KITCHEN is a modern bistro reflective of W’s signature stylish and fun design. While also the name of the restaurant, the kitchen table is more a platform for different types of cuisine from around the world to be showcased and in an all-you-can-eat affair. Fantastic service by Wai Meng and staff at the Kitchen Table at W Hotel Sentosa. Is KITCHEN - W Hong Kong currently accepting reservations? Explore other popular Hotels and Travel near you from over 7 million businesses with over 142 million reviews and opinions from Yelpers. 本網頁不支援Internet Explorer 10 或以下版本,請更新或切換至其他瀏覽器: 6/F, W Hong Kong, Kowloon MTR Station, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui. Thanks! The Kitchen Table at Sentosa, W Hotel’s buffet restaurant serves up “Food from the Heart”, with 6 live cooking stations of international selection. Generally good service but except one lazy waitress who had a RBF and didn't utter one word even when u said thank you to her though she perked up and happily bantered with her colleagues whenever they came over to the cutlery station where she basically hiding in the 1.5 hours we dined there. Metro Center, 607 13th St NW, Washington, DC 20005 McPherson Square, 1400 I St NW, Washington, DC 20005 KITCHEN is a modern bistro reflective of W’s signature stylish and fun design. 7 January, 2021. KITCHEN餐廳以現代化和時尚風格為設計主調,提供多元化和國際化的經典美饌與創意美食,滿足各位饕客愛吃愛喝的慾望。餐廳內大部分的座位皆面向維港西面,可一覽無遺地欣賞海港美景。, 九龍站上蓋的兩所酒店 Ritz Carlton 及 W Hotel 開業多年,還是第一次光顧 W Hotel 內的餐廳。W Hotel 隸屬於Marriott 集團旗下,是集團內豪華級數系列的其中一個品牌,主要客源是願意花錢的旅客。所以,裝修風格及設施有別於同樣是豪華系列、但主力商務客的 JW Marriott,偏向時尚、型格,講求品味;W 的餐廳當然也採取相同路線。「KITCHEN」的招牌沒有什麼特別,甚至有點老土;但一走入餐廳內部,眼前一亮。自助餐擺放食物的區域同用餐區完全分開,一列長長的玻璃櫥窗佔據了食物區整堵牆;內裏用不同尺寸的純白色瓷碟、瓷碗,打造成一件大件立體裝飾品⋯⋯甚至可以用藝術品去形容!瓷碟及瓷碗是餐廳的必要器具,固然與餐廳互相呼應;再加上幾隻塑造得栩栩如生的白色石膏貓雕像,分外引人注目。香港大部份酒店自助餐,用餐區同食物區即使分成兩個不同區域,也會位於同一個空間內,但「KITCHEN」則是徹徹底底的完全分開食物區及用餐區。目的就是要盡量善用酒店的臨海優勢,使整個用餐區的每一個角落都可擁有無敵海景,不會因為食客取餐時走來走去而影響用餐時可享受的景色⋯⋯ 晚上這個影響可能不會太明顯,但白天時就會有很大影響了。「KITCHEN」除了主力自助餐之外,也可以a-la-carte;另外,亦有一半面積作為大堂酒廊,用餐區及酒廊之間更設有一個酒吧,客人可以輕談淺酌。如果在正常日子,香港五星級酒店的假日自助餐一位難求,今日所見,竟然有大量空位 ⋯⋯ 可能入座時間太早吧。相對香港其他酒店的自助晚餐,食物區面積算偏細,款式亦未夠豐富,如果與洲際酒店(已結業)的「Harbourside」比較,就差别更大。當然,款式是否豐富還是其次,味道才是重點。五星級酒店自助餐必備的海鮮冷盤當然不能缺少,急凍松葉蟹腳、翡翠螺、青口、波士頓龍蝦是指定款式,即開生蠔也有供應(因為曾經發生食物中毒問題,部份酒店幾年前已停止在自助餐供應生蠔)。因為疫情,所有海鮮冷盤都用大塑膠罩覆蓋,觀感未夠震撼。一般來說,自助餐的冷盤海鮮味道不會太好,始終是急凍貨,所以也不會有太高要求;但凍松葉蟹腳實在好難食,只有鹹味,蟹肉完全唔鮮甜、死死實實,還好明顯有殘留的冰沙在急凍了的蟹肉纖維內。不過,凍波士頓龍蝦就有驚喜,很鮮甜,肉質很彈牙;即開生蠔質素也很高。除了冷盤海鮮,每位客人(不論大人小童,只要有付自助餐費用)都會有一份烤海鮮,包括半隻波士頓龍蝦、一隻扇貝、一隻迷你象拔蚌及一隻青口。温度未夠熱辣辣,扇貝、迷你象拔蚌及青口甚至有一點點腥,質素麻麻地。不過,半隻龍蝦就很好味,既鮮甜、肉質又彈牙,很懷疑是否採用新鮮游水龍蝦?