Establishments primarily engaged in growing are classified as plant nurseries. In all cases reasonableness should apply. Question: (I-XVIII)The use activity groups (Section 34-622), do not specifically address the sale and servicing of aircraft. Section 34-3272(3)b. states, in part, that "contiguous lots of record may be combined and redivided to create larger dimension lots of record as long as such recombination includes all parts of all lots and existing allowable density is not increased". Answer:There is no clear way to prorate use, and every case may be different. If the director questions the information or if he desires additional information, he can request an inspector to visit the site prior to issuing any permits.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3204 allows reroofing and roof repairs. However, RV1 and RV2 allow a 12 inch encroachment. If the deck is part of the pool, you measure to the deck. Read More Our Fences Employment. Would this be considered an Essential Service FacilityGroup II? SECTION 34-2019 Other use of off-street parking lotsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-2019(2) references Section 34-3048 "Ancillary temporary uses in parking lots" which allows for seasonal promotions, sidewalk sales, and parking lot sales; does it also allow for the use of banners or temporary signage for grand openings and other promotions such as those which are common at auto dealerships and fastfood restaurants? SUBDIVISION III Multiple-Family Districts SECTION 34-714 Use regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)If a proposed multifamily residential development within an RM District (which permits existing marinas only) includes an appurtenant docking area for use of the residents and guests only, but does not include fuel docks, ship's store or other commercial uses, does the docking area fall within the definition of marina? Answer:Section 34-1171 "Applicability of Division" sets forth that Sections 34-1171 - 34-1174 do not apply to those accessory uses, buildings, and structures which are incidental and subordinate to the principal use or building and which are specifically regulated elsewhere in this ordinance. Answer:This depends on the type of operation. Answer:Yes. Is it subject to the same setbacks as set forth in Section 34-2194 Setbacks from Water? Answer:Compatible or incompatible to what? Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3241(b)(2) allows reconstruction of nonconforming structures damaged by fire or other natural forces. Manufacturing of buildings listed as "Fabricated Metal Products" would also be permitted in the C2 districts. Easements of this type should be referred to the attorney's office for interpretation of the developer's rights.Question 4: (I-XVIII)The use regulations in Section 34-937 apportions gross commercial floor areas permissible based on number of dwelling units. No. "Vehicle and Equipment Dealers Group II is permitted in the C1, C2, C-2A, CC and CG districts, or the CPD, IPD and MPD districts if listed on the approved schedule of uses. Answer:No. Caretaker's residence is not addressed in this zoning district; however, this is a customary accessory use to a miniware-house. The top of the seawall is at least four (4) feet above the bottom of the water body adjacent to the seawall. Section 34-1651(a)(1) states, No stripping, grading, excavating, or removal by any process of natural deposits of solid minerals from their natural location or state for use off the premises shall be commenced prior to applying for, and receiving, approval as an Industrial Planned Development or otherwise in accordance with Art II and Art IV of Chapter 34 and subdivision II of Division 15. In those cases where the principal building was lawfully constructed closer to the street than is now permitted, the higher fence would be permitted closer to the street than the setback line, but not closer than the principal building itself. An individual cannot rent, lease, or otherwise operate a day care center using facilities of a "Place of Worship." ARTICLE VI DIVISION 4 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II Conventional Recreational Vehicle Districts SECTION 34-792 Property development regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)In the conventional RV Districts, can central air conditioning units, propane tanks, bay windows or carports encroach into the required 10foot separation between units? 2. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 27 PLACES OF WORSHIP AND RELIGIOUS FACILITIES SECTIONS 34-2051 - 34-2053Question 1: (I-XVIII)In many residential zoning districts, existing "Places of Worship" are permitted by right, but new "Places of Worship" require a Special Exception. require a parking block to be 2 feet from the end of the parking space. It was the intent of the BOCC to allow the replacement of the units without interfering with existing attachments. Answer: However, the dictionary defines "primary" as "of first rank, importance, or value.". The Board of County Commissioners may allow deviations. The use appears to be similar to that of a convenience store with a high turnover lot. The definition of "on the same premises" would not apply, since the properties are not abutting and therefore must be treated as separate and distinct parcels. . Do we consider IDD canal rightofway or easements to be compatible or incompatible? Background:A model display center, as defined (Section 34-1952), and open storage are listed as permitted uses in the C1 zoning district. 