Based on what He is showing you, you will be able to know the level or area you are called to prophecy in. I pray that The Lord will align me to the purpose He has for me. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to live and die for me, and thank You for bringing me into Your family because I have trusted Jesus as my Saviour. Here is an article that may help get you started: Yeah, you shouldnt try to operate at a level that God has not called you to take on. WebSean is the Co-Director of Sean and Christa Smith Ministries. In spite of my exhaustion last night, the journal was amazing. Like priming the pump, very quickly I seem to receive fresh revelation and every time Ive journaled I can look back at one insight or more that has been a remarkable Word from God for me personally. You are generous and ready to give, Lord. 0000005974 00000 n Help me to rightly use all that You have given me wisely and appropriately, and keep me ever low at the cross and broken before You.Father, I praise and thank You for every spiritual gift I have, and I prayerfully dedicate each one back to You, so that they may be used as You would have me use them, to help and encourage other believers in these difficult times and to lift up Your name for I desire that You increase in every area of my life and that I decrease, until it is not I, but Christ that lives in me and works through me.Help me I pray, to discover the proper way to use my spiritual giftings, and I pray that You would teach me how exercise all my spiritual gifts, to Your praise and glory. Sign up to receive Enliven Blog posts via e-mail and get a FREE copy of my e-book. This style will not suit everyone, e.g. God is always challenging us to expand our spiritual growth. Thank you for teaching me how to develop, use, and maximize all you have given me to the fullest potentialto bring Your glory into all aspects of my life and to the people around about me. xb```e``2]|eah`\b`RqZZHb%^ W2 \eUTHe"-snSL" ]l4[ WebPrayer For Spiritual Gifts Dear Holy Spirit, baptise me with the gift of the Word of knowledge in Jesus name Draw near Lord and as Your people witness Your great works, Am I wrong to feel that these are 2 vastly different ideas? I used to have dreams coming to pass, but they have disappeared. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A prophet Prohecised on me that i had Gift of Prophecy, but i dont know how to start and give prophecy, even i was very interested to have that gift of prophecy. This will give you an indication of whether or not you are actually called to prophesy and where you are called to prophesy. I grew up Catholic, changed to Church of Christ to follow an impactful teacher I had, left that for Evangelical, then went to YWAM and for the 1st time experienced more of the Holy Spirit and I was on a path to find love and truth. Rememberthe gifts are given as there are needs in Hi Kiran, thanks for leaving a note. So, you dont know why people do or dont do certain things. When you find a prayer that speaks to your heart, by all means, use it. 1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God. Later in my dream a demon came to me and said that if i didnt willfully turn to him, then he would take my heart in pieces (through hardships and failures). Ive had a lifetime of rejection. In order for you to gain the gift of prophecy, you must first learn how to pray. In John 10:27, Jesus said, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. it will be harder for those who are perfectionists or tend not to process thoughts conversationally. Thank you Jesus! This insight may be helpful for exercising the gift of prophecy, too. We move from simply being aware of the Holy Spirit to paying attention to Himthen re- 0000000016 00000 n Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I just dont have anyone around that understands what Im going through. Ive been praying for the gift of discerning of spirits and I might already have it. God wants us to understand that we have done absolutely nothing to earn His gifts. Lord I am your vessels. Enliven Ministries Started the journaling time by going back over the last few entries with a highlighter, and am encouraged by the awesome gems of encouragement I have received. I would say that I am quite surprised at how helpful this has been! You must conduct yourself with a spirit of humility. 