What I like. Craig Kemp is an educator, originally from New Zealand, who is based in Singapore. SA: 08 6500 7683 . Using the standards guide and evidence tools to help her. It can be really hard to get your teacher portfolio started. He has written articles for the New York Times and other top publications and has served on The Board of Directors for the Center for Teaching Quality and other institutions. She is a visiting assistant professor at Pratt Institute. Craigs portfolio home page is updated every day, and gives his colleagues access to a lot of chats and articles to help improve their teaching. The home page starts with a photo of Jos working at his school. Secretary 2013, Aquinas Student Association They want accreditation and registration to be about their students and how they can help them to grow. I experiment with and adapt ideas and love to incorporate ICT into my teaching. Don't stew. Lisa Nelson is a Director of Digital Engagement and Professional Learning. AAC Communication Partner & Advocate. The process of transitioning to full registration is built on an assumption of ongoing collegial guidance and professional discussions between the provisionally registered teacher and other teachers and administrators in the school/setting(s). Professional Placement Experience: St Thomas More Report Form. The information contained in my Proficient Teacher Portfolio explains the context of my teaching experiences over the course of my first three years of teaching, including a full year in upper primary, a full year of short term contract and relief teaching often in lower primary, and a full year within an education support urban high school. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. In this podcast, Kat shares her journey to nationally certified Highly Accomplished Teacher (HAT) Status. Just one click will get you where you want to go. This is my teaching portfolio, it is designed to meet the National Professional Standards for Teachers at a graduate level. I believe that positive reinforcement is essential in any classroom to create a supportive and safe environment. that I meet this standard by actively seeking out advice and feedback Template 1 - Application coversheet - contains high-level information about the program being submitted and is signed by the Dean or the Dean's representative. undertake a placement in the Solomon Islands. Finally, include three letters of recommendation from prominent people in your area, either a professor or mentor, a parent of a student, or the principal of a school where you taught. Angelas portfolio uses third-person throughout the website to showcase her accomplishments, which are many. You can adjust the . These standards are: Within these standards are 148 focus areas, divided across four career stages-Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead. Since there is no clickable menu in a hard copy, a table of contents is essential, so the employer can go to any section at a glance. The structure of this portfolio includes the background context of my teaching experiences, from both my university experiences and my diverse teaching roles since graduation, discusses my personal teaching philosophy and explores my growing capabilities as demonstrated against the AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the Teacher registration Before you can commence teaching, you'll need to hold teacher registration with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT). She got busy using Edufolios to turn stories of her practice into evidence posts; connecting what she was doing every day to the teaching standards. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY AITSL STANDARDS CONTACT Hello, and welcome to my digital teaching portfolio! As a graduate teacher, it is my responsibility to understand and apply the key principles and values described in the Code of Ethics for Teachers in Queensland. A professor at the University of Northern Colorado, Marc C. Santoss main interests includes research on rhetoric, ethics, critical and post-critical thinking, sophistry, new media, and gaming. Further information can be found at - https://www.graduatetpa.com/ Share Email by. Illustrations of these standards, as well as further details can also be found on the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) website. Graduate Standard 1. Education Foundations- Campbell Primary School- Tracey Crooks- Kindegarten.CPP1-Palmerston District Primary School- Camille Wise- Year 3/4.CPP2- Queanbeyan Public School- Elisa Trevathen- Year 4.CPP3- Queanbeyan Public School- Wendy Jolliffe-Year 1.CPP4- Kingsford Smith School- Bec Smith- Year 1/2. Ross McGill is the top influencer of education in the United Kingdom. General Committee Member 2014, Aquinas Student Association 03020E | Registered Training Organisation Code: 0275 | Institute of Higher Education . Aussie Star Resources. @ReneeTreml Hi I just wanted to let you know that my husband, myself and my baby sit down together every night to read 'Look, Baby.' This is a good example of an elementary teachers portfolio. With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you.And when things start to happen, don't worry. Angelas tagline, The Cornerstone for Teachers, makes it clear she offers practical support and resources. Transcripts, test scores, sample lesson plans, curriculum materials, journal entries, writing assignments, sample tests and assignments that you've developed, samples of student work that reflect differentiation. Evidence Items can be hyperlinked to other descriptors within the portfolio template. She focuses on language skills and is proficient in teaching Italian. She found school boring and wanted to do something to change it for others, so she became a public school educator. Items contained in a portfolio may be in print or audiovisual format. He is the Director of Curriculum, Training, and Research at Roompact, a company that provides educational software solutions for residential facilities in higher education. So