7. Is it based on percentage of sales or percentage of floor area, or both? What does this mean? Question: (I-XVIII)Under the definition of a marina, can a seaplane be docked or moored at a marina? ARTICLE VII DIVISION 12 DENSITYSUBDIVISION II. Gross density allows calculation of roads used for residential purposes, but does not include lands used for commercial, office, and industrial uses. Setbacks SECTION 34-2192 Street setbacksQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)Subsection 34-2192(a) contains a table of setbacks from various street classifications. The definition also indicates that it must be part of the development site. Answer:Section 34-935(b) supersedes Section 34-1174. obtained from the Lee County Soil & Water Conservation District, 319 S. Mason, Amboy, IL 61310 (815) 857-3623 x. Answer:Yes. would not normally offer valet parking.Question 3:Does the use of Valet Parking reduce the number of parking spaces required or whether or not paving is required? The manufacturing of both mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings and components is listed in Section 34-622(c)(26) Lumber and Wood Products, Manufacturing Group V. The manufacturing of mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings would be permitted in the IG district if they existed prior to Sept. 27, 1993 or in the IPD district. Activities That Do NOT Require a Burn Authorization. Does the 2 feet count as part of the required dimension for the space, or is it in addition to the space?Answer:The two feet is part of the required space and is not in addition to it. SECTION 34-874 Property development regulations tableQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-874, Footnote (3), indicates that boat service buildings or structures may be built up to the mean high water line, in the CM, IM, and PORT districts. These facilities would be classified as "Personal or Private Recreational Facilities" in an RM district provided they do not provide the services defined as "Marina. If a zero-lot line unit is proposed, a single 5-foot side yard is required. ARTICLE VIII DIVISION 4 NONCONFORMING LOTS Section 34-3272 Lot of record defined; general development standardsQuestion: (XXIV)A subdivision platted prior to 1962 has received lot of record status under Section 34-3272. Environmental Engineering 239-274-2200 Fax. R4101.3 Mechanical requirements. Unless specifically exempted, all accessory nonresidential buildings and structures must comply with the minimum buffering requirements when abutting any district other than commercial or industrial.Question 5: (I-XVIII)The setback requirements for accessory structures or buildings appears to conflict with the requirements of Section 34-935(b) concerning setbacks from development perimeter requirements for Planned Developments. SECTION 34-736 Property development regulations table A guesthouse is not a customary accessory use for purposes of this Ordinance. According to the developer, he has an easement to use the parking spaces for his exclusive use. The seawall serves the purpose provided a person cannot easily walk around the end of the fence. Answer:The key word in both Sections is "may." Gov. It required setback requirements after a county, lee ceunty po. The intent of this group is to provide for the contractors and builders who erect and/or repair buildings, etc. The intent therefore, is to measure from property line to property line.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Based on the wording of Section 34-1204, is it the intent to restrict these uses from zoning districts which permit both residential and commercial uses? However, since this type of restaurant establishment is not covered in Section 34-1264(a)(1) it would be necessary to make application for a Special Exception for consumption on premises as specified in Section 34-1264(a)(2). Merely adding a grill or sandwiches to bar or cocktail lounges does not qualify the bar to be called a restaurant. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Answer:No, this is not an error or omission. The definition of a marina specifically excludes "docks, davits, boathouses and similar facilities appurtenant to a residential land use providing only docking or mooring." Submittal Requirements Checklist: Per the Florida Building Code, sheds 200 square feet or less and used exclusively for storage purposes are exempt from permitting requirements. The owner wishes to sell them individually and believes that Section 34-3275 exempts him from needing variances from the IL lot requirements. Does this Section apply to swimming pools which predated said effective date. Which regulation is correct? Exceptions: Marginal docks must be setback min. However, in the current regulations the provision was omitted. However, it cannot be enlarged.Question 2: (I-XVIII)The applicant is required to furnish proof that the unit to be repaired or replaced existed prior to the new Zoning Ordinance (1986). A manufactured housing unit is considered a conventional building and is defined "Building Conventional." Does this include deviations from the Impact Fee Ordinance(s)? Compounding the problem are issues including: Assuming that the lot is a legal lot of record, the use is a permitted use, and that there are no federal, state or local regulations prohibiting reconstruction, the provisions of Section 34-3241(B) AND 34-3203 are reviewed. Section 34-2015(1) Location and Design Generally requires that "except for parking lots zoned CP or as provided in section 34-2018, all required parking lots shall be provided on the same premises and within the same or similar type zoning district as the use which they serve.". A residence should always be required to comply with setbacks for principal buildings. Answer:No. Any use of a residence for a home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by its occupants. (2) Any required front yard setback. @leecountyflbocc Would a "riprap" wall be considered the same as a "seawall"? 