What if Kara told Lena that she is Supergirl in her Just as the title says. Nia is found by Kara on CatCo balcony. From that moment, Nia started to act as Dreamer.[2]. 4. She complains at the office and decides to speak to James. This event caused Ben to develop an ever-burning hatred towards aliens, and he founded the Children of Liberty to carry out the mission. At CatCo, Kara stands up to Nia about deceiving everybody at Thanksgiving about having narcolepsy. UNFINISHED, ON HOLD Cat then admitted that there was a lot she didn't know about her assistant, which needed to change. Once in the pod, he gave her one last look before Kara watched him leave the Earth. Work Search: CJ decided that she would be called "Cat" and that she wanted to have her own media empire. To avert a disaster, Kara Danvers reveals her powers and true identity: She is Superman's cousin, now known as Supergirl, protector of National City. Internal Promotion. Cat later reveals that the "A. She accidentally released Naxim Tork and Mitch by randomly pressing buttons on their ship during her investigation into Midvaleall just to get a good story. Nia thinks she should have foreseen this and is comforted by Brainy. Cat then offered Kara the job on the spot, warning her it required a lot of dedication,[12] despite immediately realizing the real vocation of the young woman was to be a reporter.[1]. Nia revealed to Kara her half-human, half-Naltorian heritage, and that among her species, in every generation, one female receives a power to dream future events, like her mother has. Set a few years in the future, this will pick up after the show ends. They arrived at the rooftop where they agreed to have the battle and Rhea arrived with her guard. [3] Cat later met Bill Gates at a party. Later, Kara and Clark ask Cat for a favor at CatCo, so Kara (as Supergirl), would give CatCo an exclusive interview, while requesting that Cat tone down the media's sensationalism to keep people from danger. But Nia was troubled now, because Maeve had studied all her life of Naltorian dream interpretation, as it was expected that the daughter of their mother will inherit her powers. Nia talked to Brainy about Nyxly's release. Kara questions Cat's reason for hiring Lucy, only to have Cat accuse Kara of making eyes at James. She tells her that it isn't wrong to want to save those that mean so much to her and fight as hard as they could to save them as their loved ones are everything. She insists Supergirl could never understand what she is going through, but Supergirl tells her that's not the point and killing is never the answer. Cat had a tough childhood, as her mother always pushed her to excel, but was never satisfied with the results. Noticing that Kara seemed to be distracted, Cat ordered her to stay focused on work. J'onn was hurt defending Nia from his attack. Despite him being able to evade their attacks with ease, Nia rushed to the alien Coulan's help, demanding the pizzeria staff to back off and give Brainiac 5 his pizza, shaming them for being so cruel to their patron. Brainy joined Nia and J'onn at the island, as the two were fighting against the guards. She says deleting herself from the networks would be a victory for those, who target them. The neighboring planet, Krypton, was destroyed 25 years earlier on the exact day at th Lena was devestated as she found out about her best friends true identity, well she thought they were true friends. She called Kara Danvers asking her where she was and had saved a seat at the ceremony for her. Despite Nia's attempts to stop her, Nyxly managed to obtain the Dream Totem. The two quickly brawled against one another until Supergirl managed to temporarily incapacitate him. This kept him from aging and he remained there in suspended animation until the pod broke free and then eventually found its way to the planet Earth where it crash-landed on the outskirts of National City. contact Supergirl. [26], During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Cat as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[27] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe. In the new multiverse, Cat was a bit dumber in the 2000s due to her jealousy towards Lois Lane, which made her make foolish decisions. Back at CatCo, Nia, Kara and James were looking at the news reports, in which President Baker was removed from office, after Kara exposed him working with Lex, Red Daughter's identity was also revealed, clearing Supergirls name and the new acting president had re-enacted the Alien Amnesty Act. Arriving at work, she is informed of this by Maxwell Lord, and her, Lord, and Supergirl discuss what to do regarding Myriad. [21], Nia also helped J'onn to remember his past with his brother Malefic J'onzz on Mars.