-Start the game This will restore the default bf3 settings.and it might fix your problem Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Screenshot comparisons are provided where relevant to highlight the impact on image quality of changing these settings. Minimum: GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB RAM Medium = "good performance": Most important visual features enabled High = "what the game is designed for": All major features on except MSAA (if you have DX11. Master: This slider is the master volume control, affecting the level of sound effects and spoken dialog. The graph above demonstrates that Motion Blur has a relatively minor impact on performance. Updated: December 6th, 2011. Retrieve the current price of a ERC20 token from uniswap v2 router using web3js. At the Low setting, 150MB is allocated to the texture pool; Medium = 200MB; High = 300MB; and Ultra = 500MB. If you have a powerful processor, you can try higher values to improve FPS but responsiveness will decrease. If necessary experiment with your in-game settings until you see a reduction in such spikes. Ambient Occlusion: Ambient Occlusion is a technique used to create more realistic shadowing from ambient lighting, and is described in more detail in this guide . The difference between 8x and 16x AF is difficult to see here, but may be more noticeable when in motion during gameplay. However less than 100 of these CVARS are unlocked, and fewer still have any impact on the multiplayer component of BF3. What is not as noticeable in these particular screenshots is that at Medium and above, particle effects can create shadows beneath them. Enabling VSync removes tearing but aside from capping the framerate, it can also reduce your FPS by up to 50% or more, and importantly, introduce some mouse lag. You can use the same key to close the console again at any time. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. All these options can affect (major or minor) your frame rates. So instead of seeing a person jerkily warping from point to point, you see smooth animated motion all the way along. At Medium, the most noticeable changes are: the shadows become smooth and soft-edged, and slightly more atmospheric through the use of SSAO; jagged lines throughout the scene are softened through the use of some post-processed Antialiasing; and there's more detail on surfaces, such as the soldiers' uniforms, due to higher resolution textures and 4x Anisotropic Filtering. Like you said, it listed a bunch of High and Ultra settings in BF3 for the GTX 560, but that only gets you 30-40 FPS, which is too low for a competitive online shooter. The Ultra Texture Quality setting for example is designed specifically for GPUs with 1.5GB or more of VRAM. The next shot shows SSAO in effect, and the difference is minimal, best seen in the addition of a small amount of shadows to the stack of boxes to the left, the corner of the concrete wall to the top right, and the small clumps of grass to the right of the screen. When 2x MSAA is used, the change is subtle - look closely at the lamp post to the left, the front of the car, and the vertical lines on the white building to the left; the saw-toothed edges of their outlines are now less harsh. It is part of the design of the game: Possibly the best tip of all if you're still being frustrated is to try Hardcore mode. Ultra also adds other subtle improvements not necessarily visible here, such as further softening of shadows, and higher detail on distant objects and terrain. It does not affect terrain surface complexity, as that is controlled by the Terrain Quality setting further below. Resolution is one of the major determinants of overall performance in BF3. You can enable a performance chart at the bottom of your screen to monitor your GPU and Processor performance. Ultra is primarily designed for people using multi-GPU setups, and for most people the bump in image quality isn't worth the major decline in performance over High. The quickest and easiest way to measure your FPS in BF3 is to open the in-game console by pressing the ~ key (above the TAB key). Rens_Future New Member. Here are the. In BF3, where are the game settings saved? From High to Ultra, the use of 4x MSAA is the single biggest reason for the dramatically reduced performance. If an enemy soldier is running along in front of you, interpolation allows their movement to appear fluid, calculating their movement across the screen even though your computer is receiving only periodic updates of where they actually are. The settings below have no significant impact on performance. and I wondered if there are certain video settings that can improve how soldiers show up. RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 1 - By default Triple Buffering appears to be enabled in BF3. