Synopsis: Presented by: Claire Samson, Lessons from the past: Exploring for Abitibi greenstone-hosted gold deposits using geophysics Presented by: Yuzhao Lin, Utilization of prismatic waves in full-waveform inversion with exact Hessian Presented by: Cong Luo, A high-resolution prestack AVO inversion method for P- and S-wave moduli The Wolfspar® field trial: Results from a low-frequency seismic survey designed for FWI, Improving subsalt reservoir imaging with reflection FWI: An OBN case study at Conger field, Gulf of Mexico, 3D acoustic/viscoacoustic time-domain FWI of OBC data from the Valhall field, High-resolution full-waveform inversion for structural imaging in exploration, Azimuthally sectored TTI FWI and imaging for orthorhombic data using OBN data: A case study from offshore Trinidad, Improving model resolution with FWI for imaging and interpretation in a Gulf of Mexico dataset, A model reduction approach for full-waveform inversion via generalized multiscale finite elements, Efficient frequency-domain reflection-based full-waveform inversion using wavefield separation, Addressing the challenges of heritage surface seismic data in a complex shallow water environment for improved overburden imaging and reservoir characterization, Essential steps for successful full-waveform inversion using land data, Mitigating amplitude versus ray-parameter effect in joint migration inversion using a zero-lag crosscorrelation objective function of redatumed wavefields, A demigration-based reflection full-waveform inversion workflow, Correcting for salt misinterpretation with full-waveform inversion, A subsampled truncated Newton approach for multiparameter full-waveform inversion, Multiscale full-waveform inversion using flux-corrected transport, A graph-space approach to optimal transport for full-waveform inversion, Overcoming cycle skipping in full-waveform inversion by reducing the adjoint sources oscillations, Long-wavelength FWI updates beyond cycle skipping, A penalty method for extended-waveform inversion based on discrepancy principle, Model recovery below reflectors by optimal-transport FWI, Full-waveform inversion by model extension, Direct envelope inversion and the inverse problem of Schrodinger impedance equation, Decoupled elastic reflection traveltime inversion for improving S-wave velocity imaging, Elastic full-waveform inversion by b-spline projection, Elastic-reflection waveform inversion with petrophysical model constraints, Time-domain elastic Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion: A matrix-free approach, Data-oriented strategy and Vp/Vs model-constraint for simultaneous Vp and Vs reconstruction in 3D viscoelastic FWI: Application to the SEAM II Foothill dataset, Strategies for reducing crosstalk in viscoacoustic full-waveform inversion, Frequency-domain elastic FWI for VTI media, Target-oriented elastic full-waveform inversion through extended-migration redatuming, Waveform inversion based target-oriented redatuming, Seismic inversion for a smooth velocity model using a wave-to-diffusion transform, Robust reflection full-waveform inversion with exponential signal encoding, Improving reflection FWI reflectivity using LSRTM in the curvelet domain, Hybrid Tikhonov + total-variation regularization for imaging large-contrast media by full-waveform inversion, Full-waveform inversion with Mumford-Shah regularization, Full-waveform inversion with prelearned dictionaries and nonlocal similarity, Source-independent full-waveform inversion using an amplitude-semblance objective function, Time-domain reflection-based waveform inversion, Keys to robust reflection-based full-waveform inversion, Refraction and reflection FWI for high-resolution velocity modeling in Mississippi Canyon, Characterization of the Cascadia ocean margin methane hydrates using prestack waveform inversion and reverse time migration, Diving wave illumination using RTM to analyze acquisition geometries for FWI, Low-frequency compensation and its application in full-waveform inversion, A robust full-waveform inversion based on a shifted correlation of the envelope of wavefields, A misfit function based on entropy regularized optimal transport for full-waveform inversion, A time-shift method for time-domain multiscale full-waveform inversion. Presented by: Meng Yuan, Igneous rock characterization through reprocessing, FWI imaging, and elastic inversion of a legacy seismic dataset in Brazilian Pre-Salt Province Presented by: Aaron Prunty, Spectral analysis of seismic data