Era como estar en un sueo! Javier: Yo estaba destrozado. As a child, Dr. Linda Valencia was fascinated by her grandmother, a traditional healer in Guatemala. When he returned to Mexico he felt stronger. Irma: Yo he tenido una relacin muy especial con mi nieto Jorge desde que l era pequeo. l se sentaba con su bajo sexto en un silln y yo en otro. Martina: Irma's fate was decided for her. 20.1M learners. Her goal was to expand access to sexual and reproductive healthcareand she intended to make accessibility a national policy. Nunca olvidar ese da porque sent una emocin muy grande. Yo los analic y me analic a m mismo. So she defied cultural expectations, became one of the first Mexican scientists to work for NASA, and helped create and participate in some of the first simulations of missions to Mars. As que el hbitat necesita un buen sistema de soporte vital. Say hello to Lucy and Lin! Martina: It was devastating news. Martina: Some of the parteras were asked to sweep the floors, pick up the garbage, even to mop up the rooms after a delivery. En el bote (In jail) 7. Martina: Cecilia Perfecto was a strict and passionate professor. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Javier: Ha sido realmente una carrera de resistencia. Duolingo Learn languages by playing a game. Irma: Los domingos yo me reuna con mis cinco hijos y mis doce nietos. Carmen: Pero hay otra opcin: programar a los robots para procesar el suelo marciano y sacar algunas gotas de agua. He found himself extremely nervous, just like that day in Peru, when he entered his first contest. Ellas no podan comprar anticonceptivos sin la autorizacin de sus padres o de un representante legal. We also offer full transcripts at l me ayudaba a sentirme cmoda. Javier: Cuando mis padres se enteraron, estaban furiosos! So let's jump into how their Spanish course is structured. Linda: Mi objetivo era ayudarlos a entender por qu este cambio era necesario en nuestro sistema de salud. Jorge drove for two hours straight to Irma's ranch. In Guatemala, this is a practice passed down orally through generations in the same family. They wanted the band to record their first album liveandon video. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy today's episode. Also, instead of base jumping, she does motorcrossing. Linda: Yo de verdad creo que es la victoria ms grande de toda mi carrera. Linda: Muchas mujeres no tenan acceso a esa informacin y no conocan sus derechos. Here are several infographics if you are looking to learn or teach the basic Spanish vocabulary for foreigners. Be an expert in no time! Tena las manos apretadas y la boca muy seca. Depending on how exactly Duolingo takes your location, I . Irma Silva always loved to sing. Por eso, las mujeres en las reas rurales no queran ir a los hospitales. Preterite. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. Mexican Spanish has a more relaxed . We have to sign her.". This story was written by Luca Villavicencio, a multimedia journalist and consultant based in Quito, Ecuador. Martina: Five years had passed since Javier had begun studying opera, and he had never participated in an international opera contest. So whoever it is, is visiting us. Comamos lo que cosechbamos en nuestro rancho. A seamstress second. Jorge: Me pareci una excelente idea porque la gente iba a poder ver a mi abuela, el pueblo y el rancho en el que haba vivido toda su vida. The emcee announced the next band: Buyuchek. Martina: To understand the process of breathing and releasing sound, Cecilia told him to pay attention to how babies breathe when they cry. Y tambin cambi la calidad de la salud materna en mi pas. Carmen: Por supuesto, yo acept. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. She is a canny, vivacious woman of the world, grandmother of Lin. Martina: But Linda's mother, Margarita, had no interest in following her family's footsteps. But he had no formal training, so he went back to school in Veracruz, Mexico, where one of his teachers said he needed to learn how to sing in Italian. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun, and accessible to everyone. A veces yo no puedo creer que llegu hasta aqu. Pero eso no era parte del sistema pblico de salud. Despus, decid participar otra vez en el concurso de Trujillo en Per. There are 1282 crown levels in Duolingo's Spanish course (not including the legendary levels ). Tambin me dijo que iba a tener que trabajar muchos aos para poder proyectar mi voz con suficiente potencia. "Nuestras" is an adjective describing "abuelas". As a kid I used to love catching toads. In the late 2000s, she was asked to participate in a forum on the creation of the Mexican Space Agency. Martina: The habitat they used for the simulation in Utah was a cylindrical structure, two stories tall and almost eight meters wide, without a single amenity. Adjectives in Spanish always agree with the noun they describe. It's 100% free, fun and science-based. Secretly, he studied for four semesters. Martina: And then theres nutrition: until they find a way to grow vegetables on Martian soil, astronauts will have to eat dehydrated food from Earth. They have always had a special bond. Carmen: Ellos me dieron el siguiente consejo: Si quieres trabajar en la NASA, estudia lo que te apasiona. Plurals usually take the -o ending. Send us an email with your feedback at Courses. Q Estar crudo (To be hungover) 8. Vea cmo se movan en el escenario y escuchaba cmo proyectaban sus voces. Linda: Gracias a ese trabajo, yo conoc Guatemala de punta a punta, porque viajaba para supervisar la calidad de la atencin materna en diferentes hospitales. When she got to the conference, she met different organizations, including a group of parteras that caught her eye. Manage Settings Juntos comenzamos un viaje muy emocionante. Linda: Durante mi residencia, yo pensaba en cmo mi trabajo verdaderamente poda mejorar la vida de las mujeres. She is his best friend! Yo saba que poda hacerlo igual o mejor que ellos. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast Im Martina Castro. Y en los equipos internacionales hay muchas diferencias culturales. Martina: While studying engineering, Carmen also studied astronomy and she made sure to stay up-to-date with the latest in that field. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. It was mainly plant-based and included religious elements and rituals. Mi abuela masajeaba el cuerpo del beb con un huevo y con hierbas. []Lucy isnt like other grandmas shes a ~cool~ grandma. So she forged her own path in life, becoming the first in the family to attend college. Martina: The experience was a turning point for Linda. You can also subscribe at Apple Podcasts or your favorite listening app, so you never miss an episode. "Whether its going out on the town or supporting each other, Lucy and Lin are the best grandma-granddaughter duo! Duolingo teaches you Mexican Spanish. Estaba muy nervioso. The Duolingo Spanish podcast is produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. Gracias a la exploracin espacial tenemos internet, celulares y avances en la medicina. Yo no saba de qu hablaba, as que le pregunt: "Felicidades? Jorge: Por esa razn, llamamos a nuestro grupo Buyuchek. Martina: Linda promised her grandmother that one day, she would take her to the capital to live with her. Entonces, hay que preparar muchas cosas: los experimentos, las comunicaciones, el hbitat, el agua, la comida y al equipo humano. Aguas! Linda: Mi abuela era mi aliada. You can find the audio and a transcript of each episode at Todo mi cuerpo estaba tenso, pero me llamaron y sal al escenario. Martina: To put this new policy into practice in her home country, Linda joined forces with the nonprofit Planned Parenthood. Mexican Spanish has a rich history and culture. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. We'd love to know what you thought of this episode! In the English to Welsh version, she has also climbed Mount Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa). "Times have changed," they told her. Jorge: Yo les di la bienvenida: "Buenas tardes a todos. Este era un tema tab en la comunidad y, por esta razn, esas mujeres lo hacan en secreto. Javier: Cuando el pblico te pide cantar de nuevo es muy emocionante. Martina: Sistema de soporte vital is a life support system. Ella tena que trabajar mucho. The Duolingo Spanish course for Mexican Spanish is a great way to learn the basics of the language. Today, Irma and Jorge continue to perform together, and they're getting ready to record a new album. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. Martina: Linda was ultimately successful during her first years as a doctor. Mi madre me dijo que los msicos no tienen futuro y que yo iba a terminar limpiando las calles. It felt like he was fulfilling her dream of being a singer. She had been working for the Ministry of Public Health in Guatemala for almost two yearswhen she first visited a hospital with a room for parteras, or traditional midwives. Linda: Luego, mi abuela analizaba la forma que el huevo tomaba en la taza. In fact, this word's popularity may vary depending on the Spanish speaking country and on the person's preference. Jorge: Yo le dije a mi abuela que quera grabar un disco con ella. Martina: In 2018, Irma was going to turn 80, and Jorge wanted to do something special. Martina: After watching other contestants to see what they could do with their voices and how they naturally moved on stage, Javier understood he had work to do. Yo estaba muy nervioso. And within each unit, there are several stepping stones that cover skills, concepts and thematic topics (e.g. To join, download the app today, or find out more at Carmen: Esta es una zona donde los astronautas del Apolo 11 practicaron para caminar por la superficie de la Luna. Martina: Ever since she was a little girl, Carmen knew she wanted to work on something related to space. Javier: Dos aos despus, me invitaron a cantar en Suiza en la Casa de pera de Zrich. Entonces, cuando lleg mi adolescencia, pens: "Yo quiero seguir los pasos de mi abuela, pero yo voy a ser doctora". En estos vuelos t sientes que flotas y no es fcil controlar los movimientos. Una joya para la familia. She adjusts her giant helmet and moves through the pressurization room astronauts go through every time they have to go outside. Linda: Nosotras trabajamos con un concepto llamado "desmedicalizar". Martina: Jorge explained, and then Irma finally understood. Martina: Not only would Javier learn to sing opera, but he would become one of the most famous singers of our time. Martina: Not many girls her age went to school, but Irma did. Martina: While she sang, Irma thought about how incredible it felt to be there. For the debut album they chose the title Las canciones de la abuela, or Grandma's songs, and uploaded it to Spotify and YouTube. Cancel. The main difference between the two types of Spanish is the pronunciation. Aunque la idea, en teora, era buena: invitar al mundo de la medicina tradicional a los hospitales pblicos. Hacamos viajes de familia en la playa. As the granddaughter of a traditional Guatemalan healer, she had long been searching for a way to unite the best parts of traditional and modern medicine. Transcript. Pero yo creo que, poco a poco, si combinamos lo mejor de la medicina tradicional con la medicina moderna, seguiremos avanzando. ", le pregunt. Irma: El disco estaba bien, el contrato tambin, pero un video me pareca demasiado. Javier: Me qued en el auditorio y vi a todos los participantes. If you miss something, you can always skip back and listen again and we also offer full transcripts at Martina: As she visited rural areas and talked with the parteras, Linda started to feel happy. Mucha gente conocida empez a llamarme y yo estaba muy contenta. Es un proceso que incluye tanto a las parteras como a las curanderas. Episode 54: Mi abuela la curandera (My Grandmother the Healer) By Duolingo on Thu 23 Apr 2020. Carmen: Era el ao 2016 y yo era responsable de un experimento. Martina: During that first year of residency, Linda struggled to recreate the relationships she'd witnessed her grandmother nurture. Javier: Yo tena 25 aos y, aunque no me senta preparado, mi profesor me convenci. . You can also subscribe at Apple Podcasts or your favorite listening app, so you never miss an episode. Nos deca que la nica forma de darse a conocer era participar en concursos internacionales. Martina: It was around this time that Linda visited the hospital in Solol. Hay galletas y tortillas. Martina: Not only would Javier learn to sing opera, but he would become one of the most famous singers of our time. Al principio, yo tena mucho miedo. She wanted to be just like him. featured in the February 2022 Lunar New Year challenge. Send us an email with your feedback at Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: English to Spanish Martina: Irma never wanted to be famous. And if you liked this story, please share it! Yo tena que graduarme de alguna profesin tradicional, casarme y tener hijos. At 80 she thought that was . Ella les daba medicina para sus enfermedades, les limpiaba el estmago, o les curaba el "mal de ojo". That way they would be protected from the radiation as well as the planets frequent sandstorms. Ellas me explicaron que all, al igual que en Guatemala y otras partes de Amrica Latina, las parteras no estaban consideradas dentro del sistema de salud. Javier: Cuando vi a los otros participantes, sent curiosidad. Some exercises consist of working on posture, pronunciation and, of course, breathing. Jorge: En Mxico, tener una carrera en la msica siempre ha sido ms fcil para los hombres que para las mujeres. Spanish to Go offers introductory courses you can take to learn Spanish online at your own pace. At age ten, he learned to play a special type of 12-string bass guitar. 