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The following are the most useful of these console commands, and a brief description of their function: render.drawfps 1 - When set to 1, this command displays a frame per second (FPS) counter at the top right of the screen. Fortunately you are not limited to these presets, and you should be able to arrive at a better outcome if you adjust the various settings individually - which is what the remainder of this guide is all about. Instantly unlock 15 advanced weapons, plus gadgets, vehicle upgrades and more. It's strange that your 4770's only reach 60%. Don't know why exactly, but Ali studied both Biotch and Computer Science. It appears as though downloading more memory would help you. While daunting at first, these aspects can actually make it much less frustrating for some players. On the right side of the Video tab under the Options, there are a range of advanced settings which allow more detailed control over the image quality and performance of BF3. And that's not really fair. The higher the slider, the greater the amount of blurring which occurs during fast motion, such as when spinning around. This is much more noticeable during gameplay than in a static screenshot comparison. October 20, 2018. At 4x MSAA these become quite smooth. Thus setting this option too high may result in stuttering or visible texture streaming. Recommend all user to upgrade it. Before covering the various graphics-related settings which have the most significant impact on performance and image quality, this section examines the other settings. UDP: 53, 88, 3074. Put Undergrowth Quality Low I believe this is covered in the Johan Andersson Battlefield 3 Presentation tech talk at the NVIDIA GeForce Lan 6. If you want a good balance of image quality and performance, then High is ideal. Fire single shots or short bursts rather than a spray. This is a deliberate measure by DICE to prevent alterations to the game which would give anyone an unfair advantage. At High, the biggest change is the added depth and realism in the scene due to more accurate shadowing via the implementation of HBAO, along with the improved detail which High Shadow Quality brings. Terrain: Low- Similar to Effects, not much difference between low and ultra. GameTime.MaxVariableFps 60 - This command allows you to cap your framerate to the FPS value you specify (e.g. screenshot.render - When this command is executed in the console, the game immediately takes a screenshot (minus the console), and places it as a lossless .PNG file in your Users[username]DocumentsBattlefield 3Screenshots directory. Medium is recommended as a good balance between image quality and performance. The vast majority of the settings in this file correspond to those you can adjust using the in-game options menus, so it is not necessary or recommended that they be altered here. Battlefield 2042 Season 4 Tips & Tricks to help you improve in the battlefield SUBSCRIBE! need to check the Communication Method. A great many problems and performance issues, especially stuttering, crashes and slowdowns, can be traced directly to sub-optimal settings in Windows and out-of-date or badly configured drivers. This is primarily designed for people who wish to take screenshots or make gameplay videos, as otherwise it is very difficult to play the game properly without these important screen elements. above 1.00000), which will work in multiplayer. Documents\Battlefield 3\Settings and is called PROF_SAVE_body. An indication of the performance impact of changing this setting is shown below: The graph shows that progressively higher resolutions will reduce your FPS significantly. Tuact: Battlefield 3 best settings (1/17) April 23, 2021 The firmware V6.0.2 has added two more 3rd party controllers to the controller list for supporting PS5: The Hori ONYX and Nacon compact controllers allow user to hookup the headset. RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0 - This setting controls the number of frames prepared by the CPU before being processed by the GPU. However at no point does MSAA affect the jagged outlines of the palm leaves or the horizontal telephone wires in the distance. If Players Look Floating in Tunnels and Dark Spaces Motion Blur in any amount can reduce performance during periods of fast motion. Here are the best set of sensitivity settings to use to get the most out of shotguns in Free Fire: General: 90-100. If set to No, subtitles are not shown. If you've enabled Vertical Sync, Triple Buffering can be useful in preventing a drop in FPS, but Triple Buffering can also reduce responsiveness on some systems, even with VSync disabled. The graph demonstrates quite clearly that the performance impact of Anisotropic Filtering on modern graphics cards is relatively minor. If you expect to run this game well I'd recommend having at least 6gb of RAM, preferably 8 or above. If your FPS dips into the low double or single digits for example, this is a good indication that you need to adjust various settings until your minimum FPS is consistently above 20-25 FPS during normal gameplay, such as when walking around, and higher still (30-35 FPS) during combat to maintain appropriate responsiveness in a fast-paced game like BF3. A great many problems and performance issues, especially stuttering, crashes