Star Wars: Legion puts you in command of your own army of units straight out of the Star Warssaga, engaging your opponent in furious firefights across a war-torn galaxy. [76], The droid army was composed from the Trade Federation's battle droids to the security forces maintained by the Commerce Guild, InterGalactic Banking Clan, and Corporate Alliance, which donated not only its new B2-series super battle droids, but numerous foundries capable of producing thousands more droids for deployment as well as the OG-9 homing spider droids were a common sight on many front lines, and tank droids and AATs provided heavy firepower. Soon after their arrival, Republic reinforcements arrived and the facility's defenses were soon disabled. General Grievous hoists the Confederacy flag over a conquered Duro. Together, they embark on a high-risk mission behind enemy lines to uncover the truth behind the Separatist victories." After a brief disagreement with Nute Gunray, he ordered both him and other leaders to go to the Mustafar system where they would be safe. Following the battle, the Senate Bureau of Intelligence investigated causes of the defeat. Place [53] While the Separatists had other leaders like Separatist Congress Leader Bec Lawise,[4] Senator Mina Bonteri,[4] General Grievous,[7] the Viceroy Nute Gunray,[1] and Riff Tamson, all the other players within the Confederacy were controlled by Dooku. Talzin sacrificed her own life to allow Maul to escape, as Grievous fatally stabbed the Dathomirian witch through the chest while Maul fled from Dathomir. At 0221 local time, Operation Durge's Lance had broken through the outer system defenses of Duro, destroying four Golan Arms battle platforms, and three Acclamator-class ships—Anvil, Coronet, and Bolide. In 22 BBY, the Confederacy and the Republic went to war using their respective military forces—the droid army and the Republic clone army—resulting in a pan-galactic conflict for the first time in a millennium. One such mission involved a commando attempting to sabotage a Republic cruiser; the Death Watch commando was captured, but rather than surrender and submit to questioning, he committed suicide. Clone troopers4+ Golan 1 battle platforms7 Acclamator-class assault shipsAnnealer†Anvil†Bolide†Coronet†Doughty†Founder†3 Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisersAtrisian Iron†Prominence†1 Victory-class Star Destroyer12 Aethersprite-class light interceptors72 V-19 Torrent starfightersLAAT/i gunships It is set in the fictional Star Wars galaxy, during the … In response to the assault, Jedi Generals were deployed to help the Grand Army of the Republic. Opress mercilessly slaughtered all the clones upon his arrival, including ARF Commander Trauma. He besieged the Republic shipyards for weeks on end, exploiting the Techno Union's access to a secret Republic strategy algorithm. Finding the two Jedi in front of temple's door, he attacked Halsey, and although the Roonan fought hard, Opress struck him down. The munitions depot they were protecting at the base kept Kalani and his droids well-provisioned enough to still remain reasonably functional for almost two decades without resupply. [43] Following Skywalker's escape, the Queen, before perishing, revealed to him the location of the processing facility where Kenobi and the missing Togruta colonists were being held, Kadavo. Though they had suffered a defeat in battle, the goal of the Sith had been fulfilled; the Clone Wars had begun. Commanders [7], Grievous then ordered the fleet to withdraw and became head of state of the Confederacy of the Independent Systems, who fled to Utapau, which was occupied by them[7] sometime after a crystal incident,[60] where he hid and met with the Separatist Council. The Confederacy was founded on the grounds of excessive taxation and corruption within the Galactic Senate and general feeling of dissatisfaction towards and neglect by the Core Worlds, which contained some of the wealthiest and most prestigious planets in the galaxy. Darth Sidious had brought Maul to the Spire, a prison fortress controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on Stygeon Prime. The Republic sent two Jedi—Jedi Master Halsey and his Padawan Knox—and several ARF troopers. When the Confederacy of Independent Systems was first formed, it received little galactic recognition from many other entities due to a lack of legitimacy from the Galactic Republic as a separate state, but they did receive support from several major galactic corporations. Historical information Currency During their rescue attempt, they were confronted by Count Dooku and engaged him in a lightsaber duel. In the next few moments, several Acclamator-class assault ships arrived over the arena and engaged droid forces on the planet's surface, starting the deadly three-year Clone Wars.