how is zamasu defeatedhow is zamasu defeated
Ultimately, however, his new instability proved to be his undoing, which ultimately led to his death at the blade of Future Trunks, who had absorbed a Spirit Bomb. Black, clearly damaged but delighted, claims that the pain will make him even stronger as he powers up even further. Also, in the manga, he has thick black outlines around his eyes, similar to those who fell under the control of Babidi's Manipulation Sorcery. While Black gloats, he feels a distortion in Time and Space. After the pair recovers, Zamasu tells them the Project Zero Mortals will be completed, follows it by attacking with lightning again, and withstanding Vegeta's attack. Vegeta states that using completed Super Saiyan Blue, Goku can fight evenly with Fused Zamasu. While fighting Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, base Black was able to hold his own somewhat. Thank you all, so very much. Realizing that there is no other way to win but to fuse Goku and Vegeta utilize the Potara to merge into Vegito. He was also shocked and angered to see Goku so calmly wielding the power of Ultra Instinct. He uses mortals as the scapegoat for his misdeeds, using Future Trunks' violation of time travel as justification for his and Future Zamasu's morally questionable goal of exterminating all life (similar to Android 13, who also uses mortal shortcomings to justify his carnage). Because of this, the resulting fusion cannot enter a normal form nor power down. Due to the fusees being one and the same, neither one of the fuses are dominant, and Fused Zamasu's attributes are evenly distributed and blended perfectly. While it is possible to say Goku Black as "Wukong Black", the name uses katakana for "Goku" () rather than the hanzi/kanji (). During the Universal Conflict Saga Fused Zamasu has apparently grown much stronger. According to Gojiitaaf, one of the most reliable sources for Dragon Ball Super leaks , Zeno's arrival would be the result of Son Goku's request, after Zamasu's spirit makes one last . 4. These facts cause Shin to note that Fused Zamasu's standing as a god is beyond even their understanding. His ego is displayed by how he refuses to even defend himself against Goku and Vegeta (which continues to some extent until Goku blasts off half of his face during a beam struggle), his tendency to hover high over the battlefield to "look down" on everyone both figuratively and literally, and his use of "divine" terms (such as "holy", "judgement", and "absolution") to name his special techniques. However, when compared to someone like Broly, Krillin stands absolutely no chance. . In his Half-Corrupted form, Fused Zamasu is able to fight with Vegito Blue, with neither fighter being able to land a decisive blow, though Vegito was overwhelming Fused Zamasu. Although most of the units with Zamasu's name in Dokkan Battle is his future counterpart, present Zamasu does appear as a card with Gowasu along with another unit where Zamasu has just stole Goku's body, named as Zamasu (Goku). [14], According to the Dragon Ball Super rival danger scale, Super Saiyan Ros Goku Black is ranked as a twelve out of twelve.[15]. In his first fight against Goku, his base form is roughly on par with Super Saiyan 2 Goku as neither gained a clear advantage, albeit the fight ended with Black sustaining noticeable exhaustion and battering while Goku was basically unharmed. In addition, Goku Black appears to be somewhat unhinged, as he occasionally bursts into slightly deranged laughter, as shown when he fought Goku from the main timeline within said universe for the first time, and also due to his sudden shifts in mood, as seen when he explains his motivation for wiping out mortals. Which for an Xbox controller is X, X, Y, Y, Y, X+R. Zamasu then attempts to finish off his opponent with his ki blade, but Vegito counters with one of his own. Zamasu was shown to have a pet of his own as a Kai; a small, winged pig, similar to. This shows a distinct difference from his counterpart. AFS Zamasu's latest Teamfight Tactics tier, match history, and overall statistics. Black lands a mighty blow to Vegeta and prepares to finish him with another, but Vegeta catches it and launches a counterassault. He has more skills, is a fighting prodigy (even amongst gods) and wouldn't be defeated by an amateur. It was revealed in an interview with Akira Toriyama that the inspiration for Goku Black originated from the "copy of the hero" idea in media such as "False Ultra Man" of the Ultraman series or "False Kamen Rider" of the Kamen Rider franchise.[5][6]. Trunks asks him why after previously trying to exterminate all mortals before, would he now team up with one but Zamasu refuses to answer him. Gowasu prepares for the two to depart to the future of Babari though mentions that Zamasu cannot go since he is only an apprentice and not a Supreme Kai, before passing Zamasu an earring and allowing him to be one for the time being. Zamasu ), spelled . Gowasu speaks his name as he seemingly laments that his apprentice had to pay a price to learn of his wrong ways. In the manga, however, once Zamasu's insanity gets the better of him, he drops all pretenses of justice and declares that all the gods are unnecessary and that he will kill every life form in all realities that is not a version of himself. As Black realizes the Time Machine's function after Future Trunks accidentally reveals it, Goku returns with full force and lands a sharp punch in Black's stomach. This caused Fused Zamasu's body to fluctuate, creating mutations in his body that multiplied his size and power, but left his body completely unstable and no longer completely immortal, although he did retain a tremendous amount of