海鮮冷盤之外,有齊沙律、風乾火腿 / 凍肉、芝士、剌身、熱盤、中式燉湯、天婦羅、咖喱、中式點心、即淥粉麵、原條烤肉及雪糕甜品,五星級酒店自助餐應該有的種類都齊全了。只可惜再次因為疫情關係,衛生重要過其他一切。全部食物雖然可以自取,但大部分款式要不是已經預先入樽、就是用獨立小瓦煲盛載;失去了自助餐的意義,沒有辦法見到各款美食舖陳的盛宴。刺身放在雪櫃內,即叫即切絕對正常;但沙律、意大利風乾火腿 / 凍肉及芝士也預先入樽,問題就大了。先講沙律,應該是一盤盤新鮮蔬菜陳列在沙律吧,由客人自行配搭,然後再按照個人喜好加入沙律醋 / 沙律醬汁。再講芝士,應該是原塊讓客人喜歡切多少就切多少;現在這種預先切片再入樽的安排,就無辦法看見芝士的原貌。風乾火腿 / 凍肉的問題更大,入樽後根本看不清楚樽內究竟是什麼;雖然有小牌標示風乾火腿或凍肉款式,但實際上會被其他客人調亂了擺放次序,以為拿了Parma ham,原來是 salami。餐廳沒有特別說明,不過,今期似乎以北海道帶子為主題,有幾款冷盤及熱盤的介紹牌子都刻意用了較為大的字體;只是相關菜式全部放在小玻璃樽或小瓦煲內,無法展示,影響了主題美食的原意。除了用主題食材炮制的香煎北海道帶子配薯蓉伴香檳汁之外,其他中 / 西式熱盤及咖喱只是自助餐的常見菜式,沒有大驚喜。北海道帶子味道鮮甜,肉質彈牙,配西式香檳汁是一絕;只可惜始終是自助餐,帶子表面未有細心地用焦化了的牛油煎至金黃色。其中兩款用小瓦煲獨立奉客的海鮮菜式較為特別:北海道帶子配蜜豆和松子仁及原隻鮑魚撈飯配XO醬;另外兩款是常見的泰式辣椒醬炒蜆及避風塘炒海鮮。迷你鮑魚綿韌、彈牙、有咬口,配蠔油鮑汁撈飯是經典中菜配搭。天婦羅既不是席前即炸,賣相又差;完全沒有試食的衝動。是日中式燉湯為花膠瑤柱燉雞,雞味鮮濃,值得飲多一兩盅。雖然香港很多五星級酒店附有高質素粵菜酒家,但從來未試過酒店自助餐有好味道的中式點心。今次也沒有例外,中式點心屬於水準以下。即淥港式粉麵也是酒店自助餐常見菜式,但甚少嘗試;皆因覺得這些傳統廣東小吃,還是街頭粥粉麵小店較為好食。除了海鮮冷盤(及主題食材),酒店自助餐的另外兩款主打美食及回本菜必定是原條烤肉及雪糕甜品。不過,今晚只有常見的燒豬肋骨、燒牛肉及完條烤羊架,而且味道一般,唔算吸引;燒牛肉更只是普通美國牛肉,原本以為這個自助餐價錢會有澳洲M4+以上級數的混種和牛。幸好,鴨肝多士非常好食;墊底的白麵包烘得夠鬆脆,鴨肝亦煎得表層金黃香口,內裡則入口即溶,滿口充滿鴨脂油香、沒有筋膜。甜品也有點令人失望。只有即製 pancake 熱香餅及迷你盒裝 movenpick 雪糕算是驚喜,但其他自家製甜品就不太符合酒店的五星級定位。唔知是否疫情原因,抑或係「KITCHEN」自助餐的常規,一款原個切餅都沒有,甜品區的引人賣相大減;即使撇除這一點,其他迷你甜品款式的選擇也很少、亦唔吸引。朱古力噴泉也消失了,取而代之是客人落單後由侍應奉上的迷你朱古力漿拼盤⋯⋯漂亮有餘,但鮮菓款式少、亦失去了朱古力噴泉風味。連同加一服務費原價接近HK$800的自助餐,與其他同級酒店取價相若。味道及食材未算特別吸引,尤其如果鍾情五星級酒店甜品的話,應該有其他更好的選擇。, 今天我又約一班朋友來聚會了,而朋友們一向都喜歡吃自助餐,剛巧最近看見 W Hotel 的晚市自助餐只需 $530左右,而且在 Openrice的食評亦十分良好,所以我們便選擇來到這裡好好聊天和享受美酒佳餚晚市自助餐的供應時間分為兩段,分別是 5:30-8:00 以及 8:30-10:30,雖然今次的用餐時間比較短,而且食物選擇種類亦偏少,但是整體食物質素卻相當出色,完全達到了五星級酒店自助餐的應有水準,同時當中更有很多「回本」的菜色,包括生蠔、龍蝦、鵝肝、鮑魚、花膠等等,性價比真的相當高!No.1【凍海鮮】酒店的凍海鮮總共有五款選擇,分別是龍蝦、蟹鉗、長腳蟹、青口以及螺,同時餐廳亦免費贈送一份熱海鮮拼盤另外萬眾期待的生蠔則是另外單獨一碟碟奉上,不過可以無限任叫之餘,亦可以免除了需要和別人「搶奪」的煩惱雖然生蠔只有一款選擇,但是肉質豐盈飽滿之餘,海水味亦不算特別濃郁,即使不沾醬品嚐,味道依然不會腥,以自助餐來說,這種生蠔算是十分高質了至於龍蝦的肉質亦十分脆嫩爽口,香甜美味,細嚼慢嚥的時候,鮮甜無比的蝦汁更立即傾巢而出,在唇齒間留下一絲絲濃郁的鮮蝦氣息,口感細膩而延綿,讓人陶醉其中,吮指回味另外蟹鉗和長腳蟹的口感則十分柔軟嫩滑,鮮美多汁,同時海水味亦不會太濃烈,可惜青口和螺的味道卻沒有什麼特別,青口更咸得嗆喉,大家淺嚐一下便算了我一向都認為,熱海鮮的味道一定會比凍海鮮更為出色,不過可能今次的凍海鮮已經相當高質,所以總體來說分別並不大,不過熱龍蝦真的稍為更鮮甜一點,而青口則沒有了海水味以及多了帶子可以品嚐等等今次的熟食選擇總共有三大「回本」位,分別是鵝肝、鮑魚燉花膠以及花膠雞湯,當然同時亦有牛排、羊排、雞排、西檸雞、豬頸肉等選擇,而且每一款食物的味道都相當不錯No.2【熟食】現在很多酒店因為成本問題,經常濫竽充數,以比較便宜的鴨肝取代矜貴的鵝肝,但其實味道是有分別的鵝肝的質感更為細嫩無根,一放入口中便能夠立即溶化,以及吃 3-4件 亦不會有油膩的感覺,這些特質鴨肝通通都是沒有的,所以我非常珍惜在這裡可以品嚐到鵝肝的機會,總共吃了四件由於鮑魚燉花膠製作需時,所以初時經常被人「搶購」一空,不過幸好到了中段的時間便沒有這個問題了雖然鮑魚只是罐頭的貨色,兼且比較細粒,但是勝在非常「入味」之餘,肉質亦十分細緻柔軟,嫩滑彈牙,同時花膠更有著清新、鮮美以及軟滑的質感 ,口感細膩而延綿 ,讓人箸如雨下,甘旨肥濃現在開始入冬了,當然是時候喝一些滋補的湯水來暖胃一下,而酒店的花膠雞湯便是一份極佳的選擇由於這碗湯水加入了雞腳、花膠等食材,所以滿口都充斥著濃濃的鮮雞香氣之餘,同時亦嚐到一絲絲淡淡花膠的氣息,芳香四溢,香飄十里,美味得讓人吮指回味,鳳髓龍肝!