Venus dislikes imbalance, and this combo of Virgo D1/ Virgo D9 is imbalance of the highest degree. This was just a very basic analysis of how exalted planets really work. This is how you know the natural agents/karak. 1. debilitation not supposed to be cancelled! If you find this list difficult to remember just remember the sequence of signs and their planetary owners. Mother can have a lot of burden and responsibilities. They may not believe in spiritual and ritualistic things or may question the same. Mam, our navamsa chart is always activated?? It It can give excellent or worst experience with astrologers. I am just getting to learn how to interpret planets energies according to sign and houses. So you add more layers of meanings to your analysis. So before you start analysing your planet, first get into details what it stands for in your chart. Moon: The natives spouse will be emotional and very sensitive. It is said that if a planet is weak in the birth chart but strong in the D9 or Navamsa chart, the planet will give good results in its Dahsa or Antar-Dasha periods. Eg for Libra ascendant, Cancer is placed in the 10th house, so the Moon will also indicate the profession. No red or green curtains or walls should be there. Spouse may be slowed down with age or may have issue with knee or ankle. However, just for knowledge purpose, there is a definitely a specific way by which the Navamsa Chart is calculated and in fact any one can calculate their Navamsa chart, if they understand the method of doing it. Both, the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa-chart are deemed equally important and therefore, consulted together. Only of you have the potential to work practically can you really make profit! He is an adolescent and often these secrets about the self require adult-understanding to overcome. He is adrift in dreaminess. If your astrologer has really examined your chart (even without telling you everything), your situation starts improving from that very instant. Prosperity after marriage is seen when the 7th house lord occupies the 2nd house in the D9 Chart. ( 2017 2027 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), ( 2017 2022 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Exalted planets analysis, Birth chart andNavamsha, How to analyse the Divisional chart 10Dashaamsha, Follow psychologically astrology on We want to understand what happens and then intentionally change the direction of energy movement. Sun: When Sun is the lord of the 7th house, the natives spouse will have a dominating figure and will be high self esteem and ego. if there are supportive combinations in the chart it will be used differently, perhaps to give more pleasing results, but the internal feeling of discomfort will remain at some level.. Answer (1 of 6): Native will be let down by his/her confidants when required badly. Check the lord of the 9th house in your D1 chart, and see how this planet is placed in the D9 chart. And when i read about you saying, in case of rahu ketu axis conjunction with ascendant lord; life goes in haze untill rahu-ketu matures. So the background provides choices, options, analysis which is manifested as the best possible thought/action executed with boldness, courage, genius, intelligence, self-awareness. This intense willpower is only gained from Sun. Ketu is dissociation and disinterest. When the D9 is Cancer, you feel most emotionally secure when you are under your own microscope. And in the D9 also it gets allocated to the same debilitated sign. The person may take unneccessary debts that may bother them and it can also show that they have certain responsibilities of home after marriage. If the lord of the D9 Lagna is exalted or in own house will add strength to the chart. Venus in the 7th to D9-ascendant indicates disharmony in marriage. This is not just duality. They hate debts but people with this placement must give donations. Saturn is anxiety, delay, obstruction, limitations, restrictions, bones, teeth, nails, death, diseases, sorrow, misery. I mean how houses in d-9 work. Thank u so so much. However, how capable the manager really is ultimately depends upon his experience, his work and his efforts and capability. The native may have to deal with frequent arguments in the family. To understand this, you have to give away your limited view of the self. So to begin with, find out what your planets signify for you. In rasi chart Leo ascadent 7th house empty more over Venus placed in navaamsa lagna is it ok any remidies. This is an addition to whatever he is the natural agent of. However, for multiple marriages to happen in a persons life, there must be a presence of Dhan Yoga in the Navamsa Chart. Therefore the Navamsa chart is like the ultimate fruits of the Birth Chart. Exalted planets are glamorous, they are auspicious, shower you with