using a combined optimal normalized S-transform This session will bring together researchers in the field of near surface geophysics focusing on engineering targets. Presented by: Qiang Fu, A new and comprehensive perspective on the role of primaries and multiples in seismic-data processing for structure determination and amplitude analysis Interpretation 7 (3), SE113-SE122, 2019. Presented by: Adriana Gordon, Transforming VSP data to surface seismic data by Radon domain interferometric redatuming You can disable cookies at any time. Presented by: Morten Jakobsen, Velocity-independent Marchenko method in time- and depth-imaging domains Presented by: David Nobes, Active deformation within the Cul-de-Sac Plain on southern Haiti Presented by: Cesar Mayes, Subsurface wavefields based on the generalized internal multiple imaging Presented by: Xiaoyan Zhong, Water tank measurements on an experimental LWD multipole acoustic tool ABSTRACT Reverse time migration can accurately image underground earth structures. These abstracts undergo a review for selection purposes but are published as presented by the … Synopsis: Presented by: Laura Bandura, Automatic channel detection using deep learning Wave propagation directivity extraction for gather generation and gather processing to enhance imaging quality. 3D near-surface structures from ambient-noise adjoint tomography based on discontinuous Galerkin method, Not all faults are conductive: The effects of weather and climate on the near-surface expression of faults, Offshore alluvial basin geophysical survey. Presented by: Ping Wang, Correcting for salt misinterpretation with full-waveform inversion Presented by: Zhaoyang Su, 1D inversion of frequency-domain marine controlled-source electromagnetic data using a parallelized real-coded genetic algorithm Presented by: Manika Prasad, Petrophysical-hysteresis analysis related to pore structure of sedimentary rocks Tunnel detection using vibrating and impulsive seismic sources with a landstreamer Presented by: Arthur Weglein, Seismic-multiples attenuation using principal components In this poster session a mix of theoretical and methodological developments on AVO and Inversion are presented. Presented by: Maarten Valentijn De Hoop, Machine-derived seismic interpretation: Real-world examples & lessons learned Presented by: Romulo Carvalho, Mechanistic insights into paired primary and mode-converted AVO responses Presented by: Maitri Erwin, Designing apprenticeship programs to facilitate mentoring, foster professional development, and retention of diverse groups in geosciences related fields Presented by: Francois Audebert, An efficient solution to the dual Kantorovich distance for seismic-waveform inversion Presented by: Zedong Wu, A misfit function based on entropy regularized optimal transport for full-waveform inversion Presented by: Zhao Zheng, Determination of source mechanisms from the Grane field ocean-bottom geophone cables offshore Norway Presented by: David Rampton, Salt-body interval velocity variation in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico However, a subscription to the SEG Library Premium or Choice packages provides access at a savings over the price of each of the publications purchased separately. Presented by: Jonathan Singh, Noise attenuation in sparse-surface microseismic data sets Presented by: Khemraj Shukla, Solving fractional Laplacian viscoelastic wave equations using domain decomposition H Index. Presented by: Ronghuo Dai, Multitrace reflectivity inversion with dip regularization Presented by: Bowen Guo, Automated interpretation of top and base salt using deep-convolutional networks Techno Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd; Qizhen Du. Synopsis: Synopsis: Least-squares migration methods to enhance robustness in optimization, fidelity, and resolution. Presented by: Wenyong Pan, An approximate tomographic operator for RTM-based WEMVA in the common-offset domain Presented by: Andri Syafriya, Fundamental study for monitoring sweep front in foam-assisted EOR using seismic AVO analysis Presented by: Xukai Shen, Azimuthally sectored TTI FWI and imaging for orthorhombic data using OBN data: A case study from offshore Trinidad Presented by: Hu Jin, Improving model resolution with FWI for imaging and interpretation in a Gulf of Mexico dataset Try again later. Presented by: Haslina Mohamad, Hydrocarbon prospectivity of Ratawi and Minagish Formations using prestack simultaneous and geostatistical inversion techniques: A case study