酒店除了這三款「回本」菜色,當然還有其他熟食選擇,例如天婦羅、炸魚薯條、蛋白帶子炒飯等等,雖然大部份都十分珍饈美味,但由於它們都是比較飽肚的食物,所以在這裡便不特別詳細介紹了,建議大家預留一些位置來品嚐甜品No.3【甜品】甜品的「回本」位當然是 「MOVENPICK」雪糕,可惜今次只有三款味道選擇,分別是咖啡、楓糖以及士多啤梨,楓糖我之前已品嚐過,味道簡直是甜得嗆喉,所以今次我便試了咖啡口味,由於咖啡的味道十分濃郁醇厚,所以我滿口都充滿著淡淡的咖啡香氣,香氣洋溢,滋味無窮,讓人唇齒留香,一試傾心!之後酒店當然還有提供一系列的「自家製」甜品,不過當中只有焦糖燉蛋和朱古力撻較為值得推介,焦糖燉蛋的口感十分幼滑柔順,入口即化,而朱古力撻則採用了72%的黑朱古力,所以味道一點也不甜膩之餘,濃濃的朱古力氣息更迴轉在口中,甜甜的,香香的,清甜可口,甜香四溢,餘味更在嘴裡久久不散,讓人口舌生香,回味無窮全場只有一款即叫即製的甜品,便是這份香蕉班戟了,可惜班戟比較厚身之餘,亦欠缺蛋香味,淡而無味的,需要依賴旁邊的朱古力醬來調味,但整體來說和麥當勞分別不大No.4【MOSCATO 氣泡酒】既然今次自助餐的食物這麼高質,當然要點一瓶美酒來好好襯托這些佳餚,而朋友們的酒量並不太好,所以便點了這瓶只有 5%酒精濃度的氣泡酒。對我而言,這麼低濃度的氣泡酒其實和喝汽沒有什麼分別,就是帶著甜味的有汽糖水,是一杯非常容易入口的酒來價錢方面,晚市自助餐大約 $530左右,不過之前已經在網上預付了,而氣泡酒一瓶 $380,酒店設有加一服務費,最後總共是 $418總結來說,今次 W Hotel的自助餐和上次沙田凱悅相比,簡直是天淵之別,這裡的食物質素明顯高質很多,完全符合五星級酒店自助餐的應有水準,並且價錢只需 $530左右,所以性價比真的相當高. W Hotels offers luxury lifestyle hotels in over 50+ destinations worldwide. W Hong Kong amplifies the city's vibrancy, conveniently connected to ELEMENTS shopping mall and five minutes away from the Kowloon Station with access to Airport Express. Please sign in to record your input. Find w hotel, Food & Dining places in Hong Kong at OpenRice Hong Kong food were served to the table, service were prompt, glasses were never empty, will be back definitely.. 驚喜位是有沙爹牛肉, 咦, 是否要配公仔麵呢?Pastries部份是有水準的, 牛角包是酥脆的, 朱古力鬆餅就成為小晴晴的主食.愛吃甜的, 還有窩夫, 誰人說早上不吃得甜, 這個我早已經習慣.當然有蛋的部份, 不過我們還是愛live kitchen, 就來吃奄列吧, 加入了不少芝士, 濃得化不開.一早看到有鵝肝蒸蛋, 最初是不打算吃, 既然之後會做運動, 好吧, 也不打緊, 就來一客, 實在是邪惡而美味, 蒸蛋吸收了鵝肝的味道, 更添肥美. W Hong Kong, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong. How is KITCHEN - W Hong Kong restaurant rated? Attentive and friendly service, food and drinks were pretty good too! Reserve a table at Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), Hong Kong on Tripadvisor: See 716 unbiased reviews of Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #91 of 14,576 restaurants in Hong Kong. WSingapore, Manager at the kitchen table, responded to this review Responded 3 days ago. 為咗慶祝兩周年紀念日,男朋友特登book咗W酒店嘅自助餐,之前都聽聞過呢間酒店嘅自助餐喺芸芸酒店之中算係數一數二,食完之後果然冇令我哋失望,係好滿足嘅一餐。未講嘢食之前,要先講吓佢嘅景,我哋入去嘅時候係大約6:00,咁啱可以見到黃昏嘅景色,望住前面嘅海食野,係幾浪漫嘅第一輪出去當然要拎咗海鮮先,循例都係要拎啲龍蝦、蟹腳同埋海螺、青口,龍蝦啖啖肉,海螺夠晒爽口。真係不得不提哩到嘅魚生,超級新鮮!!!佢呢度嘅帆立貝係我食過最好食、最新鮮既!黎食嘅話一定要拎!十個推介另外,三文魚都好肥美!當食咗一段時間之後,侍應就會每一台都上一盤海鮮同埋一碟生蠔,海鮮嘅質素同出面拎嘅差唔多,不過就多咗帶子,同埋一兜醬(濃芝士味)。而生蠔就略嫌瘦咗一啲,唔算好鮮甜。順帶一提,生蠔食晒可以再問侍應添加,喺出面冇得拎㗎!我哋再追加既第二棵生蠔質素係好過第一盤既,大家不妨都嗌多一盤黎比較下要介紹吓熟食方面,鵝肝真係超級好食,唔會太肥膩,好食到我食咗三舊牛扒同埋羊架都好霖好容易咬,質素好高!另外一定要提佢嘅湯!雖然冇影到相,但係佢個花膠湯好入味,味道鮮甜,好好飲!其他熟食味道都唔錯,鮑魚飯味道濃郁,而且份量唔算話好多,都值得一試。最後要重點講吓佢嘅甜品因為我實在係一個甜品控,尤其鍾意食朱古力,所以去到甜品區簡直雙眼發光佢個朱古力撻係超濃朱古力味,而且係偏向黑朱古力嗰隻,唔會太甜,呢個我真係十級推介,我自己一個人都食咗六件另外,佢個焦糖布丁都好好食,好滑。而佢最特別嘅甜品,就係即叫即整嘅pancake,可以自己選配料、醬,仲可以喺上面加字,於是我就偷偷地整咗呢個同場仲見到好多人慶祝生日,哩到環境同氣氛都好好,嘢食又好味,仲可以望埋日落認真唔錯, 生日遇上疫情,仲要6點後禁堂食為有食個lunch buffet!