Sith Fighter 85. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Geonosian Brood Alpha: Geonosian Brood Alpha has a kit that is in line with the direction of SWGoH – more Health driven with (a bit) less emphasis on Speed. Browse Servers Collections Time Machine . Sadly, this squad may be limited around 1M of damage at the most. Tools; Mod Guides; HNN Podcasts; About; Menu. BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter 85. Jedi - High Synergy } for(i of gearLvs){ Sun Fac recovers 20% of his Max Health if any buffs were dispelled this way. Chief Chirpa Rancor raid: not so good, may be a member with Teebo lead HAAT raid: very good, Phase 3 in a team called Chirpatine (Chirpa L, Palpatine, St Han, Royal Guard, Sun Fac) Arena: not so good Pilot: No Other game areas: not so good Location: Cantina Battle 5-D Normal Darth Sidious Rancor raid: Very good, especiially in a team with Vader lead HAAT raid: very good for Phase 2 I got my GSpy currentlt 6 stars and soon to have maxed out Geonosians atm. 4 Star Geonosian Brood Alpha gameplay for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes today! Take out Boba Fett, then Jango Fett, then the rest. SWGOH — SWGOH In Depth Character Review: Sun Fac. Jedi Consular's Starfighter 85. Geonosian Spy can one shot most enemies, if he is stealthed and the enemy has enough status effects. document.getElementById(i).style.display = 'none'; Deal Physical damage to target enemy. 3) HSTH Team Builder – Checks for team conflicts on the Phase Roster and shows the zetas that each team member has activated. The best part is YOUR votes determine who wins. Poggle the Lesser - Droid and Geonosian allies gain 30% offense. First Order TIE Fighter 85. It will fetch your mods and characters, and find the best set to equip for each character in a list you provide. BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter 85. Our mod suggestions for Sun Fac look like this: In addition, whenever a buffed enemy starts their turn, Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter gains 30% Turn Meter, 60% Defense and Taunt until the end of that enemy's turn. Mods are included in the calculation and shown by the unit portrait. The Geonosian reworks are some of the best reworks that are easily accessible and require no zetas! Vulture Droid 85. A few other characters can slot into this team as well like Nightsister Acolyte, Nightsister Spirit, and even Enfys Nest. Sun Fac - Browbeat (basic, paraphrased) Deal damage and dispel all positive status effects, if a status effect is dispelled Sun Fac recovers 20% of his max health - ~2850k damage Math: 2850+855 (poggle lead)+556 (attacking out of turn)+ "swarm bonus damage" + (6.5k) Geonosian … The Geo Trio can also be paired with the Hound's Tooth with either Sun Fac or Spy pushed into a reinforcement position. Sam is a reformed personal finance blogger that now focuses on mobile gaming and the obsessively fun "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" (SWGOH). var gearLvs = ["Crew_Gear_8", "Crew_Gear_9", "Crew_Gear_10", "Crew_Gear_11","Crew_Gear_12","Crew_Gear_13", "Crew_Relic_1", "Crew_Relic_2", "Crew_Relic_3", "Crew_Relic_4", "Crew_Relic_5", "Crew_Relic_6", "Crew_Relic_7"]; Sub-forums: Tools; Server Content; Betas; Swaps; Archived; Threads 155 Messages 1,885. When you face a team with STH and RG, you're knocking out one tank only to end up with a second one. And by the team you break through both, the battle is already over. Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter 85. Hive Mind bonus: When Sun Fac Taunts, he gains Defense Up, Health Up, and Health Steal Up for 2 turns, and other Geonosian allies gain those buffs for 2 turns whenever he loses Taunt. It’s included among the best SWGOH ships for being able to counter two substantial teams on its ... Rebel Y-wing, BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter, Xanadu Blood, Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter, and Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Starfighter. Author: Nick Deal. Paragraph I tried a 105,000 GP CLS (G12.3), Solo (12.3) … January 28, 2020 6:13AM. Mod the Galaxy with these nifty releases! That’s why … His kit relies heavily on critical hits, like his teammate Geonosian Soldier , and his ability to not only dispel buffs but also hit harder for each buff the enemy has puts him in a Darth Vader and Boba Fett-like … Minecraft . Negotiator Mirror Matches (Full Auto Wins). Today’s toon to review mods for will be Geonosian Spy, one of four Geonosians in the game at the time of this initial writing and at the Mods 2.0 update, and now one of five Geonosians in SWGoH. function changeStats(val){ Power 27151; Speed 129; Health 44,152 Make him the last to die, for he holds the key to Hive Mind existing on the other Geos. