The Tribe of Issachar is even credited with creating the Israelite calendar; in reference to this, the symbol of Issachar is the sun, moon, and stars. It turns out, calling someone a strong donkey may have a deeper meaning than you'd think. Let's briefly review what we've learned. Because we are adopted into Gods family through Christ, we are entitled to all the blessings of Abraham. But when I became a believer of Christ, things began to make sense. . Issachar did so; his mother, Leah, had died by this time, although the circumstances of her death are not recorded. They could even tell you who the next leader should be. It was as clear as a bell and Ive never forgotten it! Found this site as I was studying Issachar anointing. It has become more important than ever since that time. Many things in your blog hit home with me. The Issachar Calling is a self-supporting institution that is dedicated to providing educational. Would you guys pray for me and give me a spiritual leg-up? This is awesome thank you. They didnt just seek to understand. To bring into more perspective, I believe the Issachar anointing has discernment already embedded in it. Issachar was also involved in the plot to sell his brother Joseph into slavery. 2023 Curt Landry Ministries Inc. All rights reserved | Designed by Viral Solutions. Leah's eldest son Reuben gave his mother mandrakes, which were plants believed to increase fertility. My husband gave them a brief answer as to who they were in the Bible. EIN: 46-5449760; Classification () Human Services - Multipurpose and Other N.E.C. In the times when Israel was governed by judges, before it had kings (around 1100 BC or earlier according to some scholars), a woman rose up to judge the land. They gained a great victory and freed the land from foreign rule as a result. Thanks so much for reading! I had a similar experience! Explore details of Issachars life as well as the history and characteristics of the tribe. This is very insightful. Turns out, there is an ancient precedent to this. I came across your site because I was looking for info on The Sons of Issachar. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering. And Im soooo glad I fell on this article on your blog. I was looking for some materials to back up what I would share on Sunday and this popped up. This history is important because Jewish sources say that Leah ''hired'' Jacob for the night, basically renting him from his other wife. . Before King Davidthe 2nd king of Israelbegan to reign, warriors from the 12 tribes started gathering to him. However, this is not necessarily as negative as it sounds. I know it wasnt me remembering a random name, it was way different to that. This blessing defined the characteristics and fortunes of each son, as well as the tribe that would bear their name for generations. The events that followed proved that, sure enough, it was a new season. The second division took place after the successful campaign in southern Canaan by Joshua and the Israelite tribes, initiated by the victory at Jericho . For this reason, the symbol of the Tribe of Issachar was a banner with the sun, moon, and stars. Its now apparent to me that I need to pray for the annoiting of the sons of issachar earnestly. (Judges 5). 138 lessons. I belonged to the Daughters of Deborah under John Paul Jacksons mother, Ester. All rights reserved. This was a huge blessing. Zebulun was Issachar's full brother. Jacob's twelve sons fathered the twelve tribes of Israel; eleven of the twelve tribes, including Issachar, were named after the respective son they descended from. Happy New year. You and I can have the anointing of the sons of Issachar! 1 Kings 15 describes a member of the Tribe of Issachar named Baasha assassinating Nadab, a king of Israel. Makes you wonder if Issachar had still been in the land at the time of Jesus, would there have been more recognition and acceptance of him? I am glad that God led me to your site. Have I reached perfection in this area? Greetings Jamie, Thank you and God Bless you. It was a fertile land, somewhere in the central spans of the region, and the Issachar people eventually became prosperous from their manual labor working the land. Issachar is a large-boned ass, Couching down between the sheep-folds. Thank you so much for this word. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! Issachar was Jacob's ninth son, and his fifth biologically with his first wife, Leah. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. I have discovered that I possess traits of a word of discernment gift. I am praying for this anointing to come more upon me as I pray for our nation and the world. If we trace the further history of this tribe, recorded in Judges 5:15, we find that, so far from shrinking from difficulty and danger, they were among the foremost in . I am praying for you! Im glad it blessed you. 1. As a result, the Tribe of Issachar had a very important role in the greater confederation of Israelite tribes (and later in the Kingdom of Israel). No, Im sure that I havent! From the archives: I first wrote about the anointing of the sons of Issachar several years ago. I need you; we are in this together! Higher Ground School to benefit local community children and providing education in the firld of agriculture, tutoring, music and life Higher Ground School to benefit local community children and providing education in the field of agriculture, tutoring, music and life skills, Health and Nutrition Promotion. Praise God for His Power and His Might! 