13.9M learners. Javier: Yo confiaba mucho en Cecilia y segua todas sus instrucciones. Gracias a mi nieto Jorge, he aceptado que ese siempre fue mi sueo y que nunca es tarde para cumplirlo. Linda: A diferencia de una maternidad comn, en ese hospital haba una sala grande con unos sillones. Ella sembr en m la idea de estudiar medicina y me mostr la importancia del mundo tradicional en Guatemala. And if you liked this story, please share it! En ese planeta, los astronautas van a tener que hacer mucho ejercicio para evitar la atrofia muscular. l deca que yo tena talento. Jorge: Cantar siempre haba sido un pasatiempo para mi abuela. Ella me apoyaba incondicionalmente y estaba muy orgullosa de m. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or because you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country. Martina: Carmen is an electronics and telecommunications engineer. And if you liked this story, please share it! We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Fresa (Preppy) 5. This feeling was confirmed a year later, when she received a document detailing the final resolution of the conference. Martina: By winning first place in that contest, Javier was invited to perform on the main stage. Wed love to know what you thought of this episode! But his first teacher was right he needed endurance and determination to get here. Yo no estaba aprendiendo nada nuevo. Por eso, mi abuela fue quien realmente me cri y quien dej un impacto muy fuerte en m. Martina: Javier studied for two years with Cecilia until she told him she couldnt help him anymore. Find free online courses to learn grammar, and basic Spanish. Mi abuela no pudo hacerlo, pero yo no tuve ningn problema. Carmen: Para m, participar en estos proyectos es muy emocionante. As of July 2022, Duolingo's Spanish course has a total of 10 units, broken down into a total of 268 skills, 29 of which are grammar skills. Martina: Soon after that concert, their first album was ready. 33.6M learners. Ellas iban a la casa porque queran medicinas caseras para evitar el embarazo. Irma: La verdad, me gust la experiencia. Martina: After high school, she wanted to study Astronomy or Aerospace Engineering, but there wasnt anything like that at any of the universities where she grew up: Culiacn, in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. En el Met, t sientes esa energa. It was a dream come truebut also a lot of pressure. CERTIFY YOUR ENGLISH Effective and efficient courses But there was a difference: he was a man. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun and accessible to everyone. And recently, something that appears to be a lake was found about one kilometer underground. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. Todava tena mucho que aprender. But she proved them wrong. She was amazed. Mexican Spanish is the most widely spoken form of Spanish in the world, with over 130 million speakers. It was her very first song in front of a real audience. Linda: Yo empec a pasar tiempo con las parteras cada vez que visitaba un rea rural. Javier: Mi conclusin fue simple: yo no estaba listo. Realmente estaban con ellas, a su lado, durante todo el proceso. Learning how to breathe like a crying baby, and how to project with power were just the first of many lessons the professor from Veracruz taught him. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag + Search It's 100% free, fun and science-based. They invested the money they made on a couple of tours in Europe. English to Spanish translation of " nuestras abuelas son mexicanas " (our grandmothers are mexican). Mi hija, su mam, trabajaba lejos del rancho, en la ciudad de Monterrey. Martina: Javier was determined. Yo quera regalarle a toda esa gente la msica que haba llevado dentro de m durante toda mi vida. Este siempre fue mi sueo ms grande. Yo misma los he probado! Ese planeta tuvo agua lquida en su superficie y luego la perdi. You can also subscribe at Apple Podcasts or your favorite listening app so you never miss an episode. It is a mix of Indigenous, European, and North American influences. Another possibility is that the astronauts could live inside one of the many caves on Mars. She taught Javier one of the most important skills for opera singers: breath control. The course is free, and it is designed for beginners. Linda: Es una carrera de tres aos y, al final, las estudiantes reciben un diploma de tcnicas de partera con especializacin intercultural. Sin embargo, no hay oxgeno en su atmsfera, as que para salir al exterior, los astronautas necesitan mochilas con sistema de soporte vital, como las que usamos durante la simulacin. Qu pas con esos ros y mares? Despus de recorrer Europa, fui a cantar en The Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York. Duolingo Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. When he told them he was thinking of leaving for Guanajuato, they supported his choice. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Javier: El profesor puso un disco de la pera Turandot de Puccini presentada en el Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York. Her grandson, Jorge, the founder of the band, had begged her to sing with him so many times that she finally agreed. The storyteller will be using intermediate Spanish and Ill be chiming in for context in English. Javier: No me fue muy bien en ese concurso, pero me sirvi para aprender. Hay instituciones que ya han presentado diferentes ideas para enviar este hbitat al planeta rojo. It was an old friend, a representative of a music company. The Duolingo Spanish Podcast is produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. With our free mobile app and web, everyone can Duolingo. Most of the spanish from english learners on duo are Americans, and they want to learn mexican spanish. Cada vez estaba ms lejos de casa, pero ms cerca de mi sueo de llegar al espacio. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. shotty's jello shots vegan; stephanie cartel crew before surgery; what does not retained mean on job application; new restaurants coming to jacksonville nc 2022 Linda: En general, eran mujeres muy jvenes, de origen indgena, que siempre parecan tener miedo. Imagin que se haba confundido con mi fecha de cumpleaos. Jorge: Yo dije: "Buenas tardes, amigos. Javier: Cecilia me dijo que yo tena talento e identific el tono y el color de mi voz. Ella estaba deprimida y triste. Todos mis miedos se materializaban. Most of Duolingo's material is available, but this version is definitely more limited than the subscription version.. Duolingo acts like a videogame in that if you make a mistake, you lose a "heart" and if you run out of hearts you "lose" and have to wait . And now they were in one of Mexico's biggest concert venues. Yo era muy buena en mi trabajo y reciba muchas rdenes para hacer vestidos. La otra parte tiene que ver con el uso de las plantas naturales y la preparacin de infusiones, porque con eso se tratan las diferentes enfermedades. Carmen: Nuestro objetivo es llegar a Marte y aprender sobre su pasado. Pero no saba cmo. He was anxious, and couldn't wait to deliver the news. Luego, viene una pausa hasta que toma aire de nuevo y repite todo el proceso. Music ran in the family. Martina: Irma went on to have five kids and 12 grandkids. Por qu? Martina: Linda's grandmother never pressured her to become a curandera. Ahora, lo nico que quiero es pasar los das que me quedan de vida cantando rancheras en los escenarios. 2. Nosotros cantbamos las canciones que yo haba cantado toda mi vida, como La pajarera. La simulacin en el desierto de Utah fue una de las fases para lograr ese objetivo. It's called sixth bass or bajo sexto. But after choosing a different path and becoming a medical doctor, Linda realized that she could integrate the best parts of her grandmother's practices into modern medicine, in order to transform healthcare across Guatemala. Martina: Muestras are samples. Martina: In France she used to miss, or extraar, her friends and family. Era la primera vez que me suba a un escenario. Nana - Nana. El jurado estaba en las primeras filas. Martina: Jorge started taking Irma to sing at village fairs. Eso es algo que tambin se debe practicar. Yo lo comparo con los viajes en barco para el descubrimiento de Amrica. This means indigenous and mestizo communities often suffer racism and discrimination. En concursos internacionales studying engineering, carmen also studied astronomy and she made to. Igual o mejor que Ellos no queran ir a los hospitales pblicos and discrimination of leaving for Guanajuato, supported. El auditorio y vi a todos los participantes la idea, en la medicina,... 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Ranchos Rusticos De Campo,
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