. Our Lady Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church 50 Alexander Ln | PO Box 560 | Solomons, MD 20688 [email protected] (410) 326-3535 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am-3:00pm Closed Daily 12:30-1:00pm for lunch For Sacramental Emergencies: 240-408-0648 Please always make an appointment during Rectory Office Hours. We hope to see you soon. CURRENT WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE. Please see below for Mass times; We look forward to celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with you. Roman Catholic Church, 467 Court Street All Rights Reserved |St. Mary Star of the Sea, All Rights Reserved | St.Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church. Tuesday and Thursday 7 am. Confessions will be heard Tuesday and Thursday after the 11:00AM Mass . See MoreSee Less, For all the fallen in Ukrainia Amen for my family gone , my mother Yvonne Francisco my father Joaquina my sister, amen. Saturday (Sunday Vigil) 5:00 PM (English) . Please note: Even without a Facebook account, you can see the Facebook pagealong with any videosin a larger window by clicking here: Guy Massie. Feb 01 2023 - Apr 01 2023. If you are interested in learning more about joining The Catholic Church, please call the parish office at 410-289-0652 or fill our our contact form. 7669 Girard Ave La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 454-2631. We are a warm and vibrant Catholic community whose mission is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to all we meet. Please wait until the light is off before you enter. Phone: (718) 625-2270 (415) 332-1765 180 Harrison Ave, Sausalito, CA, 94965, United States Again, we welcome you to St. Mary Star of the Sea (Our Lady of The Assumption Parish)! 9:00 11:45 AM Thank you for visiting our website. St. Dymphna is recognized as a patron for those suffering from mental illnesses including stress, anxiety, depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder. Designed using Responsive Brix. 9:15 a.m., St. Margaret (note the earlier start time), 10:15 a.m., St. Mary (note the change in time), Daily Mass (church opens 20 minutes before), Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation). WEEKEND WINTER MASS SCHEDULE: (Jan 1-April 30) Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 . We'd like to thank Sam Sturgis for his help making this parish available on our site. We couldn't find the page you were looking for. Catholic Community of South Baltimore, 110 E West St, Baltimore, MD, 21230, United States, Sacrament Sponsorship Form (for events outside CCSB), Catholic Godparent Form (for baptisms at CCSB), Christian Witness Form (for baptisms at CCSB). St. Mary, Star of the Sea Catholic Churcho. There is a red spotlight on the ground by the open door, if the light is on, it means that someone is inside. SUNDAY: 7:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 NOON, 5:00 PM, ESPAOL Saturday: 4:00PM . St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church, Immaculate Conception at Mary Queen of the Apostles Parish, St. James at Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish. Massie will also be attending if you have any questions for him. 12 PM St. Patrick Church (espaol) 12:30 PM St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica. (International telephone: +61 2 4222 2400) 9 AM Holy Rosary Church. 10 AM St. Patrick Church (Youth Mass) 11 AM Sacred Heart Church. 120 East Wesley Street, Jackson, MI 49201. *The 10:00 am Mass will live streamed here for the sick and homebound on 1st and 3rd Sundays. 463 West Pleasant Valley Road, Oxnard, California 93033 (805) 486-6133 main (805) 486-6913 fax [email protected] . 05/29/2022 10:00 am - 12:30 pm On Sunday, May 22 and Sunday, May 29, two of our Masses will be celebrated at our parish school at 515 Wisconsin Avenue. MARY STAR OF THE SEA CATHOLIC CHURCH. Regular Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil Mass is at 5 PM Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30 AM Reconciliation: Thursday after Mass Saturday 4PM or by appointment . Please note that Mass times are listed below. Items to be collected are: If you, or anyone you know, is able to donate, we will begin collecting immediately. Watch Our Saturday Vigil Mass online each week, and access it all weekend long. Thank you! The door will be propped open for ventilation. 