今次揀w hotel buffet ,每枱客人有一個頭盤送生蠔配魚子醬,感覺好高級!生蠔唔算肥,但都算鮮,唔錯!Lunch buffet 好少有生蠔,呢度有,可以回本凍海鮮仲有蝦, 螺,青口熟食方面有煲仔既3交魚炒飯, 上湯娃娃菜, 豬頸肉都好出色熟食仲有羊架,火雞,肉眼牛扒,中式點心,即叫即煮面等等。 仲有好多好多熟食不得不讚佢既中式湯,好好飲不過我最鐘意係呢度既沙律盤,有好多款,有烤玉米配牛油果,黑藜麥烤西芹沙律,仲要好好食健康又出色生日仲有個甜品送,不過就太甜,用來影相️呃like 還可以, OpenRice《開飯喇!》為香港最受歡迎飲食資訊媒體並已覆蓋多個亞洲地區,提供最新最全面的餐廳資料、食評及評分。配合網上訂座、餐飲券、遙距排隊、外賣自取及速遞等多元餐飲服務,讓你輕鬆搜尋及享用地道美食及最佳餐廳!© 2021 Openrice Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. Helpful? Yes, you can generally book this restaurant by choosing the date, time and party size on OpenTable. More. 】 現在於OpenRice美味廚Megan’s Kitchen專頁,即可以$168 (5折) 購買【游水海鮮一人鍋】(原價: $338)! 其他特價火鍋套餐包括「高級雪花肥牛鍋」、「熊本黑豚鍋」、「走地黃油雞鍋」、「健康素菜鍋」及「火辣辣四人套餐」! … Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), Hong Kong: See 718 unbiased reviews of Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #84 of 14,454 restaurants in Hong Kong. WSingapore, General Manager at the kitchen table, responded to this review Responded 4 weeks ago., Make a Reservation at KITCHEN - W Hong Kong. We're working hard to … KITCHEN is a modern bistro reflective of W’s signature stylish and fun design. How amazing it is! This chic bar’s whimsical interior design serves as a vibrant backdrop for electric parties in town. Reserve a table at Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), Hong Kong on Tripadvisor: See 716 unbiased reviews of Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #90 of 14,550 restaurants in Hong Kong. Thank you for your good quality food and service. Copyright © 2021 OpenTable, Inc. 1 Montgomery St Ste 700, San Francisco CA 94104 - All rights reserved. Due to local restrictions, this restaurant may not be accepting reservations at the moment. Kitchen Table in W Hotel is a nice place to enjoy your meals. Monday to Friday, 12:00PM - 2:30PM HK$398+10% per adult / HK$248+10% per child (Age 4 -11 years old) WSingapore, Manager at the kitchen table, responded to this review Responded 2 days ago. Address. We can feel this. If you believe this review should be removed from OpenTable, please let us know and someone will investigate. It’s time to indulge. California Breakfast Buffet Sakura Ramen & … Well-educated waiters and waitresses gave high-quality services. Book your next stay with us and discover a modern, design-led hotel experience like no other. KITCHEN - W Hong Kong is rated 4.6 stars by 5 OpenTable diners. Reviews can only be made by diners who have eaten at this restaurant, This restaurant has not received enough recent ratings to display a current ratings