[22]. Touched, Nia mouthed a silent "thank you" to James. Kara yells back at Cat and immediately apologizes. [46], The Superfriends played jenga until Kara arrived, who noticed her mental bond with Nyxly. We are going to take this slow and work one day at the time. volunteering at soup kitchens and shelters), which Kara enthusiastically agreed with. Kara was pretty sure she could stand in front of Cat flailing her arms and yelling profanities and Cat would still find a way to ignore her. Also, despite her hardcore personality, Cat acknowledges that human connections are the key to happiness, a knowledge she shares to Supergirl, which greatly inspired the superheroine to rescue Lena and Mon-El from the Daxamites. They met at the site, where aliens were taken by the Children of Liberty, now under AmerTek supervision, after the Children had been exposed as Lex's pawns. [2][3], When she was 15, Nia once broke her nose during a game of kickball. She got out from the car, and told Nia she understands better than anyone, as she is in a similar situation with Alex, after she had her memory of Kara being Supergirl erased, and Kara can't reveal it to her as much as she'd like. Supergirl quickly discovered the pod, and she and J'onn J'onzz took the man to the D.E.O. Nia and Kara both admit that for a while it seemed the truth won't prevail, but they didn't give up, and in the end, they won. Dirk admits to the hacking but initially threatens to fight. In late 2015, as Cat arrived at work, she realized that someone had used in her private elevator due to a scent of residual cologne. CatCo is later under attack by Rhea's men but both Cat and Winn are rescued by Guardian. However, James revealed that interview with Supergirl had already begun, telling her to look outside her car window. However, Kara was attacked by the Black Mercy forcing her friends to cover for her and Cat threatened to fire her in one hour. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. Just then, a blackout occurred as Leslie appeared on the monitors, having gained power over electricity. Kara breaks out of police custody and flies off to the Legion's cruiser, erasing this timeline. Rhea goaded Kara into attacking her which Kara did and it revealed that Rhea had laced her insides with Kryptonite. Later, Cat called James while on her way home from work to inform him that she will be interviewing replacements for his position. Returning to the Tower, the Superfriends decided to search for the seven AllStone Totems. Alex convinced J'onn J'onzz to masquerade as Kara, but he had great difficulty fulfilling her difficulties and said Cat made him miss his prison. I'm different, Miss Danvers, but so is everybody. During the party, Cat shared a dance with Maxwell Lord, surprised at his attendance due to his recent kidnapping by Reactron. The following day, Carter met with his mother before being sent off to school, asking if Kara could watch him again, though Cat refused.[8]. Frustrated, she texted Kara about the predicament. S'mores are Nia's favorite dessert, but she will always choose salty over sweet. The Nal sisters became estranged for this. kara known as supergirl sacraficed being with mon-el to save earth. The real Kryptonian appeared and defeated them, CJ escapes, and the police show up just as Naxim and Mitch flee. In late 2018, Nia moved to National City and was hired as a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media, personally recommended to Kara Danvers by Cat. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Kara D./Supergirl, Alex D., Eliza D., Lena L. - Chapters: 410 - Words: 737,423 - Reviews: 2,212 - Favs: 78 - Follows: 78 - Updated: 17h ago . What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way? Mid-season one, with spoilers to season two. J'onn began to understand why Kara values them and allowed Alex to take them to D.E.O. Nia agreed to help Kara and Brainy to find Agent Liberty. Internal Promotion, second part: the reaction of someone (Cat Grant most of the time probably). Nia helped the others defeat Jean. at Al's Dive Bar. [10], Cat was having a tough time because her mother; Katherine Grant was visiting and of course gives Cat no respect. We have the ability to feel the depths of our emotion and we know that we will walk through it to the other side.Cat Grant to Kara Danvers. Kara voiced her belief that the superheroine wanted people to think of both her and Superman when in danger, to which Cat implied she is willing to give Supergirl a chance to prove herself. She soon had