from North West Kuwait Synopsis: Presented by: Hilal Nuha. Presented by: Atsushi Suzaki, Seismic response of soft water-bottom sediments Elastic full-waveform inversion of multicomponent ocean-bottom data in the Moere Vest Basin, offshore Norway Presented by: Tatiana Laskina, An element-free Galerkin method based on adaptive background cells for 2.5D DC resistivity modeling Presented by: Laurence Lines, Spinal decompression therapy: Vibroseis of the body This session has one paper on survey design, two on blended seismic, one on land vibroseis, and two on seismic sources. Presented by: Bingbing Sun, Building the initial velocity model for refraction tomography: A data-driven approach Presented by: Longyu Guo. Presented by: Sichao Zhang, A novel approach for multichannel spectral sparse reflectivity inversion SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016: Jorge O. Parra, Iturrarán-Viveros U., J. S. Parra. 2015: The system can't perform the operation now. Presented by: Yinbin Ma. Presented by: Yunshan Lei, Low-frequency seismic survey: Improving the image of low SNR carboniferous, Junggar Basin Presented by: Wen Peng, Characterizing the near-surface velocity structures by applying machine learning This session includes papers on processing challenges associated with imaging, including diffraction imaging and multiple imaging, as well as case studies that illustrate the application of advanced processing methods. Presented by: Liyuan Xing, A fault-detection workflow using deep learning and image processing Presented by: Lei Li, Microseismic activity after 2+ years of CO2 injection at Quest Application of ambient-noise analysis and velocity modeling in mineral exploration Presented by: Martin Cuma. Presented by: Ning Qin, A case study: Geologically guided tomography to improve image below the Aptian unconformity, offshore Gambia Presented by: Robert Telling, Designature of a dual-string marine seismic source Presented by: Matteo Caporal, Simplified simulation of transducer used as source of acoustic-logging tool An integrated geophysical approach to mapping and modeling the Karoo dolerite intrusions in the southeastern Karoo Basin of South Africa Including multiples in least-squares imaging to extend imaging illumination. Presented by: Ragab Jaafar. Most of these expanded abstracts are four pages long and include figures. Presented by: Paul Stoffa, Robust optimal synthetic aperture imaging of towed streamer electromagnetic data Presented by: Michael Zhdanov, Joint iterative migration of surface and borehole gravity gradiometry data Presented by: Xin Ding, Joint inversion of PP- and PS-wave for the VTI medium: application to a Lower Silurian shale-gas reservoir Presented by: Francisca Maepa, A new approach for kimberlite exploration using helicopter-borne TDEM data Presented by: Ben Gremillion, Image enhancements for subsalt targets: Thunder Horse case study Presented by: Shahpoor Moradi, Deep neural-network architectures arising in seismic-inverse problems Seismic while drilling, check shot processing techniques impact on drilling trajectory decisions Presented by: Ellie Ardakani, Study on high-precision time-depth projection method under complex terrain conditions Presented by: Heather Bedle, Multiattribute variable-window waveform classification and application Click any sessions below to review the abstracts accepted for that session, or download the full schedule in PDF format. Uses of machine learning approach for automatic or as an aid interpretation of geological features such as faults, horizons and salt bodies. Synopsis: Presented by: Srikanth Ryali, Classifying geological structure elements from seismic images using deep learning Presented by: Nicolae Moldoveanu, Automated target-oriented acquisition geometry optimization in marine environment Presented by: John Bradford, Seismic characterization for underground construction projects using microtremor survey method: A case study in Chengdu Line 18 Presented by: Jingtao Zhao, Azimuthal effects in the 3D DC resistivity surveys Synopsis: 2020: System and method for … Presented by: Yunan Yang, Full-waveform inversion by model extension Presented by: Yao Li, Impact of seismic-inversion parameters on reservoir pore volume and connectivity Division of Russian Studies, Central and Eastern European Studies, Yiddish, and European Studies. Presented by: Sepideh Karimi, Rate-state based simulation of laboratory and natural-induced seismicity Automatic refraction-based velocity model building in complex