Body type The first time is when he thinks about his dead wife as the film begins. Knowing is a death mask a memento of the dead. In the Book of Enoch, he describes being taken to heaven . John discovers that Lucinda's numbers are dates, death tolls, and geographical coordinates of major disasters over the past fifty years (including the Oklahoma City bombing, the September 11 attacks, and Hurricane Katrina), and three have yet to happen. The film then introduces Diana and Abby to complete the Koestler the family unit. Caleb and Abby are taken away to a distant planet, while John and Everyone Else the EE mentioned in the alien code are left to a fiery annihilation. He writes, "Cage plays an astronomer, and his discussions with a colleague hint that the film may actually grapple with the question of predicting the future, perhaps even offer a plausible theory. It's no wonder the movie ends with him reconciling with his pastor father (Alan Hopgood). The following day, Lucinda engraves the remaining numbers into a closet door with her fingernails. These vary from a solar disaster, as in this movie, to a shift in the magnetic poles or rotational axis of the Earth, arrival of a rogue planet or brown dwarf, some sort of spiritual singularity, etc. There is also just a hint of a reality beyond that of which the aliens were guiding the human survivors, which in turn means that the notion of God wasn't entirely disregarded. The "Nordic aliens" or the good aliens are the good angels and greys or the bad aliens are the Fallen Angels which makes sense that their human hybrid offspring the Nephilim would have elongated skulls. 1 Let brotherly love continue. Psalm 19:1-2 declares: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. All of this is quite simple and straightforward. "The Pentagon says they do not know what kind of force they are dealing with. Generally, angels are depicted as beautiful, pale-skinned humans with wings, wearing white robes, carrying a harp, and sporting a halo. Edit, The story of the film is strictly fiction. In the moments before destruction, his father comforts him with the words: this isnt the end. But in recent times with alien imagery being so common in science fiction movies and TV shows, it's no surprise that the idea of aliens is part of our collective unconsciousness as a society now. Koestler is not, and is left behind. [5] Locations included the Geelong Ring Road; the Melbourne Museum; "Cooinda", a residence in Mount Macedon which was the location for all of the "home and garden" scenes; and Collins Street. Attack of the Clones: The Kaminoans are a hybrid of Space Angels and The Greys . Translucent rib, spine, and vein-like structures can also be seen within their torsos and heads, with other bone-like structures visible in their hands and legs. The Bible indicates that angels were created at the same time the earth was formed, even before human life was created. In total, 1.4 million DVD units were sold in the United States for a US$21.1 million and US$25 million worldwide. This is the first of three WOE's of Revelation. 9 The Angelic World Is Outside The Visible Universe. In Matthew and Luke's gospel accounts, Zachariah, Mary, and Joseph all have encounters with angels. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Clearly the aliens-angels never heard of the concept of invasive species. While it's certainly not the first sci-fi film to tackle biblical symbolism just look at Dune's messiah/Chosen One prophecy Knowing actually explores a wide array of religious themes. Greg Reese Reports. 2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. It can be speculated that Abby had a striking resemblance to Lucinda and perhaps this is to show that somehow Lucinda was "saved" in the form of Abby. Our current world was considered to be a success, and therefore humans were created in it (c. 3000 BC). Then he realises it predicts future disasters. Koestler becomes the Cassandra figure from Greek mythology; like her, no one will believe his prophesies. 2 Kings 6: Elisha and the army of angels. In retrospect, Ebert's sanguine support of the Nicolas Cage sci-fi thriller, which also included ranking it "among the best science-fiction films I've seen" and including it in his 2009 year-end top ten list, is a lot less baffling than it seemed at the time, when "Knowing" was getting widely panned by critics. It didn't fit with the rest of the film at all. John Koestler's kids are central to why some still want the Knowing ending explained. | In the second chapter of the Bible, we are told that God created the heavens and the earth, and everything in them. Its destiny. The "morning stars" are angels, whereas "the sons of God" are the leaders of other worlds. Evil Aliens - DEMONS are trying to take over the universe. [5] The solar flare destruction sequence is set in New York City, showing notable landmarks such as the Metlife Building, Times Square and the Empire State Building being obliterated as the flare spreads across the Earth's surface, destroying everything in its path. The bigger twist is that this presages a doomsday neither planet nor protagonist can survive. The online Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained has this to say about Guardian Angels:. Whether you love it or loathe it, Knowing does an awful lot with its 2-hour runtime. The most obvious is the film's use of prophecy, which is bolstered by the connection between John Koestler, who tries to warn the planet of the coming apocalypse, and John the Apostle, the author of the Book of Revelation, the final book of the Christian Bible that details the end of the world. It's possible that the rabbits are intended to help the children's new civilization by establishing a food chain. Through careful rewatching and a little extrapolation, here are the answers to the biggest questions from the ending of the Knowing movie. Proof Aliens Exist. The group's job was to "detect, analyse and catalogue . If one really watches and pays the least bit of attention, one "should" clearly see the director's intent. . Diana tells John that her mother had always told her the date she would die. When he's not writing for Screen Rant, Niall also writes for Corner of Film (where he also hosts a podcast) and sporadically dabbles in fiction with a focus on dark comedy and horror. Black stones just meant that the "aliens" were nearby or had been there, etc. Aliens, strangers, angels, some sort of hybrid, we don't know because they don't say. This is one of the most common story resolutions, yet Knowing subverts any expectations of a happy ending. The works are stored in a time capsule and opened fifty years later when the current class distributes the drawings among the students. But aside from the personal experience of bereavement, Knowing also touches on collective grief. [34], The film was nominated at the 8th Visual Effects Society Awards in the category of "Best Single Visual Effect of the Year" for the plane crash sequence. 3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Psychic Stephany Cohen claims to have had repeated, consensual, sexual relations with a group of extraterrestrials that she refers to as "Team Spirit.". The estimated gross for global domestic video sales is US$27.6 million. The lunar module pilot was one of two crew members on-board Apollo 12 . External Reviews With that cleared up, let's talk about the second way the term "sons of God" is used. Aliens, or intelligent and communicative non-human life forms, are a well-documented entities. Well, of course it is: its the end of the movie and the end of the planet. However it is based on the interesting possibilities presented in the "Ancient Astronaut Theory" also known as the Ancient Alien Theory. What type of aliens are represented in the movie? Here are 10 evidences to prove this theory. Human-like Then, there are also references to other Biblical passages, which suggest a more pick-'n'-mix approach to Christian mythology: John's separation from his son Caleb calls to mind the Matthew verse "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left," and the bringing of the kids to the new, Eden-like planet could be interpreted as a Rapture, following the Revelation-like reception of the beings' whispers. 4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. [2] Filming also took place at Camberwell High School, which was converted into the fictional William Dawes Elementary, located in 1959 Lexington. As we see in the film, the aliens only save the children. They are known to save species from extinction by evacuating at least their children when their planet is on the brink of destruction, along with certain animals, but any reasons for continuing a species' existence outside of generosity and general care for the welfare of said species are unknown. With Knowing's apocalyptic climax mirroring the Book of Revelation, as well as the various other biblical similarities, it's hardly a stretch to think humanity's saviors could just as likely be angels. Production was financially backed by Summit Entertainment. Caleb is called "my servant" by God, an honor previously reserved only for Moses. Language Bioluminescent However, it was shot in Australia, where director Proyas resides. Lucinda's paper is given to Caleb Koestler, the nine-year-old son of widowed MIT astrophysics professor John Koestler. They save Caleb and Abby, leaving John to die along with most of mankind in the solar flare event, and the children are taken to safety on a heavenly new planet. He later discovered that Lucinda died of a medication overdose and predicts a few disasters using the paper such as the crashing of a commercial plane and the derailment of a Manhattan subway train, which he failed to prevent. They are also capable of flight, leaving trails of energy that resemble wings as they do. The walls are stripped and theres clutter everywhere. Height Lucindas scribbled numbers predicts when and where mass disasters will strike. The end game: An imminent solar flare is about to destroy the planet. In 1959, a Lexington, Massachusetts elementary school celebrates its opening with a competition in which students draw what they believe will happen in the future. The movie had set itself up for an open-ended, intriguing, and possibly unsettling finish. At night, Stranger ships appear to be black in color, but in daylight, they