6435 South Kilbourn Avenue Chicago, IL 60629 Phone: 773-767-1246 Fax: 773-735-3894 Email Us. The page you are looking for has been moved or deleted. NEW MASS SCHEDULE Beginning in July, we will begin celebrating Mass on Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. in English and 6:30 p.m. in Spanish. If you dont have access to the internet, you can tune into Catholic Radio at 92.7 FM on Sundays at 11 am and 4 pm. St. Mary Star of the Sea. St. Mary Star of the Sea Church expresses our sincere gratitude to all who extended condolences and support on the passing of Fr. All Souls Mass, November 2: 8:30am Holy Saivor, 1705 Philadelphia Ave St. Mary, Star of the Sea 609 Pier View Way Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-1688 (760) 722-2653;; REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE: We are committed to providing a safe environment for all our children . Holy Days: 7:00 am & 9:30 am. Phone: (718) 625-2270 *For emergency Last Rites call 718-514-0385 anytime,* otherwise call, 718-824-5454 (OLA) or 718-885-1440 (St. Mary's) St. Mary Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church, 467 Court Street Friday,March 31st from 5:00p.m. Announced during special holiday seasons. As we continue to heal, we invite everyone to join us after the 10:00 am Mass on Sunday, February 5th for bagels and coffee. 1,260 were here. Powered by WordPress. untill noon. Mr. Philip Randazzo. The new volumes are listed below: St. Mary Star of the Sea (East Boston) Baptisms, 1866-1897 St. Mary Star of the Sea (East Boston) Baptisms, 1898-1900 La Jolla, CA 92037 St. Mary, Star of the Sea 609 Pier View Way Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-1688 (760) 722-2653;; REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE: We are committed to . Thank you for visiting our website. PLEASE CALL 401-783-4449 FOR . Winter Mass Schedule . Contact our office at 978-922-5542 to schedule an appointment with a priest. Mass Schedule Change. We hope you will find a home here and invite you to see our Mass & Confession Schedule, as well as the many Apostolates, which make Star of the Sea such a thriving parish for living out the call to holiness.In addition, you can always find a list of upcoming events below which we hope to see you at! Ss. Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM. - April 16, 2018. MARY STAR OF THE SEA CATHOLIC CHURCH. My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. Pastor Rev. We look forward to assisting you in your time of need. Get directions on the map 7669 Girard Ave Sunday Mass Schedule. Welcome to Mary Star of the Sea parish. PHONE. Website. Peter & Paul the Apostles Catholic Church. First Tuesday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. @ Holy CrossThe evening will be filled with a mix of contemporary music and periods for silence. (410) 289-0652 [emailprotected], Monday Friday: SUNDAY. Telephone: (02) 4222 2400. SATURDAYS 4:00 PM Sunday 8 AM AND 10:30. Entre Semana: 7:00 PM Weekend Mass Schedule. Come to St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church to encounter Christ, work together to become Holy and get each other to Heaven. St. Mary Star of the Sea. Mary, Star of the Sea, Catholic Church | Oxnard, California. St. Mary Star of the Sea. There is an error in the URL entered into your web browser. 7 PM Mary Star of the Sea Church. Sacraments of Healing & Anointing of the Sick, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A. The chapel is located behind the building. This is either because: You can return to our homepage by clicking here, or you can try searching for the Saturdays 3:30 PM 4:30 PM inside the Church, and by appointment, How to Reach a Priest in Case of EMERGENCY, Please call the parish office phone number (858-454-2631) and listen to the options (including in case of emergency) or, Assistance for Catholic Education, Catholic Charities and Retired Priests, Today marks the first day of Lent. The Red Mass is celebrated to recognize the noble and valuable work performed by the Judiciary and members of the Bar and all who assist them. Lenten Panance/Confessions: Wednesday March 29th from 9:45a.m. EMAIL. A Catholic parish in Beverly, MA. 2:30-3:15PM at St. Mary Star of the Sea (Lower Church) 3:15-3:45PM at St. John the Evangelist. Mass Book is OPEN For mass requests from January through April 2023 If you would like to have a mass celebrated for a loved one or a special intention, please contact church office at 361-758-2662 or mail in your requests with your contact information. Monday-Thursday Fax: (718) 624-9017, Maintenance/Sacristan Follow Us on Facebook! If you don't have access to the internet, you can tune into Catholic Radio. Contact Info . We hope to see you soon. We welcome you all to be part of our community. 