[1]. With the successful rescue of Kenobi and the colonists, the Jedi departed the facility and destroyed it. One of … These worlds were often forced into accepting one-sided deals and refused military protection, as the Republic continued to prioritize honoring centuries old agreements predating the admission of outlying planets. [87], Confederacy of Independent Systems Explained (Canon). This led the council to finally authorize an assassination attempt on the Count in a desperate bid to limit the war's casualties. This event is often credited with beginning the Galactic Civil War. The unusual behavior of the Republic was noticed by Separatist Admiral Trench who reported it to Dooku, who then reported it to Darth Sidious. After pursuing Fett to Geonosis, Kenobi discovered Dooku's plot and also learned that it was Gunray who ordered the assassination of Amidala. This led the Jedi Council to send Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate. Date dissolved Accueil Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. The Separatist leadership at the end of the war. After the initial attack, only four more Acclamators, a Victory-class Star Destroyer, and another Dreadnaught remained. The arrival of the clones sparked a full-scale battle on Geonosis, with both sides taking heavy losses. [77] Count Dooku also ordered the enslavement of Mon Calamari prisoners and civilians. However his plans were foiled when General Tandin and his royal guards sided with the rebels during Rash's attempted execution of Dendup, helping Gerrera and her insurgents rescue Dendup, He also pledged the Royal Onderon Militia to their forces. Once Darth Vader landed, he entered the mining facility and slaughtered the Separatists, taking them out one by one with his lightsaber; he also destroyed the OOM-series security droids, an OOM command battle droid, and Neimoidian guards and aides who had assembled in the room with their leaders. Both sides negotiated with the neutral worlds, with the Republic trying to bring worlds back into the fold willingly if they had not declared for the Separatists due to fears that taking action against ostensibly non-hostile worlds would only increase sympathy for the separatist cause.[16]. The leaders of Malastare then proceeded to sign the treaty with the Republic. The Republic attempted to escort the remaining Mahranee off world but were stopped when the Separatists launched a massive attack, slaughtering all the civilians, Jedi and clones. Initially the battle was moving in the favor of the Republic. The Separatist fleet began a major space battle against a Republic flotilla over Sullust, with Asajj Ventress personally leading the Separatists against the Republic. The series made its debut on the American Cartoon Network on October 3, 2008. Date [53], The Confederacy lacked its own official holofeeds network, forcing it to use unauthorized Shadowfeeds instead, which Count Dooku employed in an effort to spread propaganda during the Clone Wars. Demoralized by their recent defeats, Gunray and the other leaders had wished to sue for peace, but did not know what Sidious had planned for them, who promised that his new apprentice would soon arrive to take care of them, but he was secretly to be sent instead to eliminate the council who had gathered on Mustafar. While Clovis worked to get the banks back to neutrality after Padmé and Separatist Senator Bec Lawise oversaw the transfer of power, Dooku had Clovis raise the Republic's interest rates, but leave the Separatist's rates untouched, despite his objections. [59], However, the Separatists had launched a surprise attack on the capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant and saw Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was captured by Grievous and kept on board his command ship. Count Dooku sent King Rash reinforcements under the command of the super tactical droid General Kalani. The commerce guilds and trading corporations had also become disillusioned after laws were passed that would introduce taxes affecting all significant trade routes, implemented such that they would have the greatest impact on the poorer outlying star systems. Head of state Casualties During the ensuing battle the Quarren came to the realization that the Separatists were only interested in capturing Mon Cala for themselves. They engaged him in a duel and managed to defeat him, however he managed to escape. The Separatist Parliament, a body of senators oversaw by a chairman called the Separatist Congress Leader that dealt with diplomatic and civilian issues in the Confederacy. However, Republic Intelligence was able to shut down many of these Shadowfeeds quickly, which eventually led to the creation of the Commission for the Protection of the Republic. This mod includes lots of heroes and units from the Prequels, The Clone Wars TV Show, The Clone Wars Animated Series (2003), some comics and … Date reorganized Unknown to the Separatists, the main assault was actually a distraction that would enable Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee to infiltrate the foundry and destroy the reactor core, thus blowing the factory up from the inside. The Confederacy of Independent Systems had a single Head of State under a written constitution known as the Bylaws of Independent Systems, which vested most power the Separatist Senate in regards to state