very tangible stuff. Or any specific time about activation?? Well, it actually is! Rahu tends to take wild risks in this placement which invariably causes deep harm. Here I am going to discuss only on important Navamsa rules without any extra story or exaggeration so that you can link a Navamsa chart with Rashi chart at the time or prediction. Navamsa chart is one of the important divisional chart and shows the second half of life of the individual or life of the individual after marriage.Mercury is a planet that represents speech, communication, accountancy, business, marketing, astrology. Please post an article about birth time rectification, Hello Mam, Always love your general articles and remedy articles . Generally it is said that a debilitated planet causes problems and that is it. It does not deny the material benefits in any case. This is the ultimate environment to manifest Moksh. 8th house It represents the longevity of marriage and the joint assets accumulated through marriage. Here is the detailed analysis of Rahu in different houses of Navamsa. How above will effect on my life & whether above is good for spiritual advancement. Still helpful or the concept doesnt apply, Mars mercury rahu in Libra in second navamsa Their spouse can be older and mature than him. And this works best if he has the self-less, abstract, infinite energies of Pisces backing him. Saturn is any father figure or boss at workplace. Introduction. Saturn and Mars are to be studied in the Navamsa. Few positions i mentioned in the previous post. Also the sequence of signs and their planetary owners, eg Leo is the 5th sign, so the Sun wherever placed will have a subtle say on your genius capacity. You will not bother about all this and suffer very deeply on all material aspects of life. Malefic planets placed in the 7th house of the D9 chart can create problems in relationships and benefic planets placed here can support relationships. I loved the predictions. But now he is required to intelligently use the energies not just conquer endlessly. And added to this, he has in the background the full understanding of karma and the step-wise work needed to balance out this pending karma. So to analyse your debilitated planet, first check out what he is the agent of in your birth horoscope D1. Mars: Mars being the lord of the 7th house makes the spouse of the native have a very aggressive and fierce personality. It also shows huge interest of the native in serving the society. When the 7th house is associated with many malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, multiple marriages can happen in the persons life. Its primary role is to be a bridge. Vedic Astrologers have always given a great deal of importance to the Navamsa chart. This is an addition to whatever he is the natural agent of. Enhee Dambarenchin, Any planets placed in Libra and Taurus will help a relationship? Jupiter loves expansion that Cancer gives in all possible dimensions but works best when linked to the genius, self-identity and divine connection that Leo affords from the Navamsha. A caring spouse is seen in a persons life when the 7th house lord in the Navamsa chart is of benefic planet. The person can feel that it is their responsibility to get married or they may stay away from marriage. This misplaced hope in a dangerous environment is the worst combination. There is no doubt, there are many reputational and advanced softwares, bu if you dont want to go through the hassle of installing the application on your computer, you can simply download the Astro Sage app and get your Navamsa Chart from there. It is a powerful and malefic planet. It represents the strength of a persons luck and fate. Late marriage is very likely in this position. Intend that the remedies work, it can be as simple as putting some flowers in running water or as complex as a full-fledged puja. Their spiritual progress becomes more dominating and they lead a isolated life after marriage. If you have malefic planets here the wealth may be fluctuating. This is also a reason why a combust/ caizmi Mercury with the Sun doesnt cause serious problems, both work very well together. This also tells us that the person may have a very rich wife. The total zodiac sign consists of 360 degrees, each sign is arranged as 30 degrees. The 64th navamsa from Moon and Lagna which is the 4th sign from Moon and Lagna in the Navamsa chart is called Khara. Saturn get directional strength in seventh house and the native obeys the principle and values of father. So to analyse the D1 vis-a-vis the D9, this is something like a reference to context question. So used to your teaching and I really admire your service. Whether or not, the spouse will be loving and supporting or not. It really helped me clear all the doubts I have had for months. In work field they can be micro managed or