5:00-5:20PM at St. Margaret. February 2023. St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church 604 North Sixth Street (Church address) 605 North Fifth Street (Church offices) Ballinger, Texas 76821 (325)365-2687 (Office number) Daily Mass Times. Come to St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church to encounter Christ, work together to become Holy and get . Please watch the videos below to learn more about their ministry and hear a message of gratitude for parishioners! Monday-Thursday 463 West Pleasant Valley Road, Oxnard, California 93033 USA | (805) 486-6133, WEEKDAYS: 8:00 AMSATURDAY: 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Vigil)SUNDAY: 7:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 NOON, 5:00 PM, Entre Semana: 7:00 PMSabado Vigilia: 7:00 PMDomingo: 8:30 AM, 1:45 PM, 7:00 PM, For those who are sick, vulnerable and unable to attend Holy Mass in church, Archbishop Jos Gomez has given a general dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass in person. Welcome to the Our Lady Star of the Sea parish website! All Daily and Weekend Masses are live streamed and archived for your viewing convenience. Mass with Conference as Homily at 7PM with . Confessions will be heard every Saturday morning from 9 to 10 the Chapel at the Collaborative Office, 552 Cabot St. Reservations are not required. Eucharistic Adoration is every Wednesday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass until noon. (410) 289-7038, Mass Schedule Effective October 2, 2022: Confessions are also available by appointment. Thank you! WEEKDAYS: 8:00 AM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Vigil) . I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. At the same time as we mourn his loss, we are deeply appreciative for the guidance and leadership of our new permanent administrator, Msgr. Office of Faith Formation: at 92.7 FM on Sundays at 11 am and 4 pm. Sunday 7:00 AM English 9:00 AM New Schedule as of 11-29-15 11:00 AM New Schedule as of 11-29-15; Saturday 5:15 PM Vigil; . The Manna: The Holy Eucharist as Communion with God (Monday), The Bread of the Presence: The Holy Eucharist as Real Presence (Tuesday), The Eucharistic Sacrifice: Renewal of Calvary and Foretaste of Heaven (Wednesday). LECTIO DIVINA. Tuesday: 6:00 PM English English EN Adoration Chapel, St. Mary Star of the Sea in Ballinger; . Our parishes Find a mass or other service. SATURDAY: 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Vigil) Confessions Saturdays 4:00 to 5:00 pm, Daily Mass will now be held at St. Marys Monday through Thursday at 8:30am, loading map - please waitMap could not be loaded - please enable Javascript! more information. St. Mary Star of the Sea, Pray for Us! Please share this information with anyone who might be interested. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Adoration at 6PM with Confessions available. As Fr. The faith community of St. Mary Star of the Sea welcomes you! The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, will celebrate the 15th Annual Monroe County Red Mass on Friday, March 3, 2023 at 12:00 noon at the Basilica of Saint Mary Star of the Sea. St Mary Star of the Sea Church is mainly led by the Holy Spirit and mandated by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Donate. Saturday, 4/1 at St. Mary's, 4:00 p.m. Sunday, 4/2 at Holy Cross, 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. . We are preparing for the start of Lent this Wednesday! Sunday 7 am. Each person is allowed only 6 Days/Masses. . 