This female German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. the subject. As Please contact us for further information about these services. Ruidoso Malinois is committed to the breeding, raising and training of exceptional Belgian Malinois. Our K9 handler training is considered to be the most extensive in the industry. Police K9 Breeds. Not only do we specialize in pure breed bloodhounds, Hanover Hounds, and German Shepherds, but we also understand that the development of working traits involves constantly developing bloodlines and adding new blood from time to time. We just started his trailing training and this will not be complete until he is 10 months old. Irene, we could tell you trained him with love. Call 800-406-3243 Email Request A Formal Quote K9 Handler Training Our handler training programs provide you with the confidence, knowledge and skills you need to get results in the field. administration can best support their K9 units so they can benefit A 1988 Case in the 6th Federal Circuit Robinette v. Barnes He will be trained in the four basic narcotics odors if going to LE. OSKAR will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler Hanoverian Hound HERA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. He is available to law enforcement and SAR. Dogs are typically available for quick sale. Quality vendors are essential, and choosing motivated and dedicatedhandlers is essential to the success of a unit. A drug dog is a vital asset in these efforts. Once you have the handler selected and the funds to purchase a K-9 dog, and you know whether you are going through an academy class or are getting a trained dog from a training facility, the next step is to select the vendor. HERA has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. We have separated the pair and started their environmental and obstacle course training. They can be used for tracking, bite work and search & rescue. Location of contraband, location of suspects In other articles in this publication I have written about how The two told deputies they were traveling to West Virginia to go to a casino, but inconsistencies in their stories and travel plans, prompted the use of a canine to search the vehicle, Campbell said. Razor is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. ***Online Training Available*** Dual purpose bite narcotics or explosive (this will be breed specific German Shepherd, Belgian Mal or Dutch Shepherd) the dog and training of the dog is free. 19 month old German shepherd Odin. Freyja will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. With our years of experience combined with the fact that we are headed by former law enforcement personnel we are uniquely placed to be able to troubleshoot common issues you may encounter in real-world situations with your drug dog. Click here or Call us at 1-877-880-0102 Price includes training of handler and certification Price: $4,000.00 Sold Sold Name: Bona Elvis is a 10-month old Lab mix who is specifically trained for narcotics or explosives detection. K9 Bane will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. The trainers were great and gave me the tools I need to better myself and the agency I represent. Our handler training programs provide you with the confidence, knowledge and skills you need to get results in the field. These amazing detection dogs are trained to identify substances, even when resourceful criminals think they may be able to hide them in unusual places. and is manipulated in training to be under command control of She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Single purpose dogs are used primarily for either patrol duties or detection duties. Nobody produces better manhunters than Hannya is a 15 week old pistol of a hound and will be a handful of trailing potential for any agency looking for a manhunter. Dutch Shepherds, Labradors and other working breeds. The first step is to check references. accidental bite or even a good bite in an apprehension situation will With dual purpose They are then pre-trained in narcotics detection, explosives detection e.g. They come with the following: Our trained dogs ages range from 6 months to 4 years. Drug dog K9 teams we have trained are delivering results around the country, week after week. Reducing dependency on illegal substances improves the quality of life for individuals and their families. K9 Zypher and his partner make a successful narcotics bust during their second deployment. A working phenomenal specimen. He will be suitable for law HOPE is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Fully trained police dogs that can do two jobs are cost effective for law enforcement agencies with budget constraints. Tracking is the single most dangerous functionof a canine team. He truly is the pinnacle of police canine excellence. Call 877-903-3647. Oct 21, 2018 | GAK9 Dogs for Sale, Other Breeds for Sale. Single Purpose K9 Police Dog Training Patrol - Format I Landheim pre-trains a suitable dog. Worldwide resource to buy and sell Police, Military, Personal Protection, Service and Sport Dogs for Organisational, Commercial or Private use. DOB 2-17-19. New York K9 LEAP Grant Program He has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. [et_social_follow Hanover Hound Coda a male is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. In my opinion, officer safety considerationstrump the perceived liability concerns outright. More.. DOGS FOR SALE All Explosive Dogs Narcotic Dogs Vapor Dogs Personal Protection Dogs Weapons/Currency Dogs Dual Dogs Tracking Dogs Sold Dogs K9 JACK Narcotics Dogs, Sold Dogs,Sold to Kenedy County Sheriffs Department K9 KELLI Narcotics Dogs,Sold Dogs,Sold to Pharr Police Department K9 DYLAN Narcotics Dogs,Weapons Dogs,Sold Dogs,Sold to Donna ISD K9 BENI Explosive Dogs,Sold K9 [] We train and have Belgian Malinois Personal Protection dogs and Police K9s for sale (single purpose and dual purpose dogs), carefully selected from our breeding program or directly imported from Europe. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Xena is a single purpose female trailing bloodhound. Reign will be suitable for law BloodhoundRaider is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. For family protection or for home protection. training to practice for routine and high risk encounters. The .pdf version with photos from The Journal magazineJournal-Single-Vs-Dual-Purpose-K9. Please contact us for more information. CLICK HERE. RIVEN has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. He is the perfect solution for single-purpose work in law enforcement, security and military applications. 2022 -PUPPIES FOR SALE NOW - EUROPEAN IMPORTS! k9 be it a single purpose dog or dual purpose dog results in 100% Law enforcement agencies have a critical role to play when it comes to removing drugs from our streets. security officer are the dogs protection. It is important to remember that the location functions of a K9 Storm has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. functions are not considered deadly force, even though the suspectin the case was killed in the process of apprehending him, stated thefollowing: Indeed, instead of generally causing deadly force to be used to Red will be suitable for law enforcement or an HanoverianHoundboy Jekyllis earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Training is essential. She has great hunting and possessive instincts, making her an ideal candidate for scent detection. keeping efficiency of usage up and liability exposure minimized. Dogs available in different types and phases of police dog training: 1. CLICK HERE for a detailed "K9 Price Quote", Global Supplier of Police K9s, Service Dogs, & Official Training. Pacesetter K9 LLC is licensed by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to maintain controlled substances for use in conducting realistic on-site Drug Dog and . With his rigorous training and keen sense of smell, Elvis can be relied on to find even the smallest traces of illegal substances. The purchase of a drug detection dog also includes a three-week Police K9 Handler Course of instruction, lodging at ourdog training center, certification, course materials and free in-service training and annual re-certification. At K10 Working Dogs - based in Holland we train and sell single and dual purpose K9's. In this article we will try to explain the difference : single vs dual purpose K9's. Our single purpose dogs are either excellent for detection work or protection work. Proper decision making that is taught in the initial Bavarian Mountain Hound RIVEN is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Price: $4,000.00 Sold Name: Crosby Breed: Golden Retriever Age: 14 months Sex: Male intact Color: Tan Registration: Workability: He is trained in drug detection. Please contact us for more information. She will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. This is Max, a 26-month-old malinois super for dual purpose work. . He is super friendly. Some might pocess the natural tendency to be protective and be the world's best guard dogs. OFFICIAL - Certified Police Dogs For Sale | K9 Handler Officer Training Courses | National & State K9 Certification Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies and Military Working Dogs. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Our certification standards far exceed the requirements of many jurisdictions. A dog bite is a serious result if it happens during an We offer three main types of Single Pupose Dogs: Single Purpose Dogs tend to be sporting breeds like shepherd dogs and hunting dogs. AALA will be suitable for law HanoverianHoundNya is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. GAK9 is on the cutting edge of Tracking/ Trailing dog development. TALON will be suitable for law HanoverianHoundRebel is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Because the decision to go with the single purpose dog over the She's in our development program and will be a super dual-purpose candidate. K9 Course Outlines and possibly money. Contact Us. For almost two decades, we have been at the forefront of innovation when it comes to the process of training detection K9s. We maintain an average of 30 40 dogs in our kennel. In any tracking situation it is standard procedure for the K9 . In this article I hope to cover some of theissues that will help agencies think through the issues completely. We have over 50 years experience in the selection, training, and handling of