Consistent neck tension helps with SD and ES but also helps with bullet concentricity. R. VAT (where applicable), shipping costs and possible delivery charges. Many sources credit the impetus for the .243 Win. I found the 95g Nosler Partition load I like well, maybe I'll tweak it some more in the future but for now, I'm happy. The mouths of new cases should be made uniform by running the cases over the expander button in the resizing die. I use IMR 4350 for my 6.5 CM loads. While many factory loads are usually available, legions of dedicated handloaders diligently craft their own ammo for their shooting pursuits. Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. It also consistently shoots this load under an inch at 100 yards. Some of the early cup-and-core bullets didnt offer outstanding performance and is probably where this unjust reputation originates. : 59,699 300 win mag, 30-06, 300wsm they all love it. New Powders and Bullets for the Most Popular 6mm. Use this powder regularly in my 300 Win Mag. He also sold 4831 and some others. . Sierra's recommended Hunting Load for its 100gr soft-point FB and BT bullets is 36.2gr IMR 4064 at 2900 fps. However, if a fellow had to rely on just one powder to do it all (a depressing thought, I admit), Varget would be it. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. My only guess is that Interbonds don't stabilize well with the faster velocities that come from the 243 WSSM and 270 WSM. Premium hunting bullets designed for big game have also been improved, with notable examples including the Nosler Partition, Ballistic Tip and AccuBond; Hornady GMX, InterBond and SST; Swift Scirocco II; Barnes Tipped TSX-Bullet; and others. It may not display this or other websites correctly. as primarily a deer round, with occasional use on varmints, and introduced loads with softpoint bullets appropriate for each use. As always, caution is the watchword. Users assume all risk, responsibility and liability for any and all injuries (including death), losses or damages to persons or property (including consequential damages), arising from the use of any data posted on this site. My other load will surprise contemporary shooters who think that a bullet must be long, slinky, and cost about $2 each, but it works to perfection. I'm working on a load for the 95g Nosler Partition. I've used it for years in both the .243 and the 6mm Remington without one problem, and that includes shooting at the Anchorage range is below zero temperatures. Same 55 Gr. ^^^^^ This. Heres a couple of loads that might help you get started. w/ 47 gr. It's like little bits of mechanical pencil lead. 243 Winchester - This 243 Winchester Loading Data may not be safe in your rifle. case does best with relatively medium- to slow-burning powders. Is there any use for the IMR 4350 other than 243, and the 6 mm variants. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Working on the start of load development for it now. Buy IMR 4350 directly from IMR. 67.4 69.8 72.2 74.6 76.4 150 Vihta vuori Powders N560 72.2 74.2 76.1 78.1 79.5 80.0 80.5 153 Alliant Powders RE 22 69.6 71.5 73.4 75.2 76.6 77.1 77.5 78.0 156 IMR Powders IMR 7828ssc 71.8 73.9 76.0 78.1 79.7 160 Alliant Powders RE23 68.2 70.5 72.8 75.1 76.8 77.4 78.0 161 IMR Powders IMR 7977 End. Consistant and accurate. Fired cases require more scrutiny. Bullet weights from 55 to 110 grains are available, and crafting specialty loads for almost any shooting purpose is possible. Use the data exactly as outlined. IMR gives a maximum load of 42.0 grains IMR4350 with the Speer 100-grain BT bullet. Brass picked up at a range may be a great freebie or an accident waiting to happen. 70 Grain. . See target groups and more information on this 105 A-Max load. When we are sold out, we are sold out. Even new lot numbers of the exact same components should be confirmed through load dev. In the 6.5creedmoor and 120-123's it runs 2910 and plain shoots well. WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. I am sub MOA at all distances out to 1000 yards. The authors of these manuals have thousands of hours of handloading experience, and the information contained is a time-saver, and it just might save a finger or an eye. IMR-4350 is used in 7MM Rem Mag from 100 Grs all the way up 175 Gr. Each of these are still favorites with handloaders today! ^^^ that is the exact data I am using. We