29 Activate: Light Up Your Prophetic. When God needs to grant you access to certain countries and regions hell have all the angels in place to escort and protect you when Hes calling you to it. Be creative in how these gifts are put together (i.e in a card or special enevlope). Nurture the Fathers perspective about others. Your print in bold on one of your blogs to not share things about my calling answered my question on what to do with my FB account. And, while I can expose 5 there will be 10 more behind them doing the same thing. I have noticed that it has a connection with fear of man in my life. My father and my God, Let my prayer be set forth before thee as sweet incense in Jesus name. . Pray for the activation of every dormant spiritual or physical gift which was passed on to you during birth. Your email address will not be published. While Im happy that Gods word is getting out, they should probably be honest about the source. Regardless, you need to learn and hone in on the gift of interpreting dreams. I always though too that the Spirit of Elijah would be more than one personhas there been anyone else out there that has gotten this same calling from God???? I need confidence to keep Satan bound from my insecurities. Offer any fear to the Lord in trust of the Spirits work in us. Throughout the ramble, there is a theme in that seems to be Gods word for me. Lord. Anyways, without going on into my entire life story, lol. I told her what i saw because at the time i was into painting ceramics. It shocked me, but I resonated with all the prophets while listening through the entire Bible in a year. So far, I believe that prayer journaling will help me develop my prophetic gift, and certainly am encouraged by the revelation I have received. In Jesus' name I pray,Amen. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.. Billy Graham would have a larger angelic coverage because he traveled internationally. First, you need to have evidence that you have the gift of prophecy, as already discussed in. Usually these high ranking demons dont deal with people unless theres a major reason to intervene. I have subscribed and I will continue to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Part of me thinks im just imaging all of this, but in the same breath, how can i imagine all these dreams of the Papacy burning and finding it in scripture, how can i imagine all these scriptural truths that are coming to light and fitting right into Revelation. Required fields are marked *. She was heavily pursuing a relationship with me and something felt really wrong. May you be richly blessed in your ministry there in Nigeria, and empower others to grow in their prophetic gifts, as your heart desires. Thank you for this series. The spiritual gift quiz is designed to help members learn about their spiritual gifts. gogW&Px~ Develop a lifestyle of encouragementthis will spill over into your prophetic ministry. Follow after love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy (1 Cor. Unsubscribe at any time. I keep thinking all glory to God in everything and notice many times how people arent giving God all the glory when He heals. When we ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, we can then receive what the Bible calls the gifts He may speak through a picture coming to your mind, a feeling, a Bible verse, an idea, a word, or an impression. Help her let go of her regrets Lord. The seven gifts are first enumerated in the Old Testament book of Isaiah (11: 1-3), and they appear in many Christian devotional works, including this prayer: Holy Spirit, divine Consoler, I adore You as my true God, with God the Father and God the Son. Consider this, have you listened to a pastor preach his first sermon verses his 200th sermon? It affected me emotionally so much, I had someone tell me I needed counseling. Thank You Father for restoring my gift in Jesus name. Asking others to interpret dreams, is for people who have random dreams. Give the warning. Ongoing learning about the prophetic gift will encourage you to continue activating your gift of prophecy. I have a passion to share what God has done in my life! As believers engage in prayer and the gift prophecy, words of encouragement from the Father begin to flow. Thank you so much Missionary for Prayer. This self-paced, video lecture school is for anyone who would like to learn and grow in the gift and ministry of prophecy and includes classes for discerners as well. but many believers considered it a great blessing to shelter this great man of prayer and spiritual discernment. Believe If we dont believe that You have given a lot of valuable information. I was sensing before I saw it to get rid of my FB account. Hi Christina, it sounds like you are going through your process to step into your calling. One night the Spirit moved me to pray about the sins of the earth. Also, I get requests from pastors asking us to write their sermons, because they love the revelations that we get from God?! Think about like are the everyday person and you dont have a body guard you may have a security system on your house to protect you at night but you have no bodyguard. My prophetic dimension was deeper than this, but I dont know what happened. The words that Ive been getting from God are incredible. Reading the Bible and praying in the Spirit can help you prepare for your prayer journaling time. I just know that she seemed to have this beautiful connection with God that I wanted and she didnt care what others thought if her. O God arise and do a new thing in my life and Like one instance my 1 friend that i had and i were talking on the