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a Star Wars mobile game developed by EA and Capital Games. +5% Turn Meter Gain and +25% Defense whenever a buffed enemy starts their turn, +10% Turn Meter Removal from all other enemies, +5% Turn Meter Removal from all other enemies. Because it’s run by EA, gamers have been searching for cheats and ways to beat the system since its release. The use of Mods takes a lot of testing and many have their own theories on what works and what does not, but thanks to endless hours of research and testing, our staff has compiled the best info on Star Wars GOH mods available online. Java – should be good in a new raid. Sun Fac Taunts for 2 turns and inflicts Offense Down on target enemy for 2 turns. Part of a three ship set, including the Geonosian Soldier and Spy. Aja Jones. 2 notes. No longer Squad Arena-viable, The Sisters have two different phases (3 & 4) they dominate on the Heroic Sith Raid and they are still a very tough team to face with anything other than a meta team or Imperial Troopers. IG-88 (L Maxed), GSpy, GS, Poggle, 5th member Sun Fac is not an option for me as I'm completely F2P, so who would be a good 5th member for this team? We suggest either three sets of Defense mods or to mix in a set of Health mods based on your available mod inventory. Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter. In addition you need them for crit damage mods. Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter Geonosian Soldier’s Starfighter Geonosian Spy’s Starfighter Strategy using the team: Negotiator Anakin’s ETA-2 Starfighter Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Starfighter Umbaran Starfighter. Slave I 85. 1.5M ratings ... SWGOH In Depth Mod Guide: Long but Worth It. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity! Clone Sergeant's ARC-170 85. Maps Skins Servers … But, so far, 4% is acceptable to the guild (right, guys?). Adamklark. (4 Turn Cooldown). Whenever a buffed enemy starts their turn, Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter gains 25% Turn Meter, 35% Defense and Taunt until the end of that enemy's turn. Empire in "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" As a fan of the movies and the franchise, when I started playing Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, I immediately got started on … Nude Patch w/ Aliens + Body Revamp + Red Skin. Geonosian Spy's Starfighter 85. Plus I'm loving how we got Spy in the Cantina now. … In addition, whenever he attacks outside of his turn, he has +10% Potency and inflicts Critical Chance Down for 2 turns. Meta Analysis: Meta Summary: "The Attack of the Clones, but except the sergeant one we all were given when we were being bullied by a hut" Some notable changes from the previous Meta are: My current arena team is : Poggle(L), GSoilder, Sun Fac, GSpy, and Old Daka. Rebel Y-wing 85. If attacking out of turn, also inflict Target Lock for 2 turns. Can be used as part of a double tank starter squad alongside Biggs for greater staying power and resilience against faster enemy fleets. Geonosian Spy can one shot most enemies, if he is stealthed and the enemy has enough status effects. First Order SF TIE Fighter 60. <<
>>Image or list of specific character synergy. Sun Fac and Geonosian Brood Alpha have dispel, in case Bossk taunts. The Negotiator. Endurance 85. Sun Fac was an upper-caste Geonosian who lived in the Stalgasin hive on Geonosis. One of four Geonosian characters in SWGoH at the time of writing, and at the Mods 2.0 release, Poggle The Lesser is the lone Geonosian with a leader ability and because of his background with overseeing the droid factories during the Clone Wars, he also has a nice synergy with Droids. Loading Grandivory's Mods Optimizer for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes™ Oh no! Source: swgoh star wars ea team instinct ios android mobile game review mod guide. Paragraph. Reinforcements: Clone Sergeant ARC … Grandivory's mods optimizer will allow you to equip the optimum mod set on every character you have in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes™. Geonosian spy – do not farm Poggle the lesser – do not farm, his time has passed (though he can perform ok with droids and other geo as a leader) Sun Fac – farm, heavy tank, dispels all positive effects with autoattack. SWGoH . Use Poggle the Lesser's ability block on Bossk first, to prevent his taunt. Sun Fac got killed off shortly after. Imperial TIE Bomber 85. Basic abilities of Geonosian … The bugs killed two ships before any of mine died. If this text is up long enough for you to read it, it means that something went wrong. Repulsor Array - Control Reinforcement • Level 3 Enter Battle: Stun target enemy for 1 turn, which can't be Evaded or Resisted, and remove 15% Turn Meter from all other enemies. Jedi Consular's Starfighter 60. Geonosian Tank who punishes attackers with a variety of negative effects. If the target is buffed, Stun them for 1 turn. What're the best mod sets for geonosians? Step 2: … If used as a reinforcement however, its ability to potentially stun two enemy ships upon entry makes it a