However, he tells Jeffrey that he does not see him as a friend but this is most likely due to Candace being in the room and Justin not wanting to look unprofessional. Quincy Maxwell is the supporting antagonist appearing in the OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) prime-time soap opera, The Haves and the Have Nots. As he waits on Justin, he calls Candace who is shocked Jeffrey did such a thing before telling him not to worry. He leaves with Candace and goes to the hospital with her to visit her son while there he secretly calls Wyatt telling him about how he found the car causing Wyatt to become completely shocked at the news. Quincy tells her that he gave her son a beating and he's still alive but since Jeffrey gave him the wrong location to find Candace, he tells her that he was going to kill him. Forcing Jeffrey to date women by threatening to have him arrested as an accomplice in Wyatt's vehicular manslaughter. Melissa tells Jeffrey that she had to sleep with him in order to give Veronica a grandchild or else her father will die due to not being able to pay for his cancer treatments. Landon soon spots Wyatt and asks if Jeffery and Wyatt have done anything he tells on he's just there to support him. Is a police officer that pull Jeffery over after the latter took Quincy's car and went drunk driving in the car. Jeffrey is beyond words when he sees that Veronica has done something like this and states he won't be at the wedding to which Melissa states if he doesn't veronica will humiliate him. These words left jeffrey in tears while his supportive father stayed in the room to comfort his son. [5] He began his career as a child actor appearing in commercials, and an episode of The Cosby Show. He is well aware that Candace Young is sleeping with his father and often makes jokes on this only to be put in place by someone, especially his father. In the season one finale jeffrey came out to both his parents and the results were disastrous and while david was supportive, veronica however promptly scorned him and revealed to him her having an abortion while in college and years of countless miscarriages and said that jeffrey was suppose to carry on the harrington name and said she would never be okay with his sexuality as it is a punishment from God to have a gay son and left the room without a sign of remorse in her voice. Wyatt begs jeffrey not to leave as he is the only friend he's got however, jeffrey still leaves and wyatt is left to sadly watch this before going in the house. It would seem that this love is reciprocated as jeffrey later tells a fellow gay named Landon that although his mother isn't on his side that he still has his father who was okay with his son's lifestyle and supports it. Melissa arrives and takes a pregnancy test Candace gives her. Later jeffrey is invited to lunch with his mother and with the help of Candace stand up to veronica and says he doesn't need her money and it is his life and he's free to do as he pleases. Because she used to do drugs with him, and because he loves Wyatt, Jeffery lies to Laura and tells her that she cannot see him for at least a year. However, Jeffrey developed a . 28 May 2013. Jeffery soon gets a call from his father who requests that he come see him. The police tell Jeffrey that they managed to find Quincy's phone but cannot find him (which unknown to all he was buried in Candace's backyard by Benny Young). Jeffrey then tells wyatt that his decision is up to him and tells to take off his clothes but wyatt tells him he's not gay and jeffrey says wyatt has made his decison he then tells wyatt to kiss him but before he could jeffery stops him and asks him how it feels to be something he's not. Landon once again states Wyatt is straight and doesn't want him as Jeffrey states he doesn't want Landon either only for the latter to bring up their encounter. Quincy first appears in the show's first season, imprisoned for multiple homicides. A bit worried, Wyatt calls Jim "Dad" as Jim comments on this and asks if he is afraid but the latter denies his fear and goes into the office as his father says he will be scared very soon. After the campaign speech, Landon is fired by Veronica and David as Jeffery watches. Candace also started to become suspicious and suspects that his mother is blackmailing him of unknown incident (in reality the car that Wyatt ran over Benny and Lizzie with) and when she noticed that Veronica was at his apartment. Katheryn consoled him and said he didn't do it while he tried to dissuade her and state he did it calling himself an idiot for the awful act. Jeffrey has been cut off financially by his mother who refuses to give him a dime until he submits to her demands this forces jeffrey to move in with Candance and Amanda. Jeffery walked away from Wyatt too sickened to speak with him. Candace tells Jeffrey they need to talk as Justin prepared to leave but Jeffrey states he wanted Justin to stay as he is his friend. His parents then ask about the night when he told them of him believing he killed someone with his car. Is Jeffrey's father, a powerful judge who works closely with Judge James "Jim" Cryer. He leaves the hotel and returns home and is in the kitchen with his father when Celine walks in as she talks with Jim, Wyatt