marine environments Presented by: Kou-Yuan Huang, Visual explanations from convolutional neural networks for fault detection Application of petrophysical joint inversion to a carbonate reservoir in Saudi Arabia Presented by: Jingrui Luo, Improving old seismic using full-wavefield inversion and broadband processing: Imaging complex structures under shallow gas Synopsis: Presented by: Mehdi Aharchaou, Processing challenges and technologies of ocean-bottom node survey Presented by: Anders Drage, Data-driven elastic modeling of organic-rich marl during maturation Presented by: Gabrio Rizzuti, Fast frequency-domain 2D elastic-wave modeling using a Schur complement-based finite-difference method Presented by: Upendra Tiwari, Deep-learning seismic facies on state-of-the-art CNN architectures Papers on practical and theoretical developments in the application of EM methods. Presented by: Jiajia Sun, ITRESC: A fast and efficient method to recover the basement morphology from potential fields data Presented by: Carl Reine. Presented by: Raghav Prasad, Automatic horizon picking using multiple seismic attributes Presented by: Giovanni Florio, On the zero-level curves and surfaces in potential fields Presented by: Tom Stander, Comprehensive study on formation imaging underlying the gypsum rock: A case study from eastern Sichuan Basin, China Presented by: David Chalenski, Time-lapse seismic monitoring of individual hydraulic-frac stages using a downhole DAS array: Part 1 — Field experiment and observations Presented by: Yue Du, Time-lapse vertical seismic profile for CO2 monitoring in carbon capture, utilization ,and sequestration/EOR, Farnsworth project Presented by: Hongqiu Wang. Presented by: Jianli Zhi, Gravity and magnetic survey, modeling and interpretation in the Blötberget iron-oxide mining area of central Sweden Presented by: Joseph Coe. Synopsis: Presented by: Svenn Tveit, Magnetotelluric imaging for exploration in fold-and-thrust belt settings: A feasibility and case study Presented by: Mitchell Craig. Presented by: Yuqing Chen. Waveform inversion based target-oriented redatuming Presented by: Kedong Wang, Frequency dispersion quantification by using FAVO inversion based on the generalized propagation matrix Based on 2018, SJR is 0.203. A snapshot of current trends and thinking in relation to shales, unconventional resources, and source rocks. Bar Chart. Presented by: David Lubo-Robles, Quantitative interpretation of smectite content in the shale seals of Northern Carnarvon Basin, northwest shelf of Australia Simultaneous determination of several elastic, anelastic, or anisotropic Earth properties from single or multicomponent data. Poster session highlights improvements in conventional logging technology. Application of instantaneous dominant-frequency attributes and gamma-ray wireline logs in the delineation of lithology in Serbin Field, Southeast Texas: A case study Presented by: Guangtan Huang, Seismic acoustic impedance inversion using total variation with overlapping group sparsity This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Presented by: Xinpeng Pan, Effective porosity sensed changing by azimuth: a linear crossplot of azimuthal P-P (near-angle amplitude, AVO gradient) Presented by: Robert Mellors, Multicomponent imaging with distributed acoustic sensing Presented by: Yang Zha, Using machine learning to estimate the flow of stress using microseismicity recorded during hydraulic fracturing Presented by: Min Qiang, Seismic characterization of volcanic reservoirs in Junggar Basin, China Presented by: Grant Byerley. Presented by: Hussain Hammad, An efficient fully spectral method for constant-Q seismic-wave propagation … Presented by: Zedong Wu, Viscoelastic simulation of wavefield propagation in fractured TTI media Presented by: Zhencong Zhao, Enhancing seismic-imaging resolution by interpretation-driven data decomposition (IDDD) Presented by: Qingfeng Xue. Presented by: Haibin Di, Seismic facies classification using some unsupervised machine-learning methods Links. A whole-earth approach to the future of applied geophysics Synopsis: Presented by: Qiang Luo, Tidal height and water velocity from PIES: Processing of shallow and deepwater examples Presented by: Alan Jones, Estimating overburden thickness in resistive areas from two-component airborne EM data Presented by: Hongliang Zhang, Kinked magnitude distributions for hydraulic fracturing Presented by: Ronghuo Dai, Play scale seismic characterization: Using basin models as an input to seismic characterization in new and emerging plays Synopsis: Presented by: Dhruv Agrawal, Seismic geomorphological analysis of late Miocene sequences, offshore Sabah Basin Presented by: Krongrath Suwannasri, Rock physics of unconventional reservoirs These papers discuss 4D full-waveform modeling and inversion, as well as data analysis prior to, during, and after 4D acquisition. 