Explore the proposed SDG Global Monitoring Indicators arranged by target. As planned, the indicator framework was comprehensively reviewed at the 51st session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2020. SDG 3.2.1 Under-Five Mortality Rate 32 8. The report of the Commission, which included the global indicator framework, was then taken note of by ECOSOC at its 70th session in June 2016. Go to top of page. Data … The final two targets are "means of implementation targets" and are labeled as Targets 6.a and 6.b. Target 2.1: By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round The global indicator framework was developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and agreed to, as a practical starting point at the 47th session of the UN Statistical Commission held in March 2016. Not applicable . Learn more about SDG target 6.2 and how it relates to the other SDGs; Photo credit: UNICEF Ethiopia, Creative Commons Attribution. Responsible agency. Home Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production Indicator 12.6.1. The Sustainable Development Goals comprise of 17 Goals, 169 targets and 232 indicators. SDG target 6.6 seeks to halt the degradation and destruction of water-related ecosystems and to assist the recovery of those already degraded. By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day <br> Indicators. Although 2.1 billion people have improved water sanitation since 1990, dwindling drinking water supplies are affecting every continent. 2018. SDG indicator 6.6.1 tracks changes in different types of water-related ecosystems, enabling decision makers to determine the extent of ecosystem change over time. Reviews of indicators. SDG Indicators - Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. Please use this information to identify all the relevant SDG indicators that you feel this research supports. Proportion of population below the international poverty line, by sex, age, employment status and geographical location (urban/rural) Target. FAO’s Statistical Capacity Assessment survey for SDG Indicators provides insights about member countries' national statistical systems in regard to their capacity to monitor and report the 21 SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. The presentation introduces the Sustainable Development Goal on water and sanitation (SDG 6) and its eight targets, outlining how the different targets contribute to the overall ambition to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, highlighting interlinkages with other goals and targets across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thank you for helping us match this publication to the relevant indicators for this SDG. Terms that are highlighted are believed to be relevant for this SDG. 1.2 . SDG 3.3.2 Tuberculosis Incidence per 100,000 Population 34 10. The global indicator framework for Sustainable Development Goals was developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) … Targets and Indicators Target. Safely managed sanitation and hygiene services (WHO, UNICEF) 6.3.1 : Wastewater safely treated (WHO, UN-Habitat, UNSD) 6.3.2 . Introduction to the integrated baseline process for SDG 6 monitoring. SDG 3.6.1 Death Rate Due to Road Traffic Injuries 36 12. Integrated Monitoring of SDG 6 SDG 6 targets and global indicators. More … Caveat. The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development . The agency responsible for this data entry is Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities. Good ambient water quality … SDG 3.3.3 Malaria Incidence per 1,000 Population 35 11. Integrated Monitoring of SDG 6 6.1.1 Safely managed drinking water services (WHO, UNICEF) 6.2.1 . Downloads. 16.1 . Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita. This is exactly what SDG 6 seeks to do – by expanding the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) focus on drinking water and basic sanitation to include water, wastewater and ecosystem resources, and together with target SDG 11.5 on water-related disasters, all the main aspects related to freshwater in the context of sustainable development are covered. Details on the assessment conducted by FAO in 2018/19 and the resulting country profiles can be found here. Target 6.4 By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity. Methods and data. Goals, targets and indicators . Targets and Indicators Target. Bringing these aspects together … 8.1.1. Downloads. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Explore more SDSN publications on data, monitoring & accountability. Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere <br> ... which would greatly undermine the world’s ability to meet the targets of Goal 16. SDG Indicators. 1.1 . The information presented in this report is based on the latest available data (as of June 2020) on selected indicators in the global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals, which was developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and adopted by the General Assembly on 6 July 2017 (see resolution 71/313, annex). Goal description Target Description ... 17.18.1 Statistical capacity indicator for Sustainable Development Goal monitoring : 17. The metadata available in this repository is a work in progress. 8.2 . The globally agreed methodology has not been set for this UN SDG Indicator therefore Australia has not yet investigated potential data sources. How can monitoring help? Additional information related to this publication is provided below. The UN Inter-Agency Expert Group on the SDGs are responsible for developing and implementing the indicators. 8.1 . The indicator incorporates aspects of accessibility and acceptability and safety, to further address the normative criteria of the human right to water. Targets and Indicators Target. Indicators by Target . Everyone knows that there are 17 Global Goals, but did you know that the UN has also defined 169 SDG targets that give us a clear guideline on each goal's impact and context? 17 goals to transform our world The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. SDG Indicators - Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. It covers the elements making up means of implementation: finance (17.1-17.5), technology (17.6-17.8), capacity-building (17.9), trade (17.10-17.12), and systemic issues (17.13-17.19). Targets & Indicators; The global indicator framework was developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and agreed to, as a practical starting point at the 47th session of the UN Statistical Commission held in March 2016. The SDGs, together with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development (a global plan for financing the SDGs), form the 2030 Agenda, the globally agreed roadmap for building a stable and prosperous world to 2030 and beyond. The report of the Commission, which included the global indicator framework, was then taken note of by ECOSOC at its 70th session in June 2016. Target. The global indicator framework was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 6 July 2017 (A/RES/71/313). Explore the proposed SDG Global Monitoring Indicators arranged by target. For example, SDG 6 has a total of 8 targets. The global indicator framework was developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and agreed to, as a practical starting point at the 47th session of the UN Statistical Commission held in March 2016. Linking human rights with all Sustainable Development Goals and targets . Target 6.1: By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. Explore more SDSN publications on data, monitoring & accountability. More … Goal description Target Description Indicator ; 1. This indicator is also known as water withdrawal intensity and will measure progress towards SDG Target 6.4. End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Indicators by Target . It reflects the latest reference metadata information provided by the UN System and other international organizations on data and statistics for the Tier I and II indicators in the global indicator framework. Align your indicators to SDG targets and not just SDG Goals. For example, goal 4, “Quality Education,” has 10 targets. 1.1 : By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day. SDG 17 – “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” – is made up of 19 targets and 25 indicators. Explore the proposed SDG Global Monitoring Indicators arranged by goal. Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation . Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed countries <br> Indicators. vi ASEAN Sustainable Development Goals Indicators 2020 7. The SDG Indicators The SDGs comprise of 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 indicators. 1.1.1. The first six are outcome targets and are labeled Targets 6.1 to 6.6. Target 5.6 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of … About this guide ; List of goals and targets; List of instruments; Goals, targets and indicators . Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Australian statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Australia-specific metadata information. Explore the proposed SDG Global Monitoring Indicators arranged by goal. Reporting Year. National Metadata. Water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of people, an alarming figure that is projected to rise as temperatures do. SDG 3.2.2 Neonatal Mortality Rate 33 9. Development Goal Indicators (E/CN.3/2016/2/Rev.1) 5/25 Goals and targets (from the 2030 Agenda) Indicators 3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases 3.3.1 Number of new HIV infections per 1,000