weve created a list of amazing example teacher portfolios just for you! Evidence Set #1: Supporting colleagues to incorporate AAC and increase students literacy achievement, Evidence Set #2: Behaviour, Relationships and Expectations, Evidence Set #3: Jozefs Academic Progress, Evidence Set #4: Performance Managing, Mentoring and Supporting Colleagues, Evidence Set #5: Mentoring Pre-Service Teachers, Evidence Set #7: Supporting Students with High Health Needs, Observation 2-Line Manager: Classroom Practice Continuum, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Planning for simultaneous face to face teaching and remote learning during COVID-19, Four Components of Highly Structured Teaching, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. About 6 months ago from Katherine Zagotsis's Twitter via Twitter for Android. over time and to show how they meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APSTs). Graduate Teacher Scholarship Program Catholic Education - Diocese of Rockhampton Rockhampton QLD Graduate + 2 Graduate Teacher - Science (GTRI 101) new Education and Training Melbourne VIC +2 locations Graduate + 1 Graduate Teacher - English (GTRI 107) new Education and Training Melbourne VIC +4 locations Graduate + 1 Look 'em over with care. By Dr. Seuss. Its not only about English language learners, but about every aspect of classroom management and teaching. When lesson planning, I make direct mention of the AusVELS level and standards in addition to explicitly outlining the learning outcomes and success criteria. Evidence may be gathered across a number of schools/settings. It is necessary for the person reviewing the teacher's practice and making the recommendation for full registration (the Reviewer), such as a principal, to have adequate knowledge upon which to base their judgment. . Katherine Zagotsiss Edufolio by Katherine Zagotsis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The website also showcases other educators in a variety of fields, which is a good move, because it means visitors can regularly come back to get the latest updates in their field. Something, that if you focus on too, will really help you get impressive marks! An educator and life long learner, who believes all students can achieve. Visit us at edufolios.org! I plan to do so by incorporating a Bucket Filling strategy into the classroom. Craig is a consultant for many other schools that are switching to digital learning. The seven Standards are grouped into three domains of teaching - professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement. I never raise my voice, use put-downs or sarcasm as this is not conductive of a supportive and safe classroom. It is also a way to be critically reflective of ones own teaching. WA: 08 6500 7682. Gregory Tait has innovative views, and when you open his digital portfolio, youll see a short segment in which he talks about his views and supports his goals. Vickis bio is in the third person, but she comes in at the end to reach out personally to visitors, where she offers help and gives contact information. Mary, a kindergarten teacher from @sharingkindergarten, shared her portfolio on her blog. There is no one-size-fits-all design, but there are certain features they all need to have, which I will explain after the examples. An Evidence Set includes evidence items related to a general theme. Assessment is an essential tool to use when determining the progression of a student and a class as a whole, as well as determining future lessons and learning opportunities. We offer unique and rewarding professional development opportunities in a safe and flexible work environment with a focus on putting our people first. Its easy to navigate, and projects a warm, friendly atmosphere. The founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, Steve Hargadon also chairs or co-chairs several pioneering worldwide virtual events for teachers. I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences and journeythroughout myBachelor of Primary Education. You can find out more about why it's so great to work at Metro North here: https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/careers. However I know that when I set a goal or want to achieve something, I will make it happen.Apart from travelling, I love cooking and have considered integrating this into my teaching in the future as this is a great way to support healthy and positive attitudes towards food and eating, and encouraging positive lifestyles. In the Solomon Islands, I participated in a PD run by Dr Mellita Jones about the different ways students learn. It's such a lovely book for the end of the day. AITSL Professional Standards - Graduate Level, Professional Engagement - Standards 6 & 7, AITSL Professional Standards - Proficient Level, AITSL Professional Standards Evidence Map, 2015 - Short Term Contract and Relief (Full Time). Appearance is important. Our ready to go online portfolio has all the tools and support you'll need to create an amazing teacher portfolio for graduation or accreditation at any career stage. Reflectionist, Mentor and life-long learner. This page is part of the collection 'Professional Teaching Standards Portfolio'. What I like. She is passionate, dedicated and BOY is her impact infecticious! I explore my personal and ever-evolving teaching philosophy, and reflect upon my growing professional practice and knowledge as a student teacher. So, with kind permission of some of our awesome members, were excited to share these examples with you. Retrieved from http://www.aitsl.edu.au/australian-professional-standards-for-teachers/standards/list. He has given many talks as an advocate for teaching English as a second and third language. As a reader-supported resource for teachers, I may receive affiliate commissions for purchases made from this site at no additional cost to you. The author of nine books; he is currently working on a practical classroom book for science, social studies, and math teachers. These can be used by preservice teachers and registered teachers to evidence their knowledge, practice, and development at all career bands. The Rural and Remote Graduate Teaching Scholarship provides final year preservice teachers studying an initial teacher education program at an Australian university, a one-off financial incentive and an offer of permanent employment (subject to successful probation) to commence their teaching career in a high priority region of Central Jos Louis Vilson is a Math for America Master Teacher in New York who is well-known in the education field. where I volunteered in various schools, orphaneges and rubbish dump It gives the impression that hes focused on his work and not posing for the portfolio. 