comments on her begging like a whore as Celine tells him to be silent. When Veronica tells him in a threatening way not to hurt her son and that she will send him back to prison, he mentions that he's going to be charged with the murder of her son and sexual assaulting her. So she blackmails a girl named Melissa to date and have sex with Jeffery to keep her father alive and pay his medical bills while he's in the hospital. Jeffrey couldn't get Candace to answer and had to tell Quincy that she was at a hotel which made Quincy tell Jeffrey if she was not where he said she was he and Jeffrey will come back to the apartment and he would murder Jeffrey before he breaking Jeffrey's house phone. It averaged more than 3.1 million viewers each year from 2014 to 2017. But I hated it all the way to the end of the season! From prolific, writer, director, producer Tyler Perry, The Haves and the Have Nots is a new television drama that follows the complicated dynamic betw See more 1,172,005 people like this 1,227,310 people follow this TV show Photos See all Videos See all 0:56 ; Arranging for Jeffrey to get Melissa pregnant so he'd be forced to marry her. Then, Wyatt drops the act and tells Jeffery how he. Some time later, Wyatt is back in his cell when Jim arrives he again begs his father to take home but the latter say he can't as Wyatt wanted prison but Wyatt says prison is driving him insane. Veronica returns home after a stay in the hospital; Candace and Jeffrey 's secret crime begins to catch up with them; Hanna meets a new man. However, when Jim put wyatt in prison to learn a hard lesson behind bars Katheryn was concerned but Jim assured her their son was safe. Wyatt whose vices have now return tells her to shut up calling her a whore and attempt to sleep with revealing he knows of her and Jim's affair as well as his half brothers. Jeffrey's worries fades when realizes that his mother started the fire. Jim is almost never affectionate with his son and Wyatt carries a large chip on his shoulder because of this. Centers on the rich Cryer and Harrington families (the haves) and the poor Young family (the have nots) whose lives intertwine when Hanna Young starts working for the Cryers.Centers on the rich Cryer and Harrington families (the haves) and the poor Young family (the have nots) whose lives intertwine when Hanna Young starts working for the Cryers.Centers on the rich Cryer and Harrington families (the haves) and the poor Young family (the have nots) whose lives intertwine when Hanna Young starts working for the Cryers. David then states he loves Veronica and he needs to look past her flaws and asks Jeffrey if he's ever been in love to which his son reveals his interest in Wyatt and how its hard to let go. Jim deciding to teach his son a lesson about prison pulled some strings and took Wyatt to the prison where he was to stay for a few days until he was ready to comply. Later on, Jeffery seem alright with his father supposedly having an affair with Maggie Day as he seemed happy with her. I support him in whatever he does but the 2nd season of this was horrible! At the Cryer house, Jeffrey cries along with Katheryn until Veronica states real men don't cry and orders him to stop crying and wipe all those tears until Katheryn states that she understands that Jeffrey had loved him which causes Veronica to became very disgusted especially when Hanna goes to comfort Jeffrey telling him it was okay to cry as Veronica told Hanna to get off her son but Hanna told her as soon as she gets off her son (after she found out that Benny and Veronica have sex). This was a soap opera! In the latest episode of The Haves and the Have Nots Season 6, Episode 3, titled Spanish Moss Trail, Jeffrey . Crystal Fox Answers Fans Questions About Playing Hannah Young, Angela Robinson Talks About Playing the "Ice Queen," Veronica, The Cast of The Haves and the Have Nots Share Emotional Goodbyes, Tika Sumpter Talks About Her Role as Candace, The Haves Cast Talks About Intimate Scenes, Rene Lawless Talks About Playing Katheryn, The Family That Is The Have and the Have Nots. However, while Jeffrey wanted to call the police Candace stopped him by mentioning the terrible fate in store for them if they contact the police. His mother again tries to get him to come in but he replies that he has been in jail for too long and needs some fresh air to which she cooperates and leaves him to his thoughts. He is a judge and Jim Cryer's business partner and friend. Candace then arranges for Melissa to come to her hotel room that night. Wyatt enters the room and an awkward moment ensues between the three ending with Wyatt leaving the room. Jeffrey could not believe his action and worried for his mother's safety and was relieved she was alive but scared as she'd most likely come for him. He then went to the Cryers to let them know that they should have Amanda committed and tells them she had recently purchased a gun and is planning to kill them. He and Wyatt then examine the car and while doing so he discovers that his mother is having an affair with Benny, to which he watches in horror as wyatt begins to videotape it with his phone. After Jeffery sabotaged Wyatt's relationship with Laura, Wyatt decided it was time to get even. Jeffrey is depicted as showing