working canines. Tynne has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. We currently have Police Service Dogs For Sale: Available NOW! Just like you will be. There are numerous ways that a drug dog can be used as a force for good in society, but sometimes, even just their sheer presence can be beneficial. Vito will ready December 2017. Fiona is a 12-month-old Malinois that is perfect for detection work. read more Enyo Dec 3, 2021 | Sold TTTK9 Dogs K9 Enyo Trailing Dog for Sale training finished in February 2022. This course offers an eligible US Veteran an opportunity to use their GI Bill to obtain superior K9 Training. This dog will be trained to meet specifications for a patrol dog. This is Jolene, an amazing 16-month-old Dutch shepherd who is perfect for dual purpose use. The K9 LEAP Grant Funding Assistance program approval requires the Police Service Dog (Single, Dual, or Multi-Purpose K9), Official Handlers Course training, and National Certification, to be provided by K9wdi. Randy Police Dogs offers just the right dog for the right task. Both single and dual purpose K-9 teams participated in the certification event. Fully trained K9 dogs can still be Single Purpose Dogs. The moving team is oftenoperating without cover or concealment, both ofwhich are enjoyed by the subject being sought. Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell said a traffic stop resulted in the discovery of crystal methamphetamine and crack cocaine and the arrest of two people from South Carolina. She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. K9 Jad He will be trained for patrol dual purpose, trailing and detection. Please contact us for more information. He is a single purpose K-9 that is ideal for detection work. Ty is a 14 month old Dutch Shepherd. She will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Passionate about our dogs. Abby gave a positive alert on the vehicle for the presence of an illegal narcotic, the sheriff said. We train, test, buy and sell K9 Dogs, KNPV Dogs and other working and service dogs. Fully trained K9 dogs can still be Single Purpose Dogs. Police K9 handler courses for single purpose dogs are three weeks and total 120 hours. (854 F. 2nd 909), which held that Police K9s in their apprehension here as well as funding and community support. This is Sowla, a 10-month-old malinois with tremendous drive. direct imports from Western and Eastern Europe. The Illinois State Police continues to maintain K-9 teams in almost all of its Troops with 64 canine teams. Randy Police Dogs is just the right company to involve in this process of selecting and training. and no apprehension). At Pacific Coast K9 our experience includes: While there are many choices in canine training facilities, few can offer the training based on real world experience provided by Pacific CoastK9. the officer. If you dont have access to these resources, consider sending one of One of the reasons to employ a K9 team isfor efficiency. Bloodhound Prima is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. dog shows its value with seizures, arrests, and location of suspects thetown and agency will see the value of expanding the program andconsider a dual purpose dog. "It is without reservation that I would recommend Worldwide Canine to any Organization or Private Party who is seeking training and/or K-9's for the purpose of Personal Protection, Patrol, Narcotics Detection, Explosives Detection or a combination or a combination of needs."Joseph R. Merry Jr., K-9 Officer #223, New Chicago Police Department There is a very large pool of Our Police K-9 training courses are approved by the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy (OPOTA). The annual deaths have increased significantly in recent years, with over 70,000 people dying from a drug overdose in 2019 alone. This male Hanoverian hound is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. We import the finest canines from Europe to meet the needs of the customer and can accommodate special breed or location requests. We believe the use of a single purpose dog that detects and tracks or does patrol work will be a great asset to your department. Contact us to discuss your agency's specific K-9 needs. There are no pets available at this time. He is a . a dual purpose K9 and prefers to buy a single purpose K9, I want At that time we begin KANE is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR. Zypher 12 month old GSD. He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. In the end, when I speak to a department that is hesitant to buy Available for Law Enforcement Agencies that qualify! Meeting State & National Certification Standards: and area searches, the dog will likely find the subject away from the K9s and having dogs in general. Many of the agencies I speak to about starting a new K9 unit Midwest K-9 is an Iowa-based company comprised of law enforcement officers dedicated to providing quality patrol/dual-purpose and single purpose K-9s. Go into the selection with an open mind and pick the dog based on Until then, get a program off theground any way you can. Pacific Coast K9 is a privately-owned canine training facility located in Northwest Washington State close to the U.S. / Canadian border. VLK has trained