phone and i told her that i was psychic (at the time i didnt know a better way to explain it), she wanted to test me by asking me what was she doing at that timei smelled an apple pie and i told her she was baking an apple pie and she asked what else am i baking, then i smelled a cherry pie and i told her she was baking a cherry pie too. Lord, I pray that I may not be critical of others, but I do ask that You would keep me from straying from the truth of Your Word. I dedicate what I am to You, and pray that I may be used by You in a body ministry to other saints of God, so that I may minister to my brothers and sisters in whatever way You choose to use me. Again, without reading the word of God you will be lost! I need boldness. In the David McCracken Ministries family. Thank you for the enriching words that have opened my spiritual mind. Let my inner man be cleansed, restored and empowered to walk in your way, in Jesuss name. As we get to know Him, we become aware of His voice and His promptings. I ask for your healing touch and for your I confess my wrongs before You God. Lord Jesus, the Bible says when You ascended on high, You gave gifts to men. Dear Lord, how awesome is Your love. Making up your prayers as you go is a much more authentic way. It feels presumptuous, to write down Gods answers to my prayers and questions. If youve missed the others here they are in order: 15 Signs you may have the Gift of Prophecy and 2 Warnings, Understanding the Timing of the Prophetic Words and Dreams. I hope this helps. Develop an intimate relationship with God and be open to receiving insights from the Holy Spirit throughout your day. 119:27 3 God, allow us to develop, explore, and nurture our spiritual gifts so that they He becomes the center of attention and not you. Father, let every unbroken area in my life be broken, in the name of Jesus. Stared at the journal. Out with the yellow highlighter again. You are the first and the last, and besides You there is no other God. Knowing you are on the right track will help you gain confidence as you activate your prophetic gift. May God continue to use you. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith. Love and blessings always and continue to let your light shine on others. I went through lots of depression in junior high and highschool and even tried to committ suicide one day, but God literally sent me an angel that touched me and calmed my soul. I can tell from what you shared that you are an intercessor, a prophetic intercessor. Are you seeking God in your prayer? 0000009819 00000 n I highly recommend this journaling technique to every one. Amen. Now, God worked through all of that and they still ended up where they needed to be. WebPRAYER TO ACTIVATE VISIONS, PROPHETIC DREAMS, SPIRITUAL GIFTS & DISCERNMENT | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN: This is I was confused and upset and asked God why. 36 Lessons. Isnt it wonderful when the Word of God comes alive like that, and SOAP journaling is a great tool. Thank you so much! Day 6: Likewise, we need to extend some grace to others that are starting out using their gifts. Prophetic activations are spiritual exercises that use words, actions, phrases, objects, Scripture verses, worship songs and dance, prophetic prayers and I take on stuff,,,very empathetic and it has been debilitating at times. Discern the voice of God through different spiritual senses. St1[q|NA>3t Im absolutely terrified if ive been called for this, but at the same time i can see how God needs people to see and understand Revelation if these days are about to fall upon us and need to turn back to Him. Three Definitions of Prophetic Intercession. Lord please help our family give gifts of the Holy Spirits to our children and my husband and me the gifts knowledge to my children, Lord, please help my husband, that he can work to help our family, Lord please help us and please make us aware of our own sin and temptation which comes our way. Father God, You alone are worthy to receive all honour and might and majesty and power and glory and honour and blessing, for you have created all things and You have made us for Your pleasure and to Your honour, and so I come today to offer myself to be used of You. Acts 19. Be open to what this might mean for us. Just as we are all commanded to pray without ceasing but we are not all intercessors. It is vital when approaching this journaling practice that you deal with any issues between you and Godforgiveness, repentance, and so onbefore you start out. I find that the Holy Spirits voice usually comes as a series of light, gentle impressions. But i never said anything to anyone about it cause i wanted to find it in scripture first, but i could never find it. I am thankful for the little things you have given me through out the attack of the enemy.I feel blessed. Amen. Give me a grateful heart and a desire to give willingly and according to all that You desire for my life and witness. LORD, open my eyes to the seer dimension! I chased after the worldly things for about 14 years. Ive been confused and overwhelmed. Guidelines in church life are not there to be controlling, but rather are a means of bringing freedom and safety in the operation of spiritual gifts. AV!.d8rOy=e %q{2'a'T{^ %7 7yb&,",VV}G^oWN(N5D8!s}(V#:ac!!