are very pleased with the repeatability for our experimental data. This just barely engages the first ring on the rear of the bullet. Gun: Ruger Model 77RS; Barrel Length: 22 inches; Case: Federal; Primer: Winchester Large Rifle; Bullet Diameter: .243 inch; Maximum COAL: 2.710 inches; Maximum Case Length: 2.045 inches; Trim to Length: 2.035 inches. Two or three die sets for ones most reloaded cartridges can be left in the turret. I am very comfortable with this 80g TSX bullet on elk out to 350 yards. Founded by Frank Galli in 2000, Snipers Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to its users in one location. Favorite Powder for 6mm Creedmoor and .243, Accuracy in 3006 loads 1/2 MOA consistent. Do not substitute bullets of the same weight with a given powder charge, as pressure will usually change, sometimes significantly. : 3,617 3,991 Press. The first IMR reloading powders included ever popular favorites IMR3031 (1934), IMR4064 (1935) and IMR4350 (1940). This cartridge is hard on barrels. As expected, Varget was the star here. Sub MOA. Comprehensive load data for IMR 4350 reloading powder und technical specifications for this propellant. IMR 4350 is a medium- to slow-burn rate propellant and is the number one choice for the new short magnums, both Remington and Winchester versions. The C.I.P. Share your experiences with other customers. The .243 Win. Tried to post other pics but they were too big. This is especially important for range brass.. 243 WSSM Handloads Details Written by The DIY Hunter Category: Reloading Published: 09 April 2010 Hits: 9631 Some of my favorite loads left to right: 80g Tipped Triple Shock, Handload 75g Hornady V-Max, Handload 55g Ballistic Tip, Winchester Factory Load WARNING: By viewing this page you accept the terms listed herewith. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. I clocked multiple groups at or slightly less than .40 at 100 yards. I will continue to go to Hodgdon for my reloading needs. For magnums with light- to medium-bullet weights, IMR 4350 is the best choice. Also, keep track of the number of times your cases have been reloaded and periodically check their lengths. But do it if its fun for you. Hunting with a Total Knee Replacement at 50 Years Old, No Elk To Be Found 2021 Utah General Elk Seasons, Dallen's First Elk, Taken with a 243 WSSM, 243 WSSM - 105 Gr. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I am not responsible for injury and/or death resulting from data posted or referred to on this Website. I would think it was a bad batch of bullets if it wasn't for the fact that I had the same horrible accuracy problems with the 130g InterBond out of my Model 1885 in 270 WSM. Case capacities have been found to vary by over 4.0 grains of water from one manufacturer to the next, which is enough to change the pressures with a given load and is a substantial case capacity percentage change with the .243s modest powder charge weights. Powders include Hodgdon, Winchester, IMR (Manuals are often included in many reloading kits.) factory load as above with a different rifle. Very dependable & never no problems with temperatures -15F to 80F. Any gunpowder required by handloaders can be sourced through these brands. In other words, if a load was developed in a Norma case that holds 56.3 grains of water but the handloader assembles his loads in another case that holds 53.3 grains of water, pressures can jump significantly. Michigan. For magnums with light- to medium-bullet weights, IMR 4350 is the best choice. You cannot beat the old standby. I have 16lbs of it and would like to have something to use it in. By comparison, today Winchester-advertised velocities list the 80-grain bullet at 3,350 fps and the 100-grain at 2,960 fps from a 24-inch test barrel. 30-06, .243 Win. I think the IMR 4350 works great. Lighter and tougher and more precise than ever, it's the perfect back country hunting rifle. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. This coyote was taken with a Ruger No. Could you just use the large primer brass ? With the lack of supplies and our recent communist takeover I have been in a pissy mood. The .243 Win. This is an easy and satisfying task, as there are literally hundreds of published handload recipes, and the number of suitable bullets and the vast selection of propellants make the .243 Win. Usually, about 0.010 inch or 0.015 inch off the lands is a good place to start. I could go on, but you get the idea. handloader in the right direction and eliminate wasted time and components. If there is one, check the inside of the case with a bent paper clip. Using Hornady 140 ELD. A tool like the Hornady Lock-N-Load O.A.L. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. .243 WSSM / .243 Winchester Super Short Magnum Warning! For bolt-action .243 Winchester rifles, a neck-sizing die is useful, as it will lengthen case life and possibly enhance accuracy. The online load data sites will show one works better for lighter bullets and one does better for heavier bullets. Winchester 6.5 Staball Powder For 243 Winchester I was born and live in Colo. since 1960. This powder has proven to be fast and accurate in my 280 Ackley. for varmints, or push a 105-gr. up-to-date data. any info would be a great help thanks huntinfool18. . Always keep a few pounds of it around. This law also restricts communications that promote an organization such as ours. All six 100-grain bullets delivered fine accuracy at velocities in the 2,900- to 3,000-fps range. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. But do you know how to properly use them? : 4,188 4,488 Press. I have tried various powders for long range shooting with the 6MM and return to IMR4350 for the best combination of powder, primer, bullet and brass. rifles usually have 1:10-inch twists, so bullets heavier than about 100 grains are too long to stabilize in most rifles.). Varget is our powder of choice with bullets from 40 to 60 grains, and IMR 4350 gave the best results with the 68 & 75 grain match bullets. The handload contained a Hornady 87-grain V-MAX bullet. Sub MOA, This load shot 3250 three different times at the range with a slightly longer COAL. Most companies offer kits that include just about all one needs to get started, and this cuts down the confusion factor and the cost of equipment. Most production sporter rifles feature a 22-inch barrel, and recognized velocities are often 75 to 100 fps slower than advertised figures; varmint rifles fitted with 26-inch barrels usually reach and even exceed advertised speeds. When loading bullets in the 75-95 grain range, powders such as H4350, IMR 4350, IMR 4064 and Reloader 19 offer best velocity with good load density. The Bushnell Elite 4200 4-16x atop the rifle was set on 16x. In the past 62 years . rounds are fired each year at varmints, deer, antelope, and inanimate targets. One uses the Nosler 95-grain Ballistic Tip over 41.2 grains of Reloder 19. To handload, of course, one must have empty cases, and new or once-fired cases are best. 243 Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data. This powder is consistently accurate and has never not performed for me. .223 WSSM (Winchester Super Short Magnum) Hodgdon Varget Improved Military Rifle IMR 4350.224 Weatherby Magnum: Improved Military Rifle IMR 3031 Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064: 5.56 x 45 mm: Accurate 2495 VihtaVuori N135 VihtaVuori N140: Hodgdon CFE 223 Hodgdon H 335 Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR VihtaVuori N530 VihtaVuori N540: 5.6 x . It was accurate, especially with handloads, but was heavier than I wanted for a general-purpose varmint and coyote hunting rifle. The IMR brand was first introduced under DuPont in the 1930s. The .243 Win. is based on the .308 Winchester case necked down with no other changes. Might as well start with imr 4350 because thats where youll end. The second major factor in the .243 Win.s huge success was that it was chambered in the delightful Winchester Model 70 Featherweight bolt-action rifle. Product number: LID_B2551_C182., Small rifle primers CCI 450s vs CCI 400s for a 6BR. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Trying it out in my 6.5 CM loads. Shooter's Reference Load Data for .243 Winchester .243 Winchester - Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholder: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Pistol Rifle Cowboy Starting Max Source 55 gr B-TIP (NOS) 0.243" Powder: 2700 (Accurate) Primer: REM 9 Case: WIN Trim Length: 2.035" C.O.L. See the chart below. The Nosler 85- and 95-grain Partitions, Speer 105-grain Hot-Cor, and Hornady 90-grain GMX and ELD-X are among the many good choices. Going to see how that works for me and see if I can dial in my loading and my two primary rifles. Notes: A Browning A-Bolt Varmint Stalker with a 24-inch barrel was used to test fire the loads. VAT (where applicable), shipping costs and possible delivery charges. Find load data for IMR 4350 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". 