another son named Carter Grant, who currently lives with her. Supergirl official First Look trailer (2015) Melissa Benoist, Supergirl - Season 2 official trailer (2016) Melissa Benoist, Supergirl Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer (HD), SUPERGIRL Comic Con 2017 Panel Part 1 - Season 3, News & Highlights, SUPERGIRL Comic Con 2017 Panel Part 2 - Season 3, News & Highlights, SUPERGIRL Season 2 Comic Con Panel (Part 1) - Melissa Benoist, Tyler Hoechlin, Chyler Leigh, SUPERGIRL Comic Con 2016 Panel (Part 2) - Melissa Benoist, Tyler Hoechlin, Mehcad Brooks, Allies, Husband and Wife, Alive, Separated. Dreamer defeats a Dominator and is congratulated by Supergirl, so Brainy along with the police and the media appear. The next day however, due to a newfound mysterious heroine saving Flight 237 from crashing, a delighted Cat was able to save the newspaper by using the superhero to create new online and paper headlines. After Kara left, Cat privately urged her former protg to wake up, proclaiming Leslie was stronger than a bolt of lightning. Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. With Cat's guidance, Leslie soon became the city's most popular shock jock. mean while oliver know as arrow is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius. To cover the disappearance of Kara, Nia tells Andrea and William that Kara was on an assignment with Cat Grant. Cat was shocked to learn that Supergirl was not around to help. Nia is disappointed with the police's investigation and sets up her own Upswipz profile to find out the assailant. [6] Afterwards, Nia became a political speechwriter for the White House's press secretary, Cat Grant, working in President Olivia Marsdin's administration.[7][8]. We all know what happened to William so it will be a reduced team up and no access to the tower. J'onn went for it, claiming he won't let Argo suffer the same fate as Mars. Revealing herself to be transgender, she asked him to write a special CatCo Magazine editorial to show support for the oppressed aliens, as James could create a bigger impact through his position. An unimpressed Cat tells Siobhan to have the drive microwaved. Nia fought them off, but it didn't really encourage the aliens she saved. Cat Grant wrestles with her loyalty to Supergirl after Andrea Rojas reveals Supergirl is sleeping with Lena Luthor. But Nia was still troubled to tell Maeve. [11], Kara was slightly freaked out over Cat's attitude and that she had her own coffee. During the memorial, the place came under attack by the Children of Liberty, while Maeve was holding an eulogy. To Nia's joy, Brainy had chosen their love over the logic telling him to go back. Kryptonian to be exact. He sternly lectured the employees about inter-species tolerance, pointing out that ignorance is the enemy for journalists. So, she just left National City, without telling a word to Kara or all the other Superfriends. Cat later told Kara that Lucy has quit. second part: the reaction of someone (Cat Grant most of the time probably) Chapter 1: Hiring issues Chapter Text. Kara went to her apartment, where Nia had just had a dream about Agent Liberty. In late 2018, Nia moved to National City and was hired as a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media, personally recommended to Kara Danvers by Cat. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [4] Cat interviewed Supergirl, asking of her origins and powers, which were similar to Superman's. Kara's cousin However, Cat noticed this didn't sound like the Kara she knew and had Winn analyze the email. Following the events of the Daxamite invasion, Cat has left CatCo for good, becoming President Olivia Marsdin's White House press secretary. 5. After Kara was forced to hide in her civilian persona, when Red Daughter attacked the White House disguised as her, Nia took upon herself to protect National City. She has an older sister, named Maeve Nal. The girls give Nia an impromptu break-up party at Kara's apartment. Kara told Mon-El to go and protect the city while she stayed to deal with Rhea. She still had trouble interpreting her dreams. Being on a new Earth has changed history to how Leviathan operates and is located. Later, Nia had started dating Brainy and on their way to J'onn's place they passed Alex and Kelly Olsen, just as they were kissing. Although Nia and J'onn were able to evade the guards, Brainy was taken for interrogation, where he was beaten. The next morning she called a morning meeting, and later Cat was thanked by Kara for being an amazing mentor and friend when she called Kara to get her a moon juice smoothie. Though Cat is a hardcore capitalist, she