1 The University of Queensland uses Chalk and Wire as the enterprise ePortfolio solution. Evidence for Sensitivity to Children's Learning. The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) are summarised here under their three main headings, and listed below in more detail with my reflections and evidence for each. It is designed to reflect the Proficient Standards of the National Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL 2014). Gregory Tait has an academic background in philosophy and language, which is enhanced by his love of art, and music in particular. Please see my attached PDF files for further information on two programs that I ran: Tell Tales and a Science Mini Unit: Forces and a literature review on how phonics should be taught. I want to help students who need that extra support and patience in the classroom and I want them to feel acknowledged in their learning. He has won many awards and is a co-founder of Did You Know (Shift Happens) video series.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'mytechclassroom_com-netboard-1','ezslot_23',167,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mytechclassroom_com-netboard-1-0'); What I like. The contact page or contact information should be prominently placed and easy to find. What I like. To get started with your own teaching portfolio, there are a TON of both free and paid tools out there. 3.30.01 Teaching and Learning Roles and Responsibilities; 3.30.02 Course and Teacher Surveys; 3.30.03 Programs, Plans and Courses Quality Assurance Evidence of well planned and organised lesson. It is essential that educators plan lessons in an appropriate manner to create effective learning environments, in order for each student to achieve success in the classroom by reaching their individualised goal. He is the only classroom teacher to be featured as one of the top 500 Most Influential People in Britain. In these pages I will be reflecting and demonstrating how I am working towards reaching the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. My name is Alli lamond and I am on the home stretch to graduating from a degree in a Bachelor of Primary Education. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mytechclassroom_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',161,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mytechclassroom_com-leader-3-0');What I like. Some of the resumes above are very impressive and some are simple, but all of them show dedication to teaching. Feedback from peers, parents and students usually comes in the form of testimonials. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. A resume is important to tell visitors about your background, skills, and career objectives. The vibe is friendly and welcoming, and it makes the visitor want to look further into this teachers accomplishments. QLD: 07 3085 3668. I would also love to teach English in South East Asia and I would love to volunteer in South Africa, helping build schools and support the funding of resources, creating better access to education and health care systems. Please find the application form and guidelines here . Its clear that her aim is to aid other teachers, and her website makes it easy to access the programs she offers. See how to create a hard copy of your teaching portfolio.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'mytechclassroom_com-sky-3','ezslot_27',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mytechclassroom_com-sky-3-0'); Thats it! I am always considering what myself, my students, my support staff and my placement students are doing in the classroom. Do you recommend google sites as a good place to create an online portfolio? A digital portfolio can host authentic evidence of knowledge and practice through a collection of carefully selected or composed
You're right, it is a very low number. If you are attending an interview in person, a hard copy has an advantage, because you can use it to support whatever information you give. Shes now working towards Lead and the next chapter of her career. Evidence of Development of Teaching and Organisational Skills. If youre this established in the education field, you dont need a portfolio to present yourself to potential employers. . He expresses his concern about the negative impact fake news, data collection, and targeted advertising may have on society and conducts a critical examination of these issues. Give one or two examples of real plans, classes, or lessons you have given. It is essential that educators have a sound understanding of the content they are expected to teach in order to do so effectively. Reading passages is one of the most important things to focus on in 2nd, There are a lot of different sentence generators out there that offer a variety, 5th-grade reading fluency passages are a great place to start for students struggling with. Others may call me crazy for not focussing on one important thing which was my teaching degree. A Thank You Letter for a Solomon Islands Student. Larry is also a guest professor at the University of California at Davis. 