3348 US-64, Waterflow, NM 87421-9611, United States, Fruitland, NM 87421-9611 Hi Clive, thanks so much for reading and sharing. In light of the MANY recent horrific events taking place in our nation, not only the awareness of this and receiving it in the body of Christ is crucial FOR our nation. NET Bible God bless you Please I have a question. Hola Jamie, DTB y sigas siendo un instrumento poderoso en la manos de nuestro Padre.. This week I started hearing the Sons of Issachar. In this critical juncture they knew Israel ought to make David king. Thank you for this article I am super blessed reading it. thank you. Keep in mind there are actual sons of Issachar. God bless you , Your email address will not be published. I was amazed by the date and its revelation. Blessings upon you! He always has something to say. Yes, we all need this anointing and Papa will give it to us if we ask! This trait was passed onto his descendants. And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth: to know. Hello,this is so powerful, and you have open my spiritual eyes.bless you man of God for coming up with such teaching of Issachar anointing. The ten northern tribes of Israel, including Issachar, were conquered by the Assyrians in 721 B.C.E. Your blog is so insightful and I am so blessed by it. I live and breathe it. All we have to do is ask! I feel like God bless me with this mantle as a child and has helped me through out my life and career. Thanks to you. Thanks for including prayers and scriptures with this blog. The book of Exodus records that all descendants of Israel were forced into slavery by the Egyptians and were only released after God sent twelve plagues. We live in a season where we need to have our game on on spiritual matters. it was confirmed later by this word from Doug Addison, Radical Prayer #1: God Wants To Honor You, Radical Prayer #2: Jesus Became Poor That You Might Become Rich, Radical Prayer #3: Wild Ideas and Witty Inventions, Radical Prayer #5: Ask God For An Angel With A Flaming Sword, Radical Prayer #6: God Wants To Set You On High, Radical Prayer #7: God Himself Will Disciple Your Children, Radical Prayer #8: The Blessing of the Bride, Radical Prayer #9: Divine Rivers in Desolate Heights, Radical Prayer #10: Decreeing Light Into Your Darkness, Radical Prayer #11: All Your Tears Turned Into Joy, How To Get Your Prayers Answered 100% of the Time, Pray This Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations, partnership details and products available for sale here, Radical Prayer #19: Prayer for the Pen of a Ready Writer, 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer, Day 1: Commanded Victories, What You Bless Will Increase In Your Life. I am also under the Deborah anointing since 1993. However, to understand it we need to take a deeper look into Issachar's life, and the group of Israelites who bore his name. Perhaps you can find them and help them. I still dont fully understand why the name was given to me, and Ive not been as assiduous in my studies since then, but it totally came flooding back into my thoughts yesterday. "Yesh sakar" means "there is a reward" and would refer to Leah feeling rewarded with a fifth son. I have always asked God for wisdom from a my early 60s now. As we were praying one of the ladies asked who were the Sons of Issachar. It contained a dramatic move of God in ways I havent talked about yet publicly. Paula, hi. Thank you and God bless! It worked out well, too. What is recorded of his life is that he was born near where Leah and Rachel's father, Laban, lived, and that eventually Jacob and his wives fled from Laban. So, all you have to do is ask Him, and He will give it to you! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. me suscribi para recibir los estydios por correogracias por pensar en nosotros. Thank you and may God continue to bless you with His Presence. It came back to my mind about the Sons of Issachar. Thank you for this blog, I am so thankful and grateful to the Holy Spirit for directing me to read this very important and anointed message. Here's how you can obtain the anointing of the sons of Issachar: 1. I pray for wisdom and discernment and know that I am blessed but want more of Him. I want it to become real in my minds eye, not just a speculation of my brain. This piece is awesome. Amen! Their ability to discern the times and seasons was an incredible advantage: I first heard about the sons of Issachar about ten years ago, and I began praying for their ability (a.k.a. Want updates when The Issachar Calling has new information, or want to find more organizations like The Issachar Calling? What can we learn from the tribe of Benjamin? All of Gods promises are available to us. After the Assyrian conquest, Issachar, along with the other nine northern tribes of Israel, became absorbed into other people groups. Hi Missouri, I would encourage you to study how God uses numbers in the Bible to learn about this. Glory to God for this long trending topic. and to have fun along the way! This entire year has been so transitional for me and I lacked understanding as,to why. I got to the point that I try not to look at my watch, but then walk round the house and see it on the microwave or stove or someone would text me or call me at these times. Praise God! God bless ! I pray Father would bless you today, in Jesus name, and send His angels to watch over you! Sons of Issacar anointing. God you are wonderful.I had a dream on the 5/6/ this dream I was given a name in shona,funny to the natural mind but to my surprise this name was attached to the word anointing.I then knew it was not ordinary but had a spiritual meaning.When I searched I got the meaning that it referee to the Sons of Issachar anointing.There are certain dreams that appear to me and can not share. Hi, God is so amazing and His timing is perfect! (Read Judges chapter 5 for more.). I have the gift of the spirit to discern but not time and season. The Tribe of Issachar is associated with donkeys, an animal used to saddle burdens. One year ago June 2021 the Spirit of GOD placed me on a year long fast for the youth and those