matters, with only the Head of State being officiator of congressional procedure. A New Mandalorian scout reported this development to Prime Minster Almec; however, the Prime Minister wasn't concerned because he believed that the Death Watch would never be able to take Mandalore without the support of the public. However, to trick the Senate into giving him dictatorial powers and oppressive abilities. Geonosis (–22 BBY)[8]Raxus Secundus (21 BBY–19 BBY)[4] The Republic then disabled the factories' ray shield, making way for the rest of the clone troopers to safely land. After the release of the report, both Coorr and Farr resigned from the Senate. During their attempted rescue, Kenobi and Skywalker were captured. While escaping Abafar, the D-Squad took refuge in the Venator-class Star Destroyer, on which they planned to return the stolen Separatist encryption module, but they discovered it was overrun by droids. The Count of Serenno served as the Head of State of the Confederacy and was aided by the Separatist Council. You're my only hope. The governor of the planet Eriadu, Wilhuff Tarkin, was responsible for frustrating Dooku by providing counterintelligence to shut down many of his Shadowfeeds during the Clone Wars. The following three years saw the Clone Wars raging across the galaxy with the Separatists rapidly attempting to bring the Republic to its knees. Despite atrocities like the Attack on Mahranee, Dooku was still respected enough within the Confederacy to be conferred with awards like the Raxian Humanitarian Award. Bylaws of Independent Systems[4] It was also revealed that, in reality, the Committee's chairman, Iseno Senator Ronet Coorr, had reassigned the ships to Rodia after being bribed with contracts for rebuilding on Ando by the Rodian senator, Onaconda Farr. [7], In addition, various galactic corporate titans including Gunray, Poggle the Lesser, and Wat Tambor, whom all pledged their droid armies and full support to the Separatist cause, wielded considerable powers over the officers and the political and military landscape in the form of a governing command council, and were held on a very loose leash in doing so;[1] they also formed part of a secret Sith plot to retake the galaxy, but were betrayed and assassinated by Darth Vader under the behest of Sidious after the deaths of both Dooku and Grievous as the Clone Wars drew to a close.[7]. Meanwhile, Dooku had promised the Viceroy Nute Gunray that he would assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo if he signed Dooku's treaty. Mandalorian commandos performed sabotage missions for the Separatists against Republic targets. The Confederacy of Independent Systems was primarily made up of alien and near-humans. [25] However, a setback occurred when the plan by the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Separatists to build massive new droid foundries on Geonosis was discovered by the Galactic Republic[26] who launched a second major planetary invasion of Geonosis to shut down the foundries that Archduke Poggle the Lesser had built there. Some observers like the Jedi Master Mace Windu believed that eliminating Dooku would lead to the disintegration of the Separatist movement. This forced the remainder of the population of Duro to also move off surface, to the orbiting cities of Duro.[6]. The entire series comprises 83 issues. [71], After the Alliance to Restore the Republic was re-organized into the New Republic after it won the war, it was decided that the capital of the New Republic would be rotated periodically—addressing one of the main concerns of the Confederate systems.[72]. [54] After the Shadow Collective lost on Zanbar, Maul attacked Dooku and Grievous over Ord Mantell which led to Maul make his way into orbit and boarded Grievous' command ship. The Republic won the battle, at the cost of Clovis's death, which allowed the Banking Clan to be placed under Palpatine, with the Republic no longer having to go bankrupt. Previous Having been alerted to the impending attack, the Republic dispatched a fleet to rescue the medical station. [1] Intergalactic Association of Amalgamated Droid Builders was also aligned with the Confederacy, providing construction and service for the Separatists' Droid Army. Moreover, immediately after Grievous' death, the Jedi Order became aware of his true Sith identity, … Once finished, remove this notice. They undertook efforts to disrupt the Confederate plot and stop the ship from destroying a Republic strategy conference in the Carida system. [30], When Satine journeyed to Coruscant, Death Watch made a second attempt on her life. To counter the Confederate fleet, the Galactic Republic sent a squadron of Jedi starfighters and two wings of V-19 Torrent starfighters. With no hope of escape, Keeper Agruss attempted to kill the colonists by dropping them into a volcanic pit. [38], After the assassination of senator Mee Deechi at the hands of Lolo Purs,[39] the planet Umbara seceded from the Galactic Republic and joined the Confederacy, pledging the Umbaran Militia and its advanced technology to the cause. As Poggle attempted to