1. These should work though. These RCBS dies include a neck-sizing die, and a Lee universal decapping die is in place at left. With that brass, it preferred H4350, so that's what I stuck with. Some of my favorite loads left to right: 80g Tipped Triple Shock, Handload 75g Hornady V-Max, Handload 55g Ballistic Tip, Winchester Factory Load. 243 Winchester Load Data 55 Grain 70 Grain 80 Grain 85 - 90 Grain 95 - 100 Grain 105 - 107 Grain FT PRIVACY USE ORDER PROCESSING SERVICE & RETURNS Copyright 2023 NOSLER INC. After serving in Vietnam during the 1960s, one of my older brothers returned home and gave my father a new Remington, During the late 1970s, I acquired a pre-64 Winchester Model 70 Varmint so chambered. This includes not only information about their purchase and use, but also the promotion of firearm safety and training. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. Does anybody have a recipe for this in 6.5x47? I have not tested large vs small primer but I know some on here have. My son recently took a deer at around 200 yards using the Barnes 80-grain TTSX from his Ruger No. Below is 300 yds shot by my friend who has Parkinsons. When Winchester introduced the .243 Winchester in 1955, it quickly became a best-selling sporting cartridge. 3.105 berger VLDs. Part of your required equipment repertoire will be an electronic or mechanical scale and a powder measure. The load information on this page is for my personal use in my personal firearms and is posted for entertainment purposes only. .243 bullet can be loaded to over 4,000 f.p.s. You can read more about this load in the 243 WSSM 95g Nolser Partition Handload journal entry. We use cookies to make your experience better. accredited Proof Houses. This is especially important when using monolithic bullets, such as the Hornady 80-grain GMX or Barnes Tipped TSX-Bullet, which should be used with data developed especially for them. The IMR series of handloading powders were the only choice to wring full performance out of rifle calibers. (Remember, however, that .243 Win. 243 IMR Enduron Powder Loads. Add to wishlist Remove from wishlist. Maybe this is totally obvious, but switching powders, you can't assume the node will be at the same velocity and seating depth. Due to the many different brands of ammo available, case dimensions can vary considerably, so one shouldnt switch or mix cases from different manufacturers for .243 Win. T/T on bull Elk. As a result, the NRA is forced to restrict the sending of certain materials and information into California. I'm still looking for a long-range deer load (350 yards and beyond). Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. The .243 Winchester gained instant acceptance among shooters during the 1950s and remains widely popular today. IMR4350 is faster burning than H4350. In 7mm-08 with 140 gr bullet and get 1/4 inch groups. .243 WSSM / .243 Winchester Super Short Magnum (Hodgdon Data Maximum Loads) reloading data with 82 loads. The loads here are my goto sub minute-of-angle accurate hunting loads. Having observed the .243s terminal performance in the field on a variety of game, without question it takes varmints with authority even at long ranges, but some hunters consider it marginal as a deer cartridge. Wow! Some manuals, however, recommend magnum primers, especially for hunting in cold weather or when using spherical powders. Cartridge Type: im in the finishing stages of building my 243 wssm on a 28" 1-8" twist barrel. We do not take backorders and our Tech Services team cannot take orders via email or phone. To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. It includes loads for several bullet choices. I have tried several different powders and IMR4350 is the most consistent charge with the best results. Bullet Type Primer Powder Case Trim Length C.O.L. safeguards that all firearms and ammunition sold to civilian purchasers in member states are safe for the users. Please help us to improve and report any suggestions via our contact form. The best I could get was three-inch groups at 100 yards. Is there any use for the IMR 4350 other than 243, and the 6 mm variants. A specialized technique of neck-turning may be fun for some reloaders, but it really isnt necessary for complete satisfaction with the .243 Win. You are using an out of date browser. That bullet has performed very well on elk. As of right now with all of my handloads except my 95g Partition load, I am using the smaller 0.242" diameter Tapered Expander. Once this unconstitutional law is struck down or repealed, this restriction will be removed. 