And deal with them now, but dont exchange Christianity with doubts for an empty belief system made solely of doubts. It was time to stop just reading Christian answers to everything and go a level deeper, looking next at the answers to the Christian answers. I imagine those types of responses will continue to roll in. Starring filmmakers and comedy duo Rhett & Link, this non-fiction comedy series follows their travels to small towns across America where they develop and produce commercials for local businesses using local talent. Because of his feelings. Rhett McLaughlin. At some level, my therapist knew what everyone in his position knows: Once you start seriously considering the unthinkable about your faith, so many scary questions begin to plague you that it keeps you up at night. But as both Rhett and Link recounted, there was something brewing underneath the intellectual questions. Governor Bullock's presence at Scarlett's crush made Melanie feel. If you believe in him and love him, he is supposed to be the most important thing you can speak about with anyone you meet. They were also Christians, former missionaries, and Campus Crusade (now Cru) staff members. If it can make something, can it make everything? But it was Jesuss turn to be under the microscope next. Then the format changed. This week, Faithwire managing editor Dan Andros discussed some of those concerns with editor Tr Goins-Phillips. If youre new to Godless In Dixie, be sure to check out The Beginners Guide for 200+ links categorized topically on a single page. Ive heard these things described dozens of times by now, but never before by guys I know my still-believing daughters have been watching for years. Of course, I had never looked at the evidence for evolution. Rhett and Link Controversy and Deconstruction Over the years, we learned that YouTubers Rhett and Link had been on staff with Cru, served as missionaries, led Bible studies, and worked with campus ministries. I had been pulling on this thread for a really long timeLets call it the sweater of faithI had been pulling on this thread until it had sort of turned into a vestand then a midriffand then a halter tapand now it was a string bikini. I'm glad that so many are able to turn their jobs at GMM into better careers down the line :) We'll miss you Jen, I guess the old saying is true, "If you love something, let it go". Chances are also good that one of them isGood Mythical Morning featuring Link Neal and Rhett McLaughlin. When the teenage years come and the questions and pushing the boundaries begin most churches are ill-equipped to handle it. To put it bluntly. Rhett & Link, best friends since 2 nd grade, currently host one of the most popular YouTube channels on the Internet, Good Mythical Morning. One article about Rhett and Link said, "they both felt a deep discomfort with biblical sexual ethics, which they perceived to oppress women and their LGBTQ+ friends.". Whenever somebody other than Rhett mentions the word "Tokyo," Rhett will shout "What" for a length of time, and an overlay appears with the word "Tokyo," stylized to look like the Japanese flag, the cityscape of Tokyo, and a cat chasing a red laser beam, while a bell rings in the background. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they became convinced that Christianity is true as they gazed deeply at Christs beauty. fear that if they stopped believing in this Lover of beans. Celebrity YouTubers Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal have caused a few waves following their collective decision to abandon the Christian faith. In a church culture where those lines are increasingly blurred, their clarity is refreshing. Exvangelicals remember this compulsion well. He cohosts the award-winning television program Way of the Master, which airs in 190 countries. If youve been taught your whole life that We have to understand were not the first people to grapple with these sorts of questions, said Andros, noting Ecclesiastes 1:9, which says, There is nothing new under the sun., In one interview, Rhett argued that, if Christianity is true, it should be able to withstand investigation and inquiry.. This is the effect the gospel has, and we should expect these types of reactions. Receive weekly updates about fresh articles, videos, and audios, as well as new resources, special discounts, and upcoming events. He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance. Fast forward 35 years to a day replete with a global internet and smartphones, and Postmans words ring with the chill of prophetic accuracy. The comment sections of their Reddit, Facebook, and YouTube pages reveal that their stories inspired many atheists and touched the hearts of some folks who experienced similar deconversion journeys, describing the videos as beautiful, candid, and vulnerable.. It isnt the skeptics who crave constant assurances were on the right track. Yes, there is certainly a degree to which Rhett and Link's typical YEC background left them ill-prepared to think carefully about evolutionary arguments, setting them up for anger and. With every hit of the like button, the personalities weve subscribed to have become our authorities for truth. By Dawson Gaillard FOR about some the reason seasoned, as I aged sat in bricks a French dating Quarter back to patio the musing 1700's, about the seasoned, aged bricks dating back to the 1700's, I began to think of Gone with the Wind. So to Rhett and Link I say enjoy the journey and keep bringing Life and Light to those around you!Peace, Steve, this resonates so much with me, Thanks , 2023 Beyond The Pale. How could so much of the history of Israel be made up? Were So Spoiled. That's why the recent Rhett and Link controversy has been so upsetting. 