It is as follows: "Tribonian was a man of great natural powers, and had attained as high a culture as any one of his time; but he was greedy of money, capable of selling justice for gain, and every day he repealed or enacted some law at the instance of people who purchased this from him according to their several needs.. 3) make it not incredible that the purity of his style - which is rather elegant than original and strongly marked - is in large measure the fruit of literary culture. In this transfer the Sumerian words - largely monosyllabic - were reproduced, but read as Semitic, and 1 Cf. The definition of extreme sports is not exact and the origin of the terms is unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing companies to promote the X Games and when the Extreme Sports Channel and the Extreme Sports Company launched. An important element in this culture would be mythic representations of the origin of things, such as the Babylonian Creation and Deluge-stories in various forms. Sentence Examples. 2 in a group [countable, uncountable] SS the attitudes and beliefs about something that are shared by a particular group of people or in a particular organization Every government department has its own particular culture. Tiryns and Hissarlik, other communities of the early race began to arrive at civilization, but were naturally influenced by the more advanced culture of Crete, in proportion to their nearness of vicinity. The ancient Consentia is first named as the burial place of Alexander of Epirus in about 330 B.C. The reform movement inaugurated by the commission of 1803 was resumed in 1830, when Governor-General Johannes van den Bosch endeavoured to improve the conditions of land-tenure and agriculture by introducing the so-called "culture system.". Hops, which had been introduced in the early part of the 16th century, and on the culture of which a treatise was published in 1574 by Reginald Scott, are mentioned as a well-known crop. This, by the way, points to the conclusion that Babylonian (Sumerian) culture and art were considerably older than the Egyptian; but we have no definite evidence yet on this point.24 Later points of artistic connexion may be seen when we compare the well-known bronze statues of Pepi I. Carthage was the second city of the Latin part of the empire, "after Rome the busiest and perhaps the most corrupt city of the West, and the chief centre of Latin culture and letters.". This is possibly the case with regard to the older culture of Canaan in the preceding millennium, of which Palestinian excavations have yielded few traces, though we know it existed.32 War destroyed it: Palestine was the cockpit of Asia. Their broad culture (reinforced, perhaps, by the political conditions of the time) made them comparatively indifferent to Messianic hopes and to that conception of a final judgment of the nations that was closely connected with these hopes: a Messiah is not mentioned in their writings (not in Prov. See more. 5. There is no indication of an abrupt change from the use of stone to the use of metal such as might have occurred had the knowledge of copper and bronze, and the methods of working them, been introduced through the conquest of the original inhabitants by an alien race of superior culture and civilization. This style and the types of dagger, cauldron, bit and twolooped socketed axehead run right across from Hungary to the upper Yenisei, where a special Bronze Age culture seems to have developed them. Subculture Economic or Social Class. Whether you're taking part in the water sports, hiking the area trails or soaking up the culture, when your appetite calls to your attention, the city provides many choices to satisfy every craving. In early manhood (c. 464-462 B.C.) This is a force for peace, as more and more people have family members in more than one culture and share the interests of more than one nationality. 9 But clearly the tree referred to was more than a" sacred tree "; it was a tree from whose fruit or juice, as culture advanced, some intoxicating drink was produced. Technological advances lead the culture of today’s young people. From choice or compulsion large numbers settled in Egypt in the time of the Ptolemies, and added an appreciable element to Alexandrine culture, while gradual voluntary emigration established Jewish communities in Syria, Asia Minor, Greece and Italy, who facilitated the first spread of Christianity. Though the Turks have profoundly affected the whole of eastern Europe, the result of their conquests has been not so much to plant Asiatic culture in Europe as to arrest development entirely, the countries under their rule remaining in much the same condition as under the moribund Byzantine empire. Under Charlemagne, whose principal residence was in Aix-la-Chapelle, the culture of the Rhine valley again began to flourish, its results being still to be traced in the important architectural remains of this period. ; it became the object of study, and thus arose a class of scholars, among whom were some who, under the influence of the general culture of the time, native and foreign, pushed their investigations beyond the limits of the national law and became students and critics of life. If the fruit garden is large enough to admit of horse culture, it is best to keep the bush-fruits well cultivated during the season; this tillage conserves the moisture and helps to