who have stepped out of the will of GOD through addictions and worldly concerns but the victims (loved ones) were crying out to HIM. Thank you so much for releasing this fresh revelation in which I have received. It was like a small, still voice just kind of put it there. The Midrash and the Talmud describe the Tribe of Issachar as having a particularly close relationship with the Tribe of Zebulun, which had its own territory near Issachar's. If God gave the sons of Issachar a special spiritual ability, Hes willing to give you andme the same ability. Thank you so much for reading this post. My assignment included me starting a broadcast on social media discussing the Word according to how HE explained it to me. The ancient history of Judaism tells of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, each one founded by a son of Jacob, the progenitor of the Israelites. Curt Landry was born and raised in Los Angeles, C.A. Hi Jamie, my friends call me Jamie too although Im James. Issachar (reward).I. One of my dear friends, who is also a Pastor, was in my Sunday School class on yesterday. All rights reserved. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible! Check out what these bad boys (and girls) had going for them: They were full of wisdom. I believe this is prophetic and Gods timing in my life. Thank you so much and I pray that God continue to use you for your good and for His glory! Of course, as a child, I didnt think much of it. Along these lines, the Midrash and Talmud report that the Tribe of Issachar was known for its mantle of scholarship. You were sent to me in this season and time just as Deborah to bring about changes in my life. He then explained that they were men who had an understanding of the times and he then expressed I was meant to hear that. AGAIN. PS GOD is so GOOD! Your email address will not be published. They knew what Israel should do and when it should be done. That is how I look for my information it has to All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take. 1 Chronicles 12:32. Issachar's blessing from his father in Genesis 49:14-15. After you ask, start paying attention. Wonder whether she also had the Issachar anointing, besides the back-up of the tribe, as she berated Barak for not obeying the Lords instruction and also knew the exact moment when he had to attack ? The only thing I have been hearing God say is for me to surrender to the transitions because He is in the midst of them. I grew up in that city. I never knew who they really were besides hearing in church. The Tribe of Zebulun was primarily made of traders; they supplied the things needed for the Tribe of Issachar to devote themselves to studying the Torah. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him. The territory ascribed to Issachar included the Valley of Jezreel, which was good for agriculture. Thanks for allowing God to use you mightily and for sharing your wisdom with us. They supported a female ruler when it may not have been popular. It begins by describing Issachar as strong, but prone to settling down too early; it comes with a warning that Issachar might end up bearing a burden as a result of this tendency. Interesting thought, Jim. My prayers have changed towards how Im praising him more then ever for my situation and thanking him for what his plan is eventhough I dont know what it is, but I trust in whatever it is because Im excited to fly like an eagle. The Tribe of Zebulun provided financial resources to the Tribe of Issachar, which in return supplied religious scholars. Might consider grabbing my Intro to Prophetic Ministry 101 webinar. Even in this sense, the priests of Issachar were men of hire, living up to their namesake. Learn about who Issachar and the Tribe of Issachar are in the Bible. I heard Him in that ssmall voice telling me to study the 12Tribes of Israel. Dont know why I am being directed in this path but your information has helped me out and as the prayers that are in this article I will write them down and pull them in my daily prayers as well. I thank God for you writing on The Anointing of the Sons of Issachar just received my Certificate of Completion from taking the class in 2016 Discerning Times &SeasonsAdvanced School Of Prophetic Training on January 20, 2017. Hence we read ofthe princes of Issachar,Judges. I bless you with wisdom in Jesus name, and that He would instruct you and teach you in the way you should go! An additional scripture for the sons of Issachar is Genesis 49:14, 15. thanks so much,i have been enlighten about Issachar generation,after reading the article,am so greatfull and I will put it To work.God bless u. Jesus is going to allow Clayton to put his life in Jesus hand and seek him first and then me as his wife and our boys. All the tribes were split in their support of David except for one tribe. We believe that Gods truth has the power to set people free, and we do everything in our power to remain faithful to His truth, in thought, in word, and in deed. Unbeknownst to them, the man in charge of doling out grain was their brother Joseph. As I am involved with public office and seeking a more prominent role to serve my country, The Bahamas, through politics, I am really asking God for HIS magnification to specifics and timing with ideas, discernment in the direction HE wants not only me but my country to go. Bless you Julie. This truly blesses me. You 'd think hear that delivered right to your site because I amazed... Discovered that I possess traits of a word of discernment gift random name, and stars wisdom from a..... Good for agriculture describes a member of the sons of Issachar, Judges knew who they really were hearing! Issachar were men of hire, living up to their namesake angels to watch over you of my friends! 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