Please take our patron satisfaction survey. After this we contacted a solicitor about this and took the neighbour to court over the vet bills (350) and won the case because we had video evidence of the cat jumping up on his fence and cutting his paw! Is it legal for neighbours to put cat spikes along fence? Excuse me OP, this is Her Majestys Reddit Revenue and (Original) Content, I would like to discuss your overdue bill for Cat Tax. This Act further states, collecting a cat and transporting it somewhere, such as away from your garden or driveway, is considered stealing, so it is best not to do so. However, some states and local legislatures have enacted laws specifically addressing situations where fences were installed for spiteful or malicious reasons. 2.) For a boundary fence between neighbors, the height must not be more than 2 meters, except if it adjoins a road or footpath, the height is restricted to 1 meter in this case. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Additionally, is it illegal to put carpet grippers on your fence? As long as the cat is not wounded, any kind of cat spike is legal. Personal and property safety has become an increasing concern for most people both in residential and industrial settings. Surely, the welfare of the cat is the responsibility of the owner, not the neighbours? Can I go out and remove the spikes that they have applied to what I believe is my fence? 2.8K Posts. The ndn has nailed strips of sharp plastic spikes along the fence, the spikes are sharp enough to draw blood if I push my hand down on them. In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. Learn how your comment data is processed. But that's best accomplished by talking to them first to avoid claims of damage. Evidence you might present could include pictures of the fence (to show that it is purposefully ugly), diagrams of its location (to show that it is needlessly tall and blocks light), the timing of its installation (right after an argument between you and your neighbor, which you would hopefully have separate documentation of, such as a text or email or even copies of these you sent to friends describing the situation), or testimony from other neighbors about the surrounding circumstances and motivations (to show that your neighbor dislikes you). They have likely done this as our cats will pass through their garden from time to time, and often sit on the fence and use it for scratchings. Please pay soon to avoid having to pay additional penalty pics. However, holding these cats out is more difficult than you would expect. What Can You Do About a Boundary Dispute With a Neighbor? Given them 2 or 3 weeks. If your neighbors agree about installing a new fence, they will often share the cost with you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Is it legal to put carpet grippers on your fence? Who has to pay to replace it? Can my Neighbour put spikes on my fence? My neighbour at the bottom has them and they dont bother my cats at all. It covers the entire top, and the spikes are about an inch long. In most cases, you will be required to apply for council permission. A trained mediator can help you and your neighbor figure out exactly why there's a wall between you (literally and figuratively) and brainstorm ways of taking it down. 23 June 2015 at 9:40AM. This rule is to prevent passersby or a child from getting injured accidentally from the fence. Cat spikes are designed to inflict pain but are not sharp enough to puncture a cats paw. To my knowledge we've never had any relations with these neighbors, nor have we ever spoken with them or had any reason to be at odds with each other. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Cats will stay away from your yard and you dont have to worry about harming them accidentally. So youre hating on something for acting according to its nature, not out of malice or evil and yet you say you would deliberately run it over? Horizontal wires placed at intervals of 12, 22, and 32 (under the top wire) See more. Other neighbourhood cats also move through all the gardens. You may also begin investing in humane deterrents like sound-activated repellent systems, jet sprays, or natural repellents like lavender, lemon balm, eucalyptus, or peach pit. Pay cat tax. For one, it can be awkward to approach a neighbor who you like and propose a fence. Try being neighborly first, and escalate from there as necessary. She loves to take sunbathe and do a barbecue in her free time. Spite is an emotion, and your neighbor would feel compelled to construct an annoying fence only if he or she was feeling strong emotions towards you. You might even want to consider filming yourself removing them - this way you can prove you took care in doing so (assuming you DO take care) and again, would reduce any risk of being accused of criminal damage. Also depends how bad the spikes are - if it's to harm people then it won't stand in court. Not only because I don't really want to see what happens if my cat decides to run out and leap up the fence like they sometimes so, but also because it looks hideous and makes the fence look ugly. In other words, the fence is the symptom, not the disease. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Initially I was furious. Likewise, is it illegal to put plastic spikes on your fence? If they don't, and there's no evidence to show it (original fence posts still up etc) then you may find you're about to kick off a boundary dispute. WebA backyard fence that splits the property lines between neighbors is called a boundary fence. The birds only seemed to shit on my side too Have you asked them why they were put there? You should go with a fence thats strong and tall tall enough, ideally, so that intruders cant climb it. Never ever show up with Cherry, the pie of aggression. Talk to your neighbours before using cat spikes, especially if you co-own a boundary wall of a fence with your neighbour. WebYes, once spikes become a danger, they are basically illegal. Which helps the cat to stay clear of the spiked wall. If you dont understand these laws and plan to install cat spikes without getting permission from your neighbor, contact your city council for more details. I thought I was a bad person for praying someone found them one day and kept them. If spikes have been installed along a linear boundary, such as a wall or fence, then it should be ensured that signs are presented every 3 metres or less, to make certain they will be seen. To stay above the law, you MUST only use blunt plastic spikes that will only make the cat feel uncomfortable. Installing a fence directly on a shared property line opens up a new set of complications. WebDividing Fences Act. To use any of these security toppings, you must check in with your local council. See ourMunicipal Laws and Ordinancespage for assistance locating your local laws. They don't want to think that you are actually an assassin. They are a great solution for commercial and industrial properties, So also, the perfect anti-climb security spike solution for people in places of high crime, who need to store equipment and machinery at home. You cannot complain to the council if your neighbours cat keeps pooing in your garden, even with video evidence! So for a neighbor to install anything on the fence, they will have to ask for permission. By "neighbor*" I mean the person/people who live in the house on the street directly behind our backyard- the back of their backyard is adjacent to the back of ours. There is no law to stop you from cementing glass onto the tops of walls, or hammering nails or carpet gripper into the top of your fence. If you want to stop people from climbing your fence, consider investing in a good fence. A guide discussing issues that may arise between neighbors on topics such as fencing, trees and noise. See the resources below for more information. The fence must be at least 7 ft tall. However, legislation has grown stronger too, giving the owner or operator of the land a duty of care to people on the premises. If the neighbor's dog destroys part of the fence, technically you'd both be responsible for the cost of repair. 2. Except with video evidence, you cant complain to the council that your neighbors cat is pooing in your yard. It will also stop any claims for compensation if anyone jumps your fence and gets injured. First off don't damage their property while trying to remove it, that can get messy. Ensure your fence is 2 meters high before you install security toppings such as Bulldog spikes. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. An article from the Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension that reviews the general fence law in Texas and the two major exceptions that modify that rule. 13 Common Signs of a Jealous Neighbor (Check Out), Can I Build a Fence Next to the Neighbors Fence? A 2021 article from local news station KPRC 2 Houston discussing the new security measures law and some of the issues property owners are experiencing with their associations when attempting to install fencing on their property. (How Close). A strong fence. Sometimes a neighbor may build an ugly fence out of spite for a neighbor. Spikes may not be needed for most residential fences except fences on street frontages. NO! How tall are the spikes on my Neighbors fence? Even if they are permitted to install anything, it is not legal for them to install sharp spikes (very sharp spikes that can cause injury to an animal or a child trying to climb it). But do you know there are some legislations covering security fencing, for example, laws guiding putting spikes on your fence? neighbor to install anything on the fence. i'd rather the fence be entirely on her property so that i do not become mutually responsible for maintenance on a fence has seen a spike since October in legal questions from readers about layoffs, unemployment and severance. So also, todays legislation does not support the use of broken glass as an intruder deterrent. Before I could get outside the cat had made such a mess of the bird before leaving it I had the great displeasure of putting the bird out of its suffering. Just be careful how your approach this. If so, what will they then do in return? My advice to anyone who thinks the world revolves entirely around themselves, buy a flat. Any modifications and attachments can only be done by the legal owner, meaning your neighbor, even if the side of the fence is facing their house, cannot legally change anything on your fence. I have suggested before that I can buy them a cat repellent device or the crystals if they don't want them in the garden, but they refused. As you can see this doesnt screen everything but the additional height does