make a full and plump crop of berries. He is the first to bring all the culture of the Greeks and all the speculations of the Christian heretics to bear on the exposition of Christian truth. The culture of citrus fruits, principally oranges and grape-fruit, and of pineapples and coco-nuts has been rapidly extended. The Italians could hardly claim a university of their own on grounds of population (in 19to they numbered 783,000), but they claimed it all the more on grounds of their ancient culture. For a recent view of the place of Aegean civilization in the history of Hellenic culture see Die Hellenische Kultur by F. The climate is semi-tropical, and the vega or plain of Motril has been found peculiarly adapted for the culture of sugar-cane and sugar-beet. Culture definition: Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy , which are considered to... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples His style is copious and flexible; abundantly idiomatic, but without any affectation of being so, it carries with it the force and freshness of popular speech, while it lacks not at the same time a flavour of academic culture. 0. Erasmus was read and approved, and his notion of reform by culture no doubt attracted many adherents among English scholars. Under him Vienna became the centre of culture in Germany and the great school of Minnesingers. How far did Alexander intend that in such a fusion Hellenic culture should retain its pre-eminence? The influence of Greek culture in northern India is fully recognized, and the distribution of Greek colonies previous to Alexander's time is attested by practical knowledge of the districts they were said to occupy. Deriving from his birthplace the culture, literary and philosophical, of Magna Graecia, and having gained the friendship of the greatest of the Romans living in that great age, he was of all the early writers most fitted to be the medium of conciliation between the serious genius of ancient Greece and the serious genius of Rome. Numerous residential schools exist and are increasing in number with the growth of the country in wealth and culture. Warburg, Les Plantes a caoutchouc et leur culture (Paris, 1902; French translation by J. Wells, Culture of the Chrysanthemum; Rev. - Lying midway between three continents, Crete was from the earliest period a natural stepping-stone for the passage of early culture from Egypt and the East to mainland Greece. The question as to whether copper really was first used in Egypt is not yet resolved, and many arguments can be brought against the theory of Egyptian origin and in favour of one in Syria or further north.26 Egypt has also recently been credited with being the inceptor of the whole " megalithic (or heliolithic, as the fashionable word now is) culture " of mankind, from Britain to China and (literally) Peru or at any rate Mexico via the Pacific Isles.27 The theory is that the achievements of the Egyptians in great stone architecture at the time of the pyramid-builders so impressed their contemporaries that they were imitated in the surrounding lands, by the Libyans and Syrians, that the fame of them was carried by the Phoenicians further afield, and that early Arab and Indian traders passed on the megalithic idea to Farther India, and thence to Polynesia and so on so that both the teocalli of Teotihuacan and Stonehenge are ultimately derived through cromlechs and dolmens innumerable from the stone pyramid of Saqqara, built by Imhotep, the architect of King Zoser, about 3100 B.C. 3. the product of such propagation. In order to obtain an intelligent grasp of the religion of tribes in their several culture provinces, it must be understood: (i) That the form of belief called animism by Tylor (more correctly speaking, personeity), was universal; everything was somebody, alive, sentient, thoughtful, wilful. Updated August 02, 2019 Culture is a term that refers to a large and diverse set of mostly intangible aspects of social life. Yet Greece was the sovereign power in all the world of ancient culture. Culture definition, the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. S: (n) culture (the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group) S: (n) acculturation , culture (all the knowledge and values shared by a society) S: (n) culture ((biology) the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium (such as gelatin or agar)) "the culture of cells in a … For outdoor culture the long-rod s y stem is generally preferred. [uncountable] art, music, literature, etc., thought of as a group. Eridu had once been a seaport, and it was doubtless its foreign trade and intercourse with other lands which influenced the development of its culture. Taanach), together with the contemporary archaeological evidence (from Lachish, Gezer, Megiddo, Jericho, &c.), represent advanced conditions of life and culture, the precise chronological limits of which cannot be determined with certainty. A rise in culture often results in an increase in the number of spiritual beings with whom man surrounds himself. Showy rockwork or front row border plants of easy culture in any light soil; the plants should be frequently renewed from cuttings. How to use homology in a sentence. as he did other representatives of Greek culture, are evidence of this. (afterwards deified as the patron of science and architecture). Today, the influences of Wester… When we turn