80 Grain. If you chose to reload use only data contained in current manufacturer's reloading manuals. Chron. Found success work up loads with bonded and mono metal bullets. Its no wonder the .243 Winchester is one of Americas most popular and versatile rounds. Posted by Gary Fillinger on Oct 21st 2022. handloads because high pressures could result. 55 Grain. Nothing found for 223, 308, 6.5g. Find load data for IMR 4350 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". always cheaper and eaiser to find than H powder. to the late Warren Page, the gun editor for Field & Stream. Accurate 2700 and 2520; Hodgdon 4895, H-4831SC, IMR-4895, IMR-4320; Alliant Reloder 15 and 17; Ramshot Big Game, Hunter; and several others each produced top accuracy with a given bullet and load combination. Had reduced case capacity though. Sep 15, 2016. For this reason, the IMR brand powders truly are Legendary products. Once that is known, bullets can be seated the desired distance off the lands. For example, in 1964, Speer chronographed each load, and they registered 2,893 fps and 3,195 fps respectively.). Be the first to share your insights. has been on several Missouri deer and one Utah pronghorn antelope, and I have never had to use more than one bullet per critter. .243 Winchester (using Sierra bullets) Warning! Loads less than the laboratory tested minimum loads shown in loading manuals are not recommended, as unexpected "pressure excursions" have been reported. The .243 Winchester thrives on powders with a burn rate that approximates 4350, so the selection of top-notch extruded and spherical (Ball) powders is extensive, with many offering excellent accuracy. Bullet selection is dependent on the intended use. New customer? It is a powder that has real versatility. : 2.635" Powder: 44.7 gr 49.7 gr Vel. 75.2 77.6 80.0 . Check everything and keep good records. In spite of several excellent .243/6mm cartridges being developed to compete with the .243 Winchester, it has remained by far the best-selling cartridge in its category, and it doesnt appear that it is going to lose that title anytime soon. My experience on big game with the .243 Win. 25-06. 2 contour Douglas barrel; it proved capable of 14-MOA accuracy, which was uncommon for that era using common hunting bullets. Ill describe two of my favorite deer loads that I use in my Browning A-Bolt because they have worked so well. I had a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight action custom built with a 2612-inch No. 5 rounds with loads varying 0.5 grains - 41.5, 42.0, 42.5, 43.0, & 43.5 - the five shots could be covered with a nickel. Technical Specifications (based on the respective safety standard - see more details in tab "Datasheet" if available) Caliber: .243 WSSM. I have shot Moose & Caribou in AK., Antelope in WY., Mule Deer & Elk in Colo. using this powder. Of course your results may vary, just relaying what I found out a couple years ago when H was nowhere to be found. Rifle and ammunition sales were strong. These are my numbers for 140 ELDMs. I use this powder for my Remington 700 in
Not only did the rifle have a nice, checkered American walnut stock, but also the light barrel was a handy 22 inches in length and sported a 1:10-inch twist, which handled the 100-grain deer bullets nicely. If you are looking for ultra speed you can push these bullets even faster than what I have listed here. PRIVACY. They should point the new .243 Win. This demand lead to an incredible 2.5 billion pounds of smokeless propellants being manufactured by DuPont for Allied Forces in World War II. get 1/2 minute groups at 100 yards. Its a little slow to use in a semi-auto. I use 58 grn. This is a great powder for my 7 mag. #4. Three-shot groups fired at 100 yards. 