snapshot. The Brunch at Kitchen is one of those places that you look forward to visiting. Signature dishes include dessert, 生蠔, 鵝肝多士, Foie Gras, Seafood, 甜品, 海鮮, Dessert Bar, Buffet, Bread, salad, . - Buffet Breakfast: Monday - Sunday 06:30AM -10:30AM - Buffet Lunch: Monday - Saturday 12:00noon - 2:30PM - Buffet Buffet: Sunday 12:00noon – 3:00PM - Buffet Dinner: Monday – Sunday 1st seating: 5.30PM – 8.00PM (First round buffet need to return tables before 8.00PM); 2nd seating: 8.30PM - 10.30PM ***** FROM DEC 1, 2020 ONWARDS: *BUFFET BREAKFAST MONDAY – SUNDAY … Feast your eyes on our whimsical international buffet with everything from dim sum and handmade sushi to generous heaps of fresh seafood, hearty salads and the most decadent dessert bar. Whether you want to go local, enjoy the comforts of home or sip on a cocktail, our hotel dining delivers the things you love, in a way you’ve never imagined possible. Great seafood and professional service impressed me a lot. {"baseUrl":"","environment":"prod-sc","hostName":"","language":"en","releaseName":"start-page-docker_teamcity_2.0.10432","requestId":"e9092be5-c8a5-41d0-8c1c-17cd07ebc29c"}, 6/F, W Hong Kong, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon Station, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong 0000. KITCHEN’s modern interpretation of timeless classics and equally innovative original masterpieces fill a menu that's designed to tantalize and satisfy even the most discerning gourmands. Finished dish never been pick up until we called. OpenTable is part of Booking Holdings, the world leader in online travel and related services. A must do Brunch in Hong Kong, great service, great free flow champagne, and a great place to meet up with friends! Effortless, sophisticated and glamorous, WOOBAR is the place to see and be seen for Hong Kong’s in-crowd. Date of visit: December 2020. Reserve a table at Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), Hong Kong on Tripadvisor: See 718 unbiased reviews of Kitchen (W Hotel Hong Kong), rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #84 of 14,454 restaurants in Hong Kong. They appreciate comments and really want to improve and be the best in Hong Kong. Find the best Hotels With Kitchens near you on Yelp - see all Hotels With Kitchens open now. KITCHEN is a modern bistro reflective of W’s signature stylish and fun design. Date of visit: January 2021. Helpful? 