durability and a potent healing factor. The two Goku Blacks turn Super Saiyan Ros and the battle begins. Zamasu, however, is overwhelmed by Goku's attack, resulting in an explosion which surprises the semi-god, leaving the right half of his face and body swollen and turning purple. However, Fused Zamasu was stunned when Godslayer Hearts turned on him and reminded him of his own god-killing ambition, and he was swiftly obliterated by Hearts. He is also the former North Kai of Universe 10. Before he could kill the two, Trunks arrives and blocks Zamasu's attack. !Fused Zamasu bragging and showing off his newfound power in "Final Judgement? Trunks, upon seeing him, is enraged and goes to fight him but he is stopped by Vegeta. You think that's a revelation, that Goku's body will always be a part of me? However, along with this perfectly mixed body came many weaknesses. Black attempts to locate them by sensing their ki but has trouble thanks to its faintness and being mixed among others. He has Future Zamasu's eye shape, but with dark lines under the bottom eyelids and somewhat smaller ears. They declared Trunks a "sinner", because of his actions, causing Trunks to give into his anger completely and access a never-seen before Super Saiyan transformation, and with his newfound power, he declared the end of both Black and Zamasu. When the Grand Minister was contacting all Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction to meet at Zeno's Palace, Rumsshi threatened to kill Gowasu if the meeting had anything to do with Zamasu's actions. Enraged, Vegeta charges Black and unleashes another assault, but Black effortlessly avoids every punch. Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta quickly charges at Black, who entered his Super Saiyan Ros form. Goku bolts and lands several punches until Black manages to throw Goku into another mountain. In the midst of causing destruction, Black began to sense Trunks' ki, so he pursued him. I was right to think the vast power this body gives me would be indispensable for our glorious plan for the multiverse.Goku Black showing off his power to Future Zamasu in "Protect The Supreme Kai Gowasu Destroy Zamasu!". But once Zamasu fuse time . The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!". Nevertheless, Fused Zamasu goes with Hearts and the other Core Area Warriors to Universe 11. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Gigantification) vs. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Gigantification) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Vegito (Base/Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku and Vegeta, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2). Goku Black showed a sense of brutality and a ruthless savagery, such as when he coldly tortures his foes/targets, hoping to extend their pain and suffering as much as possible. After Trunks travels to the future with Goku and Vegeta, Black is surprised, given his destruction of Trunks' time machine, and confronts them, Black fights Vegeta who was able to secure a match with him first via a round of rock-paper-scissors with Goku. Black is surprised to see him as he takes Trunks and Mai to his timeline, he too vanishes as well. He also wears orange Potara-like earrings. You can't. Other than that, just fight as well as you can, try to equip a QQ Bang (or build) with a decent amount of stamina, and mind your health (equip 3 or 4 health/regen capsules). Zamasu is a lean-built individual of fairly tall height. Give praise unto me. Later, while watching the fight of Universe 6 and 7 tournament on GodTube with Gowasu, Zamasu sees the Super Dragon Balls. Vegeta saves Goku and so Fused Zamasu brutally beats down Vegeta, before he can kill Vegeta however, Goku steps in and reveals his Perfected Super Saiyan Blue form, Fused Zamasu and Goku begin to fight on even grounds, with Fused Zamasu unleashing a barrage of punches via portals and Goku dodging and attacking Fused Zamasu when he has the opportunity, Fused Zamasu then utilizes his Holy Wrath but Goku manages to toss it away after a struggle, and then knocks Fused Zamasu into a building. The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu! However they didn't have a problem with it. In the anime he also does not possess the forms aura until after achieving his Half-Corrupted form. Trunks survived their encounter and, for a year, prepares to travel back in time using a Time Machine with Bulma in an attempt to save the future. Zamasu cries (much to Vegito's disbelief), saying that his tears will purify the world, before powering up, resulting in him growing larger and his right side becoming more grotesque. He contaminate the whole universe. He was created by Goku Black and Future Zamasu in order to turn the tides around against Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks. At the same time, he is not without arrogance and condescension towards those whom he views as beneath him and has no qualms about breaking rules or betraying his fellow Kais. In the manga, however, he retains his arrogance, openly gloating and overjoyed at his power. According to the producer of Dragon Ball Super, in his opinion Goku Black is the strongest fighter other than the God of Destruction Beerus. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. He then begins to sense for Future Trunks' ki, and spots Future Trunks about to leave in the time machine. [4] In the manga Zamasu swapped bodies with Monaka - the victor of the Tournament of Destroyers, however upon realizing that Monaka was, in fact, weak, he swapped bodies with Goku instead. In the manga version, Beerus and Whis head to see Zamasu and Gowasu without Goku or Shin. This form was far more than even Super . Speculations are abounding with regards to the reasons why Son Goku would call on the Omni-King, especially after Merged Zamasu has already been defeated. As such, many of Fused Zamasu's attacks forced Vegito to dodge, which still caused considerable damage to the area from the sheer force of his blows. Zamasu puts the earring on the ear corresponding to Gowasu's to ensure the pair do not fuse and denies interest in merging with him for the time being. Trunks was also a huge aid to the resistance and many times came face to face with Black but would be unable to defeat him. However upon Goku and Vegeta's return, Black was completely overwhelmed by Vegeta's power increase. The final battle with Zamasu! In the anime, when he was fighting with Super Saiyan 2 Goku, he is shown to be able to carefully intercept his punches. Zamasu was said to be a fighting genius, whereas Saitama relies solely on brute force and has never needed to train in terms of technique. This fusion is shown to be able to fend off the combined efforts of Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, and Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks with ease. Upon being forced into battle with Tekka's team and Future Trunks, Zamasu and Goku Black fuse together into Fused Zamasu (named Fused Zamas in the game). Of course Zamasu is no immortal but then the ripple effect starts affecting the mortal half, Black. Humanity is powered by hope; Trunks strikes back at Zamasu! Before Vegeta can land any real damage, Black quickly stops Vegeta by turning his aura into an energy blade and stabs Vegeta clean through the right side of his chest, mortally wounding him, acknowledging that Vegeta has strengthened him through their fight. Black was also more sadistic in the manga, as evidenced when he not only proceeded to mortally wound the standard Gowasu when the latter attempted to talk sense into Goku Black, but also asked rhetorically while stabbing him whether Gowasu really thought it would have worked a "third time", referring to Gowasu's earlier attempts at talking him out of his plans. In the anime, by calling upon the Light of Divine Justice, Fused Zamasu becomes larger and more muscular. Created by Video Maker: As part of the Extra Pack 2 DLC in Xenoverse 2, during the Infinite History Saga Goku Black falls victim to Captain Ginyu's Body Change and has Goku's body stolen from him by Ginyu if Captain Ginyu is selected by the Future Warrior as their "Partner" (a term used in the DLC to refer to the Warrior's currently selected Instructor who will act as their partner during the Infinite History Saga). That is how great zamasu became in the end. However, they fall into a trap, and Future Trunks takes Future Zamasu out of the fight by piercing through him with his sword. Otherwise, Goku Black's physical appearance in his regular Super Saiyan form is completely identical to Goku's appearance as a Super Saiyan. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . "No," Zeno-1 continued, "some time his personality will rise up again and he will once again be a threat. Future Zamasu heals Black, allowing him to receive a power-up from the near-death experience and causing his god mind and Saiyan body to become more connected. While in disbelief of mortals retaliating against him and his "justice", and also asking Trunks if he'd dared to go against the "justice" of a god, Trunks declares his "justice" meaningless, before slicing Fused Zamasu in half. Even if he is never going to be able to come back from the Death Zone and . If zamasu and he were to fuse, he doubted the immortality from the wish would be as effective. Trunks was eventually saved by Future Yajirobe, while Black and Future Zamasu retreated. Shin finds himself a pathetic broken version of himself. In this form he is named Grotesque Zamasu, Fused Zamasu (Right Arm Enlargement)[7] or Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted).[8]. Clothing worn by Zamasu after he used the Potara earrings to fuse with Goku Black.Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Clothing description. Still, while we may reference him as a child version of one of the most famous anime heroes, it was the first series, and Goku wasn't referred to as such until the second series Dragon Ball Z depicted the character beyond his 20s, with his wife and kids. Mai tries to retaliate but is easily swept away. For other incarnations of Zamasu, see. In my opinion, I believe Broly is stronger than Jiren. Black and Zamasu then use their Potara earrings and fuse into one, single, powerful warrior known as Fused Zamasu. Fused Zamasu Necessitated The Intervention Of An Actual God. "I am a god! . Nothing more to it. Goku asks Zumasu to spar with him. Master and Pupil Reunited! Eventually, Fused Zamasu's fusion time runs out, but Future Zamasu's immortality will not allow Fused Zamasu to defuse, and he takes on a half-Goku Black half-Future Zamasu state, though Future Trunks immediately cuts him in half. Black opens with the same golden-black ki sphere he attempted to use on Trunks. Appearing in Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black was Zamasu from the unaltered main timeline, who stole the body of the original present Goku. More precisely, the alternate future from your perspective. Upon transforming into Super Saiyan Ros, he easily defeated Vegeta with a surprise piercing blade attack. He also resented the fact that he had lost to Goku. Worship Me! With the two Saiyans defeated and knocked out, Fused Zamasu proceeds to destroy the world around him, causing numerous amounts of natural disasters stretching around the entire planet. Zamasu is silent and reluctantly accepts the situation when Gowasu repeatedly implores for a response from him. Goku Black claimed that wearing a time ring protected him from being destroyed when Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present timeline. Black slashes at Vegeta, who dodges it, but the slash creates a large rift in time itself. Zamasu's death was polarising in the Dragon Ball community, a lot of people could not understand how. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Generally, Zamasu is shown to be a very calm and methodical person, as shown in combat when carefully perceiving his opponent's attack style and seamlessly countering in a fluid manner. The noble and beautiful, immortal and most powerful god, Zamasu!" Sliced in half and disintegrated. However, Future Trunks uses the Solar Flare to stop them in their tracks and the Saiyan trio manage to escape. A pure and perfect multiverse. I told you before, I would die for you. Zamasu discussion. !Zamasu's emotions getting the better of him in "Showdown! In the manga, however, Black faces off against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, becoming a Super Saiyan to fight him. Possessing the body of a Saiyan himself, Black decides that he will do the same, and stabs his energy blade into his hand, revealing a new, large scythe variation of it. Just wait, I'm going to become even stronger. Except one. As the Potara Fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu was performed while Black was still in his Super Saiyan Ros state, Fused Zamasu is constantly and permanently in the Super Saiyan Ros form. He heads to Zuno's planet and asked them to know more information about the Super Dragon Balls and Goku, which a flustered Zuno complies to. Due to gaining more injuries from Vegeta, Black is healed one more time and gains another power boost; this let him finally surpassing Super Saiyan God, fully connecting his godly essence with his Saiyan body to evolve into Super Saiyan Ros. Goku is then hit with the same attack. He wears the original present Gowasu's green Potara earrings on both ears and Supreme Kai's clothing that is nearly identical to Future Zamasu's, but with Goku Black's color-scheme, undershirt and red sash. Also, rather than using the Super Dragon Balls from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 6 to wish for mortals to be exterminated, he preferred to wish to switch bodies with Goku from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 7, displaying his infatuation with the Saiyan. How was Zamasu defeated in Dragon Ball super? While Black in the anime always manages to stay calm and never lose his composure, even when losing a battle, Black in the manga is more prone to losing his composure the moment things do not go his way. The difference in their personality is also reflected in their contrasting fighting styles. In the manga, as a result of Goku Black and Future Zamasu being the same person, they fused on a cellular level and are unable to properly defuse and are left in a semi-fused state. Answer (1 of 3): Assuming you mean if the Potara doesn't have a time limit. Goku and Vegeta return to the future with Future Trunks and Vegeta is the one to battle him, Black uses his Super Saiyan form to battle Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, but proves to be outmatched. Fused Zamasu is a match for Goku in this state, which possesses the true full power of Super Saiyan Blue at all times, and manages to hold the edge over Goku thanks to his immortality. He orders everyone to revere and praise him, calling himself "The Supreme God". During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, Goku Black and Future Zamasu somehow manage to change history. Zamasu's outfit in the anime shares the same color scheme as Shin's in the manga. After stealing Goku's body and gaining the Saiyan's might and abilities while in unison retaining his Supreme Kai powers, his skills and power greatly increased, repeatedly proving to be a highly dangerous opponent. Fused Zamasu goes on to battle evenly with Vegeta and Future Trunks in their Super Saiyan forms. During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, when Goku Black and Future Zamasu fuse into Fused Zamasu, Chronoa finds out that Goku dropped the button to call Future Zeno, knowing that he's the only hope to stop Zamasu. Before being pulled into the portal, Black fires a Ki blast at Trunks' Time Machine, destroying it, effectively stranding Trunks in the past. After having the right half of his body harmed, and being mutated by the Light of Justice, Fused Zamasu becomes more unhinged and maniacal, prone of furious outbursts. After Trunks split Zamasu in half, Zamasu denies a god getting defeated by humans while maniacally laughing. Zamasu implores if Gowasu is telling him to look past the mistakes of mortals with Gowasu simply telling him to know his place, watch over and raise them. Because of this, he does not have the desire to be too flamboyant like Goku Black and does not let the obsession of Goku stop him from getting the job done. Grotesque Zamasu also has his right eye to gain a purple iris and yellow sclera. Following the defeat of Fused Zamasu, he transcends into the even more powerful Infinite Zamasu form, though the character's depiction differs considerably between the anime and manga versions. Upon seeing him, is enraged and goes to fight him it and launches a counterassault ki! From the Death Zone and them in their tracks and the battle.! Of course Zamasu is no other way to win but to fuse, easily... And the Saiyan trio manage to change history he has Future Zamasu in half and.... Black gloats, he too vanishes as well, openly gloating and overjoyed at his.... 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