6966 Answers ; SOURCE: vw golf 1994 indicators. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. , Hazard Light Switch - It may seem counter-intuitive that if the hazard lights work then the hazard switch is at fault, however the wiring from the indicator control stalk goers through the hazard control switch as the hazard switch effectively acts as the control stalk but applies power to both indicator light circuits at the same time. One common source of losing indicators when a hazard switch is fitted lies in the hazard switch itself. How does changing a guitar string's tuning affect its timbre? The 4-way hazards work without issue and I can hear the relay under the dash (that?s what I think it's) clicking when I move the lever either way. So the indicators and hazards stopped working suddenly on my 1999 Troopy HZJ78R . check you have 12v to the red/white wire to hazard switch, and ign live to the blue/black. Indicators Not Working - posted in Problems, Questions and Technical: Hello. With the button out the indicators work. Checked the fuse its good?. Usually turning one or the other off and on was enough to get them all going again. Active 2 years, 5 months ago. Due to the fact that the hazard light switch does not get frequently used the wires can come loose from the back of the switch or the switch can get a fault so if the fuse and the stalk seem in good nick then check the hazard switch. I have a 1994 Pajero and had a strange problem happen this morning, in the middle of driving the indicators strangely stopped working but when I pulled up the hazard lights where working. No better. The flasher is the same for the emergency flashing so if it works with the hazard switch on & not the indicators it is something to do with the wiring. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. any help gratefully received New Member; Registered Member; 0 2 posts; First Name: Gary; Toyota Model: AYGO Toyota Year: 2006 Location: Sussex; Share; Posted March 13, 2014. Indicators and speedometer don't work, hazard lights do - is this a problem of the flasher relay? Suddenly all of the indicators and the hazard lights have stopped working. Occasionally they work perfectly fine as if nothing is wrong. Possibly a shorted wire in the ground to the indicators not hard to troubleshoot if you or the shop has a meter to check it. Indicators not working but hazards are - any ideas? See below. Interior Dash Lights & AC Control Lights Are Out, Indicators & wiper failure after running for a while. mudflaps. The passenger side had a ground that was not connected. I had a similar issue not too long ago -- the hazards worked but the rear blinkers did not. It has LED indicator lights and has and an rdx relay, that makes them flash at the right speed. When I indicate right my headlights come on ... when I turn the left indicator off the headlights go off . Hazard Switch faulty . All other electrics work. the hazard warning lights work but the indicators seem to decide when they want to work. No better. Based on the image below, the headlight control is on the indicator stalk. Sometimes if you flash the hazards a few times i can get the indicators to work for a while and then they stop again. Indicators work but not the hazards and an MOT is due. the hazards are seperate to the indicator stalk, so they will work unless the hazard switch dies, but since it rarely gets used, i dont think it will ever die. My indicators stopped working today, hazard lights were OK. Posted 19 March 2020 - 04:21 PM With the button out the indicators work. Your tip was spot on. Vocational, Technical or Trade School. Aygo Indicators Not Working, But Hazards Work Fine. I have got the same problem with mine, Spoke to Audi and they said it is a common fault and 9 out of 10 times is the hazard light switch blocking the signal of the indicators. Remove it and get it tested. Car has been left standing for 12 months, so Battery was flat. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Can the US House/Congress impeach/convict a private citizen that hasn't held office? Hi, new owner of an old talbot express Autoquest 1992, 2.5d talbot base I think. Globes are fine, bought new flasher relay , that didn't help. I checked the lights and the hazards and they were working fine. suggesting it is ok but any power to or from it is failing to get to relay OR relayitselff is faulty ( but hazards working suggests not ) Fuse is fine. Indicator lights not working so as the hazard lights, it use to work sometimes but now they are not working at all. 24th Sep 2016 - 12:39 #1. justcallmemac. In my Defender, the indicators have stopped working. kiiyted 0 Posted March 13, 2014. kiiyted. Also if it helps the reverse lights work and the windshield wipers work.. not sure if it's a flashing relay or a cem?.. Only problem is the turn signals aren't working. 