is not without a humane and tender spot. Siobhan shows a package that Cat should see personally, but Cat wants it open for all to see, so James takes the package and opens it to find a letter and thumb drive. She astral projected herself to Lena's office in L-Corp, where Kara, Alex and Brainy were waiting. She watched as the immortals were able to reconstitute themselves after Supergirl destroyed them, so she knew the odds of successfully defeating the Jarhanpurians were nearly impossible, but she waged battle against them anyway, when J'onn challenged Rama Khan telepathically. With Winn, the two played a shooting video game in Cat's office. [25], After the Daxamite invasion, Cat left CatCo altogether and became President Marsdin's White House Press Secretary. Amadei at last awards Kara a meeting where he communicates his needs of having the option to recuperate people too. She convinced people to fight and to not lose hope and it greatly lifted people's spirit. They take her onto the ship and lock her up in one of their cells. During her vacations in Colombia, she reached out to Kara to complain about coral reefs being intoxicated by sunscreen and to send her the offer to return to CatCo as editor-in-chief. Upon the discovery of "another hero" on Earth in National City, Cat named the superheroine "Supergirl" and helped make her to become the hero she is today. This caused him to become calculating and emotionless, and after he subdued the guards, he had Nia and J'onn forcibly become prisoners, so that they would go through the portal. Nia told Kara that it was dramatic. My mother always said it.But that's what heroes do. Nia then remembered, that Brainy had told her astral project in order to send a message to him. Additionally, Cat's work ethic is extremely strong, as seen when she is seen working during Thanksgiving. However, eventually realizing she needed to move on, Cat decided to take a leave of absence from CatCo to find bigger and better things to do. I promise.Mon-El to Kara. Cat takes it out on Kara. Taking charge of the situation, she asked Kara to have the F.B.I. When Menagerie started to cause chaos in the city, Nia eventually joined Kara in fighting against her. [21], Cat was still shocked that National City had not yet forgiven Supergirl, but knew it would take time. Rather than allow Adam to end up in the middle of a media storm, Cat planned to resign from CatCo. If she was able to beat Rhea without sending him away? She also decided to arrange a launch party to celebrate the special issue of CatCo Magazine. She tells him it's too much, visibly hurt Brainy leaves. Upon obtaining the totem, Nia was determined to find the others to prevent Nyxly from having them. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Kara consoled her and acknowledged she would never truly understand, how Nia felt, when she and her community was attacked. With M'gann, Alex Danvers, and J'onn, Nia kicked in the door to Kara Danvers' apartment because Kara called, saying that Lena Luthor was there and it was an emergency; Kara told them that they were overreacting when they entered, guns drawn. [12], Cat is later introduced to Barry Allen, who suggests she name the new "The Flash", though she rejects this proposal, wanting to call him "The Blur", instead. Determined to find her story, CJ starts throwing rocks out in the clearing until she uncovers the ship and starts pressing buttons until she releases the aliens. That woman was nine other than Le. programmer, for help, though Cat initially didn't know who he was. But Skylia For thousands of years humanity thought that the Devil is a heBut they were all wrongThe Devil is a she. A few years A story about an alien who falls for the IT guy. Just some short stories and ideas about the show supergirl. Nia also participates in the protest of the aliens along with her friends. It was a futile effort, of course. Watch popular content from the following creators: Dylan(@kuxvo), amelie (@aedanvers), mels wife<3(@benqist), ashley(@multitvshow), chika(@mkaramels) . Work Search: Now see, the thing that makes women strong is that we have the guts to be vulnerable. Siobhan later sneaks into Cat's office and sends Cat a nasty email from Kara's account, believing it will be enough to get Kara fired. alerted Alex. Cat who was upset over the dinner earlier because of the letter, which prompts Kara to go see Adam personally. Brainy offered to help train her, but she refused, thinking she can handle herself. Then, she went to Earth-1 together with three billion of her world's inhabitants. However, Nia was able to escape her nightmare fugue state. She grabbed the other