5. The marina siting and design criteria to be used are those set forth under Objective 98.5 and 98.6 of the Lee Plan.". Section 34-935(b) is one of these instances where a specific regulation exists which supersedes Section 34-1174.Question 6: (I-XVIII)If a barn or stable is constructed on agriculturally zoned property before a residence, and then a residence is built, is the residence an accessory or principal use and which regulations would apply? (a) Side yard setbacks in residential areas shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the property line, unless a zero-lot line is proposed. The only additional provisions concerning height of decks applies to screen enclosures.Question 4: (XIX)Section 34-1176(c) provides: Every swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure, not less than four (4) feet in height, constructed or installed so as to prevent access to the pool by persons not residing on the property. The DSO prohibits backing out onto a rightofway, so should we not count those spaces when computing required spaces? Except that fences may be increased to a maximum height of four (4) feet provided that such fence is of open mesh screening and does not interfere with vehicle visibility requirements (Section 34-3131) at traffic access points.". From the entrance on could be residential. Question: (I-XVIII)In the CI (Intensive Commercial) district MiniWarehouses are a permitted use. csfa league table. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. No recreational vehicles including Park Models are permitted in the MHC-1, MHC-2, MH1, MH3 or MH4 districts, and no recreational vehicle except Park Models are permitted in the MH2 district. * Please Note: A Hold Harmless Agreement is required when applying for a driveway permit for a paver or stamped concrete driveway. and b.1. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 26 OFF-STREET PARKING SECTION 34-2011 Applicability of divisionQuestion: (I-XVIII)When computing parking for a change of use permit, what happens to existing parking spaces that presently are backing out onto a rightofway. In addition, and for purposes of Section 34-2222 only, a lot is considered "created" if it was part of a proposed subdivision or other development which had received formal county approval prior to the effective date (January 28, 1983) of the Development Standards Ordinance and subsequently was formally exempted from the provisions of said Ordinance, in accordance with Section B.1.b. These buildings would be permitted in the IG district subject to special setbacks or in the CPD, MPD and IPD districts. Although not specifically addressed, since this a new (1986) district, is it now the intent to allow the caretaker'sapartment? Section 34-3275 Commercial or industrial useQuestion: (I-XVIII)An applicant owns three small contiguous lots which were platted around 1925. Boathouses are not subject to the setback requirements set forth in Section 34-2194. Building Plans: Contact the Lee County Zoning Office, 112 E Second St, Dixon, IL 61021 (815) 288-3643, to obtain the Building Permit application. The definition was originally adopted in the Planned Development Ordinance and was incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance. I still need what the Florida Res. The minimum required setbacks set forth in Sections 34-2191 to 34-2196 apply to all zoning districts. 110 (Brenda Merriman). The private street setback is intended only for those streets which are privately owned and privately maintained. Also, Section 34-1955(c) allows for sales to be conducted in a main sales office located on or off the premises. Answer: Also, retention ponds are addressed under Section 34-1651(b) Excavation for purpose of water retention.Question 2: (XXV)Can excavated materials be moved from an abutting parcel or parcels to another abutting parcel (all under the same ownership) for use in road construction? Question: (I-XVIII)Does a home utilizing factory components manufactured off site, but assembled on site, meet the current definition of a mobile home in the County Zoning Ordinances? City of Fort Myers, Zoning (GIS Map) City Development Activity Map. The Zoning Ordinance does not set forth regulations concerning signs, but consistently refers to the Lee County Sign Ordinance. Section 34-2018(a) specifically states that if not part of a planned development, then a special exception is required. If a parking facility has a parking attendant to direct cars to parking spaces, is that the same as valet parking? What is the intent of the word "beverages"? Buildings taller than 15 metres must have a 6-metre setback around them to get the Delhi Fire Service's No Objection Certificate (NOC), which is needed by government regulations. Answer:No. (Supp. If strictly an office without a fleet of vehicles, use Section 34-2020(2)j. The Lee Plan is based on gross acreage. However, the Health Department may have had regulations for commercial pools. Posted in craft assembly jobs at home uk. SECTION 34-2018 Joint use of off-street parking lotsScenario:The developer of an outparcel adjacent to a shopping center has an agreement with the shopping center to use part of the center's parking spaces to help offset his required parking. Florida DEO . Answer:Yes. Under the provisions of Section 34-32754, if