How shall we do? This is a day of disaster and despair! Our Lord in heaven, when we have preached our best, it is nothing except the Spirit of Jesus, there the appeal on the words of love; O God, however we may explain, and however we may try to simplify the gospel, God must do something; God must open the eyes of the soul; God must show our Lord in His death on the cross [Matthew 27:32-50], in His resurrection from the grave [Matthew 28:1-7], in His promised coming again [1 Acts 1:9-11]. When Elisha's servant looked outside the city walls of Dothan the first time, all that he saw was horses of flesh and blood and chariots of … He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. And those great spiritual truths that that marvelous Greek philosopher could see with a mind’s eye, with his eyes open, with soul eyes, are the things that pertain to the Lord God. Sermon Transcript Download Transcript PDF Small Group Guide Sermon Audio Related Content Seeing the Invisible. And yet this entire creation is made up of those things! [Romans 8:31]. Share this : Gordon Small. And I can imagine that servant saying to him, “Master, you don’t realize the situation.” Have you seen that sign on these business houses you go in? Written by Tony Evans. Did you ever have a Sunday school teacher who asked God about you? I have read that if you were to mash out, press out, push out, all of the space in the atoms of the sun, you could haul it around in a tub. Wake up! First: that God will give us eyes to see the true nature of reality, for reality is always invisible and spiritual—always, always, by inspiration! On every side the enemy has surrounded us, and there is no escape” [2 Kings 6:15]. Jesus died young at 33.5 years old, so that we may live long. Man, I don’t know what the pharmaceutical companies would do if people were to be quiet before God. Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - See the Invisible, Do the Impossible (Visualisation) Follow the guiding of the Holy Spirit. He can make you invisible to people and circumstances that want to harm you. Wouldn’t that be something, walking down the street with the sun in a wheelbarrow! Sermons. Seeing Him Who is Invisible by Pastor Jack Hyles "Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. He was casting out devils. Share it. Japan Pastor Takada 4-53-3 Saidera Suita City Osaka 565-0836. … “O God,” cried Elisha, “O God, open his eyes, that he may see.” Open his eyes, open his eyes, open his eyes! So when the [servant] came back to Elisha and said, “Master, you don’t understand, these enemies are on every side and nothing awaits us but defeat and despair!” [2 Kings 6:15], and the prophet said to the young man, “Young fellow, did you know that they that are with us are more than they that are with them?” [2 Kings 6:16]. The reference of these striking words is to the lawgiver Moses, who has his place in the great procession of spiritual heroes by title of the faith which he exhibited when, as a young man, he chose rather to be evil entreated with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Leave a comment. And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice. The Disciplines of Love. "But you, man of God, ought to avoid [false teaching and the love of money]. Glen Eden . Invisible things being clearly seen. total duration: 2hr 45min) • You Are Blessed With Believing Abraham (approx. Manurewa . Søren Kierkegaard told a parable about a rich man riding in a lighted carriage driven by a peasant who sat behind the horse in the cold and dark outside. Dr. W. A. Criswell. Think! To see the invisible strengths in ourselves, our friends, our family, our neighbors, our workplace, our communities is to nourish hope in what we can still become. No man could be victor over Israel, as long as that prophet told the king of Israel everything that the king of Syria thought about [2 Kings 6:12]. Sermon: Seeing the Invisible Scripture: Joshua 24 vs 1-3a and 14-25. At first blush one would think such a thing to be impossible. Our Famous Last Worship. The meaning is that he really did see God by soul sight, or, as we say, by faith. And one of his servants said, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber. Since the beginning of time, we have always known—or at least suspected—that there are phenomena in the physical world that exist all around us that cannot be seen. One may think that he is seeing the wind blowing – but strictly speaking this is impossible. And the mountains, and the mountains were filled with horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha! This solid piece of oak in that table and everything you see is made up of invisible particles of force and energy that you call electrons and protons and neutrons that are swirling around a central nucleus, and nobody ever saw one of those things. O Lord, open our eyes, that spiritual reality might be seen in our souls [2 Kings 6:17]. That’s the way a modern man is supposed to live, full of anxieties, dreads, forebodings, every terrible, tragic thing that mind could imagine. He’s supposed to live as though this thing is a lost cause; there is not any hope and