appear either white or light blue. Whitney Hopler from Crosswalk shares, " Job 38:4-7 reports that extraterrestrial life (which God describes as " morning stars") celebrated with joy when the Earth is created, but those extraterrestrials are likely angels.". She believes that she has entered their UFO in a spirit form while her physical body is asleep. The alien strangers have come to save a select band of survivors: children (see also The Day the Earth Stood Still). It is also unknown why they only focus on evacuating those with the ability to hear their speech, with possible reasons ranging from resource constraints to something supernatural possibly relating to destiny, which the Strangers would know of due to their clairvoyance. Father-son relationships are hugely important in sci-fi, with Star Wars' Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker relationship the most famous of all, but there's also something remarkably biblical in John embracing his father (who happens to be a reverend, no less). The draggy, lurching two hours of "Knowing" will make you long for the end of the world, even as you worry that there will not be time for all your questions to be answered. "We know very little about the nature, essence, powers and capabilities of angels," the authors write. The possible reason for the selection of children is likely a matter of age. The Bible addresses aliens because it addresses demons - assuming that aliens are related to demons. Woman has Sex with Aliens on This Morning 13/3/13. Leviticus 19:34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.. Deuteronomy 10:18,19 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the . With Nicolas Cage, Chandler Canterbury, Rose Byrne, Lara Robinson. There are millions of these aliens all over our world. The film ends with the total annihilation of Earth and, for the saved ones, a fresh start on a distant planet. Common ways that angels will appear to humans as a light source include: bursts of small, colored lights across your field of vision; glowing orbs; a constant stream of very bright white light . Meanwhile, the ark, along with others, deposits Caleb and Abby in another world resembling an earthly paradise and departs. He rushes to the MIT observatory and learns that a massive solar flare with the potential to destroy all life will strike the Earth on the last date indicated by the message. The fact that they hide their true forms and use what appear to be some forms of spaceship to travel bring up images of aliens. ], "shito") is an ambiguous term that has various meanings within the Evangelion mythos depending on the context. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge . The aliens in their "natural" form are symbolic of angels, as seen by their wings and the Eden symbolism of the finale. Whether you read "Knowing" as a movie about angels mistaken for aliens or aliens mistaken for angels, one thing is for sure: The movie gets, and incorporates, much of the existential appeal of . The children are then taken away from the parents by the aliens to protect them. April 9, 2012. 1 - Angels were created by God. [36], On November 25, 2009, Global Findability filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Summit Entertainment and Escape Artists in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, claiming that a geospatial entity object code was used in the film Knowing which infringed Patent .mw-parser-output .citation{word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}US 7107286 Integrated information processing system for geospatial media. Universe Being a man of science and all, its about 3 minutes before Koestler discovers the code relates to disasters. "Knowing Film Locations." The Bible states the expansion is composed of three different zones called "heavens.". The Fallen Angels are called Sons of God at times in the Bible. There is an alien - DEMON invasion going on right now people, you have the right to know. 1999: Nicolas Cage plays MIT professor of astrophysics and widower John Koestler (cf. Or, it may have had a purpose similar to Noah's Ark, with the child refugees of Earth taking with them two animals from various species in order to save and repopulate not just humanity, but the Earth's animal species, as well. He sought to capture a gritty and realistic look to the film, and his approach involved a continuous two-minute scene in which Cage's character sees a plane crash and attempts to rescue passengers. After some initial disbelief, Diana goes with John to Lucinda's childhood home, where they find a copy of Matthus Merian's engraving of Ezekiel's "chariot vision", in which a great sun is represented. He would not have let anyone visit earth and interfere with His new creation , without any knowledge and permission on His part. This is a wild extension of a common view that the 'sons of God' who married the "daughters of men" were fallen angels. Knowing If he needs to communicate with the aliens, of course, this isn't a problem since it's all telepathic. She may have glimpsed the future, but it cant save her, and wont save Koestler either. And yet cant his knowing cant save anyone. Angels aren't