and slowdowns, can be traced directly to sub-optimal settings in Windows and out-of-date or badly configured drivers. Battlefield 2042 Recommended Requirements CPU: Intel Core i7 4790 / AMD Ryzen 7 2700X or better RAM: 16 GB OS: 64-bit Windows 10 VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 or AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT, 8 GB PIXEL SHADER: 5.1 VERTEX SHADER: 5.1 FREE DISK SPACE: 100 GB DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 8192 MB Table of Contents Best Battlefield 2042 Graphics Settings Battlefield 3 has stirred the interest of FPS gamers like few other games in recent times, mainly because it combines compelling online gameplay with superb graphics and immersive audio. It is recommended that the Hint System be set to Yes initially, so that you become accustomed to the various actions possible and how to trigger them, especially if you are experimenting with different key bindings. The graph demonstrates the clear jumps between each quality level. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. This is precisely the time when you don't want a dip in your framerate and any subsequent reduction in responsiveness, so it can be useful to reduce or disable motion blur to improve performance and make it easier to spot enemies. However capping your FPS does not mean your minimum FPS will rise to the capped value, it only prevents maximum FPS from exceeding it. Here's my setting op for 1440p. Raising FOV requires a level restart to apply any changes, and it can also reduce performance if raised due to more of the game world being visible. GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.418605 - You can set your mouse sensitivity using the Mouse Sensitivity slider in the game options. It is recommended that you set either 0 or 1 but the effect is subjected to your rig, so you may experience different results. To access the in-game settings, launch BF3 and in the main menu click the Options button. a value of 60 for a 60 FPS cap). Choosing the optimal settings in the brand-new Battlefield 2042 is integral if you want to come out on top of the countless battles you're going to . The key changes in hardcore mode are: the removal of HUD elements such as your ammo and health counter; the lack of red arrows above spotted enemies and enemy vehicles; much greater damage from weapons; and the removal of regenerative health. This just keeps evolving: It seems like most people running Intel/Nvidia have better performance than AMD users. To disable these prompts, set this option to No. If you're a stealthy player, it's much easier to approach or flank the enemy, since you won't have a red arrow above your head if spotted, thus alerting the entire enemy team across the whole map as would occur in normal mode. However my Processor seems to be so bad, that with the new graphics card it bottlenecks my system and infact bf3 runs worse than with my old amd radeon 5770. The vast majority of the time this isn't due to faulty hit registration as most people believe. If not I suggest disabling it. If you wish to apply any console command automatically at startup, create a new text file and rename it to User.cfg. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Anisotropic Filter: 16x- Minimum performance hit and it give a significant visual improvement. All the screenshots were taken as the soldier was spinning around quickly from left to right. The performance impact of Terrain Quality is fairly consistent at each step from Low to Ultra, even at higher resolutions. Please enable Javascript in order to access all the functionality of this web site. At Ultra, the most significant difference is the enabling of 4x Deferred Antialiasing, which helps to smooth out any remaining jaggies. With Motion Blur enabled, you can control the degree to which fast motion is blurred using the 'Motion Blur Amount' slider. Texture Quality: This setting controls the quality of textures, which are the images covering every surface in the game world. Excellent videos - going to experiment with those. However DICE has revealed a few advanced tweaks you can use, and these are described in this section of the guide. If you can't run the game at your native resolution, make sure you run it at one with the same aspect ration (16:10, 16:9, 4:3). disabling all trees, etc.) The available options here are Low, Medium, High and Ultra. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? Game Version Used: R3. It's in part 5 at about 1:15 seconds in. The difference between Medium and High is virtually indistinguishable, at least in these static screenshots. Due to the PS4 system update, all PS4 user. The number of resolutions and refresh rates available here is limited by the capabilities of both your graphics card and monitor. As expected, the performance impact of Effects Quality is noticeable but not major, especially at higher resolutions. These settings are used to reduce the load on the gpu hence keeping a constant above 60 fps to maintain the fluidity needed for an fps game.Download BF3 Settings Editor: http://bf3.realmware.co.uk/settings-editor/downloadsInfo about BF3 Settings Editor: http://bf3.realmware.co.uk/settings-editor/featuresRealmware Website: http://bf3.realmware.co.uk/||My PC Specs are: Intel Core i5-3570k - Gigabyte GTX 660 OC Windforce - 8 GB Corsair Vengeance RAM - Z77-DS3H Motherboard.