there is not any future. And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. There two; him and me, me and him. This is the pastor bringing the message from the first chapter of Ephesians, and it is entitled Seeing with the Eyes of the Soul; Seeing with the Eyes of the Soul. Pretty soon! Did your mother pray for you? And he’s going to get us some brand new chairs up here pretty soon. It is the same thing about a young man who is Elisha’s servant. He talks about seeing the invisible in many scriptures. The future belongs to us. That’s the way he’s supposed to live. The Hebrew writer tells us that “he endured, as seeing him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27). Seeing the Invisible. Dr. Liam Goligher began serving as Senior Minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church in May of 2011. When it is said of Moses that "he endured as seeing," the meaning is, not that he acted as if he could see Him, well knowing all the while that he could not, for that would be a mental fiction. Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. Seeing the invisible. Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about. Dr. Bill Winston, Seeing The Invisible This Sermon is a Property of I do not Claim any property on it Sermon. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. I don’t know of a truer philosophy in this earth than Plato’s, and the great fundamental, undergirding, foundational supposition and proposition of Plato is this: that what we see in this world is the shadow; that the substance, the reality is in a spiritual world. Every plan, every ambush, every situation, Elisha knew it! And Plato would illustrate it like this: the idea of a chair is the reality, and this particular chair is a transitory, temporal shadow. KEY WORD: Visions SCRIPTURE READING: Same . But after you have preached and preached and preached, and after you have made the gospel the simplicity of the simplicities, and after you’ve done your utmost and your best to show men how to be saved, God has to open his eyes for him to see. Watch; Listen; Downloads Sermon Audio; Seeing The Invisible. 9/29/2019 Jeff Schwarzentraub Colossians 1:15-20. O God, open our eyes, that we may see [2 Kings 6:17]. And it is the same thing in the great world of the spirit, and of mind, and of creation. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” LET’S TALK. This is a tragic day. Did your father pray for you? SEE THE INVISIBLE; (Don’t Struggle in Life; Walk By Faith) TO THE BIBLE 2 Corinthians 4:18 “While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. To see the invisible you must look very closely. Sermon. Get sermon ideas from Stan Coffey by The Heavenly Vision - Seeing the Invisible (1 of 12). And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down. The Doing Problem. Now, there is no need to preach about it and not do it. This excerpt only shows a 2000 character sample of the full content. And when he turns, he is amazed at the simplicity and why he never saw it and never heard it before. Tony Evans — Seeing the Invisible Hand. Return to list of sermons - M-S. As though, as though with a man’s naked eyes, when he astronauts around this world, he’s going to find the throne of the Lord God in heaven. If you are quiet, and if you are not disturbed, and if you are at peace, and if calm, it’s because you don’t know the facts: if you knew the things, why, you would be disturbed, and perturbed, and anxious like all the rest of us, for that is the way the modern man is supposed to live. The invisible God is present to us as the challenging voice of choice and conscience. The problem was they couldn't find you. Tony Evans (born 1949), Th.D, is a Christian pastor, speaker, author, and a widely syndicated radio and … Why, it’s just tragic. Open his eyes! This is a temporality, this is a shadow, this is a copy, but the reality is the idea. Related Topics … God's Unfailing Love. Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel? When the Lord appeared before the Sanhedrin, Nicodemus stood up and championed the Lord Jesus [John 7:50-51], and the rest of the members of the Sanhedrin said, “Search, and see; there is no prophet that comes out of Galilee” [John 7:52], and they voted to condemn Him to death [Mark 14:64]. Sermon. When we see the Invisible, we wont settle for less than our best (vs. 24) Too many of us are settling for less than God’s best for us When you see the Invisible, it wont matter what hardships we might face (vs. 25-27) Moses might have reasoned that as king of Egypt he would be in an ideal position to… Features Pricing Upload Sermon Get started for FREE. Religious to Relishing. “O Lord, open his eyes, open his eyes, that he may see” [2 Kings 6:17], for there has to be a work of God in the human heart for a man to look in faith upon Jesus [John 6:44]. Seeing the Invisible Joe Alain 2 Kings 6:17 ''And Elisha prayed, and said, 'Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.' The Disciplines of Love. Dr. W. A. Criswell. Sermon. Elisha was unperturbed, undisturbed, absolutely quiet. In 2 Kings 6:16-17, Elisha and his servant are surrounded, and as his servant says to Elisha, “Alas, my master! But it’s a marvelous thing about the Lord, marvelous thing. That’s why we saw, that’s why we heard, and that’s why we were saved. The same thing in all the avenues of life: poverty, Satan uses to degrade; affluence, Satan uses to degrade; beauty, Satan uses to damn; culture, Satan uses to destroy. He is the one to whom we confess our sins [1 John 1:9]; He is the one who forgives us all the wrong of our life; He is the one who writes our name in the Book of Life [Revelation 20:12, 15, 21:27; Luke 10:20]. Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. When it comes to the spiritual realm, however, some of us think … Commemorating God. Now let’s stand for the prayer. In the balcony round, down one of these stairwells, come. And he came back to his master and said, “Master, wake up! THE SEEING OR THE INVISIBLE GOD. Spiritual Warning. The same thing can be said of Moses in the Old Testament. The Doing Problem. And I haven’t time to speak of the great message of this sermon and the comfort that comes from it. Sign in Seeing The Invisible… Robert A. Arbogast Olentangy Christian Reformed Church Columbus, Ohio October 24, 2010 * I include this sermon with permission from the good Reverend Bob Arbogast. MP3 Album (2 sermons—approx. When we come to a green light, we trust cars coming the other way will stop because those drivers are facing a red light. [2 Kings 6:17]. Mt Roskill. TITLE: Seeing the Invisible TEXT: Hebrews 11:1-3 PROPOSITION: Faith requires the ability to see the invisible. We offer 30,000+ outlines and 10,000+ free sermon illustrations from top Christian pastors and communicators. Sermon Archive; CONTACT; GIVE. The Favor of God. Book of Hebrews-The Superiority of Christ. christian faith hope invisible god seeing the unseen God Sermon Series. And one of the men on the staff, one of the men in the army, who knew the situation over there in Israel, said, “My lord, O king, there is not a one of us that is betraying any secret by which we counsel together to make war against Israel. And that’s why all of our efforts, and all of our extenuating, and all of our philosophizing, and all of our rationalizing, and everything else we can do in this world is as nothing until God does something to the human heart. … Subscribe and Get Sermons and Messages by Tony Evans DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX! When we see the Invisible, we wont settle for less than our best (vs. 24) Too many of us are settling for less than God’s best for us When you see the Invisible, it wont matter what hardships we might face (vs. 25-27) Moses might have reasoned that as king of Egypt he would be in an ideal position to… Features Pricing Upload Sermon Get started for FREE. But a man doesn’t wash, he doesn’t look, he doesn’t believe until God does something to his soul, until God opens his eyes that he can see. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow. Devotionals. Since then God has given Pastor Gordon a passion to know Him and make Him know to others. Think! I. Even this coronavirus … Seeing the Invisible … Open his eyes. The things that appear are not made out of things that we see, for the things that we see are not the real things; the real things are invisible and you don’t see them! Through a study of the Scriptures, we understand that God is invisible to the physical eye (Colossians 1:15), but He can be seen through the eye of faith (2 Corinthians 5:7). Wind itself, whether still or blowing, is invisible. This young man's eyes wheren't able to see the invisible armies of the Lord but a simple prayer of Elisha opened his eyes to see the invisible. The young man saw the danger, but he didn’t see the deliverance. And he can look, and look, and look, and look, but he doesn’t see. Now, let’s catch him!” So he sent a whole army into Israel to surround Elisha and to bring him back, as I said, dead or alive [2 Kings 6:14]. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Reformed … And it is in answer to prayer that God opens the eyes of the soul. Angelic horses and chariots of fire stand waiting in the hills, ready to rush in and defend the man of God. Pastor Joseph Prince Sermon Notes - See the Invisible, Do the Impossible (Visualisation) Follow the guiding of the Holy Spirit. This servant of Elisha had an unusual situation. He’s supposed to live as though there weren’t any God; he’s supposed to live as though we were going to be defeated. And when God opens his eyes, he sees the unseeable; he looks upon the invisible. And so the king of Syria naturally said, “Then if we win the war, we’ve got to seize that prophet. Manurewa Pastor W. Yandall 90 Rowandale Ave Manurewa Auckland 2102. Some people may confess a thing, but believe and see something different happening to them in their imagination. I don’t know what would become of all of our ills if we would be quiet before God! And now while we sing our song, somebody you, give his heart to Jesus [Romans 10:9-10]. Lord, open his eyes.”. The Favor of God. There is much that is invisible to us as humans but we know that it is there. 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