01424421263 Synod 2021-2023 National Synthesis ONLINE OFFRTORY DONATIONS MEN'S GROUP CURRENT MASS SCHEDULE Skip to content St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church St. Mary Star of the Sea. Mr. Philip Randazzo, Parish Hall and Chapel Renovation Project. Please read to learn more. (805) 486-6133 main Oxnard, California 93033 [MAP][StreetView] Msgr. 552 Cabot St., Beverly MA 01915. MASS SCHEDULE / Horas de la Misa. Stations of the Cross during Lent-Fridays at 4:00p.m. SATURDAY. We come alive in the summer whereas every church slows down in summer. Rectory Office: 1920 New Haven Avenue. WELCOME TO ST. MARY BY THE SEA! Take note of the stained glass windows. Confessions are also available by appointment. ), Ocean City MD Catholic Church | Holy Savior,, The spiritual, intellectual, and social development of all students is provided in a safe and disciplined environment. Brooklyn, NY 11231 (805) 486-6913 fax We are located in Bronx, NY; Directions to our parish can be found here. . Christopher Cashman in December. At the same time as we mourn his loss, we are deeply appreciative for the guidance and leadership of our new permanent administrator, Msgr. Daily Mass Monday - Friday at 8:00 AM Saturday at 9:00 AM. CONTACT US. Lent is a time when we undertake commitments of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Fax: (718) 624-9017, Maintenance/Sacristan SaturdaySunday: Closed Not only is Mass celebrated in four languages (English, Spanish . Upcoming Events. Livestream of the Mass. You will be promptly contacted by a priest. Know that you are always welcome at St. Mary Star of the Sea. Rosary at 8:30 a.m. Divine Mercy Chplet is prayed after daily Mass.Eucharistic Adoration is every Wednesday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass until Noon. (Priests available by Appointment only), ENGLISH Our Lady Star of the Sea 520 Lafayette Street Cape May, NJ 08204-1487 609-884-5312 609-542-9702 . No evening Mass. The parish of Star of the Sea Catholic Church is a family of Christians created in the image of a loving God. Permanent Deacon Deacon Thomas Murphy . ENGLISH. Sunday Mass Schedule: St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church, 1491 Grand Ave, Astoria, OR 97103 Masses at 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and a Spanish Mass at Noon St. Francis de Sales Mission, 867 5th Ave, Hammond, OR 97121 Saturday Vigil Mass at 4:00 PM Weekday Mass Schedule: St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church Tuesday and Friday at 9:00 AM and Wednesday at 8:00 AM Sunday: 8:30, 10:30AM & 6:00PM . 2022Rosary at 5:15 PM followed by Mass Holy Mary, pray for us! Fort Mill, SC (803) 547-2999. All Saints Day Masses, November 1: 8:30am St. Marys 6:30pm Holy Savior. The Stained Glass of Holy Cross. We seek to follow the wonderful example of Pope Francis and invite everyone to be part of our community of faith. St. Gertrude Church. Holy Cross - 9:00 am (bus ride available) Our Lady of Good Counsel - 11:00 am (& live streamed on Facebook) Holy Cross - 5:00 pm. Far Rockaway, NY 11691. 7:00AM Tuesday and Thursday. Hele at St. Mary Star of the Sea Midnight Mass12:00am Christmas Day Held at St. Mary Star of the Sea 10:00am Mass Read More. We are an active and caring community always looking for ways to spread the Good News and Word of Jesus to all. HCC Columbarium Master Plan. 10am Holy Savior Be the first to comment on St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish Write a Review . It feels very familiar and comforting. . Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM. MondaySt. Mission Statement. 4280 Gulf of Mexico Drive Longboat Key, Florida 34228 Phone: 9413831255 Email: parishoffice@ . 253 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915. Sunday: 8:00 AM. Daily Mass Schedule. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE | NAVIDAD HORARIO DE MISAS 2022. . February 13, 2023. Welcome to Our Parish. Address: 306 6th St Newell, SD 57760. . Various Stories. Sunday, 7am St. Mary's 10am Holy Savior Confessions - Saturdays 4:00 to 5:00 pm Daily Mass will now be held at St. Mary's Monday through Thursday at 8:30am Saturday, December 24thChristmas Eve Masses Held at Holy Savior 3:30pmChristmas Pageant 4:00pm Mass 6:30pm Mass Hele at St. Mary Star of the Sea Midnight Mass12:00am Christmas Day We will get back to within 2 business days, during office hours. Home; Mass Schedule; About Us; Upcoming Events; Religious Education; M - F 9:00AM, SATURDAY - 4:00 PM SUNDAY MASS 8:00 . 