3D high-resolution seismic characterization of deep offshore Niger Delta Basin: What’s new! Presented by: Masashi Endo, Overcoming scale incompatibility in petrophysical joint inversion of surface seismic and CSEM data Presented by: Gang Yu, Comparing distributed acoustic sensing, vertical seismic profile data acquired with single- and multi-mode fiber optic cables Deep learning for ground-roll noise attenuation Presented by: Shihang Feng, Image-guided improvement of surface-offset wave-equation migration gathers Presented by: Debotyam Maity, Peculiar geological features in the Nugget Sandstone of the Moxa Arch Presented by: Diego Domenzain, High-quality GPR images from assembling collinear fixed-offset profiles Presented by: Musa Bello. Novel research that involves new insights gained from application to real data. Synopsis: Synopsis: Presented by: Andrey Bakulin, The case for a nimble node, towards a new land seismic receiver system with unlimited channels Direct depth domain elastic inversion Synopsis: Synopsis: Synopsis: Presented by: Mahesh Kalita, Adaptive preconditioning of full-waveform inversion based on structure-oriented smoothing filter Synopsis: Presented by: Yujiang Xie, Experimental investigation of Krauklis wave-propagation velocity in trilayer using dynamic photoelasticity The SEG Library Choice package includes all journal and meetings papers content hosted by SEG— Geophysics, The Leading Edge, Interpretation, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, Global Meeting Abstracts, the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, and the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental … Presented by: Alireza Shahin, Magnetoseismic resistivity mapping: Fundamentals and challenges Presented by: Martina Glöckner, Joint surface and borehole seismic tomography with simultaneous model parameter updates at Thunder Horse South Presented by: Taiwen Chen, 3D seismic characterization of irregularly distributed fractures in unconventional reservoirs Presented by: Chao Zhang, A finite-element method for blind deconvolution with dynamic frequency wavelets Stay up to date with the latest news about the SEG Annual Meeting. Synopsis: Presented by: Hongyu Zhou, An efficient multiscale solver for the frequency-domain elastic-wave equation in anisotropic media Presented by: Chiara Colombero, Moderate to very deep (> 150m to > 600 m) VS profiling in engineering studies using large, frequency-controlled, active sources and Rayleigh-type surface waves Presented by: Odd Kolbjornsen, Enhanced understanding of fluvial reservoirs in a brown field using geostatistical seismic inversion, Barmer Basin, India Synopsis: Presented by: Wei-Yi Chiu, Correlating microseismicity with relevant geophysical and petrophysical data to understand fracturing process during hydraulic stimulation: A case study from the Permian Basin Presented by: Xu Jialiang, Combining direct imaging of blended data and data-space deblending using a pattern-based approach Presented by: Charles Waltman. Presented by: Yujiang Xie, Image-guided wavefield tomography for VTI media Presented by: Michelle Ellis, New methodology for correcting compaction and permeability curves used in basin/evolutionary geomechanical models with guided-tomography based on Null Space Shuttle SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018. Presented by: Jahan Ahmed, Fine characterization and reservoir prediction of the sublacustrine fan under facies constrain: A case study of Bohai Sea, China Presented by: Carlo Fortini, Improving reflection FWI reflectivity using LSRTM in the curvelet domain Compliance estimation and multiscale seismic simulation of hydraulic fractures. Presented by: Zhencong Zhao, Convolutional perfect-matched layer boundary for trapezoid grid finite-difference seismic modeling SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016 Technical Program … P-wave and S-wave joint acquisition technology and its application in Sanhu area Presented by: Simone Re, 3D wavefront tomography: Part I 1 — NIP wavefront tomography Rock-physics characterization and geomechanical properties of mudstones rich in siliceous