (god I love that name). Oh dear Lisa, hopefully Taylor can fix what you and your Shard have done to yourself. She was only about eleven at the time and it took a while for her to fully understand that her mother had died in a car accident and she'd never see her again. She glanced at him, then went back to staring out to sea. Two months she said reflectively. Trap? No. Fuck me, this is ridiculous, Assault mumbled, looking at the results so far. He watched, then did the same next to her. The DNA test was conclusive, despite the small sample still viable. His mouth was set in a hard line under the visor of the helmet he was wearing, part of a suit of extremely advanced power armor. Sophia Hess. Yes. Fingerprints and surface DNA are impossible to retrieve as a result, so all we can do is interview possible witnesses. I was doing some data mining for a project on global health issues and I found something unusual. Which is? he asked absently, moving another part. It looked much closer to the head of some sort of wasp if anything, with compound eyes and a pair of obviously insectoid antennae sticking up from between them at the top. Looking at it she was just in time to see a small black insect fly away. not ALOT of conflict, but taylor is really powerful, and seems to be fixing problems slowly and doing with with the least amount of conflict she can. Not a good person, that girl. IDK, I guess I'm asking OP what exactly they mean when they say "Goddess"? Why were you near a dumpster? Vicky asked, looking puzzled. She was at the extreme other end of the loading area but it wasnt all that big so it wouldnt take them long to find her. One side effect of my personal singularity is that my mind runs a lot faster than a normal human one does. Every single arthropod could be controlled simultaneously and independently, which also required a multitasking ability way past anything else I've ever heard of. Colin, I think its an AI. It was very complicated to come up with and like I said a while ago, it was only today that I finally worked out all the bugs. Every insect inside a two thousand foot radius attacking anyone involved, or she thought was involved? the woman asked wryly, making him shudder as he contemplated her words. Really? Something changed. It is a nice day, yes, he replied after a little while. I share some memories with her from a long time ago, but I'm not really her. So, with that new chapter of 'A taste of peaches' dropping, I can't help but wonder if there are any other fics out there where Taylor is or becomes a goddess. All right. She claims she only knew her to speak to in passing and I have no specific information to disprove that, but my instincts tells me shes hiding something. Your lie detector didnt help? Piggot asked curiously. A new one, presumably, or else a renamed one. The thing that he kept coming back to was that he was fairly sure she wasn't fully human. 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