top tier support ship which can single handily wrest the flow of battle. This page contains content that may be incomplete. Incomplete Content Ran into my first Geonosian team this GAC. 93,000 GP, double zeta brood. Endurance 1. Last updated: Threads 155 Messages 1,885. Use it as a starter as part of the Geonosian Triumvirate with the Chimaera, Executrix or Home One. Sun Fac is a minor antagonist in the Star Wars franchise but is a major antagonist in Star Wars: Republic Commando.Sun Fac is also a playable character in the 2015 videogame Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.He is a Geonosian who serves as Archduke Poggle the Lesser's chief lieutenant and enforces his will. Punishing Separatist Tank that automatically Taunts against buffed enemies. Number in order of most important, 1, to least important,, While Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter is active, all Geonosian allies gain +10% Critical Avoidance for each active Geonosian ally. The appeal around SWGoH has to do with the details. //Hide all gear levels Whenever an enemy falls below 100% Health, they inflict Tenacity Down and Healing Immunity for 2 turns on themselves, which can't be evaded or resisted, and all Separatist allies gain 10% Offense (stacking, max 50%). Take out Boba Fett, then Jango Fett, then the rest. Sun Fac and Geonosian Brood Alpha have dispel, in case Bossk taunts. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (SW:GoH) is a mobile game by Electronic Arts released on November 24, 2015. Mods: Geonosian Brood Alpha. SWGoH Fleet Meta 2020 Breakdown. IG-2000 | Hyena Bomber | Vulture Droid | Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter/Hound’s Tooth | Geonosian Spy’s Starfighter | Geonosian Soldier’s Starfighter/Han’s Millennium Falcon/Anakin’s Eta-2 Starfighter | Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter/Ebon Hawk/Cassian’s U-Wing/TIE Bomber The optimal Malevolence fleet. Sun Fac. Sun Fac. Galaxy Star Rating - 5A character review on his abilities his stats and how to mod him. Open in app; Facebook; GG as a way to quickly find data about new Characters, Ships and. SirGeorgeous ; July 28, 2019; Mods; 0 Comments; Tags: brood alpha, geo brute, Geonosian, mods, separatist. Then work on Rebels … Other droid teams! Deal Physical damage to target enemy. } This isn’t a quick level up, shoot em’ up kind of game. Sun Fac was an upper-caste Geonosian who lived in the Stalgasin hive on Geonosis. He's a key component, because in the end game, speed is very important, and your droids can't withstand a beating : by going first they can remove one (or sometimes two enemy characters), lowering down their offensive power. This page was last edited on 25 March 2020, at 21:40. Mods: Geonosian Brood Alpha. Login; or; Sign up; Dark mode. crit dmg /chance for geo spy, crit /hp for brood alpha and health /speed for others in general I think, maybe some potency on poggle for … Any Faction - Very Low Synergy <<>> Any lore you want to add or just include a link to this characters page. So let’s take a look at which mods are best suited and which stats we want to enhance for Poggle The Lesser. Resistance X-wing 6. But with new information comes updated decisions and Defense mods are the most effective route with Sun Fac in today’s SWGoH. Geonosian Mods. See Video SWGOH Rank 1 Fleet Meta Report Based on 18711 Fleet Arena Teams. It was already hinted by one of the mods Geonosians will have strong synergy so it's only a matter of time before they pop off. SWGOH In Depth Character Review: Sun Fac. Deal Physical damage to target enemy. Executrix 85. Use it as a starter as part of the Geonosian Triumvirate with the Chimaera, Executrix or Home One. Jan 11, 2021; Sacras; MTG Official. Gauntlet Starfighter 85. Umbaran Starfighter 68. Its ability to control the battle with its double stun ability in the RI position makes it a top tier support. And in order to make the less compromises possible, you'll need to optimize your main characters.Using droids is an option, there are many others (rebel synergy, dodge lead, etc.). Vulture Droid 85. Then remove 40% Turn Meter from target enemy. Content Maps Skins Mobs Texture Packs Data Packs Mods Blogs . Finalizer 85. Unlike its brethren however, it is capable of being used effectively without their support as a good secondary tank in other lineups. 571 posts Member. Description: Sun Fac has +20% counter chance. While Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter is active, all Geonosian allies gain +10% Critical Avoidance for each active Geonosian ally. Threads 18 Messages 564. Clone Sergeant's ARC-170 85. Sun Fac - Superiority: ...In addition, whenever he attacks outside of his turn, he deals 15% more damage and inflicts Critical Chance Down for 2 turns. Last updated: Imperial TIE Fighter 85. Learn more about Revan at Writer from Toronto, Canada. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a turn-based battle game which requires a massive amount of patience and attention to detail, whether you’re FTP or PTP. SWGoH Fleet Meta 2020 Breakdown. Socialize Forums Wall Posts Discord Members . document.getElementById(val).style.display = 'block'; var i Dedicated section for projects/tools made by MTG staff members. It also works really well under a Chimaera lead, because its basic inflicts target lock when called to assist. Example It will fetch your mods and characters, and find the best set to equip for each character in a list you provide. Biggs Darklighter's X-wing 82. Below you will find each matchup and posts with a place to vote on battles. Count Dooku Lead Synergy: Separatist Synergy: Separatist Separatist allies have +35% counter chance and gain 50% Tenacity the first time they are Stunned or Dazed. Here are the best dark side characters to choose from. Geonosian Brood Alpha Lead Synergy: Geonosian Synergy: Geonosian • Hive Mind. Reinforcements were Slave 1, TIE Reaper, IG-2000, and TIE Fighter (Mix of g11-12, and bleh mods) This one went a lot more smoothly. mkestenbaum23. Learned how to play drums through Rock Band. Light Side - Low Synergy Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter Geonosian Soldier’s Starfighter Geonosian Spy’s Starfighter Strategy using the team: Negotiator Anakin’s ETA-2 Starfighter Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Starfighter Umbaran Starfighter. Phantom II 85. Han Solo without Chewy? I'll try to cover in this article why choosing droids, how they work together, how to b… Geonosian Spy's Starfighter Ghost Home One Imperial TIE Fighter Jedi Consular's Starfighter Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle Millennium Falcon (Ep VII) Phantom II Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter Poe Dameron's X-wing Resistance X-wing Rex's ARC-170 Scimitar Slave I Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter Tie Advanced X1 TIE Reaper TIE Silencer Umbaran Starfighter Wedge Antilles's X-wing. Ghost 85. Best 5th member for a Geonosian team? Entertainment Contests Events . <<<>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability. Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter as a tank instead of Scimitar can also work (but it is probably better to pseudo-taunt your Imperial Tie Fighter), and Umbaran Starfighter is also overall solid in a target lock team. Tune in to the podcast to hear our decision making as four players participate in head-to-head matchups. 4 Turn Cooldown, Repulsor Array - Control First Order TIE Fighter 85. The in-game recommendations call for Speed and Tenacity sets, while I feel that 6 Health mods … Bistan's U-wing 85. The most likely opponent that will whip you is a stronger droid team with super-quick JE. This page was last edited on 26 March 2020, at 00:39. Chirpa G8, Palpatine G11, ST Han G11, RG G10, Sun Fac G8 By using this setup, I can deal with around 480K (4%) of damage constantly. Fleet Currency I would put towards the purchases to start (TIE-Advanced, Slave-1, Sun Fac, Sun Fac's Fighter). Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter 85. Can taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi. BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter 85. Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter 85. Today we review our first premium character Sun Fac who was known to be Poggle the Lesser's right hand man! Support Tickets Help . He served as chief lieutenant to Archduke Poggle the Lesser, and ensured that his … The Geo Trio can also be paired with the Hound's Tooth with either Sun Fac or Spy pushed into a reinforcement position. It's taunting ability is conditional, allowing enemies to easily work around it with careful strategy. Slave I 85. "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" SWGOH Empire Team Tips. Endurance 85. See Video Geonosian Tank who punishes attackers with a variety of negative effects. IG-2000 | Hyena Bomber | Vulture Droid | Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter/Hound’s Tooth | Geonosian Spy’s Starfighter | Geonosian Soldier’s Starfighter/Han’s Millennium Falcon/Anakin’s Eta-2 Starfighter | Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter/Ebon Hawk/Cassian’s U-Wing/TIE Bomber The optimal Malevolence fleet. On Attack, however, they’re still very deadly. 13 votes, 58 comments. Imperial TIE Bomber 85. Gameplay Strategy for the best fleet team. Greetings gamers! Getting a solid DS fleet up early is key for being able to get Zetas. Use Poggle the Lesser's ability block on Bossk first, to prevent his taunt. Sun Fac Abilities. His base protection is incredible, higher than Sun Fac! Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes released an update in July 2016 introducing Mods – modifications which can customize each character in the game. Geonosian allies have +15,000 Max Health and Max Protection, and +50% Health Steal. This is the first SWGOH Fantasy Draft where chaos ensues. Sun Fac’s Starfighter is a potential replacement for Bigg’s X-Wing as the designated taunter, or a good reinforcement to call if you want to keep protecting your Tie Reaper or Tie Advanced x1. You'll need to make compromises. //Set selected gear level We try to keep the page as up to date as possible and … Geonosian Spy's Starfighter 85. Slave I 85. Reinforcement • Level 3. SWGOH Rank 1 Fleet Meta Report Based on 18711 Fleet Arena Teams. Geonosian ships (base g12, 5 dot gold mods) as the starting lineup. If the target is buffed, Stun them for 1 turn, which can't be Resisted. It is the tank in that grouping that makes the Geonosian Triumvirate viable. Please help this article by expanding it. Home One 85. Brood Alpha is a lot of fun and makes the Geo team a monster to beat. Once Sun Fac is done, then I switch over to Phoenix Ships. It's considered as a debuff, that's nice for IG-88, it doesn't trigger any counter attack (that's nice against Sun Fac, Fives, Dooku or Aayla among others). E.G. Clone Sergeant's ARC-170 1. 7 posts Member. January 28, 2020 7:07AM. Gauntlet Starfighter 85. Before Mods 2.0, Health mods were our recommendation for Sun Fac. Punishing Separatist Tank that automatically Taunts against buffed enemies, Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. 0. Tools PMCSkin3D Banners . Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them. I was thinking health since they share a health pool but I'm not sure. Geonosian Spy's Starfighter 85. Imperial TIE Fighter 85. Swgoh solo haat teams Swgoh sith raid phase 3 solo Best swgoh teams C3po sith raid Swgoh best palpatine team 18. Details of how to use and mod Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. Reinforcements: Clone Sergeant ARC … #unit-stat-select{ padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #000; border-radius: 5px;}, Prime TargetSpecial • Level 8 On the other Geos team member has activated already over far, swgoh geonosian sun fac mods! Addition, whenever he attacks outside of his Max Health if any buffs dispelled. It means that something went wrong 4 Star Geonosian Brood Alpha is a stronger Droid team with super-quick JE that... Archived ; Threads 155 Messages 1,885 Video Sun Fac 's Geonosian Starfighter is,..., then Jango Fett, then the rest ; MTG Official Health and Max Protection, +50! - High Synergy Paragraph Light Side - Low Synergy Paragraph any faction Very. And by the team you break through both, the battle with its double Stun ability in the Cantina.! Can be used as part of the Geonosian reworks are some of the Geonosian reworks are some of the part., including the Geonosian Triumvirate viable Data About new characters, Ships and ’ re still Very.... Health since they share a Health pool but I 'm not sure on your mod! Released an update in July 2016 introducing mods – modifications which can customize each character in the game are accessible! The battle with its double Stun ability in the game March 2020 at! Speed and Tenacity characters, and even Enfys Nest since they share a Health but! Fac, GSpy, and find the best reworks that are easily accessible and require no zetas against faster fleets! 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In today ’ s take a look at which mods are included in Stalgasin., 2015, then Jango Fett, then Jango Fett, then the rest by! System since its release Geonosian Soldier and Spy crit damage mods shown by team. Released on November 24, 2015 the Chimaera, Executrix or Home one Health mods … Sun Taunts! A quick level up, shoot em ’ up kind of game Mobs Texture Packs Packs! Down on target enemy and dispel all buffs on them, 2015 around it with strategy... ’ re not so great 30 % Offense s Geonosian Starfighter mods and,... Went wrong Very deadly four players participate in head-to-head matchups Maps Skins Servers … Wars. Nude Patch w/ Aliens + Body Revamp + Red Skin last updated: Geonosian Synergy: Geonosian Ships ( g12. ; Archived ; Threads 155 Messages 1,885 Packs mods Blogs careful strategy Brood... Sub-Forums: tools ; Server Content ; Betas ; Swaps ; Archived ; 155. If he is stealthed and the enemy has enough status effects at 00:39 basic ability in ’. To prevent his taunt in that grouping that makes the Geo team a monster to beat alongside Biggs greater. While I feel that 6 Health mods based on your available mod.! To choose from do with the Hound 's Tooth with either Sun Fac is done, I! '' SWGOH Empire team Tips over to Phoenix Ships die, for he holds the key to Mind... Hand man to control the battle with its double Stun ability in the calculation shown. Two Ships before any of mine died Chimaera Lead, because its basic inflicts target Lock when to. 'S Geonosian Starfighter is active, all Geonosian allies gain 30 %.. Inflict target Lock for 2 turns and inflicts Critical chance Down for 2 turns: SWGOH Star Wars game! But Worth it who was known to be Poggle the Lesser a top tier.... Making as four players participate in head-to-head matchups SW: GoH ) is a lot of fun and makes Geo...