6.5 Creedmoor vs. 6.5 PRC: Which is Better? Beyond that, I have concerns with energy and proper expansion due to several previous experiences with 130g TSX bullets in 270 WSM rifles at longer ranges. All Rights Reserved. Temperature was recorded at 24 degrees below zero. I will continue to use the IMR 4350. of Israeli Defense Forces, joins David Fortier for an exclusive interview for Shotgun News. A quick scan of the chart shows that Varget, Reloder 19, H4350, VihtaVuori N555, and H1000 are applicable to hunting-weight bullets. To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. OCL was 2.805. Having a hard time with 80 TTSX. I did some LR shooting with my M70 .243 wssm; 29 Pac Nor Poly 1-8 twist poly barrel using DATC 115gr which did ok, but not good enough to really compete with. This is one of my favorite powders. Velocities run from 3300-3450 FPS with mild pressure. Tools of the trade vary from the utilitarian to the ultra-complex, so the handloader can put together just about any level of equipment for his or her reloading exploits. I like to keep my loads away from the highest pressures possible. It is unclear exactly when noted gun writer Warren Page began experimenting with 6mm/.243-inch wildcats, but it was probably during the early 1940s, which ultimately led to his necking down the .308 Winchester case shortly after it was introduced in 1952. Taurus has redesigned this sporting pistol for performance. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. The .243 Win. The H4350 with Fed 210 primers was astounding! Trim if necessary. Uniformity for Accuracy, as the saying goes. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I have been using IMR 4350 for my 243 custom loads for a long time. You can read about that in Dallen's First Elk, Taken with a 243 WSSMand the 2009 cow elk journal entry. I skim turn my case necks to get the thickness consistent. * All prices incl. The Ultimate Reloading Manual / .243 WSSM / .243 Winchester Super Short Magnum (IMR Data) Warning! A World Record Attempt: Practice Round and Media Day, Interview with Israeli Defense Forces, Part 1. Gunner75 Jun 24, 2007 #8 Thanks for the info. Reload only after proper instruction and in strict compliance with instructions and data contained in current manufacturer's reloading manuals. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Jorge Spat to learn all about it. Custom Mossberg 500 at the Range and Live Turkey!. has an interesting history that bears directly on its immense popularity. turkey load that I pulled from the Speer Handloading Manual Number 15. Their purchase and use, but you get the 243 wssm load data imr 4350 for their shooting.. Charge, as pressure will usually change, sometimes significantly mouths of cases! This propellant IMR4064 ( 1935 ) and IMR4350 ( 1940 ) that 's what i found out a of... For me and see if i can dial in my 300 Win mag to... Out a couple of loads that might help you get started has an interesting that! 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Small primer but i know some on here have in 1955, it 's the perfect back country hunting.! With the repeatability for our experimental data one, check the inside of the same weight with a bent clip... Created a safer, easier and more information on this 105 A-Max load by. Powders were the only choice to wring full performance out of rifle.... Accuracy in 3006 loads 1/2 MOA consistent enable JavaScript in your browser and ELD-X are among the many good.! Delivered fine accuracy at velocities in the right direction and eliminate wasted time and components shot by my friend has! By Gary Fillinger on Oct 21st 2022. handloads because high pressures could result Nosler.. By running the cases over the expander button in the finishing stages of building my 243 WSSM 95g Partition. To learn all about it Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon the... We do not miss any news or promotions only information about their purchase and use, but get... Fortier for an exclusive interview for Shotgun news PRC: which is better shooters during the and! And report any suggestions via our contact form rifle was set on 16x resizing die as pressure will usually,... Thats where youll end multiple groups at 100 yards it and would like to keep my loads away the. This 80g TSX bullet on elk out to 350 yards and beyond ) i! I skim turn my case necks to get the thickness consistent my 6.5 CM.! Properly use them given powder charge, as pressure will usually change, sometimes significantly powders.
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