1. Standard 1: Know students and how they learn. Over the course of my degree, I have travelled Europe and the UK twice, been to Fiji and I am going to New Zealand for Christmas this year. I am currently still employed at this high school in 2019, and have been given permanency. Professional and theoretical experiences throughout my teaching degree will be discussed and focused on throughout this portfolio. . If they are from prominent people, so much the better. She shows her personal interests, along with her professional achievements, which makes for a very attractive and interesting portfolio. Preparing your folder for review/evaluation can feel like a daunting task. She is also a post-graduate in English for Speakers of Other Languages.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mytechclassroom_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',159,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mytechclassroom_com-banner-1-0'); What I like. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ben Pettis informs visitors to his website that it is a work in progress. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. All students prior to graduating from an initial teacher education (ITE) program must pass the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE). I believe you are something of an expert on the subject. What she wrote about in her evidence sets and what she would do differently if she had to do it all again! This provides flexibility for teachers who are not in full-time employment, or teachers who move across locations, to demonstrate attainment of the standards. reports on observed teaching by a mentor/experienced teacher/principal or their nominee, examples of planning/teaching/learning/assessing/reporting that have been annotated to demonstrate links with the Standards, involvement in collegial and collaborative teaching activities. Kat shares her journey to nationally certified Highly Accomplished Teacher. The introduction is written in third person, which gives the impression of an endorsement. Steves tagline is The Learning Revolution Has Begun. This immediately tells the visitor that what they will find in this portfolio will be innovative. But take note: the tone is humble, and he expresses happiness at helping others while he continues to learn. A classroom is made up from a collection of students from diverse backgrounds and capabilities. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose.You're on your own. It contains your education and job experience. A PDF document also retains formatting, so you can be sure the potential employer is seeing all your carefully chosen fonts and well-placed photographs or graphics. Your resume will give the facts about your background, skills, and career objectives. Congratulations!Today is your day. The seven standards are: 1. A Thank You Card from my St Thomas More Placement Graduate Teacher Jobs in All Brisbane QLD - Oct 2022 | SEEK All work types paying $0 to $350k+ listed any time 358 jobs Sorted by relevance Receive new jobs for this search by email Create alert Primary Teacher Calvary Christian College Featured Springwood, Brisbane QLD Education & Training Teaching - Primary Full-Time 2023 Contract Constant roaming of the classroom is essential, especially with the use of technologies within the classroom. About AFSA. The department's Beginning teacher learning suite is designed to help preservice, beginning and early career teachers: navigate the first years of their teaching journey develop their capability, confidence and classroom readiness start collecting the evidence they need to move to full registration with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT). The Graduate Teacher survey (Round 3) used for data collection was an iteration of the Graduate Teacher Survey Round 1 (March-April 2012) and Round 2 (October 2012). Designed to help you move from confused to inspired, were sure that these example teacher portfolios will kick start you into action! Analyses a task using a systematic method selected from a range of approaches. An online teaching portfolio is an incredibly valuable tool for any teacher to showcase their accomplishments.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mytechclassroom_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mytechclassroom_com-medrectangle-3-0'); You may have heard of an artists portfolioor even a Shakespeare foliobut you might wonder what could be found in a teaching portfolio. All you need to do is just copy and paste this code into an HTML editor: . Graduate Standard 5.Professional Practice, Assess, Provide Feedback and Report on Student Learning, Graduate Standard 6. Im finding this a very empowering way to identify my strengths and to clearly see my areas for growth. This is a good model for teachers who are consultants, because it showcases his abilities and accomplishments while making his advice and help available to other institutions. Each one has moved away from the stress of the site building and hoop-jumping paperwork towards learning how to use the teaching standards to see the real impact they are making every single day. Teachers of literature and language face tons of homework every day. I am an elementary school teacher and the lucky mom of two little kids. An ePortfolio has the potential to demonstrate professional and personal growth, exemplify evidence-based practice and provide a planning space for future professional development needs and experiences. Professional Knowledge, Know Students and How They Learn, Graduate Standard 2. Secondary Specialist in Chemistry and Biology. It is paramount that all students feel safe and valued within the classroom environment. If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below one of my posts, Id love to hear from you. For example, for the school year starting 1 January 2020, a newly graduated teacher in Victoria would have earned $72,058 and in Queensland they would have earned $73,629. Jos is one of the GOOD Inc. 100 leaders changing their world. She has participated in many exhibitions and performances in art and history and fights for equal rights to higher education for lower-income families.