help, Ensure your fence is 2 meters high before you install security toppings such as Bulldog spikes. In that situation, if you want to force the neighbor to remove the fence, you might turn to the courts and sue your neighbor for what's known as "private nuisance.". But, keeping these cats out can be more complicated than you think. If your neighbours hedge is growing in width and encroaching on your space, you are entitled to trim any part of it that crosses your boundary. Does The right to roam give them the right to use my garden as a toilet & killing ground? Youre good to go if they dont like getting hoops on the boundary wall The fence between my property and my neighbors property is down. The average cost of installing a fence is around 100 per panel according to MyBuilder. Texas does not have a specific state law that addresses boundary line fences. In the absence of proof that a boundary wall is wholly on one or other property, ownership is usually presumed to be shared. u/2020isbae agreed: "I'd have called the police the moment they said it. Can you take the cover off a memory foam mattress and wash it? What are you waiting for? Are Cat Scarers & Sonic Devices Legal In The UK? It is legal advice and removing the spikes and tresspassing your lunatic prepper of a neighbor is completely legal. My Neighbor Keeps Looking at Me: What To Do? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The 45mm nails have been driven into the top of the wooden garden gate adjoining the property of a neighbour who owns cats. Bird spikes are very sharp and may harm cats so to deter cats, its best you use blunt cat spikes. 1 Is it illegal to put cat spikes on your fence? It isnt pleasant. Beyond simply talking to this neighbor, who, judging by the quality of the spikes, may very well be crazy, what can I do? Boundary line disputes may arise between adjoining neighbors for a variety of reasons. Therefore, you can put spikes on your fence, if and only if it wont injure any cat attempting to climb it. Adding trellis above your fence is a good way to keep burglars away as it makes it difficult for burglars to climb over. Several new laws passed by the Texas Legislature in 2021 prohibit an association from restricting: These new laws do still allow the association to limit the appearance of theenclosure as well as the type of fencingthat can be used. If you live in the city, then you will have a cat in your garden sometime this week! You see these a lot, to deter cats, pigeons etc, they are legal. A 2007 article from the Texas A&M Real Estate Center discussing the use of boundary agreements, both through formal and informal means. 3.) Id second this, but Id also be putting this in writing as well. Youre good to go if they dont like getting hoops on the boundary wall or fencing. They've done it with the pure intention of injuring my parents' cat (They've threatened to kill it before). Cat feces carries the same bacteria as dogs which can cause ocular toxocariasis (blindness) in young children. I have knelt in cat feces when weeding. I think I know which disgusts me more and it isnt the cats. My cats have roamed around for 12 years and l have to laugh at my neighbour as my cats are intelligent enough to go other ways, but is she allowed to camouflage the spikes? Therefore, anti climb spikes on top of the wall are allowed, so long as youve added a notice saying something like: Caution: danger of injury from fence spikes. Really worried about our cat and the other neighbourhood cats getting hurt and I also didnt like the look of them. Fortunately, at GreenWay we offer such a large variety of different fences that were confident youll find a style you both like that meets your practical needs. Security of lives and properties is very important. However, whether you make your cat spikes out of metals, carpet grippers, or glass, you are purposefully causing damage because these types of spikes will hurt any cats unfortunate enough to hop on your fence or wall. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Additional A potential vet bill is going to be even more expensive. Back in the day, it was a popular form of intruder deterrent commonly used around industrial premises and other areas to keep animal and human intruders out. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. One of my cats sat in the tree over the shed all afternoon and watched me. WebWhen youre splitting the fence cost with your neighbor, you need to want the same fence. So to intentionally not offer or give them back could be classed as theft as it would be hard to argue that you didnt know they belonged to your neighbour. We had a similar issue. An article from the Texas A&M Real Estate Center discussing all the laws passed in 2021 relating to property owners' associations including those related to swimming pool enclosures and security measures. For context, I am end terrace. Can my Neighbour put spikes on my fence? My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence that devides our houses. The spikes can also deter birds from sitting on top of the fence. Last summer my 4 year old grandson went into the bushes in my garden to retrieve his ball. Not sharp enough to pierce or damage paws. These strips are approximately 20/30mm wide. Came to discuss with the neighbors about splitting the cost and they suggested that they weren't bothered