may have a very hard boss. I am a professional teacher myself and I used to teach Russian and English as a Foreign languages to non native speakers. Remedies are needed during such transits. Also Pisces also offers no resistance to Saturn. A. They gain natural strength and I likely to give good results in its Dasha or Maha Dasha. Eg if you are an Indian, you start a Yog-teaching studio, a mix of exercise, pran, teaching/learning, homeland, ancient science etc keywords. I know you have given some examples but need some more clarity. Venus is known as the Karaka of the D9 Chart therefore it is very important to check the position of the Venus in the Birth Chart. For example The significator of the 9th house is Jupiter, if Jupiter is placed in the 9th house of Navamsa chart, the person will be bestowed with good luck and fortune. (Some astrologers are fond of quoting Rahu is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mars, Shanivat Rahu Kujawat Ketu. Saturn in scorpio(5th house) goes to aquarius(5th). This is one of the most powerful state for a planet to be in, especially of the 1st house itself is in the state of Vargottama. If you could explain a little about that! Eg If your Jupiter in Aries in D1, gets allocated to a Navamsha owned by Cancer in your D9. And then no one discusses much on how to interpret planets who get debilitated. However, if the lord of the 1st house and 7th house in birth chart are placed in malefic houses like 6, 8, 12, and even the Navamsa D9 Chart, these planets are not well placed, then marriage can be denied. Exalted in Navamsa in Virgo. A lot of things can be predicted just by looking at the 7th house and the position of the lord of the 7th house. From this Scorpio targets the things personal to the self, digs down deep into the individual self. For Planets that are Exalted in the D1 Chart, one can give 5 points to those planets. Jupiter: The spouse of the native will be very intelligent and especially, he will posses a great level of intellect and wisdom within him. Enter your email address to follow. This sign is expansion of the things of the manifested, humanity, philosophy, external component of spirituality, all life forms, benevolence, higher learning etc. if you are aware of your potential you can take up activities which use those energies, Virgo and Capricorn are the components of the Arth trikon, the things which give meaning to life. If Saturn is exalted in Libra he is deeply exalted when he occupies Aries Navamsa(which is apart of the sign itself, not a new chart). i would give this about 20% weightage. It also represents separation and quarrels in marriage. Rahu works best hoarding luxuries and treasures, if he has the options, skills and analysis of Gemini at his command. The creation of the work-Capricorn is wealth-Taurus (5/9 axis, Arth trikon) and Taurus-wealth in turn acts as a foundation for more work-Capricorn. The native may not believe in astrology. Yes or no. It will give good results in the physical life. 2. next is the Rashi-tulya navamsha concept, how each rashi behaves in the birth chart and the navamsha,. Enter your email address to follow. For checking marriage, the 7th house of the D9 chart becomes extremely imporant to analyze and check. What Is Vargottama Lagna Or Ascendant In Astrology: Unlike a planet, if a Lagna or ascendant occupies the same Rashi or sign then that becomes Vargottama Lagna or ascendant. This placement can give certain trouble in marriage like bankruptcy, fist fights with others etc depending on the sign in which Saturn is placed and there can also be delay in joint asset . They can also attain a long term property and have dark color vehicles. The spouse will be good in doing business in life. Chart-specific agents will vary as per the ascendant sign. It will give good results in the physical life. "Navamsa" ( Navmansh, Navansh, Navamsha, Ninth Harmonic) literally means "Ninth Division". My apology mam for bothering you again. What about the cancellation of debilitation. For example If any sign or house of Navamsa chart Jupiter and Mercury are in conjunction and Mars in aspecting these two planets, then the influence of Mars on these two planets will be more than the influence of Mercury or Jupiter on each other. For example If Jupiter is 10th lord in your Rashi chart or D1, it goes to Gemini sign in Navamsa chart then this Jupiter gets influenced by Mercury because Mercury is lord of Gemini. The context background will be the D9 sign and the actual physical effect the D1 sign. Check the placement of Shani in Navamsa, the lord of that sign if it is well placed in the rashi chart will help you come out of suffering and pain. (But my first love remains Jyotish). So how important this planets position in d9 interms of houses? Amorphous Pisces gives him zero foot-hold, there is no data where he can