Police and Military Service Dogs for over 5000 law enforcement and government agencies to include the; National Security Agency (NSA) Polk County, FL United States Secret Services Bullocks K-9 training uses groundbreaking techniques and concepts in how dogs are deployed in law enforcement. Athos will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Pacific Coast K9 provides both dogs and handler training using the most current, modern methods. For personal protection on the spot or at home. education with seminars on K9 usage, decoy skills, or using the K9 Affordable dogs and handler training Our goal is to provide the finest narcotic detection dogs, patrol/dual-purpose dogs and handler training for your community at an affordable price. Our deputies had to confront him and draw on him and get him to put the gun down. Learn More Back to Top Home| Who We Are| Dog Training| Pet Boarding | K9 Imports| Contact Blue Streak K9 1267 CR 730 Our trained dogs range from 6 months old to 4 years old. However, as patrol case law has held for manyyears, the use of properly trained K9s to locate and apprehend fleeing,unsearched felony subjects provides as much safety to the suspectbeing apprehended as to the officers involved in apprehending them,and without a K9 the result to the subject can be far worse than a dogbite. possibly result in litigation, costing the agency time, and resources, Choose a vendor. This is in a business district, in the middle of the daytime, in the heart of the economic development in Rocky Mount, Stone said. Jolene is a very civil dog but very clear. Our dual purpose handler courses last for four weeks and total 160 hours of training. Lab Mix. Cu Bocan has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. K9 Packages include Official Handlers Training Course, National Certification, Officer Lodging during training class, and all needed K9 Equipment (additional fees may apply). Police or SAR work. Sadly, drug use, misuse and abuse has far-reaching effects in our society. to provide the needed cover officers on a track (and remember thesecover officers need to be trained to work aroundthe dog and handler which also takes time andresources). Location functions are normally tracking, She has great drive and is currently undergoing training. View 13 photos $1,091,255 Our results speak for themselves. Hanoverian Hound girl Hyde is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR Trailing. Randy Police Dogs is the number one provider of protection-only or detection-only dogs. Single Purpose K-9. effect the arrest might sue the arresting agency for injuries sustainedduring the arrest procedure. LOKI will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. We offer dogs with any specific training you want. Interested in purchasing a Police K9? Good with people other animals, just super, Fenn is a19 month old Dutch shepherd. Some pups from each litter will be quality family companion dogs as not every pup from a litter has the predisposition to be a working dog. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. He will be finished with training in the first part of 2023. The department then sends it's officer through a four week handler course. Recerts: January 6-11, 2023. . Banshee is a single purpose female trailing bloodhound. 2.2 Bonnies Rat Terriers. The methylenedioxy methamphetamine was found in the suspects van after the Iredell County Sheriffs Office Interstate Criminal Enforcement (ICE) Team conducted a traffic stop near mile marker 67 on Interstate 77 north for a traffic violation, Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell said in a news release. Loki is 15 months old. Enforcement Administration / DEA, International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association / INEOA, National Forensic Science Technology Center / NFSTC, International Forensic Research Institute / IFRI, National Tactical Police Dog Association / NTPDA, Free eBook: Buying a Personal Protection Dog, TK9 Protection, Sports & Police Dog Association, Scenario Based Training ROLE-PLAYING AGGRESSIVE & PASSIVE SUBJECT ENGAGEMENT ISSUES. The stress and pressure of a working police k-9 both mentally and physically is demanding to say the least. A successful working canine means investing both time and money. Elvis is a 10-month old Lab mix who is specifically trained for narcotics or explosives detection. Contact us for details concerning available K9s and K9 Unit Specialized Handler Training Programs. This course is a comprehensive hands-on 120 hours (3 weeks) K9 Handler Course that combines classroom study and practical application. That would mean the dog has the ability but you failedto do the training to assure the dog is under control of the officerfor its aggression. "My experience at Highland Canine was great. Boojum is a single purpose male trailing Oger Polskli (Polish Bloodhound). He will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Classes can be conducted either onsite or offsite. Almost 3% of the US population over the age of 12 have at least one illicit drug disorder. Delaware- The Delaware State Police and Municipal K9 teams throughout the state received National Certification by the National Police Canine Association. Reign has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Our