7:30 pm (Spanish) Sundays St. Mary Star of the Sea. Please visit the Archdiocese of Los Angeles website to celebrate mass online., 463 West Pleasant Valley Road, Never permit me to be separated from You. We invite you to join with our Parish Family in prayer. Please read our weekly bulletin for upcoming events. . . May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord. Your Rating for this listing. Know that you are always welcome at St. Mary Star of the Sea. St. Mary Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church. Your Rating for this listing. Catholic Diocese of Wollongong. Drawing life from the word of God and the sacraments, we are empowered to assist in meeting the spiritual and human needs of our families, our parish, and larger community. CATHOLIC CORNER, LLC: SOUTH CAROLINA FOREIGN LIMITED-LIABILITY COMPANY: WRITE REVIEW: Address: 292 Munn Rd E Fort Mill, SC 29715-9437: Registered Agent: St . tmnt leo x male reader lemon Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622) was not a newspaper . The religious sisters were extremely grateful for the financial support and prayers from our parish. Looking for today's Mass readings. Weekend Mass Schedule "We, the people of God, welcome all to experience the nourishment and healing spirit of Jesus Christ. . St. Mary, Star of the Sea 609 Pier View Way Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-1688 (760) 722-2653;; REPORTING SEXUAL ABUSE: We are committed to providing a safe environment for all our children and vulnerable adults. Christopher Cashman in December. Weekend Mass Schedule. Saturday: 5:15 PM English English EN Vigil; . SaturdaySt. Sunday 8:00 AM Jan 1 to April 30 8:30 AM May 1 to Dec 31 9:30 AM Jan 1 to April 30 10:30 AM May 1 to Dec 31 . 7:30 AM Sacred Heart Church. You feel like you're walking into something very old. St. Mary, Star of the Sea - Mass Times page Mass Times Daily Mass at 9:00 a.m. - Monday through Friday. LIVE STREAMED MASSES. Blessed Ash Wednesday . It commits itself to lighten and empower all of God's children for service throughout the world. (978) 922-0113. Chris would want us to, we look forward with faith & hope to growing our parish and continuing its mission. SUMMER WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE: (May-December) Timothy Castor 605-720-3579. . In February 2023, Fr. Give online to the work of the church. Saturday 5:15pm Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:15 AM Monday through Friday: 12:10 PM Confession Saturday: 3:00 to 3:45 PM Monday through Friday: 11:30 AM -12:00 Noon (last updated: 7/1/2022) St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church Physical address and mailing address 325 E 3rd Street Duluth, MN 55805 218-722-3078 Directions here. There will be no chair or kneeler available at this time. About Us. St Mary Star of the Sea Church. Our Parish. There will be containers right . We are reintroducing the the Cup at Mass! Be the first to comment on St. Mary Star of The Sea Parish Write a Review . (858) 454-2631, After Hours / Emergency Sick Calls: (858) 454-2631 extension 159, Safe in Our Diocese & Reporting Sexual Misconduct, Today marks the first day of Lent. We are located in Jackson, MI; Directions to our church can be found here. 1920 New Haven Avenue. This will be an enjoyable opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new people. Sign up for Email Alerts to be notified of upcoming events and more! Website Tell us why you love St. 3 miles away Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church 1100 8th Ave N Catholic 5. Download our latest bulletin. 9:00am- 11:30am, 1:00pm -3:00pm, Fridays, Sundays & Holidays St. Mary's would like to begin collecting items to be donated to local community organizations. May he rest in the peace of Christ, the Risen Lord. All are welcome (if not attending Mass, note the approximate start is 11:00 am). Close. . As you know, our journey of Lent this year will take us out into our neighborhood. 2023 St. Margaret of Scotland Parish and St . He has given us faith and gifts which we nurture by his word and Eucharist. Oops, there was an error sending your message. 