the lots exceed 4,000 square feet with minimum 40 x 75 foot dimensions, and if the property is currently zoned for commercial or industrial use, then it can be used and the owner is not required to combine them However, the owner must be able to comply with the setback requirements set forth in Section 34-3275(1), as well as provide room for the use anticipated, including open space, parking access, surface water management, and buffers where required. Lee County GIS. The IRC is a stand alone code for residenial. Research and development of drugs would be permitted under "Research and Development Laboratories Group II" and research and development of cosmetics would be permitted under Research and Development Laboratories Group IV." In this case, the potential impact of the recreational park on surrounding land uses and the infrastructure of the area warrants that the project be properly reviewed as a recreational vehicle park. In this case, 20% of 50 feet equals two side yards of 10 feet each. One license is the normal license for consumption on premises and the other is for a Brew Pub License to produce the beer for consumption on premises. The definition of a mobile home is: A building, manufactured off site, in conformance with the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards (24 CFR 3280, et seq), subsequently transported to a site complete or in sections where it is emplaced and tied down in accordance with Chapter 15 C1, FAC with the distinct possibility of being relocated at a later date. Answer:No. Approvals - 3 minutes R4101.4 Approvals Packaging or repackaging of materials which does not chemically or physically alter the composition of an item is permitted under "Processing and Warehousing." The definition of marina refers to the term "boats." In the past, the front of the building established the point where fence height had to be lower. Furthermore, Section 34-1178 specifically addresses guesthouses; and Section 34-3 states the standard rule of statutory construction is that "the particular shall control the general.". However, the term "roofover" shall not be interpreted to mean any roofed structure or contrivance which is support by members attached to, or otherwise setting directly on, the ground. Several methods exist by which the Board of County Commissioners can waive certain requirements: Section 34-2017(c) addresses temporary lots and 34-2018 addresses joint parking facilities. Answer:"Bingo" or other similar recreational activities do not fall within any specific Use Group. Answer:This is a very complex issue and will, in most cases, have to be referred to the attorney's office for a ruling. However, models and model unit display centers (Sections 34-1951 - 34-1955) only permits display or model units which would be permitted within the particular zoning district. By requesting an average setback, your neighbor will be able to place their residence/structure in a manner consistent with similar structures in the neighborhood. Unless there is a building code or fire regulation to the contrary, a pool, tennis court or other recreational facility may be located as close to the other buildings as desired by the applicant, as long as the buildings are under the same ownership and on the same premises.Question 2: (I-XVIII)When a fence is used in lieu of an enclosure around a pool, is the setback measured to the pool deck or to the edge of the pool water? Pools built after August 1, 1986 are subject to the 1986 regulations.Question 5: (XXII)Section 34-1176(c)(1) requires "every swimming pool, hot tub, spa, or similar facility to be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure, not less than four (4) feet in height, constructed or installed so as to prevent unauthorized access to the pool by persons not residing on the property." Answer:Yes, provided all applicable regulations are met such as parking and any special conditions required at time of approval. Return to Table of Contents, ARTICLE I - IN GENERAL SECTION 34-2 DEFINITIONS. Could the word "beverages" also include alcoholic beverages, thereby allowing a bar, whose principal business is the sale of a beverage (in this case, alcoholic beverages) to also fall within the definition? Answer:The ordinance does not restrict use of valet parking either by land use or by zoning district. If not, what district would permit it? If the property fronts on a sea walled body of water, can the seawall act as the barrier to prevent unauthorized access to the pool? Group IV of Section 34-622(c)(48) Stone, Clay, Glass and Concrete products, manufacturing, has not been included as a permitted use in the IG district. The ordinance would permit use of the dwelling to conduct the administration of a business provided there are not employees working in the dwelling that are not residents thereof. Satellite earth stations must meet the minimum setback requirements for the zoning district in which proposed, as well as those setback requirements in section 34-2191, et seq. How would I75 be classified? SECTION 34-412 Deviations from general zoning regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Sections 34-412(a) and (b) indicate that in the process of obtaining Planned Development Approval, deviations from the Zoning Ordinance or any other land development regulation or code may be permitted under certain conditions. Answer:If the use is in a freestanding building, the parking would be calculated based on Small Products (1 space per 200 square feet of total floor area, minimum of 5 space). (3) Answer:I75 is identified as a Freeway on the Trafficways Map. Answer:Yes. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 37 SUBORDINATE AND TEMPORARY USES SECTION 34-3021 Subordinate usesBackground: (XXVI)Art VII Div 37 Sub I refers, in section 34-3021, to uses that may be permitted by right or Special Exception provided said uses are clearly subordinate to a permitted principal use and are in compliance with the regulations set forth in Section 34-3021. Such uses are more intense than those normally encountered in a recreational marina, yet fall short of the intensity of use represented by the storage and commodity handling facilities and equipment attendant to the waterborne commerce movement facilities which are the principal focus of the PORT District [34-871(c)]. In that case, refer to the definition of "Water, Body of" and you will see it includes both artificial and natural. Code state. Find Us On Social Media: The benefit would be to all members of the church throughout the nation. Mailing Address. Mixing of public parking and valet parking could create chaos if the public were to block another vehicle. Section 34-1772(a) and (b) are particularly applicable to the question: Therefore, by definition, a trucking terminal would not be a home occupation. Is the intent that the "ratios" listed in 34-937(2) be applied to an ALF which intends to have "commercial" (e.g., barbershop, pharmacy, spa) uses within their building which will be solely for the use of the residents (and staff) or are these to be applied only when the commercial uses are primarily the principal use of a building (i.e., in separate buildings from the living facilities)? However, this particular question was recently addressed by the Board of County Commissioners. Click on the link in the Table of Contents to go directly to that topic. How and when does the Board determination approval get made? Also, this section requires the use to be totally within the building housing the principal use, to occupy less than 10 percent (10%) of the total floor area of the principal use, and public access to the commercial uses must not be evident from any abutting street. Was this a scrivener's error? ARTICLE VII DIVISION 35 SPORTS/AMUSEMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES SECTION 34-2478 ParkingQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-2478 indicates that the Board of County Commissioners may allow up to fifty (50) percent of the required parking to be met offsite if certain provisions are met. Since the dictionary defines "carpentry" as "the art of shaping and assembling structural woodwork," and fabricating as "to construct or manufacturer," does this mean that cabinet making is a permitted use? Therefore the minimum setback applies to either.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-2194(c) specifically references required setbacks from "seawalled" bodies of water. 22-07, adopted March 1, 2022. Since this is manufacturing, would this be permitted only in a Light Industrial zoning district? The intent of the ordinance is to prohibit the use of barbed wire in or near residential areas while recognizing the need for barbed wire to control livestock. What is my property is zoned as? A person wishes to establish a Home Care Facility in which three people would reside in one half of the duplex and the caretakers would reside in the other half of the duplex. Answer:Yes. delray beach setback requirements Noend Tatical Documentao para posse e porte de arma de fogo. Answer:Yes, he is exempt from needing variances. Answer:Yes. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 2 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS SECTION 34-653 Use regulations tableQuestion: (XXI)Agricultural districts permit nurseries as a permitted use in all AG zones. Does a remainder parcel which was created as a result of other parcels deeded out from a parent tract, all of which were deeded prior to the effective date of the Development Standards Ordinance, require a lot split approval? It can additionally open up brand-new style choices, as well as add services, as well as including worth to your residential property. Vehicles which are licensed for highway use are not considered equipment, if they are used by a resident of the dwelling unit, i.e., each resident who uses a commercial vehicle is permitted to drive it home and park it, although repair or servicing a commercial vehicle or equipment in a residential district is not allowed. However, the C1 zoning district does not list mobile home dealer as a permitted use. At what point in time did Lee County Ordinances require fencing of swimming pools? Question: (XXIV)Would this requirement apply to other utility structures or equipment, such as a water treatment plant, that do not pose a direct hazard to passersby or residents? 3. SECTION 34-2020 Required spacesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)Both Sections 34-2020(2)j. and 34-2020(3)c. list Contractors and Builders. Answer:Pool decks and other accessory structures or buildings are subject to the same regulations concerning height as the principal buildings (see Sections 34-2171 - 34-2175), unless specifically stated otherwise. The church would provide religious services, Bible studies, and the use of church facilities for "events" taking place. Answer:Sprayirrigation disposal would be an Essential Service Facility Group II unless it is located on the same premises as the sewage disposal plant or package plant. Annotations which are no longer valid have been deleted. A marina end of the seawall serves the purpose provided a person can not easily walk the... 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