concern about her as a friend, especially when she attempts suicide following a rape by one of her college professors who believed she was a prostitute. Overcome by guilt wyatt breaks down and is told by his father that he wasn't driving and asks him what car he used in the incident as his car is in the garage. Sometime later jeffrey is with wyatt watching the funeral of Lizzie they are shown apologizing to each for their past actions and while they talk jeffrey reveals to wyatt that the tow truck driver is hanna young's son. Jeffrey eventually reaches a breaking point with his mother when she had former prisoner and murderer Quincy Maxwell come to his home and beat him in a way as she put it "Beat the gayness out of that boy". Wyatt is later released and while avoiding questions is returned home where he encounters jeffrey who he promises to speak with later before being examined by his mother and told to go upstairs before coming down for dinner. However, like his father katheryn's parental side was shown when Wyatt came to the home bruised and claiming he thinks he's killed someone while intoxicated. He has lived a life of privilege due to both his parents holding great prestige. Jeffrey, a closeted homosexual, has intense feelings for Wyatt and has for many years. Who he was very happy with despite her leading him up to the path of drug abuse and other influences. Sometime later Candace returns and the two begin to relax however, Veronica got out of jail and went over to Candace's house where she proceeds to tell Jeffrey to move in with her so that he could marry Melissa but he refuses and she says he needs time to think it over. Jim tells wyatt not to say anything as he is coming to bail him out in a few hours. This fear was valid as Veronica later threatens to make him suffer if he were to ever put hand against her in anyway before leaving him in a state of fear. The police arrive and tell jim that they have a warrant for wyatt's arrest on a charge of hit and run jim tells wyatt to go with the police as the police place cuffs on him as this happens wyatt begs his father for help but jim reminds him to be quiet and says he will come to get him. She was immensley shocked when hearing that he was arrested due to hanna and was deeply worried about her son. When Wyatt's vices return the two entered a heated argument and Wyatt to his mother "Go to Hell!" The guard leaves as the inmate asks Wyatt if he is Norman to which the latter says yes and the inmate asks if he really hit that little girl Wyatt says it was an accident as the inmate says he's in there for murder too but what he's about to do is no accident. The two are shocked and wonder what to do as Candace tells him to do as Veronica says for now but Jeffrey refuses to allow her to control him again but Candace says to do it until she has a plan but he states he is sick of her and his mother's manipulations and wishes to be like them before leaving. behind the incident. When we first met him, he was a life coach, working with family friend, Wyatt Cryer who was ambivalent towards him, despite them knowing one another for a number of years. Jeffrey reveals that he won't turn him in as he stlll his friend and wyatt tells him that he hit a tow truck driver (Benny Young) after that the two are friends again and wyatt puts his trust into jeffrey. David Harringtion is a titular (Have) major character in the OWN soap opera, the Haves and the Have Nots. A few years later Wyatt has become so incorringle that he has recently been released from his third stint in rehab for drug addiction to heroin and alcoholism. Jim then decides to take Wyatt home with that the two then leave the prison as Jim apologizes to Wyatt for putting him prison but Wyatt ask if that's right Jim asks if that was a snarky comment as he can bring him back to the prison. 44:04. After Veronica and David walk away, Landon kisses Jeffery in front of Melissa and proceeds to tell her that he is gay. Wyatt goes to the Saradon Hotel where he calls Jeffrey and asks if he can sleep over but realizes to his disgust Jeffrey is in bed with Landon Peyton. As such, Wyatt and Jeffery have known each other since they were very young. Laura then stands Wyatt up for a date. When wyatt questioned if the people he hit were okay his mother said yes while jim bluntly told him the truth and that he was responsible for a tragic incident that affected two innocents. Jim only agreed if Wyatt would get himself in line to which the frantically promises and the two leave. [6] After graduating from the University of Florida, Houston studied at the Manhattan Theatre Club. Veronica tells Jeffery to come see her. Quincy is unfazed by the stab and turns his attention back to Candace almost choking her to death. David is the husband of Veronica and the father of Jeffrey. When visiting him she said "He looked scared to death". When katheryn tells him to come in and eat he says he's not hungry as he is thinking about the things that have just occurred his mother tells him it will be okay but wyatt is unconvinced stating a little girl is dead and hanna's son is in the hospital because of his actions. Jeffrey is shown to be impressed by Candace's intelligence and her courage when it comes to taking on people more powerful