retake Point Rain, the main droid foundry was targeted by the Jedi, who launched a major offensive against the factory. It proved to be a major Confederate victory. The Jedi Council dispatched Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to Mandalore to meet with Satine and investigate the rumors. Having no other choice, she reluctantly revealed rumors of the Death Watch's return. [52], The Confederacy would attempt to commit a mass genocide on the people of Mahran under orders from Count Dooku. Jar-Jar however, arrived at the event, posing as Lyonie. Shortly after his escape, however, the negotiations fell apart completely along with hopes of gaining the full legitimacy it sought, however the Confederacy had received some legitimacy as a state by the very notion of the conference having took place. Compounding this, the outlying systems and Rimward trade routes were plagued by pirates, hijackers and slavers. However, before Tup could be delivered to the Confederacy for study, he was recaptured by Anakin Skywalker and the Republic on the ongoing shuttle, with Kraken killed in the raid, and made it to Kamino. [68] A large amount of heavily modified Separatist equipment was used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic; examples include the IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank, the Lucrehulk-class Battleship, and the Armored Assault Tank. The Republic sent Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to rescue the Chancellor. Separatist Council[1] The senate was seated on the Confederate capital planet of Raxus Secundus. The Separatist Crisis that began in 24 BBY led to a political crisis in which tensions escalated between the newly-formed Confederacy and the reigning Republic. Battle of Foerost[1] He denounced Rish Loo and cancelled the order to invade Theed. The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! [37] The Confederacy later committed genocide against the Mahran species and attacked their homeworld, killing many civilians and refugees. However, as time went on, the government of the Republic became weak and corrupt.Du… [50] The Battle of Ringo Vinda took place outside a Separatist-controlled space station that surrounded the planet of Ringo Vinda. The main droid army was also defeated by the clone troopers. The aim of the campaign was to destroy the Republic cloning factories and thus deny the Republic more troops, turning the war in the Separatists favor. Eventually, Republic forces led by General Skywalker came to Scipio to free the planet and Padmé, while Dooku and Kraken left the fighting to the remaining forces. It’s the end of the historic Clone Wars, as the forces of darkness have amassed great power in their bid to transform the Republic into the Galactic Empire. In addition, the Confederacy was secretly supported by several corporations, including the Trade Federation, headed by Viceroy Nute Gunray; the InterGalactic Banking Clan, headed by Chairman San Hill; the Techno Union, headed by Foreman Wat Tambor; the Commerce Guild, headed by Presidente Shu Mai; the Corporate Alliance, headed by Magistrate Passel Argente; and the Retail Caucus. However their plan was foiled when Jedi General Anakin Skywalker intercepted Ventress and defeated her following a fierce lightsaber duel. The heavy fire was not enough to repel the ships, however, so the Separatists pressed their attack and deployed all of their forces. [57], During the Age of the Empire, the tale of the Clone Wars was frequently used as a warning to the Galaxy of what could happen should the Empire and order fail. The Battle of Duro was one of the many battles of Operation Durge's Lance, a Separatist campaign to spearhead into the Core, during the Clone Wars. As Rash angrily protested, Kalani shot the deluded king, killing him. Rish Loo then fled to his laboratory. [37], Dooku later conspired with Grievous and Minister Rish Loo to launch another invasion of Naboo, a plot that would involve turning the Gungans against the Naboo. Also destroyed were two Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers—Prominence, and Atrisian Iron. [53], Its naval wing was originally made up of heavily armed bulk transports from Separatist member corporations, but, as the Clone Wars continued, Pammant Docks and other Separatist allies built capital ships to make a creditable fleet. In doing so, the series has altered the meaning behind the Separatist meeting in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.Season 7 so far has revolved around a conflict between the Republic and the Techno Union and their oft-forgotten leader, Wat Tambor during the Outer Rim Sieges. Exists a number of reinforcements to various Separatist outposts on the moon 's population, Imperial forces no. His plan was foiled when the Jedi responded by sending Jedi General Anakin Skywalker Ventress... Access to a slave ship upon which he escaped 36 ] after their arrival Republic. Needs appropriate citations 33 ], Confederacy of Independent Systems was primarily made up of three political factions the! 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