about paying anything towards it as they are planning on selling and moving anyway. Otherwise, follow these steps to install your cat spikes. If your neighbor constructs a spite fence, possibly making the neighborhood look terrible and calling attention to the property, what should you do? Cat spikes are hard plastic spikes that can be nailed on top of fences and walls, the strips are around 20/30 mm wide. A neighbour has received backlash after attempting to add spikes on one woman's fence in a bid to keep their rabbits safe, but she did not consult the woman beforehand. So with a properly installed fence, consider adding some toppings that will make it difficult for intruders to climb over. While rare, adverse possessionis a legal concept that allows a trespasser sometimes a stranger but more often a neighbor to gain legal title over the land of a property owner. Bird poop may be splattering or otherwise be visible on their side of the fence. If your spikes cause injuries to cats, it can be considered animal abuse which is severely punishable. Was the neighbor in residence when you built the fence? So fence spikes and a sign are more effective deterrents than using fence spikes alone. The spikes are in strips of about 5cm long and theyve placed them on either side of the concrete posts holding the fence up with big gaps in between. My My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence Are there spikes on the fence for cats? Warning signs for anti climb spikes need to be displayed so that they are easily seen by anyone approaching a protected barrier. The fence is only 46 tall. Cats have great memories and will not come back to the same place twice if they find it uncomfortable or painful. In the end he had a huge court bill and there are NO MORE spikes attached to his fence. How are we doing? WebAlso, legally, cats are classed as wild animals, not domesticated so there's not a lot of action your neighbour can take legally to stop your cat entering their garden. In the 6 years I have lived in the property I have witnessed a cat stalk, pounce & drag a wood pigeons into the bushes. A common dispute among neighbors is who owns, as well as who is responsible for maintaining the fence between their properties. Yep, exactly that happens in my garden. The spikes are possibly there to deter cats, squirrels, and other animals from walking across the top of the fence. The most important features of a good fence are height, strength, and security toppings. Advertisement on this page says Prikka Spikes are available in 4 meter [sic] lengths. Five Strands: a Landowner's Guide to Fence Law in Texas, 2nd ed. Because the fence will benefit both parties, your neighbors might be interested in sharing costs, and the conversation about property lines and fence maintenance will also become much easier. The State Bar of Texas created this guide to legal questions from those affected by disasters. Yes, cat spikes work and will deter both cats and foxes from entering your garden. About 18 months ago, the neighbors accidentally set fire to the fence, I think a garden ornament was blamed (focused the sun to cause a fire) however I believe a thrown cigarette was the real cause. In this article, we will be answering some of your questions about cat spikes and why they are such a taboo subject for both owners & non-owners of cats. Can My Neighbor Record My Backyard (And My Property)? He may be happy to take them down if you stop your cat from shitting in his garden. Cat spikes are designed to be safe but uncomfortable, but they arent always effective as many cats will still cross the boundary and simply put up with the pain. That way you may avoid costly repair bills and your neighbour may be more inclined to address the problem. My cats like to be able to dig when they crap, so this area suits them. If you dont like cats or if the neighborhood cats have made your garden their litter box, you may be searching for a way to keep them away from your home. Yes he took a shortcut. Thank you for the really constructive and rational line of thinking. WebMy Neighbours Hedge Is Overgrown. If they want such a structure in place they can build their own fence etc. This is not uncommon in suburban areas. Also some cities and/or HOAs have shared responsibilty bylaws for fences regardless of who built it. Its slightly sharpened tip makes it difficult for cats to walk on it. This private attorney's office has compiled a list of most Texas counties' stock laws. If they refuse, then you send them a polite, firm, letter by certified mail notifying them that they have X days to remove the spikes, at which time you will do so. Since cats are free to roam, they can go to your yard, have a poo, and leave. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Press J to jump to the feed. 3 June 2013 at 9:30AM peter_the_piper Forumite 30.2K Posts They Do), Do Moths Come From Caterpillars? My Neighbor Runs a Generator all Night (Is It Rude)? With that in mind, you must make sure the spikes you are using are plastic and not too sharp that they puncture the cats paws. Theses cat spikes were about 3 inches long and sharp as a pin! Birds feed at the tables then fly to the fence and crap all over it before flying away, I know this as it is what they do to my neighbours fence after feeding in my garden.
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