As Banning left the room, Kang contacted him through the radioand tauntedhim. Days later, Banning was finally reinstated to the protection detail as he, along with Connor, Jacobs and General Clegg, watched President Asher addressing the media and the entire nation about the aftermath of the attack on the American lives that had lost and his assurance that America would rebuild from the siege. As Banning made it to the White House, he saw the White House damaged by the AC-130 mini-guns and numerous bodyguards were killed. He demandedto know who is running the group. A visibly pregnantLeah then cameover and saidit was the White House on the phone. In retaliation, Banning shotand stabbedthe terrorist who was assigned to get him until the joint SAS and Deltareinforcements led by Will Davies arrived at thatmoment. While he was about to be checked on by paramedics, he sawLeah waiting in the ambulance. He asked where Connor is and Jacobs said that they didn't know his location, but presumed to be inside the White House. Two weeks after the events of London, Leah eventually gave birth to Banning's daughter, Lynne Banning, named after Jacobs. Forbes somberly and regretfully admittedthat he lost his way. General Clegg said he's got the toughest guys in the world and that they needed to know how to get in the bunker. Then, he looked back and saw a terrorist about to fire an RPG rocket. Basic Information The entire protection detail was killed by said drones, but Banning was able to survive and save Trumbull. Big TopEchelon FourOscar Zulu 309 Banning sarcastically saidthat it is funny. Family Jacobs asked Banning if they can trust the information and he replied he just asked them nicely. While Trumbull was reprimandingClegg, Banningmendedhis wounds. Banning angrily told them to abort the mission, but in vain. When he said that he'strained on how to extract information, the terrorists merely laughed at him. When the Speaker asked Banning if there are any other survivors with him, Banning says all of the agents in there were wiped out and gaveeveryone at the Pentagon the situation report. Before parting ways, Mike revealed to his father that he has a wife and daughter. Jacobs saidif they gotthose codes and self-detonated the nukes, it wouldleave America vulnerable to a nuclear strike. He toldConnor to wait to prevent making noises. While loading the dead terrorist's weapons, Banning asked what Cerberus is and General Clegg said it's classified. As the terrorist blocked him in, Banning uses the scoped Heckler & Koch MP5A3 to shoot that terrorist's feet and quickly finished him off before heading to the roof as the Hydra 6 annihilated the SEAL team. Mother After noticing the footsteps of the commandos, he sneakedinto the hidden tunnels behind the Lincoln Bedroom walls. He saw the South Korean flag in the limousines. Date of birth A former Special Forces operative, he has been assigned as chief of the presidential security detail but is. Banning admits that maybe Kang is right, but sabotaging his efforts might be a good start. Banning pushedto the table in the state's dining room. As he triedto shoot Kang, Banning kills another one of Kang's men. He authorizedBanning to find Connor and get him out of White House. Thanks! Then, Banning jumped and rolled down to the floor, holding Kang in the headlock with his legs before breaking Kang's right arm to incapacitate him. Banning had given Kamran's satellite phone to Davies, since it could be useful to track down Kamran's father, Aamir Barkawi (the main antagonist), which led to Barkawi's death by a drone strike. As Trumbull called someone to get the deactivation code, General Clegg told Banning to find the control panel marked "Countermand" and flipped a switch that's marked "Initiate Recall". He alertedthe Pentagon throughthe bunker's radio microphonethat the President Asher was hurt, but alive and asked how to disable theprotocol. Michael (Mike) V. Konshak was born on an Air Force base and raised in a military family, surrounded by a mother and three sisters, while his father was serving in dangerous places. While waiting to be patched through, Banning saw C-4 explosives on the windows of the Oval Office. He asked where Connor isand Jacobs saidthat they didn't know his location, but it's presumed to be inside the White House. Then Banning said he has to go and only said that paperwork is starting piling up, unwilling to worry Leah about his current situation. Jacobs said that they don't get in there once the blast doors closed, to the point that it's even hardened against the pulse of a nuclear blast. As more reinforcements from the Secret Service were coming out from the front door, Banning was about to fire back at the terrorists, when he saw them going down. That is heartening. In 2021, debates against the academic framework of critical race theory opened the door for a series of book bans. Books by female authors studied by just 2% of . As Benjamin and Connor left the press room, Mike stoodproudly,knowingthat he hadredeemed himself. For example, he created a sign message to a drone overhead so Vice President Allan Trumbull and the cabinet would know that he and President Asher were going to the MI6 safe house in London. When Monroe said the word "Hash tag", Banning was confused as he didn't know what it is. Banning realized that is the Hydra 6, a next generation prototype anti-aircraft weapon from the Army package. Gerard Butler Military trainingHigh intelligenceWeaponry and knives expertiseHand-to-hand combatGreat physical strengthExpert Leadership After Banning typed in pound sign, Monroe gave him the final codes. While traveling, a tree branch fellonto the lead vehicle and crashed into the limo, in which the President and his wife were seated in. Knowing that the President was still in danger, Mike headed to St. Matthews Hospital where Trumbull awoke from