1:30 4:00 PM A new window will open, and even though you will be asked if you would like to create a Facebook account, you can simply click Not Now and still access the Facebook page. PO Box 1239 (38 Harbour Street) Wollongong NSW 2500 Australia. Saint Mary Star of the Sea School provides a Christ-centered Catholic education for Pre-K (3) through 8th-grade students of all faiths under the leadership of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. Adoration is a space for all people, regardless of experience or church affiliation, to find peace and a connection with our loving God. Our regular Mass schedule . 463 West Pleasant Valley Road, Oxnard, California 93033 (805) 486-6133 main (805) 486-6913 fax . Please always make an appointment during Rectory Office Hours. Domingo: 8:30 AM, 1:45 PM, 7:00 PM. PRESIDER SCHEDULE. They are written in our hearts with love. Winter Mass Schedule: Saturday: 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Daily Mass is at 9:00 a.m. Monday - Friday Saturday confessions are from 5:00 p.m. (Summer) Confessions will be on . Email us Call us: 415.332.1765. Sunday, 7am St. Marys Please contact our office at 978-922-0113 to schedule an appointment with a priest. Admin. The Mass, typically held at St. Mary Catholic Church, the home of the national shrine, will be led by the Rev. Regular Mass Schedule Holy Days of Obligation Children's Liturgy . Mass . Your name* Email* (will not be published) Review Title. Please check the URL and try again. 9:00am- 11:30am, 1:00pm -3:00pm, Fridays, Sundays & Holidays to Noon. Phone: 718-327-1133. Please read our weekly bulletin for upcoming events. Daily Mass . (718) 885-1440. 1,834 were here. Lets focus our hearts on repentance and prayer. St. Mary, Star of the Sea. Mass Schedule Effective October 2, 2022: Saturday 5:15pm Sunday, 7am St. Mary's 10am Holy Savior Confessions - Saturdays 4:00 to 5:00 pm How to Reach a Priest in Case of EMERGENCYPlease call the parish office phone number (858-454-2631) and listen to the options (including in case of emergency) or DIAL Extension 159 and leave a message. 9:00AM at St. John the Evangelist (Except Thursdays)CONFESSION SCHEDULE (SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION), 6:30-8:00PM at St. John the Evangelist (During Lent)SATURDAY, 2:30-3:15PM at St. Mary Star of the Sea (Lower Church). 8:15 am; 11:30 am (Spanish) 1:15 pm ; St. Gertrude Mary, Star of the Sea 4:00 pm Vigil (bus ride available)SundayHoly Cross 9:00 am (bus ride available)Our Lady of Good Counsel - 11:00 am (& live streamed on Facebook)Holy Cross 5:00 pm. St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Parish. Older Masses will be unlisted after a time. Mary, Star of the Sea Catholic Church. 1 review of St Mary Star of the Sea "St. Mary Star of the Sea is a nice church with a quasi-gothic feel yet maintaining an old-time charm. Saturday, April 1st from 9:30a.m. Contact us. Please read to learn about the Annual Catholic Appeal as well as the return of the Cup at Mass! . Friday-Saturday: 9:00AM. . 467 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 Phone: (718) 625-2270 Fax: (718) 624-9017. We welcome you all to be part of our community. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Daily MassMonday Friday at 8:00 AMSaturday at 9:00 AM, Saturday (Sunday Vigil)5:00 PM (English)6:30 PM (Spanish), Sunday7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, Sacrament of Reconciliation:Saturdays 3:30 PM 4:30 PM inside the Church, and by appointment. Ocean City, Maryland 21842, Parish office: Send us a Message. Your name* Email* (will not be published) Review Title. St. Mary Star of the Sea Church expresses our sincere gratitude to all who extended condolences and support on the passing of Fr. Daily Mass (church opens 20 minutes before) St. John the Evangelist. St. Mary Star of the Sea I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. 336 Beach 38th Street. Rectory Closed. content you are seeking by clicking here. 463 West Pleasant Valley Road, Oxnard, California 93033 [ map ] [ StreetView ] Msgr Sea welcomes!. Below for Mass Times daily Mass at 9:00 a.m. Mass until Noon ( Jan 1-April )! Beginning in July, we look forward with faith & hope to growing our.! Come alive in the Most Holy Sacrament be found here ) St. John the Evangelist and desire. The 11:00AM Mass your time of need of our community California 93033 ( 805 ) 486-6133 (. At 8:30 a.m. Divine Mercy Chplet is prayed after daily Mass.Eucharistic Adoration is every Wednesday the... 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