real, though. ",, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 01:08. Knowing grossed over $180 million on a budget less than a third of that ($50 million), so it was hardly a flop, but the obviously-tacked-on ending meant that this particular Nicolas Cage movie was cheated out of a lasting legacy. He was chosen by God as the best of all humans, fathered Methuselah, who had a son named Lamech, who fathered Noah. What is the significance of the black stones? It is also possible that the Strangers were leaving to evacuate more aliens from other planets on the brink of destruction, and would return. [9], The film is set primarily in the town of Lexington with some scenes set in the nearby cities of Cambridge and Boston. But for those on the right wavelength, as Ebert was, the finale of "Knowing" is a barn-burner. 8. The twist sees John is doomed to die on Earth, while Caleb is taken along with his friend, Abby (Lara Robinson), to survive among the stars with the apparently well-intentioned aliens. Diana suggests that she take Caleb and Abby to a set of underground caves as shelter and attempts to do so without telling John. Many New Age theories exist, however, that suppose the universe or world will come to an end in that date. . Caleb and Abby will probably stay together for awhile, however, just because they knew each other from the previous world. She also understood that something really bad would occur on October 19th, but the reason why she wasn't saved is left unanswered. Its a heart-breaking choice, one the film stokes with the repetition of their promise to stay together forever. (See Revelation 1:20 .) It seems odd that the alien race chose to save Caleb and Abby and raise two strange human children, but it was so the human race could start again. They all answer to satan and the scriptures tell us that HE is the god of this world. In the late 20th century and onward, many theories have been developed regarding the supposed "end date" of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. Edit, Lucinda was driven crazy by the voices and surely understood what the numbers or whispering meant. The beings, acting as extraterrestrial angels, are leading children to safety on interstellar arks. Fr. These revelations come a little out of left field, but there are a handful of hints peppered throughout the movie that add context to Knowing's ending. Heres how it works. Knowing movie clips: THE MOVIE:'t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: DESCRIPTION:John Koe. They most certainly seemed to be leaving our galaxy rather than ascending to a literal depiction of Heaven. These heavenly beings have been with you from the moment you first entered this world, and they will stay to guard and guide you until your last breath - if you let them. His son Caleb goes to Lucindas school. Edit, Maybe the other children were children with various types of knowledge and skills. Diana pursues them at speed in a stolen SUV, but is killed in a collision with a semi-truck on the date her mother predicted. However, the film seems to leave the decision up to the discretion of the viewer. Stranger What Endwell pastor and author makes of UFO sightings: They may be angels and in the Bible. That may also suggest that people on the other ships have saved animals too (ala Noah's ark), which some people assume. I know that red hair is said to be caused by minerals in the earth but I am not so sure this explains away the number of red-haired giants . So why is the ending such a headscratcher? Skin colors In the following days, John witnesses two of the three final events in person: a plane crash and a New York City Subway derailment caused by a faulty siding. [24] Metacritic gave the film a score of 41% based on 27 reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews". The Mayans were, for a great deal of human history, the most advanced astronomers and developers of systems for predicting eclipses and other events of cosmic significance that they recorded in various documents. In the occult Saturn Is the dark sun and prison planet" of the fallen angels CERN . [14] In addition to practical locations, filming also took place at the Melbourne Central City Studios in Docklands. Its a striking piece of music that loops between playful and foreboding. "[30] He continued, "With expert and confident storytelling, Proyas strings together events that keep tension at a high pitch all through the film. Some are hard to miss, but many are actually surprisingly subtle considering Nic Cage's bad movie reputation. If Knowing had kept the fate of the kids unknown it would have left questions in the right way. A retired special agent who infiltrated the Hells Angels biker gang as part of a two-year undercover operation is exposing the organization's strict sex rules. The Sons of God are angels (fallen angels), the daughters of men are human women, they produced children and as you can imagine the hybrid beings were huge.giants! From the 1936 earthquake musical San Francisco to 1998's Armageddon, 2004's Day After Tomorrow, and 2021's Don't Look Up, disaster and apocalypse movies both do well at the box office and deliver spectacles that last long in