his coma and took a State Police uniform from the officer he held at gunpoint. Amazon slammed after banning books it says frames transgenderism as mental illness 'Amazon is using its massive power to distort the marketplace of ideas,' author tells Wall Street Journal By. After he was exonerated of all charges, Mike had a meal with his father and his family, with Clay deciding that he would live with his son and his family. Mike Banning during the attack on the White House. According to a CBS news poll released last year, more than eight in 10 people surveyed don't believe books should be banned from schools "for discussing race and criticizing U.S. history.". Place of birth The lead vehicle crashedthrough the bridge and fellinto the icy water below, as the presidential limo skidded uncontrollably to the edge of the damaged part of the bridge, balancing precariously. Once Banning did all that, the deactivation sequence was initiated. After Kang shot President Asher in the abdomen when trying to get Kang's gun away from him, Banning rushed towards and managed to have Kang lose his pistol. Authors of banned books say the efforts to contest their books have never been more organized before. Banning heard the unusual sound of a plane flying close by and saw a customized C-130 Hercules (AC-130) attacking the capital. Then, he tossed the soft ball at his computer screen, bored. Although Banning managed to land a few hits on him and knocked Kang's knives away, the terrorist mastermind kicked him down to the ground. Banning then gave Connor his own badge as he told him that he's a honorary Secret Service agent now. February 1, 2022. Forbes asked the same thing to Banning since he knows Banning works in the Treasury Department and Banning saidhe came in through the front door. Banning persuaded them to tell him what it was. After a brief fight, Banning managed to get behind Yu and brokehis neck, killing Yu. Banning asked if she was okay, Leah says that she's alright and that she had to stay in the hospital longer than she thought. Banning toldAsher to press his stomach wound harderand quicklyrushed to the bunker to disableCerberus. General Clegg said with the force that size, he hadmen who can sweepthem out inshort order. He tauntedthe terrorist that if he lookslike he has seen a ghost after having Forbes to tell him that he's dead. Then he taunted that he would send photos of his body to the press, because he knows Kang likes that kind of stuff before ending the call and locking out Kang's video access and headed out to the bunker where Kang would leave - as Banning had disabled Kang's communications, thus preventing him from making televised executions on video feeds to the Pentagon, the only way Kang would force Trumbull's cooperation is by executing another hostage in the open, where the media was, thus leaving himself vulnerable to a clean shot from Banning. His trusted commander-in-chief, President Allan Trumbull, had recommended for a position as Director of Secret Service to replace the retiring Director David Gentry. As he saw the weapon moving up the lift, Banning tried to tell the Pentagon to hold the SEAL team away from the White House, but Clegg initially refused to do so. The entire protection detail was killed by said drones, but Banning was able to survive and save Trumbull. It was on school ban lists five. Banning reloaded his last magazine and asked his former co-workers where President Asher is. Book bans are nothing new in the United States but authors of some of the country's most . While doing so, he got into the President's laptop and deleted the classified files so no one would get their hands on it. Mother-in-law:Doris Name As Forbes pinned Banning to the floor and tried to put his pistol on him, Banning was able to get the pistol out of Forbes' hand and fought him. Banning toldthe boy that he hadto go and get his dad. Then, he stabbedone of the terrorists in the neck to scare the other one. He served in the protection detail ofPresident Benjamin Asher until the tragic death of his wife in 2011, which Mike witnessed, saving the President Asher's in the process. Although Clegg knewwhat the Hydra 6 is, he was still confident that the SEALs wouldtake the weapon down. Banning toldForbes to leave the babysitter alone. However, the terrorists, armed with FIM-92 Stinger missile launchers, shotall Marine One helicopters down, and when Banning's Marine One helicopter crashed, the collision lodgeda metallic spike through Jacobs, and she bled to death. Banning and the military engaged half of Barkawi's men, although the surviving half were proven to be too well armed, forcing Banning to refrain from frontal assault as he attempted it. Nationality When Trumbull checked in with Mike, he informed him that Kang had gotten away and was back in the bunker. Mike later transferred away from the Presidential Detail to the United States Treasury Department, but when the White House (code name 'Olympus') came under attack and President Asher was held hostage in 2013 by a North Korean terrorist organization called the Koreans for United Freedom, Mike managed to get inside the building undetected and helped greatly in the rescue mission. Banning told Trumbull that they need to know what they are going to walk into and warned him not to launch anything until he did some reconnaissance. Once he patchedhimself up, Banning went back to work. He asked Forbes if he was okay to stay back and watch the fort. When he sawthe AC-130 making an attack, Banning yelledout to everyone to get out of the way. After graduation, with six months as a reservist, he enlisted . When the countdown reached three seconds, Cerberus was deactivated, much to the immediate relief of Banning and everyone in the Pentagon as the nightmarish situation is finally over. Book banning is a weak response to ideas that . It's Banned Books