【美味廚Megan’s Kitchen x OpenRice : 外賣自取 火鍋套餐(1至4人)低至半價! The Hotel Fullerton Anaheim proudly offers a pair of dining options that makes it easy to relax and enjoy great food and stylish ambiance without leaving the hotel. KITCHEN's Address, Telephone Number, Ratings, Reviews, Photos and Menu, located at 6/F, W Hong Kong, 1 Austin Road West Tsim Sha Tsui. 早上醒來, 看著藍天, 又是美好的景色, 那先到KITCHEN吃自助早餐吧.因為稍後還想再游泳, 那就不吃得太飽了. ... Great views of Hong Kong harbour and an open kitchen sure help define what any KITCHEN should be like. The Kitchen (W Hotel) Restaurants, Contemporary European West Kowloon Recommended. The service wasn't up to par, the food makes it all great. Hit up W Hong Kong’s signature restaurant today to experience stunning views and spectacular culinary experiences. 4 out of 5 stars. Helpful? Lovely brunch experience at W Hotel Kitchen Table. Trending. food were served to the table, service were prompt, glasses were never empty, will be back definitely.. Lunch Buffet at W Hotel’s Kitchen Restaurant. Reserve a table at W Kitchen, Verbier on Tripadvisor: See 107 unbiased reviews of W Kitchen, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #30 of 62 restaurants in Verbier. Fantastic service by Wai Meng and staff at the Kitchen Table at W Hotel Sentosa. Oct 4, 2017 - Explore Gemma Strong's board "Open Kitchens", followed by 658 people on Pinterest. Surprisingly, there was a huge proportion of Asian and local cuisines such as Chili Flower Crabs, Laksa, Hokkien Mee ,Tandoors dishes and an assortment of Dim Sum when I was there. Welcome in the new season in an especially delicious, healthy and bold way. Friendly warning! Giant overturned tables suspended from the ceiling set the tone for this whimsical eat-venture every day and adds a dash of fun to convivial dining. Feast your eyes on our whimsical international buffet with everything from dim sum and handmade sushi to generous heaps of fresh seafood, hearty salads and the most decadent dessert bar. KITCHEN 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號港鐵九龍站香港W酒店6樓。主要菜式包括 生蠔, 鵝肝多士, 海鮮, dessert, Foie Gras, Seafood, 甜品, Dessert Bar, Buffet, Bread, Lunch buffet, salad, 。KITCHEN餐廳以現代化和時尚風格為設計主調,提供多元化和國際化的經典美饌與 … It was a great day, especially as we were there with friends. The view is nice of the water, but the commercial barges can sometimes ruin it. 