than her but is a little worried that her attitude might get her in terrible situations. Wyatt apologizes and tells Jeffery he just couldn't take being at home anymore due to recent experience. Before leaving she pours something on the floor which that could attract blood of the location where it was at which meaning that she has found out about them killing Quincy ahead of time. He is portrayed by Aaron O' Connell. When Veronica started up the stairs, Hanna threatened to drag her ass back down. Wyatt is at the county jail being interogated by an inspector who tries to get him to confess that it was he who hit and killed six year old lizzie and hospitialized benny young. She tells Jeffrey veronica has them both where she wants them but Jeffrey rebukes that by saying she has her not him. He soon witnesses Jim breaking down while being consoled by Hanna in Amanda's room. Also when the Cryers and Harringtons were arrested and would only be convicted if Wyatt or Jeffery testified while Jeffery had no problem in testifying against Veronica, he adamantly refused to testify against his father. He is often shown as the Black Sheep of the family.Due to him having the tendency to act out and his history of reckless behavior; which has caused negative views from his family, to be placed on him. He is a major protagonist in the first season and a major character in the second season. People also ask, does the haves and have nots come on tonight? Wyatt begs his mother to save him but she says it was all Jim's idea and she had nothing to do with it. Rico smirks at this saying "Now you're getting it". Wyatt's dislike of veronica came when he learned from Jeffrey holding the car he used in the hit and run using it to blackmail Jeffrey into following her demands. In 2013, Houston began starring as Jeffrey Harrington on the Oprah Winfrey Network primetime television soap opera, The Haves and the Have Nots. Jeffrey gives Quincy the phone and listens in on their conversation and is shocked when it turns out Veronica did in fact tell Quincy that Candace was at his apartment. You wanted to get high and you did so you ran over her and you killed her!!!" Justin and Jeffrey then sleep together as Justin remained adamant about not enjoying the encounter causing Jeffrey to leave him handcuffed as he tries to get free which he later does and leaves the hotel. He then calls Jeffrey and begs him to come pick him up, Jeffrey is skeptical of this as Wyatt tells he isn't drunk and that he really needs Jeffrey's help. The pair eventually made up when jeffrey realized the situation and although admitting that he didn't care about wyatt's habits he still showed that he had concern for his friend and promised not to turn him in Both still harbor romantic feelings for one another. the haves and have nots recap season 8 episode 12 Celine killed Amanda 'WHAT THE HELL'D YOU GET YOURSELF INTO NOW?' | Back at the motel, Candace received a surprise call from Conley, who said. When Jeffery learned from Veronica that Wyatt died, Jeffery broke down in tears as he had took in news. New episode airs next Tuesday, 9/8c. Is Wyatt's overbearing father, a judge who later runs for governor. Veronica Harrington is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Jim Cryer) appearing on the OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) prime-time soap opera The Haves and the Have Nots. Later on, he is in the den as his parents are talking to Maggie Day as with Celine he hits on her as well before leaving the house. When asked by Candace as to why he defended her Jeffrey stated he didn't want to lose another one of his friends to which he is thanked by her for his kindness. Jeffrey is shown to immensely care for her after hearing she wished to buy a gun to kill her family before saying it was a joke and that she wouldn't ever do so. In Season 2 jeffrey has been disowned by his mother who has fired him from his job, has kicked him out of his apartment and canceled all his credit cards leaving him without a home or money until he submits to her will. Quincy then got Jeffrey up and taunted him by saying if Jeffrey was in prison he'd be known by the nickname "Peaches". After the police leave, Wyatt is in his room thinking about his sister's death and his hit and run and calls the DA for a private talk that night. Veronica becomes very much aware about Jeffery's attraction to Landon. He tells Jeffrey that he been raped in jail which shocks Jeffrey but after seeing his friend's emotional response tells him no matter how hard it was hurting him he would continue to support him no matter what. Candace tells Jeffery not to go over there but he decides to go anyways. He then notices all his belongings are gone as Melissa tells him veronica gave her money to buy new things for the apartment to get everything ready for the baby. Justin confronts Jeffrey for speaking to his wife while Jeffrey, who instead of being intimidated invites Justin to his room where he propositions and tells Justin that he can tell Justin is a closeted gay who became a cop because of his mother's commands. When she once more demands he come over, he states he will take his chances and tells her "Go to hell Veronica". Was This Justin And Jeffrey Scene Really Necessary? This was so poorly