ooze: A case study from the primary caprock for Skade Formation, North Sea Presented by: Surajit Gorain, Synopsis: The upcoming SEG International Exposition and 89th Annual Meeting will be held 15-20 September 2019 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX USA. Presented by: Weifang Liu, Interpretation of converted wave-seismic sections to determine time differences in P-P and P-S waves using shear-sonic logs Presented by: Ajinkya Kadu, Full-waveform inversion with prelearned dictionaries and nonlocal similarity Presented by: Yuchen Jin. Presented by: Po-Yen Wu, Seismic facies classification using different deep convolutional neural networks Presented by: Dong Wang, Horizon-focused birefringence analysis of 3C PS seismic data: Permian Basin — Case Study, NE Midland Synopsis: Presented by: Ryan Smith, Machine learning to reduce cycle time for time-lapse seismic data assimilation into reservoir management Processing of data with continuous source and receiver side wavefields: Real data examples Presented by: Xin Zhang, Application of waveform inversion with prior geologic imformation in dolomite reservoir characterization: A case study in southwest area of Sichuan Basin Presented by: Rui Zhai, Seismic facies in the Pearl River Submarine Canyon, northern South China Sea Presented by: Hayden Powers, Spatial-temporal densely connected convolutional networks: An application to CO2 leakage detection Joint inversion of multicomponent seismic data: Application to Bakken petroleum exploration and production Presented by: Jun Lu, The study of Pp/Psv wave differences and relationship with hydrocarbon Presented by: Sherif Hanafy, Recognizing shingling seismic data by unsupervised machine learning Presented by: Yike Liu, Keys to robust reflection-based full-waveform inversion Presented by: Luca Peruzzo, Evaluating the efficacy of magnetic sensors in smartphones for geophysical investigations Presented by: Muhammad Amir Shafiq, Deep learning-enabled seismic image enhancement Presented by: Ludovic Metivier, Overcoming cycle skipping in full-waveform inversion by reducing the adjoint sources oscillations Presented by: Anthony Diyokeugwu. Difficult experimental measurements and a difficult topic like attenuation are the common theme of this session. Presented by: Nasher AlBinHassan, Convolutional neural networks for fault interpretation in seismic images Computing near-surface velocity models for S-wave static corrections in the τ-p domain Presented by: Abdulaziz AlMuhaidib, Sensitivity and error propagation in well-placement bed-boundary detection Synopsis: Presented by: Pedro Munoz. Presented by: Xin Zhao, Seismic impedance inversion using dictionary learning and sparse representation Presented by: Corey Joy. An alternative approach for machine learning seismic interpretation and its application in Daqing Oilfield Presented by: Fabien GILBERT, MR3D: A realistic model for CSEM simulations — Phase II: The CSEM dataset Presented by: Bo Zhang, Identification of volcanic rocks and reservoir prediction in Guantao Formation of Shaxibei area, Bohai Bay Basin Presented by: Wentao Zhao, Automatic fault interpretation using optimal surface voting Presented by: Ozdogan Yilmaz, Joint inversion of GPR and ER data A collection of methods for quantitative evaluation of structure and reservoirs, and application in hydrocarbon detection. Presented by: Samara Omar, SP-wave surface-seismic signatures in orthorhombic media Presented by: Anisha Tyagi. Presented by: William Symes, Elastic least-squares Gaussian-beam migration Inferring static-elastic properties of fractures from flow measurements Presented by: Junichi Takekawa, Flexible high-performance multiphysics waveform modeling on unstructured spectral-element meshes Presented by: Yimin Sun, Reducing artifacts of elastic reverse time migration with de-primary Presented by: Aayush Garg. Presented by: Tyler Mathieson, Three-dimensional electromagnetic forward-modelling using gauge potential technique 14: 2018: Content-adaptive non-parametric texture similarity measure. Presented by: Divakar Vashisth, Improving of complex electrical surveys informativeness on the base of industrial magnetic field use Current trends and thinking in relation seg technical program expanded abstracts 2018 shales, unconventional resources, and methods in mineral technology! Update your Communications preferences the discipline, processing or imaging analysis browser settings, you consent to customers! 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