版權所有 不得轉載. Kitchen Table in W Hotel is. We love the free flow wine or sparkling wine at the buffet and deserts are just amazing and worth a try even if you are on a diet. The KITCHEN is transforming into a summer garden filled with luxurious sensational and quality vigorous choices. Time Out says. 4 out of 5 stars. New On Netflix Hong Kong: What To Watch In January. Sharon always knows which customer wants which sauce. Feast your eyes on our whimsical international buffet with everything from dim sum and handmade sushi to generous heaps of fresh seafood, hearty salads and the most decadent dessert bar. Thank you Wai Meng and Eric for the wonderful Sunday brunch! Date of visit: January 2021. We love W Hong Kong Kitchen because of their fantastic "Côte de boeuf au jus" which is quite hard to find in Hong Kong. 這個自助早餐, 選擇多, 水準高, 來到W Hotel住, 不要錯過呢. The service is just irreproachable and personalized. See more ideas about restaurant design, restaurant, restaurant interior. Where To Quarantine In Hong Kong: Hotels For Your Two-Week Stay. 取杯橙汁喝, 相當鮮甜, 交足功課.看看有甚麼吃, 吃得健康, 就要吃沙律及水果打打底, 小晴晴就愛吃乳酪.中式點心有幾款選擇, 雞包仔是挺鬆軟的, 蝦餃燒賣也有鮮味, 不是一般自助餐的貨色. Refresh your afternoons with KITCHEN's lunch buffet. Welcome to the kitchen table at W Singapore – Sentosa Cove, the place to go for a glamorous breakfast or brunch in the tropical paradise of Sentosa. OpenRice, the most popular dining guide in Hong Kong which has expanded to various Asian regions, provides you with comprehensive dining information, restaurant reviews and ratings. W Hotel’s Kitchen Restaurant is located on the 6th floor and while we stopped at several floors to get people in and out the elevator, we noticed every floor at the W Hotel Hong Kong has some amazing design features. Can't wait to return. Get menu, photos and location information for W Kitchen in Atlanta, GA. Or book now at one of our other 6468 great restaurants in Atlanta. Feast your eyes on our whimsical international buffet with everything from dim sum and handmade sushi to generous heaps of fresh seafood, hearty salads and the most decadent dessert bar. I also love the opera cake, one of my favorite! Will be back definitely staff at the kitchen ( W Hotel is a bistro. The kitchen is transforming into a summer garden filled with luxurious sensational and quality vigorous choices and near! Seen for Hong Kong is rated 4.6 stars by 5 OpenTable diners today. Sure help define what any kitchen should be removed from OpenTable, Inc. 1 St. The new season in an especially delicious, healthy and bold way https: //, Make Reservation... Pretty good too hard to … kitchen table at W Hotel ) Restaurants, Contemporary European Kowloon... To par, the world leader in online Travel and related services Wai Meng and staff at the table... Experience like no other Hotels with Kitchens open now also love the opera,! 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