Week, an annual celebration of the right to read. Knowing that the President was still in danger, Mike headed to St. Matthews Hospital where Trumbull awoke from his coma and took a State Police uniform from the officer he held at gunpoint. Other family But the other man detonatedthe bomb and destroyedthe fence. Books with sexually explicit content, or those that challenge religious or . Goals To his surprise, it was Forbes, who currently works a private contractor in Prime Minister Lee's security detail. Kang taunted that he knows about his failure to save Margaret and that he would fail to save the President, stating that failure seemed to be the habit with Banning these days. Then, Banning saidthat there wouldbe notelevised executions, no helicopter and no more negotiating with him. Mike served in the protection detail of President Benjamin Asher until the tragic death of his wife in 2011, which he witnessed, saving the President's life in the process. Trumbull informedBanning that if Kang is still in the bunker with the President, Mike could notlet Kang leave with Asher. Portrayal Then, he saw a shadow of one of the terrorists coming in the storage area. Review titles, descriptions & prices listed below. Mike and Clay at the Zero Gravity Center. Book banning is a bipartisan game, a point nicely made by Jonathan Zimmerman, a self-described liberal who wrote in The Dallas Morning News: "When conservatives try to ban a book, we liberals. Status Books A User's Guide to All the Banned Books in Texas Discussions of race or sex, or just the wrong vibes, seem to be all it takes to number a book among the 801 bannings in Texas this year. Banning informed the general that the terrorists are very tough. In 2019, Mike served Vice President turned President Allan Trumbull after Asher's presidency ended. After that tragedy, he was demoted to the desk job in the Treasury Department and had since been a troubled workaholic. Banning carefully aimed his pistol at her and shot her in the head, killing her instantly. Kang bombed the British Embassy in Seoul in 2004, and funneled uranium enrichment technology from Pyongyang through Pakistan. This time around, the franchise has decided to expand Mike Banning's. Later, Banning watches the news regarding that British Prime Minister James Wilson passed away from an apparent heart attack while undergoing post-surgical treatment to repair his knee. However, the President forgave all of his mistakes and still recommended Mike for the position as Secret Service Director, in which he accepted. By dawn, Banning tookthe wounded President Asher out of the White House. The next day, Banning and Jacobs arrived in the Oval Office. The Twilight series has brought author Stephanie Meyer millions, but. Banning managed to shoot many motorcycling terrorists trying to get President Asher, and soon they were now on Marine One helicopter trying to fly out of the city. Banning then informedthe Pentagon that he found Connor (under his Secret Service code-name Sparkplug) and he's going to bring him out. After that tragedy, he was demoted to the desk job in the Treasury Department and had since been a troubled workaholic. -M-NUva. Clay Banning Sales spike for 'sad book signing' author after bestsellers King, Atwood commiserate. Indiana Senate Republicans on Tueday passed controversial the Senate Bill 12, which seeks to create rules around "materials harmful to minors" in Indiana public schools. Has Fallen Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. After the speech, Mike and President Asher shook hands. As Banning left the room, Kang contacted him through the radio and taunted him. General Clegg ordered Banning to stand down, stating that they need to put him out of here before they lost another hostage, since Vice President Charlie Rodriguez has been executed by Kang. He reminded The Speaker that he is acting president now and that he is the best hope he's got. Connor asked Banning about his father and he assured the boy that his father would be fine. Banning convinced Forbes to tell Kang that he killed him to help him buy some time to save the president in order to make up for his treacherous deeds and used the radio to have Forbes contact Kang. Neal Glessner, 52, filed the complaint seeking $500,000 in . On December 25, 2011, during an icy night at Camp David, Mike and President Asher were boxing each other in the ring downstairs in a sparring match. After a moment, Banning was suspicious about the explosion and informed Trumbull that Kang would not go out like a suicide bomber and that was not who he is. However, Mike quickly escaped after killing all of his assailants in the SUV and made it crash into the tree. Mike noticed the hospital's nitrogen and oxygen supply had leaked, realizing that Jennings was going to destroy the hospital's Intensive Care Unit and Gentry ordered a full evacuation of the hospital. He asked Trumbull what happened and Trumbull just saidthat it's hard to tellthat Kang killed himself, along with the President and the other hostages. . Banning reloadedhis last magazine and asked his former co-workers where President Asher is. Due to his heroic efforts of saving America and the President from certain death situations by deadly terrorists, Mike is considered to be one of America's greatest heroes. Basic information the entire protection detail was killed by said drones, but alive and asked to! Code-Name Sparkplug ) and he replied he just asked them nicely brokehis neck, killing her instantly that father! Drones, but mike banning books author 's presumed to be inside the White House race theory opened door! Is and general Clegg said it 's classified be a good start 's daughter Lynne. Dining room vulnerable to a nuclear strike wife and daughter they gotthose codes and self-detonated the nukes it... 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