2 2.The REAL Reason Why Rhett and Link Fell Away from Christianity; 3 3.Rhett Bought a Bible - Rhett's Deconstruction 2 Years Later - YouTube; 4 4.Let's Deconstruct a Deconversion Story: The Case of Rhett and Link; 5 5.Why Rhett and Link Broke Up with Jesus | Neil Carter - Patheos; 6 6.Why Rhett & Link's Deconversion Feels So Right . How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? Maybe youre just checking to make sure a bolt of lightning wont immediately strike you the moment you do. Scarlett had befriended the very people who had destroyed the South. Why were so many people rattled and even persuaded by them? Around the time I was nursing a wounded ego for being stood up by the Ricky Schroder fan club, Neil Postman made a prediction in his 1985 book, Amusing Ourselves to Death. YouTube is putting $ behind branding Rhett and Link as talk show hosts. Lets keep this conversation going, please. None of this is brand new; its been around for years and years and years.. The youth-group kids left flustered and agitated by doubt mightve been entirely unperturbed had they heard those arguments from another source. Rhett said, , to believe [Christianity], then why would I? Link expressed, Why was I working so hard to make Christianity work for me if it wasnt even true? Aside from encountering intellectual stumbling blocks, it seems that, to YouTubes favorite pair, the gospel had begun to stink. I think Postman was on to something when he wrote, WhatOrwell feared were those who would ban books. .What do you think happens after you die? Jen's post about leaving Mythical! They both felt a deep discomfort with biblical sexual ethics, which they perceived to oppress women and their LGBTQ+ friends. Well, first off, lets look at their deconstruction and see if they went wrong anywhere (Spoiler Alert: I think they went wrong right out of the gate). But as I tasted from Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, Anabaptist, and other aisles of the supermarket I discovered the Christian faith was much more rich, varied, and delicious than I had ever thought. The character is played by Mythical Crew member Jordan Morris, and is often portrayed as a creepy man who is obsessed with Rhett and hates Link. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. It still provides the stability and the community on which peoples lives depend. Love these mugs! Melanie then asks for coffee and sandwiches. Since the release of their stories, several apologists and scholars have offered sound rebuttals to some of the claims made by Rhett in particular. Are you sure about that? What am I gonna teach my kids? Do you think you know more than all these other brilliant people before you? Of course that knife cuts both ways, although the people who say this never do see how it should undermine their own confidence, as well. Help! While their degrees and first jobs were in engineering, funny video production ultimately became their claim to fame. And we dont have to wait a week for the next episodein many cases theres a new upload every single day. For example, in 2016, they worked on a scripted television show called Rhett & Link's Buddy System that saw the pair act in a bid to entertain their viewers. The lesson we can learn from the Rhett and Link story is to observe the power of the media platform, recognize the roadblocks of the new apostles of unbelief, and keep a humble eye to history, remembering that our Savior told us some would fall away. I might get a new episode once a week if I was lucky. Most recently, of course, is the story of well-known pastor and author Joshua Harris, as well as the Youtube comedians Rhett and Link.. I've written on this phenomenon myself in a number of places, including my recent book, The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity, as well as my my article, "The . He predicted that with the rise of technology and communication, people wouldnt be deprived of information, but rather they would be given somuch that they would become passive and egocentric. Watching people eat bugs and murderously hot peppers isnt really my thing, but its a different story for my kids. One element of his deconstruction story thats particularly compelling to young people is his seemingly exhaustive knowledge of Christian apologetics. Its no wonder, then, that every time we turn around there is yet another deconversion story being proffered as the newest ex-evangelical smoking gun. When I discovered that there were many other aisles in the supermarket that contained delicious spiritual food I was at first nervous and suspicious. Would. Thats worse than a house of cards. That was one of the hardest pills for me to swallow, too. As part of their healing process, they are all told to declare to the world their reasons for why being a Christian is wrong. This creates a sense of community, in which we come to experience love and loyalty for our favorite YouTube celebrities. The best chance I had of communicating with him was writing a letter to his fan club. Its stable. As far as Im concerned, Jesus was as real to me as he possibly could be without physically manifesting himself in my presence. 1:24; Col. 4:14). Ill confess I havent watched a ton of their stuff, but thats mostly because I dont watch much YouTube at all. They loved not the things of the world, but repented of their sin and put all their hope and trust in him. Then he skillfully planted a possible motive: money. Good Mythical Morning Net worth- $30 Million. With the precision of a gifted lawyer, he laid out roadblocks to the objections he knew would follow his statements. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. She had a pretty nose, little girl's eyes, but her lips gave everything away. Rhett says hes lost his appetite for certainty, and I know what he means. This! Of course not. (Hold up, before anyone gets upset because I called Rhett and Link non-Christians, and am therefore judging them, these are their words. And when I jumped ship, I didnt jump to another boat. Changed My Whole Entire Being: Ex-Strip Club Owner Born Again, Now Works to Help Victims of Sex Trafficking, UK Lawmakers Demand Stricter Pornography Laws to Combat Epidemic of Violence Against Women, Professor Reveals Why Asbury Revival Is Now Being Called Outpouring and What That Really Means, Christian Ex-Cop Fights Back After Resigning Over Social Media Post About Gods Design For Marriage, Researcher Warns Biblical Theism Is Much Closer to Extinction in America, Unveils Stunning Stats. I often joke that most of the people I ", "Until we meet again". Demas traded eternal hope for earthly treasure. For Rhett, it started with questions relating to science, the age of the earth, and evolution. Could it be that the cultural influences driving these, Rhett was careful to say he doesnt think these apologists are intentionally deceiving anyone. Heres the deal, we (at SWO) have gone back and forth on whether or not to address this. On the contrary, as he pointed out, being a straight white dude in an evangelical church kind of greased the rails for him. ), but he cant escape the fact that he is an image-bearer of God, living in Gods world. She Leaves Once This Christian Brings Up This Topic. ButIm more interested now in what I do when I LIVE.because the only thing that I know that Ive got is this life. They acknowledge that Christianity means something. Thats humanism in a nutshell, and I feel the same way. I didnt have the opportunity to open my laptop (they didnt yet exist) or turn on our home computer (we didnt own one), hop on YouTube, and watch my future husband walk me through his breakfast choices, morning drive, and whimsical musings. After all, remember, we are talking about nothing. ), and both have made it abundantly clear that they are 100% pro-homosexuality, and take serious issue with Christianity because of it (I mean it is the 21st century - Helloooo? The truth is that we have a personality-driven culture in which two comedians can persuade Christians to rethink their faith in just three hours of video. As any parent will attest teenagers are difficult, children are much easier to control. Bingo! Norman C. Nevin, Theistic Evolution Edited by J.P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, Ann K. Gauger, Wayne Grudem, & Christopher Shaw. Her exact date of birth and lace of birth is currently not known yet. Before February 2020 I had never heard of Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal. Anticipating the response he would get for opening up about all of this, Rhett addressed the No True Christian argument right off the bat: I want to emphasize how big of a deal it was to me. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they became convinced that Christianity is true as they gazed deeply at Christs beauty. In Book VIII, Chapter IV of Confessions, St. Augustine relates the conversion of a famed Roman rhetorician, Victorinus, whose public conversion caused great rejoicing. How would it affect their revenue streams and net worth to remain faithful Christians in todays cultural climate? Rhett echoed that hes more interested in what happens during his life on earth: , Its not so much what happens after you die, but what happens while youre alive., Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:1416 that through his missionary work, Christ spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of himself. These apostles of unbelief are on a mission to help others deconstruct with the same evangelistic zeal they learned from their previous tribe. To paraphrase: Mammy sits by the door and hears nothing, only a low humming sound--Melanie convincing Rhett to bury Bonnie. After abandoning a Young Earth view of the cosmos, Rhett wrestled next with the historicity of the rest of the Old Testament (the stuff about Jesus would have to wait till later). I was recently at a conference where a prominent Christian leader was asked to give his opinion on what good could come from a Biden America and Continue reading, How are Christians supposed to think about Game of Thrones? Tokyo is a recurring joke on Good Mythical Morning. He suggested that if all these apologists and theologians were to recant their stories and change their opinions, their livelihoods would be at stake. personally know that jettison God altogether during their deconstruction often become Theres a good chance the Christian kid who looks up to Rhett (and probably doesnt ever crack open his Bible) will never read those authors now. Aug 05, 2012 12:57PM. I didnt have the opportunity to open my laptop (they didnt yet exist) or turn on our home computer (we didnt own one), hop on YouTube, and watch my future husband walk me through his breakfast choices, morning drive, and whimsical musings. Ray Comfort explains the reason why this happens so often with those who used to believe in Christianity.Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team.FACEBOOKLiving Waters: Comfort: Waters: Waters: Comfort:
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