viewers' memories. By Gene W Strasser Jul 29, 2022 3:46 PM EDT. DeLonge compares his work with Angels & Airwaves, and his duty to write positive, empathetic lyrics, to the story of a Japanese scientist who printed out words like "love," "hate . Caleb is one of the chosen ones. Strangers use large, rather unconventional spacecraft that somewhat resemble several dark wheels, all turning around glowing central orbs, with many spike or petal-like structures floating around the wheels, giving a loose resemblance to a biblically-accurate angel, described as wheels within wheels with many wings. Though he takes a keen interest in the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genres, Niall watches everything and anything, and his secret shame is consuming the many forgotten movies of questionable quality from the '90s and 00s. That might have been what convinced him to save the rabbits. In the disaster movie genre, this is where the protagonist begins a quest to overcome the impossible. The last image we have of them on this alien planet nonetheless parallels Adam and Eve. Biblical angels were generally strange, frightening creatures, ranging from human-lion-ox-eagle hybrids to floating wheels with eyes. While Caleb tries to bring his mum back through videos and talking about her, Koestler shuts down. The films title screen/logo contains the twist (a planet eclipsed by a sun). But what ancient man perceived as Gods descending from the heavens were actually aliens who helped teach man to build and evolve into the dominant species on the planet. It could be one of those or it could be something totally different. The films big tension is between science and religion: While Caleb believes his mum died and went to heaven, Koestler doesnt. User Reviews It can also be taken, however, to mean something else entirely. Knowing wasn't a film that required a happy ending, and it suffered from the studio's efforts to shoehorn one in. Answer (1 of 10): I know a kook that seriously believes fallen angels are cruising around the solar system in spaceships. The whisper people do seem to resemble angels to an extent, however much of what is seen doesn't fit any conventional depictions. [12][13] Filming also took place at the Haystack Observatory in Westford, Massachusetts. 1959: a school teacher asks her class to draw pictures of the future to put into a time capsule. Niall Gray is a features writer for Screen Rant covering just about every film- or TV-related topic he's loosed upon. <, Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 01:08, List of films featuring the deaf and hard of hearing, "Knowing (2009) - Alex Proyas | Synopsis, Characteristics, Moods, Themes and Related", "Grumpy Old Men,' Knowing' top short list of new Blu-ray releases", "International Film Shot at Australian Synchrotron",, "Knowing (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)", "Love and hate and "Knowing" -- or, do wings have angels? professor John Koestler links a mysterious list of numbers from a time capsule to past and future disasters and sets out to prevent the ultimate catastrophe. Knowings musical leitmotif is the Allegretto from Beethovens Symphony No.7 in A major. The project was picked up by the production company Escape Artists, and the script was rewritten by Stiles White and Juliet Snowden. In fact, in many UFO narratives that's why they're here, to help us along and save us from ourselves. He doesnt believe in heaven, after all. Indeed, in her bedroom, John finds a wall covered of newspaper's snippets about a lot of disasters related to the numbers. They have no mass, so they can most li. Edit, There are many theories surrounding the Mayan Long Count Calendar, a system of recording dates used by the Mayan people around 3000 BC. Whilst the definitive answer is not providedi.e., the whisper people are never called angels or aliensthe above explanations could be interpreted as the most sensible conclusions. This, coupled with the movie's earlier incorporation of Ezekiel's chariot vision in an engraving, raises the possibility that the whole thing is inspired by the Book of Ezekiel, and that the aliens are not aliens, but angels. The parallels between "Knowing" and the Old Testament's Book of Ezekiel are rather blatant (via Bible Hub): The book's first chapter speaks of "living creatures" with "the likeness of a man" that come to the prophet enclosed in "a wheel in the middle of a wheel" (via Bible Hub) exactly the shape of the aliens' space arks in "Knowing." Edit, It is never told to us in the movie, therefore we can only speculate. That, of course, will depend on the viewer. They are Fallen Angels therefore and perhaps work for Satan since they work with other Aliens that are also Fallen Angels turned into Demons. Maybe the whisper people chose some specific children who would be great at working together. Related: Kick-Ass Finally Gave Nicolas Cage The Superhero Movie He Deserved. 6 Stephany Fay Cohen. Knowing is based on a story originally written by American novelist Ryne Pearson. As we see in the knowing aliens or angels addresses aliens because it addresses demons - assuming aliens. 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