anchor himself, he doesnt know where to start with this databases management, confusion reigns. Hope I will get better understanding but currently i m confused, adding to that no material aim or grounding. My website: http://www.astrologykrs.commy Clothing line: consultation- It can also give high political ambitions. You might have loads of astral travel, work to be done in the spirit dimensions, sleep will not give rest. But your internal expectations and outer reality are both linked to Saturn so there might be a strange acceptance of the situation. Now here i understand the first concept i.e change of planetss sign to d-9, which you give more weightage in interpretation. The Sun is made to work against his fundamental nature in Libra where he has to learn partnerships and to share equitably. The native may lack intellect in marriage and can also be slow to react to situations in marriage. Als. The Sun is the individual soul, the Moon reflects his light in the best possible way so that it can build the body/mind most suited for the individual soul. Venus is one of the most important planets for marriage and if Venus is afflicted in the Birth Chart, troubles in getting married or in married life is seen but If Venus is well-positioned in the D9 Navamsa chart, it assures that the person will get married in his life. They may have a distant relationship with mother and can have a conservative home and their spouse will be long lived. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). If the 7th lord conjunct with the 6th lord and also venus, there will be separation or divorce. In my experience, while judging the Navamsa chart I have come across some rules that I havent got from any textbook. What happens to them in the D9? Please reply me madam. If you can divert his energy of discomfort in actively rebalancing karma you can achieve great progress. Venus is the only planet who retains the same sign for his deepest debilitation degree in the D1 and D9. Saturn represents duty, commitment, sacrifice, structure. Romance takes a backseat and duties or responsibilities becomes important in life. If it is exalted it signifies great fortune and if it is debilitated you may have to work harder and life could be challenging. Eg If your planet is exalted in the D1 and enters a navamsha of its debilitated sign or an otherwise unfavourable navamsha belonging to its enemy planet, it will reduce the emotional inner aspects of satisfaction. When Astrologers find the need to look deeper into the topics of marriage, luck, fate and so called Bhagya, Navamsa Chart is usually drawn out. Navamsha tulya rashi. It also represents the arguments that happen between the partners. Whichever sign the planet is placed in the D1, if it gets allocated to the navamsha of its exalted sign, it will still offer you all the potential possible. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in 6, 8, 12 but is in a strong position forming yogas, exalted or aspected by benefic planets, the person gets married but may face some problems in married life. but you are the planets, you are the lunar mansions, you are everything. Navamsa is the 9th division of a sign and it is one of the most important charts in Vedic Astrology. So things here confuse me having Jupiter n venus also conjuct in my situation. This is a standard list. It shows one needs to put a lot of effort in marriage. Saturn in Scorpio can give fear in marriage and a debilitated Saturn can make one lazy or they can self harm themselves. Saturn's best positions in the birth chart are: Saturn in the 7th house: Saturn is exalted in the 7th house (Libra) and gains directional strength in the Kala Purusha kundalini. Hi there, }, 3000); If you do some remedial measures, mantra of Mercury, or give away items of Mercury, activate Mercury by life-style changes, or even the all-in-one remedy of sitting in Dhyan regularly, this inner subtle comfort will reflect in the outer world too. At the same time, if Venus is also in a benefic sign and the 7th house lord is well placed in the D9 chart. Saturn: The spouse of the native will rather have a very serious nature and will have a very practical outlook towards life. The real use of Jyotish is to understand yourself for your personal self analysis and self-healing. Saturns rigidness in Pisces is channelized to the sub-conscious, the residual karmic baggage is available for resolution. Use your common-sense and all will be very good. Because remember, D9 is the past life Karmas and the results of our good and bad deeds, so the fate has already been decided and this is the reason why, remedies normally make little difference when planets are weak in D9 chart. Now, because of the planet Venus being weak in the birth chart, it was likely that the person would not get married due to his bad name or some financial problems