written! As usual she walks away, as Jeffrey tauntingly tells his mother to stay while he and Landon do other thing. But Jeffery in a sudden instant throws Landon on the bed, takes off his shirt, gets on top of him and kisses him in the process of having sex. Jim and Katheryn leave while Wyatt begs them to return telling the guards not to close the doors as they will come back. Candace walks in on the conversation to try to uncover what is actually going on. He is well aware that his son has a drug problem and has apparently spent quite a large amount of money in different treatments trying to help his son get clean. Melissa takes all of her things and walks out and Jeffery gets a phone call from his mother, Veronica. But she makes it through the speech. He soon goes to David who gives him money to get on his feet, the two have a conversation about what Jeffrey plans to do to which he reveals his plans on getting his degree and getting a job. Later on Wyatt is at home when the DA come to arrest him but as they do so the news comes on with a man resembling Wyatt taking responsibility for the hit and run being arrested for the crime. However, to his shock the man turns out to be Candace's ex-boyfriend Quincy who asks him where Candace was though Jeffrey tells him he doesn't know where she is and asks Quincy to leave, he states he isn't going anywhere. Candace and Jeffrey both very shocked what they just did however, Jeffrey begins to call the police but Candace quickly grabs his phone throwing it in the sink and destroys it by turning on the garbage disposal. Wyatt begins to get worried until the inspector "consoles" by saying he will help wyatt as he knows he isn't a bad guy, somewhat assure wyatt begins to talk about the tragic night of his hit and run by describing his altercation at the crack house and his car being a black sedan. | Tyler Perry's The Haves and the Have Nots Our Kind of Entertainment 237K subscribers Subscribe 647 190K views 4 years ago Viewers seem. Jeffrey then became paranoid as he slowly opens the door and noticed that Quincy was not there which told him it was safe to exit the apartment. The next day, Wyatt wakes up but is still freaked out (after the sexual assault that he had in prison) Jeffrey ask him why he was in a hurry to leave. The sound of the gunshot wakes up Wyatt and he runs out of his room to check out the sound looking in his mother's and sister's room but finding nothing. About. Jeffrey also had to deal with his creepy stalker Melissa was at his apartment who was becoming more obsessed and attracted to him trying have sex with him until she said the repeat words of his mother says in the car which made him more suspicious how long has she been talking to his mother active at campaign ceremony which his crush was there to support Jeffrey notice he was with Melissa which a woman who was gay rights representative asked his mother does she support gay rights she made a public speech. He is also known for role as Remy Boudreau on the CBS daytime soap opera Guiding Light (2002-2006). The guard then has the second guard take Wyatt to the infirmary. She also tells Jeffery that he can have his belongings back but if he doesn't do what she says, she will turn him and the car in and send him to prison for a long time. What did you think about it?Patreon: Facebook Group: Facebook Page: Youtube Channel: Landon soon met Wyatt and realized he was the person Jeffrey was in love with but tells him Wyatt isn't interested in him and he should move on. However, Quincy become completely enraged at seeing Jeffrey again and they get into another fight just as Candace runs into her kitchen and grabs a kitchen knife and stabs Quincy in the back. While jeffrey admitted that he no longer cares for wyatt's actions he promises not to turn him in because of their past friendship but he was very shocked to learn that wyatt also hit a tow truck driver. 6. By the time Quincy returns, he angrily kicks open Jeffrey's door but he is nowhere to be seen. After staying in the hotel room with Landon veronica is quick to assume they slept together and while scolding him she learns that jeffrey merely stayed over in his room after coming from his apartment while sleeping with the girl veronica assigned. Jeffrey then pushes Quincy out and quickly locks the door however, Quincy taunts him by telling him he still has his phone and he would wait for him to come back out before calling him peaches again and laughing. He is the only child of David and Veronica Harrington. Then she could sue. : Fantastic Lineup: with OWN Online:Visit the OWN WEBSITE: OWN on FACEBOOK: OWN on TWITTER: OWN on INSTAGRAM: OWN on PINTEREST: Wyatt Makes Jeffery an Offer | Tyler Perrys The Haves and the Have Nots | Oprah Winfrey Network Jim then tells Wyatt since he wants prison he's giving it to him and tells Norman that he's going to treat for taking the fall as Wyatt tries to protest against this act. Love, lust and whatever comes in between was in the air in Tuesday's randypants episode of The Haves and the Have Nots. Pregnancy test Candace gives her and Veronica Harrington 's worries fades when that... Is fired by Veronica and the have Nots come on tonight n't take being at anymore! 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