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'mytechclassroom_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mytechclassroom_com-leader-2-0'); What I like. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The tagline says it all: Technology, Leadership, and the Future of Schools. Of all the examples on this list, this is the only one that provides direct contact, offering a portal for leaving Scott a voicemail. Before you begin, you should decide how you want to present yourself, then make a list of all the important points that support who you are as an educator. This portfolio is not in a format you might expect. It is engagingly written, and actually makes you want to visit again to see how he is doing. I believe it is extremely important to. I know! Graduate Standard 4. 3. Professional Placement Experience Report Form: Users can easily upload their evidence items according to the Standard and descriptor that it best aligns or if using the
Tune in to hear about how she decided to go for Lead over HA. Whether it is cultural, religious or different family structure, these elements create diversity in the classroom. Each drawing reflects various ideas using symbols, lines and colours which I designed. A teaching philosophy statement is essential to introduce yourself. It has a lot of good information, and offers those ideas to teachers. transform their understanding of their practice, they have been able to confidently create evidence, Help With Teacher Accreditation The Reflective Teacher Podcast, [Guide] How to Use the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, [Guide] Teacher Professional Development Requirements By State and Territory, [Guide] Full Registration (Proficiency) By State and Territory, [Guide] Teacher Mentoring for H.A. For example, you may have won an award for your podcast or as Best Middle School Science Teacher in your state. There The National Standards describe the knowledge and skills of a teacher at four career stages - Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead. Graduate portal Graduate portal Connect to graduate and student opportunities with Queensland Government. , Having recently completed the Evidence Engine with us, she is now well on her way to Highly Accomplished and we cant wait to celebrate this amazing milestone with her in the very near future . He clearly expresses his trepidation in his first college teaching job, and how much it taught him about the diversity of student goals and himself.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mytechclassroom_com-leader-1','ezslot_14',160,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mytechclassroom_com-leader-1-0'); What I like. I believe that regardless of background, that fundamentally all students are capable of growth (socially, emotionally and cognitively). What I like. About Me The website is easy to navigate, and the hot topics are easy to see. A range of templates have been created to offer users a choice and are available for use on both Windows and iOS devices. I like the way Dr. Brown approaches teaching as a privilege. audience including mentors, supervising teachers, university staff or school leaders, assisting in capturing the collaborative
When you wander through it, youll see why. Sector. This knowledge has allowed me the opportunity to successfully and appropriately select content in all subject areas. I have worked extensively in the field of ICT and in Inquiry learning in Library spaces. I drew them as an outlet and expressions of some of the thoughts I was working though while on placement. Users can choose to upload evidence items according to specific descriptors and alignment to other descriptors can be included within annotations as well as identified within an Evidence Map or table. Paul Gordon Brown Dr. Paul Gordon Brown is an independent speaker and consultant and has headlined conferences from Canada to Dubai on how education and technology intersect on various platforms. He is a leader in school technology and speaks all over the country on innovative education. Work 38 hours a week (Mon to Fri) and maintain your work life balance. While the home page is all about Rosss achievements and they are impressive the site also gives practical advice and help for teachers. Dr. Browns teaching philosophy is the first thing you see on his educator page, and you can tell that hes passionate about it. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.You'll look up and down streets. I believe that regardless of background . When I left college, I wasnt ready to begin studying as I wasnt quite sure where my passion was and what I wanted to become however I knew I wanted to study and earn myself a career. We all know the importance of a good model to guide us as we tackle new learning. General Committee Member 2012, Aquinas Student Association I chose teaching because I want to make a difference in people's lives and encourage positive attiudes and lifestyles. This website has been developed to allow educators to reflect on their practice against aitsls Professional Standards for Teachers. Sara, Ive added some additional information about portfolios in PDF format to the article. This portfolio is straightforward and easy to navigate. An award-winning educational blogger, Vicki Davis aims to empower students and teachers to use technology to connect with the world. The founder and Director of the National professional Standards for teachers i believe are! A Thank you Letter for a Solomon Islands Student on innovative education really help get. Portfolio, it is also a guest professor at the University of California at Davis Set includes items! Jones about the different ways students learn incorporate ICT into my teaching portfolio, are. We tackle New Learning outlet and expressions of some of the thoughts i was though. Resumes above are very impressive and some are simple, but all of show... Shes now working towards Lead and the lucky mom of two little kids folder for review/evaluation feel! 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