9 posts / 0 new . As it turns out, the cylinder fuse connectors were quite corroded, sprayed contact cleaner on them and bam, the indicators worked. Sometimes if you flash the hazards a few times i can get the indicators to work for a while and then they stop again. My hazard lights do not work(vz acclaim) Indicators do but indicators do not flash when locking or unlocking car. Vocational, Technical or Trade School. How to tell if a song is tuned in half-step down. Which I only noticed when I stopped whilst engine was overheating! SOURCE: HAZARD LIGHTS ON BUT NOT. Check turn signal fuse,located under a cover at the left end of the bottom of the dashboard.The signal/hazard flasher is located there as well.If fuse is blown,suspect a shorted wire,often at the tail light wiring in the trunk. Last post. I've replaced that switch and also the indicator/horn stalk (was old anyway) but the problem still remains. On some vehicles (one example being the 1994–2001 Audi A4) even the relay for the turn signal and hazard lights is built into the hazard light switch. All I know is that he was told that he needed a relay to get it working properly. Checked the hazards and they work fine. This post aims to explain how the hazard switch works, why it's malfunction stops the indicators working, and how to test for and diagnose the fault. Go to the full post. Indicator Stalk - The switch contacts in the control stalk could be at fault (thanks @alex). The ones in the front work but the indicators on the dash don't work either. Indicator won’t work at all Check the fuses. The indicators on my daughters … This was the solution in my specific instance but there are two other possible faults which could be to blame for indicators not working... To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago . The unit cans till be heard ticking when the stalk is used in either direction, so I assume that the ticker and the stalk are OK. hope that helps EDIT: if that is the cause, splice a wire on to the red wire at the back of the stereo and run it to the back of the Hazard switch - just until the MOT is over and you can make a permanent repair. I would wonder about relay(s). olekvi, Dec 4, 2006 #11. dan_a3 Registered User. I thought I checked all of them. Check turn signal fuse,located under a cover at the left end of the bottom of the dashboard.The signal/hazard flasher is located there as well.If fuse is blown,suspect a shorted wire,often at the tail light wiring in the trunk. May I ask professors to reschedule two back to back night classes from 4:30PM to 9:00PM? The wipers don't work either… Post Posted 13 March 2014, 12:43 PM #1392277. rubjonny. The simple way to this in pre-1980 MG’s is see if the wipers, tacho and fuel gauge are still working, as they all run off the same fuse. Get back on the road. Does a chess position exists where one player has insufficient material, and at the same time has a forced mate in 2? Fixed mine once I fitted a new fuse. With the button depressed the indicators stop working. Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. I have also replaced the indicator relay and sprayed contact cleaner on the contacts, made no difference. Are there any relays within the fuse box that could cause this problem? Check and clean the earth connections as well. The indicators work but the hazard warning lights have stopped. INDICATORS NOT WORKING. Turn indicators in the dash cannot work like it should be. Mine has, twice. My whipped cream can has run out of nitrous. The indicator circuit runs through the hazard light switch, so an issue with that could affect the indicators. The problem now is that if i fiddle with it it works, but then it'll just stop working and i have to fiddle with it for it to work again. Tried hazards and again, no right indicators working. Unknown circuit component with glass encapsulated contacts. Hi, Started the car this morning and no indicators, front or rear. Many regards . Turn indicators don't work but hazards work fine. switch itself islikelyy ok as they mainly fail to work on one side only. I've checked the fuses, they are still intact. Could be the hazards switch. Most likely answer is that your flasher relay is busted. Blue ballz #13 Posted : Wednesday, 9 July 2008 5:34:53 AM(UTC) Rank: Member. goto the wreckers and try and find a working stalk, or you can buy them aftermarket from places like autobarn, we keep a few on the shelf usually. 1990 Mazda 323. … read more. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described … It is very easy to change, so you should give it a go . Discussion. I am pretty sure there is a loose connection somewhere, does anyone have any ideas where I should focus on? Do you think a relay could be at fault? Hazard lights and turn signals use the same bulb, so it is not the bulb, the lamp, or the cables to them. I have a 1988 Mini Jet Black and that for the most part, the indicators have stopped working. Just got to sort out the hazard/indicator issue now. How to replace the fuse for both indicators on a Nissan Wingroad 2004? ... hi, I have a 2008 Rav4 and the indicators work but the symbol for the LHS does not light up on the dash. Posted by John Fraughton on Aug 30, 2017. This post aims to explain how the hazard switch works, why it's malfunction stops the indicators working, and how to test for and diagnose the fault. What could cause indicators to not work while the engine is running and start working when the engine is stopped? not_an_abba_fan has it right. Hello all On locking my van this evening with the remote, I noticed the front, rear and side repeater indicators did not flash. When your hazard lights don't illuminate but the turn signals work, usually you are dealing with a faulty hazard-lights flasher. Vocational, Technical or Trade School. Thread starter ZeroWing; Start date Aug 3, 2018; Z. ZeroWing Shifting Up. I'll check them out anyway just to be sure . Making an animation of an evolving digital elevation model. I've replaced the indicator/hazard relay switch on my peugeot 205 but my indicators are still not working. 5 Related Answers Louie Role. HI, I have the same problem - it is the relay switch attached to and behind the hazard warning triangle on the dashboard. What's the least destructive method of doing so? Hi guys, need the brain trust here . Tried the indicators using the stalk and all left indicators work but no right ones. Indicators not working but hazards are - any ideas? Done sone reading but cant locate a relay?. Indicators have been working since. Chris (aka-Moose) Auto Technician. This rules out that the indicator bulbs are not working. Best Answer, I've had a similar problem. If the wiring is as the same at a vs the hazards are wired in to the indicators and cant work without the hazards plugged in. 618 satisfied customers. Trying hazards, also not working. Link to post Share on other sites. Except when I went out in it the indicators weren't working. Hazards Work But Indicators Don't - posted in Problems, Questions and Technical: So just like the title says, when I switch the hazard lights on, everything works, exterior lights and interior lights but when I use the indicator stalk nothing happens. I have taken the switch out and sprayed contact cleaner in to it. I have checked the fuses and they are fine. Convert a .txt file in a .csv with a row every 3 lines. After the paint was cleaned off, one side began working; after the ground was connected, the other side began working. Mar 04, 2017 | 2012 Ford Focus. The hazards still work OK. Original Poster. 317 posts. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jan 7, 2018. MOTY 2013 . if any one has had this problem or can help me I'd reallly appreciate it ! Clicking this will make more experts see the question and we will remind you when it gets answered. Hi, My Aygo indicators and hazards do not work. the hazards are seperate to the indicator stalk, so they will work unless the hazard switch dies, but since it rarely gets used, i dont think it will ever die. I've replaced the indicator/hazard relay switch on my peugeot 205 but my indicators are still not working. In my toyota solara this relay was in the driver footwell on the left. Mine has, twice. It does the same as the old stalk. Top Rank Poster! 1,338 satisfied customers. Hi I have a KZN130. After about a week of this, the indicators have given up (almost) entirely. Reply Reply Author. Indicators Not Working But Hazard Lights Working. Thanks . Discussion Starter • #1 • Jul 21, 2010. Print this page; Share this page × Ad. all bulbs have been checked and are ok so is it likely to be the flasher unit or the hazard switch?? Want Answer 1. Why didn't the debris collapse back into the Earth at the time of Moon's formation? It all started when I was driving home but suddenly, the indicators stopped working. Google says it could be a ECU-IG2 fuse but i dont have a user manual to locate this with. 196 0 16. Since yesterday I thought that the alarm was not showing the hazards when opening and locking the car. A mate of mine had a citroen xsara a few years ago. September 06, 2014. No better. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. The indicators work but the hazard warning lights have stopped. Asked by Colinsurrey in Tacoma, WA on . Checked fuses, all seem OK. No visible damage, but to be sure, I checked them w/ fuse tester - all lit up. Fuses or Realy were my initial thoughts too but would the hazards not also stop working if it were down to a fuse or relay? Left works fine. It only takes a minute to sign up. If the wiring is as the same at a vs the hazards are wired in to the indicators and can't work without the hazards plugged in. Tried all fuses. This rules out that the indicator bulbs are not working. No light just clicks in double time. Several functions may not work. Astra TS Sedan. Could this be another bad (replacement) switch - or perhaps wiring? Now I was thinking it might be something to do with the stalk itself but then I noticed a wire hanging down from the dash which is green and white. Indicators not working but hazards are - any ideas? All other lights are good and so are the hazards. This post aims to explain how the hazard switch works, why it's malfunction stops the indicators working, and how to test for and diagnose the fault. but i cant remember the price. Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. Aug 3, 2018 #1 Hi all, I've spent a few hours trying to work out what's going on and have decided to resort to help.. The hazard lights are fine though, and so I thought it might be the hazard switch itself as that seems to be a common issue. Not that I could actually see a fuse marked indicators or even a shared fuse with indicators and other circuits. Checked Bulbs, All fine. Why does the US President use a new pen for each order? What causes dashboard indicators go off, ABS and brake indicator on intermittently? Hi I have a KZN130. Hazard lights not working, indicators fine. Hazards and indicators not working? Its the noise you typically hear in the cabin while the blinker flashes. They stopped but the hazards sti Turn signals only work when the ignition is on; hazard lights work whether the ignition is on or not. 1,338 satisfied customers. Mark. Hypothetically, why can't we wrap copper wires around car axles and turn them into electromagnets to help charge the batteries? Go to your neighborhood parts store and buy a flasher/turn signal relay for your vehicle for cheap money. My indicators and hazard lights are not working I haven't got a clue where are the fuses and relays located ? Offline . The horn and the full beam still work, just not the indicators. That resolved the issue. In some cars of my experience, it is a safety factor; if the indicator lamps in the dash are blown, it will stop the hazards/indicators from working, ensuring the driver checks and replaces the lamps, which then allow the indicators etc to work again. Hazards worked 100%, but not indicators. Except when I went out in it the indicators weren't working. I have taken the switch out and sprayed contact cleaner in to it. 0 replies Report. The indicators and hazard lights are on the same relay circuit. If it stops raining...............You will probably find that it curers its self..................meanwhile, wear a rubber glove and use hand signals. With the button depressed the indicators stop working. Indicators Not Working But Hazard Lights Working. t-spiritpete 119 Posted May 15, 2013. t-spiritpete. A new relay fixed everything. I have researched a bit and it seems that it would be the flasher relay. Possible causes can be: a bad ground; a problem with the flasher unit; blown out indicator bulbs; corroded bulb sockets Also, check for a bad connection at the turn signal switch or an open in the part of the circuit that connects the flasher unit to the turn signal switch. Remove it and get it tested. Obviously check your … - posted in MkIV (Mk4) Golf & Bora: hi all, thought id post up to see if anyone else has had this problem. Indicators working but no hazards. Is there a bias against mentioning your name on presentation slides? How much did J. Robert Oppenheimer get paid while overseeing the Manhattan Project? Be the first to answer this question. The 4-way hazards work without issue and I can hear the relay under the dash (that?s what I think it's) clicking when I move the lever either way. Indicators Not Working (Mostly) But Hazards Are - posted in Problems, Questions and Technical: Hi there I have a 1988 Mini Jet Black and that for the most part, the indicators have stopped working. Hyundai Getz 2007, hazards are working but car indicators are not? Hazard lights not working, indicators fine. Joined: 17/04/2014 . by mtbcol » Sat Dec 31, 2016 9:33 pm . Based on the image below, the headlight control is on the indicator stalk. My indicators have stoipper working on my 1980 mini super-deluxe. The Hazards would also not work during these moments of failure. The driver's side had a bit of paint on one of the light sockets. Bulbs are fine. Replace and all was good till this morning ahhhhhh, no indicators or hazards again. Trying hazards, also not working. Pull it out of the socket and bridge the bottom two connections, both light green/brown wires. … read more. Share Followers 0. I have a 1994 Pajero and had a strange problem happen this morning, in the middle of driving the indicators strangely stopped working but when I pulled up the hazard lights where working. The hazards worked, but the indicators did not independently. At the same time has a forced mate in 2 indicator circuit runs through the hazard warning work... The Manhattan Project - any ideas when the ignition is on the dash not. Get the indicators using the stalk and all was good till this morning and no indicators, front or.. Indicator won ’ t work at all check the fuse for both indicators on a Nissan 2004... 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