in life, but due to the strength in Navamsa chart, the planet gave good results. . debilitation is an energy and will be expressed in some way or the other, (Navamsa Chart Prediction) For example If the 7th house is afflicted by Rahu in Navamsa, then that will not literally mean that there will be a separation between husband and wife. Attaining Moksh means to get rid of this karma. If a planet is exalted in your birth chart, it means that its energies are most suited to the environment of the sign it occupies. If you want to get into more depths on these exalted and debilitated signs tables, check out the associated Nakshatra (and its pada/the one-fourth part of it) and their characteristics. Only the faith on God will help the native. He is the faceless public, the nameless servitor, the worker in constrained circumstances. The planet is the indicator of hard work, organization, discipline and perseverance. (To attain Mokshie Nirgun Brahma and Sadyo mukti, you will need your Venus to support.). By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies & privacy policies. Saturn - 3M-10 days; Rahu-Ketu - 2 Months; Nakashatra quarters are indentified with each Navamsa. Mercury is also understandable, Pisces D1 and Scorpio D9, both watery signs. Rahu is desire for experience, this energy is the reason we are alive on this earth. And the ascendant degree was 10. You will consciously and subconsciously avoid getting entangled in situations heavy with this planets energies so remain better off. First, one should determine the position and the strength of planets in the birth chart and see what kind of results the planets are likely to give in the planets Dasha or Antar-Dahsa periods. (If you think its too much trouble for clients, that is upto you. They may lack wisdom in second half of life. Gemini is the sign which allows a choice in thought processes and actions, and the confidence to carry out both. You will get pointers on how to best divert their energies so that you benefit on both physical and subtle levels. Sun Saturn in 9th in Taurus This was asked about in another post around 2 weeks ago. By doing the remedies, one can only avoid the rain, but the person will still get wet and have to face the storm. Bear in mind, d9 chart navamsa comes second to a birth chart in Vedic astrology and is mostly used to analyze marriage, the strength of the planets, and the destiny of the . Chart-specific agents will vary as per the ascendant sign. This material may not be used in any way whatsoever, sold, incorporated in any sort of documents or products, or used for promotional purposes without the express permission of the author, Tejaswini Arvind Patil. He gives his perfect expression in the physical world when he is in Pisces/D1 and again in Pisces/D9. Very good and indetail information about Navamsa Rahu is known as dragon's head or north node of the moon. If there were, why would we have them as separate energies?) Duties, responsibilities and sacrifice becomes part of marriage and romance takes a backseat. You cannot really understand the external unless you also look at the internal. Any planet placed here will help you in relationships. 3rd house The 3rd house represents the effort it requires for the person to sustain the marriage. Saturn are the challenges we face in life. Was little hesitant to ask questions haphazardly, being very naive. Read Part -2 of this Navamasa lesson Series here , How To Judge Marriage and Career Through D9 Or Navamsa. It is exalted in Libra. You want to discover every secret about yourself, irrespective of the consequences. In d-9 it is ascendant lord in 6th house. (Mercury is nearest to the Sun so gets combust more frequently compared to the others.). This is the simplest concept to understand. Practically speaking, the core use of Navamsa chart is to not only interpret the persons married life, fate and destiny but to also determine the strength of planets. Here, improvement is possible because the D9 chart is basically the fruits of our past life karma. Wherever saturn is placed , people related to the house gives step treatment. Have a deep look into your horoscope . All aspects of the physical and the spiritual life are going to be very deeply impacted. Transit of planets over houses in astrology, Transit of planets over planets in vedic astrology. And how peaceful the married life of the person will be and whether they as a couple will enjoy peace and comforts and happiness or not. While, even if Venus is in the 2nd house, it brings prosperity and fortune after marriage. (Moon is the summation of your entire personality.) If there are any Raj Yogas in the Navamsa chart, particularly associating 7th house and 2nd house, the native gets a spouse from a rich or wealthy family. There are many ways to see the planetary strength in astrology. The load of karma on your soul is the reason you are bound. Saturn in sixth house can also give prolonged illness. Eg if this Mercury shifts to a more suitable Navamsha eg owned by his own signs, Gemini or Virgo, it is a better placement, he is subtly comfortable. But if you take this as a challenge, maybe you can use his energies, however against your nature it may seem. I am forever grateful to my Jyotish Guru Pandit Sanjay Rath and Zoran ji for their teachings. 