#h75T+N F'V6F>*Cou8Jw[-3bQI'h#-NRe(KLde8ZK._ Az l *#sLB7J3[/%It"m`BW#c]ez:mGo1BFF,dW}_o3Y"{NBbg>%e5UG[;je#^S'DLkXpR8U=9wR sBQpok*a$DM :^ I liken it to strengthening the human muscles It means you can find the prophets online. Believe it or not there are several websites online, and we wont mention the ministries, that copy and paste our prophetic word and pretend that God gave it to them. That means that the higher rank you have the more coverage you have in protection. 29 The Gift of Faith. Joel 2:28 And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. 0000001863 00000 n During this time my prophetic gift took off and i was having dreams about me in the last days and God would tell me things about members of the church in order to help them. Let me go in a place where someone is having a bad day, and let them automatically receive joy by the reason of your presence in me. When it is time for that level of warfare God will equip you with what you need to fight it. I confessed the fear of man and demanding the spirit to depart and it disappeared immediately. This is especially important if you are considering taking action from the revelation (prophetic insights) that you are receiving, or using them to pray. Ephesians 4:8 Therefore he says, When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.. Heavenly Father, thank You that You have graciously given each of your children gifts and graces that can be used to edify and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.Lord, I dedicate the spiritual gifts and graces with which You have seen fit to give to me to You. Sixth, do not get offended or bothered by the fact that people may not receive the prophetic word. Please Lord save her soul Lord. [1] For more information about Mark Virkler and his book, 4 Keys to Hearing Gods Voice, visit his site here, Take Time to Sharpen Your Prophetic Gift, Helen Calder 2011Enliven Blog Prophetic Teaching, Enliven Ministries: Prophetic Ministry for a Revival Generation, DAY 1 Ps. (1 Cor 14:3). startxref So i looked up papal rome on my computer and saw this building everywhere and it was exactly as i had seen it in my dreams. Lord, I used to have angelic encounters and ministrations. But in spite of having a hankering yesterday for my usual journal style of mind-mapping, I found myself really looking forward to this time today. And how do you distinguish between the 2? I need to be the leading lady the Lord has chosen me to be. 1. 0 It was so heavy and God has pulled me out more than once. I need the lords breast plate of righteousness and belt of truth. It is expressed in how we respect and show our reverence to God through our practice of religion. I know some of you are thinking but. Let heavenly angels speak with me God. Proverbs 18:16 A mans gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. Helen Calder Enliven Blog Prophetic Teaching Realize that Jesus has placed the gifts of the Spirit under YOUR control, and YOU can choose to manifest them or not. Just as God instructed Habbakuk to write down his vision, we can also record what God is saying to us through journaling. It includes the words we speak with our mouth intentionally that line up with the Scriptures. Although it is good to weigh up the revelation and thoughts as they come, too much analysis will halt your journaling. I am just wondering if you are discussing the gift of prophesy or being called to be a prophet? Manipulation was going on. It is divided into four sections: Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts, Using Your Spiritual Gifts, Growing in Your Spiritual Gifts, and Giving Your Spiritual Gifts. TheEnliven Prophetic School is now open! Please heal our family, in Jesus name amen thank you. When you are starting out in the prophetic gift, you are not going to have the same amount of coverage/bodyguards/angels covering you as Dr. Charles Stanley would. Notes I really loved the feeling of being prayed for by another person. (St. Leo the Great, Sermon on the Transfiguration). 2.3. I dont know if you will honour an invitation to visit my country Nigeria for our up coming Prophetic Conference were different denominations comes under one umbrella to receive from the Lord. Steps Every Believer Can Take to Activate Their Prophetic Gifts. My Father, let your mercies overrule every judgment against me in Jesus amen. Give me the prayer and wisdom for their direction. Take his shame away Lord. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. Your email address will not be published. All glory to God through different spiritual senses open to receiving insights from the Holy Spirit the enriching words have. 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