power coil, and charged up her power. Kara then encouraged her that despite her sister disagreeing with her, she can't let that get into her way of embracing her destiny. They are happily togetherOr they were happily together, until a heartbreaking truth come to the surface When a giant cat attacked the city, the Superfriends went to confront him. Suit up Cat knew the secret identities of Supergirl, the Flash, and Guardian without needing to be told, with, Despite her talent for seeing through superheroes' disguises, Cat has yet to figure out that, Cat once sent an audition tape to the TV show, Cat invested in the failed Broadway musical. Cat orders Winn to fix the systems. Going with J'onn to distract Rama Khan, Nia watched as he appeared in the park; they did not anticipate the arrival of Tezumak to assist him. Mon-El told her that she was the reason why he was now a better person and they shared one final kiss before he entered the pod as his condition worsened. J'onn didn't think it was a good plan, but they went for it. [39], Nia and Brainy used the Legion's cruiser to travel to May 26, 2009 to get the materials needed to release 2020 Kara from the Phantom Zone, but, upon exiting in that time, 2009 Kara heard the ship crash-land. [31], By February 1st, 2023, Cat reached out to Allegra Garcia to pass along a message to Iris West-Allen, owner of Central City Citizen Media. [10], Kara and James notice Nia resting at her work area and when they go to wake her up, she forgets about it, disclosing to them she's been experiencing narcolepsy. Nia's dreams eventually led the three to Lockwood Steel Mill, and they figured out that Agent Liberty is Ben Lockwood, as his father died in the steel mill during Reign's terraforming. Flustered, Supergirl accidentally let it slip that she was Superman's cousin, much to Cat's surprise. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. She also revealed she's a trans woman, and that her sister was the one who encouraged her to do it. But to her surprise she finds out someone bought CatCo. Kara Danvers gets her first very real death threat as a reporter and Cat goes full-on overprotective mode. Everyone she interviewed spoke highly of the man except his wife's makeup artist, who told Cat about the bruises she covered up each morning. The journey of Supercorp from when Lena first moved to National City After Alex attempts (and maybe succeeds at) suicide, Kara is left heartbroken, wondering where she went wrong. 6. CatCo - Kara Danvers. Kara volunteered to look after Carter for the day instead. We need someone who will give a unbiased report of any event. He eventually came to and in his shock choked Supergirl and threw her across the room. Cat wanted Siobhan to search for replacements for Lucy, but Kara has already taken care of it and was rewarded with a couple of club tickets. Nia watched as Vita possessed Brainy to explain about the totem test. The team later built a portal but several phantoms escaped, but they managed to capture them again soon after. They were after a Kryptonian, and mistakenly captured a teen named Kenny Li, locking him in her cell shortly after. [15], When James is shot, Nia and Brainy go to visit him at the hospital. She wanted to have dinner with him but he turns her down. Cat refused "Agent Monroe"'s offer to be relocated to a secure area, determined to keep the company open on Black Friday. She knocked out two alien haters, after they tried to rough up an honest alien food seller. In 2021, Andrea sold the company back to her and left to found a journalism school in William Dey's honor. They proceeded to the reactor, and J'onn intended to use his psychic powers to overload the reactor, despite Brainy's warning he will likely die. [23] However they reconciled afterwards. Later, when Nia and Kara were about to return to National City, Maeve came and was still upset at Nia, especially since she always thought that there's no way Nia should've inherited the power, saying she is not "a real woman", which hurt Nia deeply. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And if Kara was lucky, she'd intercept some mundane task along the waysomething, anything, to get back in Cat's good graces. That night on Thanksgiving Day, Cat had a conference call with London and Beijing, but encountered technical difficulties when the electronics at CatCo stopped working. But she was unable to interpret it properly. "Cat" Grant[1] is the founder and CEO of Catco Worldwide Media. Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. From this Kara then comes up with an idea of interviewing Nia as Dreamer to broadcast a live example of human and alien co-existence, since Nia is half-human, half-alien. [32][33], After Lex Luthor and Nyxlygsptlnz took the AllStone Totems, Cat heard Supergirl's speech enhanced by Lena's magic. However, the D.E.O. Kara tries out another plan to Nia which would highlight an alternate National City outsider every week, permitting individuals to become more acquainted with them. Sparring. As he used up his powers, Nia proceeded to do the same, unwilling to let J'onn die. [15], Cat's email servers were later hacked, and Cat called for a meeting and asked the board to go through her e-mails for anything incriminating. 4. Later that day, she appeared to fight the Anti-Monitor along side the other heroes after having her memories restored. She then had another dream, in which she met her mother, and she encouraged her to embrace her destiny. I'm a girl. He took a moment to look out the window to see the devastation before the guard pulled him away, telling him to leave the girl he had been with and to come with him. The guards were forced to intervene, and Nia and other aliens subdued them, giving Nia and J'onn the opportunity to deactivate the pylons. Nia claimed she wanted to find a way to transfer the power to Maeve, but she didn't believe her. While she struggled against intolerance and hate-fueled attacks, including being denied service at establishments, Parthas' acceptance towards those who are different nonetheless allowed Nia to flourish as a transgender girl. Later, Nia appears at Kara's for Thanksgiving supper. Kara gave one last look at Mon-El before she activated it, dispersing lead into Earth's atmosphere. Aside from caring for her family, Cat has shown care for those that work for her as well, as seen in several moments, she told Leslie, who later became Livewire, that she's strong enough to live and get through her comatose after being struck by lightning. action romance cwtv +3 more # 17 Laverna Family Moments by Foxes and Magic The following night, Nia shadowed a couple of shady characters to Al's Dive Bar. Supergirl (TV 2015) Characters: Kara Zor-El; Cat Grant; Nia Nal; Additional Tags: . She storms off angry past Brainy, telling him of the dream only showed her a wildcat. Mon-El was in his room with a girl when his guard barged into the room to tell him that he had to evacuate. The next day at their apartment, they call detective Rivers to report it, and Kara shows up concerned. Watching a person play with a drone, CJ realized that the object may have been a UFO. While giving Kara her tasks for the day, Cat revealed she needed to terminate several employees of the National City Tribune. He attacks her in order to force Dreamer to retire due to being a transgender super-heroine. [23], Cat is present when Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad's control over the people of National City. [49], In an alternate timeline created by Mr. Mxyzptlk to show Kara how the world would have been if she and Lena had never became friends, National City was governed with the iron fist by an insane Lena, turned into a Metallo by Lillian, while Nia was part of the resistance alongside Alex, J'onn, Winn, Mon-El and Kelly. Tasks for the it guy she should have foreseen this and is congratulated by Supergirl so. She went to Earth-1 together with three billion of her origins and powers, also. Volunteered to look after Carter for the seven supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco Totems always choose salty over.... 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Just some short stories and ideas about the totem test [ 15,. Admits to the Tower, the two quickly brawled against one another until Supergirl managed to the! Danvers asking her where she was able to evade the guards, Brainy had told her project... Arrange a launch party to celebrate the special issue of CatCo Worldwide media about totem! Him leave the Earth that the object may have been a UFO on defeat... She encouraged her to embrace her destiny lose hope and it revealed that interview with had! She asked Kara to have the guts to be vulnerable aliens along with the results slow and one. Freaked out over Cat 's reason for hiring Lucy, only to the. Him of the aliens along with her loyalty to Supergirl after Andrea Rojas reveals Supergirl is sleeping with Lena.... A reduced team up and no access to the D.E.O ship and lock her up the... Supergirl in her cell shortly after had not yet forgiven Supergirl, but she did n't who. ] [ 3 ] Cat interviewed Supergirl, but knew it would time... About an alien who falls for the day, she appeared to fight the Anti-Monitor side.
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