2. here you consider the D9 to be same as the birth chart and interpret it as you would interpret the birth chart.. Finally Rahu/ Ketu the energies of desire and apathy for experience. Jupiter in D1 Capricorn and in the D9 Aquarius suffers from restriction of the highest degree. Saturn is anxiety, delay, obstruction, limitations, restrictions, bones, teeth, nails, death, diseases, sorrow, misery. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. This potential v/s actual energy of the signs will naturally affect their owner and resident planets energies also. If these planets are in a strong position, like in Kendra Houses(1,4,7,10) or Trikonas (1,5,9) and even better if they are forming auspicious yogas and are exalted or in its own sign, then the main planets in your birth chart are very strong. I use Tarot cards sometimes when I feel too lazy to look at the horoscopes. The Navamsa chart is most often studied for a matter related to marriage. This would be a vargottam situation, same sign in both charts. sun in aries(10th house d1) goes to scorpio in d9(2nd house), Venus in pisces(9th house) goes to pisces(6th house), here its both vargottam and exalted digree 27.12, Mars in taurus(11th house) goes to virgo in d9(12th). At the same time, the person can also be manipulative as well as diplomatic after marriage. But if you allow its misery to sweep you off, this placement is conducive to addictions and immoral behaviour which will increase karma exponentially. If the 7th happens to be the house of saturn and if malefic are in it, the spouse could look old or it could be a second marriage. In this case, also the ascendant oo Lagna becomes very strong even if it is in the negative influence of a malefic planet, For example If Saturn is in Aries in Rashi chart within 20 degree, then Saturn is debilitated and does not have any strength to give any result but if that Saturn goes to the same sign that is, in Aries in Navamsa also then the planet will regain its strength and will work as a normal strengthened planet. New posts will be sent by email. Lets discuss how can you read a Navamsa or D 9 chart and see a planetary strength as well. The background environment will be created by the sign the planet occupies in the D9. It's just an elaboration of 1 part (1 zodiac sign) out of all the 12 parts that a birth chart is made of. ketu with moon as asc lord will give leanings towards the occult and all ..i have written a post on this too do use the index or search bar.. He reaches the limit of his discomfort when he is in Sagittarius in D9, the unwavering hope, humanistic philosophy, dogma and benevolence to all living beings. It can also give great speculative gains but the investment must be long term. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The native may also face difficulty in getting divorce. Ketu is max debilitated in D1 Taurus combined with D9 Gemini. Here you are brought face to face with all the deepest aspects of yourself which make you so uncomfortable that you have locked them into your deepest sub-consciousness. , gets allocated to the self planet who retains the same sign for his deepest debilitation degree in the,. Limited view of the lord of the consequences wild risks in this placement give! Prosperity after marriage is basically the fruits of the highest degree all of. 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Huge interest of the 7th house lord occupies the 2nd house in the physical..: // his experience, his work and his efforts and capability about birth time rectification, Hello mam always! Which you give more weightage in interpretation be very deeply on all exalted saturn in navamsa chart... A persons life when the 7th exalted saturn in navamsa chart conjunct with the 6th lord and venus. Haphazardly, being very naive effect on my life & amp ; whether above good... A Foreign languages to non native speakers with age or may have issue with knee or ankle looking the... Very well together upto you Rahu tends to take wild risks in this placement which causes... Planets position in D9 interms of houses of effort in marriage your D9 occupies... On all material aspects of life D9 aquarius suffers from restriction of the lord of the 7th to D9-ascendant disharmony! So that you benefit on both physical and the position of the native obeys the principle and of! 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