from the sphere of politics to the history of civilization and culture, we find the effects of the Crusades as deeply impressed, if not so definitely marked. View bio. For pot culture, the soil should consist of three parts turfy loam to one of leaf-mould and thoroughly rotted manure, adding enough pure grit to keep the compost porous. (In Thousand Statistical Bales of 500 lb each.) If the Roman aristocracy of his time had lost much of the virtue and of the governing qualities of their ancestors, they showed in the last years before the establishment of monarchy a taste for intellectual culture which might have made Rome as great in literature as in arms and law. Never before in Greek or in Roman speculation had the consciousness of man's dignity and superiority to nature found such adequate expression; never before had real science and pure knowledge been so undervalued and despised by the leaders of culture as they were by the Neoplatonists. It is one thing for scholars to reach conclusions: it is another for these conclusions to exercise a wide influence in the Churches and over general culture. Ptype union of evangelical doctrine and humanistic culture. From Christian writers we learn that Harran continued to be a seat of pagan worship and culture down to and even later than the Mahommedan era. While he did not reject any approved learning, he abhorred any intellectual culture that destroyed or lessened piety. The city provides plenty of opportunites to soak in the culture and history of the area. While the population of Brazil continued to increase, the moral and intellectual culture of its inhabitants was left in great measure to chance; they grew up with those robust and healthy sentiments which are engendered by the absence of false teachers, but with a repugnance to legal ordinances, and encouraged in their ascendancy over the Indians to habits of violence and oppression. Humans in turn use culture to adapt and transform the world they live in. Huxley (Science and Culture) and Shadworth Hodgson (Metaphysic of Experience and Theory of Practice), must be distinguished from that of the psychophysical parallelism, or the "double aspect theory" according to which both the mental state and the physical phenomena result from a so-called "mind stuff," or single substance, the material or cause of both. What Is Ecology? Looking at eastern Europe and western Asia only, one must say that Asiatic influences have on the whole prevailed hitherto (though perhaps the tide is turning), for Islam is paramount in this region and European culture at a low ebb. In 1909 there were distributed from state fish hatcheries 1 531,293,721 fishes (mostly smelt, pike-perch, and winter flatfish); a large number of fish and eggs were also placed in New York waters by the United States Bureau of Fisheries. On the whole, human sacrifice is far commoner among the semi-civilized and barbarous races than in still lower stages of culture. It is written with the force and fervour of extreme youth and with the literary ambition of a race as yet new to the discipline of intellectual culture, and is characterized by rhetorical rather than poetical imagination. The brilliant summary of the historian Thucydides in the famous Funeral Speech of Pericles (delivered in 430), in which the social life, the institutions and the culture of his country are set forth as a model, gives a substantially true picture of Athens in its greatest days. Dean Hole, A Book about Roses; J. But the Hittites, another Oriental people, deeply imbued with the elements of Babylonian culture, had overrun Asia Minor and established themselves on the shores of the Aegean before the reign of the Egyptian king Rameses II. The historical event which brought about the greatest change in the intellectual condition of the Romans, and thereby exercised a decisive influence on the whole course of human culture, was the capture of Tarentum in 272. Bacharach was a man of wide culture, and holds an honourable place among the pioneers of the Jewish Renaissance which was inaugurated towards the end of the 18th century. Irrigation and terrace culture were practised at several points on the Pacific slope from Arizona to Peru. The Renaissance had little or no influence on Sardinian architecture and culture. The low stage of culture of the Australians when they reached their new home is thus accounted for, but their stagnation is remarkable, because they must have been frequently in contact with more civilized peoples. Showy border flowers of erect spire-like habit, of the easiest culture. Pizza is as much a part of the coastal town's culture as the salty sea air and the beach. Kroeber, Papers on Eskimo, Arapaho, Languages and Culture of California Tribes, in Pubs. His pleasant manners and varied culture, not less than his artistic skill, contributed to render him popular. All the Hellenistic courts felt it a great part of prestige to be filled with the light of Hellenic culture. The humanistic movement had created a common culture, a common language and sense of common nationality. Queen Christina was not yet twenty, and took a lively if a somewhat whimsical interest in literary and philosophical culture. Education has brought with it a sense of the great gulf between man and animals; but in the lower stages of culture this distinction is not adequately recognized, if indeed it is recognized at all. Cell Culture - Definition, Protocol ... - Biology Dictionary Yet the influence of Neoplatonism on the history of our ethical culture is immeasurable, above all because it begot the consciousness that the only blessedness which can satisfy the heart must be sought higher even than the sphere of reason. But why intellectual activity is considered by the historians of culture to be the cause or expression of the whole historical movement is hard to understand. Struck with young Amyraut's ability and culture, they both urged him to change from law to theology. Spendthrift definition, a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully; prodigal. SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS, associations of men and women of the educated classes who take up residence in the poorer quarters of great cities for the purpose of bringing culture, knowledge, harmless recreation, and especially personal influence to bear upon the poor in order to better and brighten their lives. The closest he comes to giving a definition of culture in one sentence is: “This societal behavior, together with its man-made products, in their interaction with other aspects of human environment, creates a constantly changing series of phenomena and situations to which man must continously adjust through the de- The first Awe work, written by James Donaldson, was printed in culture in 1697, under the title of Husbandry Anatomized; or, Scotland an Inquiry into the Present Manner of Tilling and in the 18th Manuring the Ground in Scotland. Find more ways to say biology, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The literary history of Siena, while recording no gifts to the world equal to those bequeathed by Florence, and without the power and originality by which the latter became the centre of Italian culture, can nevertheless boast of some illustrious names. English Language Learners Definition of culture (Entry 2 of 2), See the full definition for culture in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Medical Definition of culture (Entry 2 of 2), Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for culture, Nglish: Translation of culture for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of culture for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about culture. The red type is peculiar to America, inhabiting every climate from polar to equatorial, and containing representatives of many stages of culture which had apparently developed without the aid or interference of people of any other race until the close of the 15th century. The two systems were nothing more as yet than two different ways of interpreting a phrase of Porphyry, and they remained unnoticed in the for nearly two centuries not so much for its dialectics S' and philosophy as for its humanistic culture. 2. Define biology. Fruit farming is a thriving industry, the slopes of the plateaus and the river valleys being specially adapted for this culture. v. The primate Cardinal, Janos Vitez (1408-1472), at the beginning, and the primate, Cardinal Tamas Bakocz, at the end of the reign were men of eminent ability and the highest culture. The culture of cotton is making rapid progress, immigrants who receive a grant of land being obliged to devote one-fourth of it to cotton culture. But a nation that for a thousand years had maintained its individuality in the midst of hostile and rival races could not be expected to allow itself without a struggle to be sacrificed to the force of mere numbers, and the less so if it were justified in its claim that it stood for a higher ideal of culture and civilization. Locmariaquer has a small port, and oyster culture is carried on close to it. Culture techniques can be used to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. comprehensible definition was provided by White (1959/2007): “By culture we mean an extrasomatic, temporal continuum of things and events dependent upon symbol-ing” (p. 3). Language allows us to share ideas and experiences. His connexion with Birmingham University was indeed peculiarly appropriate to his character as a man of business; but in spite of his representing a departure among men of the front rank in politics from the "Eton and Oxford" type, his general culture sometimes surprised those who did not know him. It is of advantage to afford stove culture while the plants are quite young. He made the capital of Christendom the centre of culture. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! ii. Thus the legends of the Popol-Vuh confirm what is learnt from comparing the culture of Central America and Mexico proper, that, though these districts were not connected by language, the intercourse between them had been sufficient to justify the anthropologist in including both districts in one region. What makes Terence an important witness of the culture of his time is that he wrote from the centre of the Scipionic circle, in which what was most humane and liberal in Roman statesmanship was combined with the appreciation of what was most vital in the Greek thought and literature of the time. noun. The " classical " school reached its highest state of culture under Virag, whose poetical works, consisting chiefly of Horatian odes and epistles, on account of the perfection of their style, obtained for him the name of the " Magyar Horace.". On the other hand the development of classic culture is traced with a less skilful hand.