||Music Used: BF3 Honor by Christian ReindlCheck it out @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux9SmRDK9_k||Tags:Battlefield 4 EA DICE Activision Modern Warfare The default is 70 degrees, and here you can select any value between 60 and 90 degrees. From this baseline, we vary individual settings to measure their effect on performance and image quality. This is not the same as VSync, as the framerate cap is not linked to your refresh rate, and capping your FPS in this way will not reduce your overall performance or create mouse lag like VSync can. Addition from WhiteZero: "Pro Tip on Anti-Aliasing: Turn off Deferred and crank up AA Post. My specs punch a bit higher than yours but it shouldn't make that much of a difference. GPU's are usually at ~99% to get maximum frame rates. Reload Hint: If set to Yes, the game will prompt you with a flashing '[R] Reload' text hint at the bottom right of the screen, just below your ammunition counter, whenever your weapon has nearly expended all the ammunition in its current magazine. Some like it off, some like it on. The screenshots above highlight that as the Texture Quality setting is increased, the blurry pixelated ground textures shown here steadily become crisper and more detailed. You need to get a better one or overclock it. For example, expand the gray window all the way to the edges of the screen, and in turn your HUD elements will be displayed at the far edges of the screen as well, making them less obstructive. The game is heavily biased towards prone firing. Low is obviously the best choice if you're struggling for FPS, but note that shadows can't be completely disabled; this is to maintain fairness in multiplayer. Battlefield 3, or BF3 (development code-name: 'Paris') is the twelfth installment in the Battlefield Series and was developed by DICE. At the very least make sure to update your graphics drivers to the latest available version, as the latest drivers are specifically optimized for Battlefield 3. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? Finally, there is the Custom option, which when selected, allows access to all of the individual graphics options, letting you to customize your graphics to achieve the best compromise between image quality and performance. Instead, by capping your framerate you can prevent large fluctuations in FPS, in turn reducing resource spikes and stuttering, and improving the perception of smoothness. If your mouse is unresponsive though, you should: Go to: C:\Users\YOU\Documents\Battlefield 3\settings, Open PROF_SAVE_profile with notepad++ (can download for free). Using this command, you can set a value outside that cap (in degrees), which will work in multiplayer. However because terrain decoration is frequently used as a major source of cover during multiplayer, the setting is designed not to be highly scalable, so you can't disable grass and bushes altogether for example. If your framerate falls below around 20-25 FPS at any time, you will need to adjust your settings to improve FPS and hence keep your mouse feeling suitably responsive. Almost as important as any in-game setting is the way your Windows installation is configured. The available options for AF in BF3 are the following sample rates: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x. You can change FOV by editing the third line in the file PROF_SAVE_body. The screenshots above show the range of settings from 1x to 16x AF. You can try 0, 1, 2 or 3. More details are in the Advanced Tweaking section of the guide. As with some of the other settings which can impact on the fairness of multiplayer gameplay, this setting is not highly scalable, in that between Low and Ultra there is no dramatic change, and certainly the effects can't be disabled completely. RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0 Because that increases the visibility too much. The graph above highlights an interesting fact that at higher resolutions, the largest decline in FPS comes from the very first jump between Low and Medium Shadow Quality. However higher resolutions also generate an increased load on your system, particularly your graphics card, and hence can reduce your overall performance. I was running it on HIGH for a while, but then when I changed it to MEDIUM the game ran so much smoother, and I didn't notice too much of a quality difference. At Ultra, there is slight additional softening, and a bit more shadow depth and realism. To successfully conduct any tweaking, you will need some way of objectively measuring your performance in Frames Per Second (FPS). High is designed for faster DirectX 11 GPUs. Brightness: This slider controls the level of brightness for the in-game image. 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