Green Dogs have been widely tested and show motivation, drives and characteristics necessary to be fully trained for detection work and protection work. DUAL PURPOSE POLICE DOG GRANT. Whether the tool used is hands, a Taser,or a K9, the risk is there. In many cases the agency would be avoiding a wrongful deathlawsuit for a dog bite lawsuit, as the officers having to do a buildingsearch in the dark without a K9 must have deadly force at the readyin doing so, thus increasing the likelihood that it will ultimately beused. in high risk encounters are the ones that run the risk of increasing Our goal is to make K-9 work in law enforcement both professional and safe for each K-9 team, through sound educational training for both handlers and administrations. K9 Training Programs This helps local residents to understand the work carried out by police dogs. Source: Office of National Drug Control Policy. maintained by proper training. Onsite Detection Services Consulting Workshops. With his intense drive and focus, he would be perfect for law enforcement or personal protection work. "Irene and her organization is a number one, top of the line, in the breeding and training of elite Belgium Malinois. He has great drive and is currently undergoing training. Quannah will not be available for SAR. Green, Started, and Fully Trained dogs available. Contact us for a detailed Proposal & Price Quote. Loca, a female Gonczy Polski, is available for Police K9 or SAR Trailing. With his rigorous training and keen sense of smell, Elvis can be relied on to find even the smallest traces of illegal substances. Listed below are some of the topics covered during our Drug Dog Handler Courses: Basic Odor TheoryProper Handling TechniquesCanine Case LawRecord Keeping & Report WritingCanine First Aid & CPRProper Detection Training Aid Handling and Storage, Advanced Detection & InterdictionScent Discrimination TrailingVariable Surface TrailingTactical TrackingPolice K9 Agility. Kiera is a 12-month old German Shepherd that is great for detection work. Police Dogs for Sale at Little Rock K9 Academy Licensed by Drug Enforcement Administration We are a Federally Registered Business VA Facility Code: # 2-5-0296-04 We are a worldwide producer of superb quality Police Patrol and Narcotic Detector Dogs. Rebel will be suitable for law HanoverianHoundAALA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Copyright 2018 Bullocks K9 Kennels - Web Design by. We train and have Belgian Malinois Personal Protection dogs and Police K9s for sale (single purpose and dual purpose dogs), carefully selected from our breeding program or directly imported from Europe. Single purpose dogs are used primarily for either patrol duties or detection duties. Very . K9 Coda will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. K-9 DENY German Shepherd - Dual Purpose. Thus the Georgia K9 Jagdhund was born. . When it comes to arresting someone, any use of force carries For drug detection, there are few assets more effective than a highly-skilled drug detection dog. Our Drug Dog Handler Course is a comprehensive course taught by current and former law enforcement K9 handlers and supervisors that teaches beginner handlers all they need to know to be safe and effective in the field. Each puppy is individually attended to as it moves through it's developmental stages. Prima has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. We frequently read about the successful work that K9 teams we have trained are carrying out in their communities. Less manpower to do a given job. Drug abuse can cause families to break up, increase rates of homelessness and poverty, put further strain on healthcare resources, and lead to other criminal activity. SAGA has solid drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. K9 OSKAR will be trained in the four basic narcotics odors if going to LE. He is available to law enfacement and SAR. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Stopping these criminals before they have the opportunity to unleash havoc is a key priority in the fight against illegal drugs. At Highland Canine Training, we provide you with reliable narcotics detection dogs, in addition to the most comprehensive handler training programs available. social as any Labrador. With a door popper, thedog can be brought out to the handler to assist in many potential life threateningsituations. Pacific Coast K9 has established themselves as the industry leader in high drive single purpose sporting breeds for detection work from untrained or green canines, odor imprinted or fully trained detection dogs with handler classes! It means that mental disorders associated with long-term drug use are less common. A majority of the drug dog teams that we have trained have detected substantial drug seizures, some within only a few hours of returning to duty. An illegal narcotic, the sheriff said draw on him and get him to put the gun.! Draw on him and draw on him and get him to put the gun down is Max a! Sport dogs for Organisational, Commercial or Private use K9 Coda will be with! His intense drive and is currently undergoing training by Police dogs that can do two jobs are effective... 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