It is neither flashy nor brightly colored, and as such it does not show up at the fish stores very often. It is quite undemanding and has very interesting behavior. You should provide them with a variety of frozen foods such as vitamin -enriched brine shrimp, white mosquito larvae, bloodworm, Mysis, daphnia, and various dried foods such as flake, green flake, slow sinking granules/pellets etc. Bottom of these waters as a rule is covered with fallen leaves, branches, various fruit from trees. Therefore, you should consider it as a big centerpiece fish for your freshwater aquarium. Aquarium Forum. Sergey is a founder and author of Since the fish originates from tropical areas, the temperature of the water should be within the required limits. The new fish couple may sometimes eat their first offspring, especially if they feel threatened by the other fish. They spend most of their time in smaller bodies of freshwater like rivers, streams, and lakes (among others). Their dorsal and anal fins have long extensions, especially in mature males. The first thing that you need todo is to buy an appropriate tank for housing your Cichlid. They usually come from quiet waters in slow-moving ponds or rivers. Tank is heavily planted. Learn about their Aquarium Care, Tank Mates, Controlling their aggression, Breeding Tips, Lifespan, Water Parameters, Food, Breeding, Tank set-up guide, with supportng Video's & Gallery at aquakri. Sexing. Recommended tank volume for one couple starts from 80 liters (17,6 gallons). The adult male and the female species create a constant couple which they maintain even after the spawning is over. They are quite popular with the fish keeping hobbyists, and they are quite frequently found in aquariums. Your email address will not be published. The keyhole cichlid has an average life expectancy of about eight to ten years if they are kept in good care and provided with the right diet. As such, you must have a canopy that can completely cover your entire aquarium. The shelters can be in the form of snags, stones, ceramic tubes, flower pots, and coconut shells. Keyhole Cichlid Breeding: Keyhole Cichlids are substrate spawners. For most cichlid fish, this is a mistake! In a tank you should use high quality special food for large cichlid species as its basic diet and additionally feed the fish with live or frozen food. The Keyhole Cichlid is a favourite among cichlid … However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. While a 10-gallon is fine for housing a modest number of non-territorial fish, it is inadequate for all but the smallest cichlids — perhaps a pair of keyhole cichlids or rams. Since the fish doesn’t dig the tank bottom substrate, it can be kept in most of amateur planted tanks. Since this is a peaceful, clever, good-tempered fish unlike the majority of other cichlid species, which are brighter, but much more aggressive. But the tank should be roomy enough and have enough of shelters. Recommended pH range for the species: 6.8 - 8. I myself give some of this food to my pets and as for the rest I’ve heard and read lots of good reviews. When keeping the fish in a school you should bear in mind that the fish is a territory dependent one and there has to be a sufficient number of shelters in the tank, that will divide it into some areas. Most bred fish will like to have a neutral PH – 6.5-7.2, compared to keyhole cichlids which are found in the wild. ... 90 Gallon Tank sexing keyhole cichlids. Search forums. The fish is neither large nor aggressive. Keyhole cichlids do not generally show aggression towards their tank mates if they are at least a few centimeters long. It is best to start with a group of young fish and allow them to form pairs themselves, naturally. We would suggest that you contemplate a fish tank of at least 55-gallons, if not more. Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. We’re happy to have you as part of our community. Keyhole Cichlid is the only one species in the genus Cleithracara. I have two keyhole cichlids, how do I tell if they are male or female. The fish feeds on worms, crustaceans, larvae and insects. Since the keyhole cichlids are timid and small fish, they prefer to hide when it feels there is a danger. As a result, you need to ensure their aquarium has a pH level of 6.0-8.0 and a temperature of 72-77°F (22-25°C). Beginners typically start out with a 10-gallon aquarium. The recommended volume for the tank is about 80 liters for a couple. As such, only purchase those which are kept in a healthy environment. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. Myself William and I love aquarium fishes! He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. The Keyhole Cichlid is known from the Orinoco delta in Venezuela, eastwards through Guyana and Suriname to the Ouanary River, in eastern French Guiana. The female usually stays near the clutch during the incubation period, for guarding it and the male fish, on the other hand, defends their territory. Scientific name: Cleithracara maronii. Cichlids are a large family of tropical fish and the Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is very aptly named because it has a dark blackish marking on the side of its light-brown body that looks just like a keyhole.The Keyhole Cichlid is a very popular species for tropical fish hobbyists to keep and breed because it is very peaceful and although it is quite large can be … Keyhole Cichlids are another peaceful cichlid. And just like the Bolivian Ram cichlid, they are a little on the smaller size. The parents take care of their offspring after the juveniles hatch and it can last for several months. Salvini Cichlids are predator fish, it takes thorough understanding of their behavior & requirements. It's clear that everyone wants clear water in the aquarium. The adult keyhole cichlid males are larger than the female ones and have larger dorsal and anal fins. It’d be perfect to keep the fish in biotope with the species that dwell together with it in the wild. Since these fish are not very brightly colored, they are not one of the most popular choices in fish stores or tanks. The fish is fearful and timid and if there are a lot of shelters in the tank it’ll help to decrease the stress. 5 Benefits of Fish Keeping At Home & Its Brings Wealth Too! This species is the only one from Cleithracara kind. If the water in your Keyhole Cichlids’ aquarium doesn’t reflect that of their natural habitat, they can become stressed – weakening their immune systems – causing them to be more prone to diseases. They are one of the most peaceful cichlids, being reclusive and shy and make a great addition to the water tank. The keyhole cichlids usually feed on crustaceans, worms, insects, and larvae. Scientific Name : Thorichthys meeki Common Names : Red Breasted Cichlid Care Level : Easy to Moderate Size : 6.7 inches (17 cm), possibly larger pH : 6.5 - 7.5 Temperature : 75°F - 80°F (24°C - 27°C) Lifespan : 8 years or longer Origin / Habitat : Mexico and Central America, Belize river, Mexico, Guatemala Temperament / Behavior : May get aggressive when … The fish looks best in a tank simulating its natural biotope – small grained sand on the bottom, tree leaves, roots and snags. The fish requires large number of shelters: stones, snags, flower pots, ceramic tubes, coconut shells. However, if your room is well lit, then 2-3 hours of light per day is good enough. However, the powerful filters sometimes create an excessive flow of water, which is disliked by the fish which prefers to live in slow water. The fish is timid and fearful, and if there are too many shelters in the tank, then it will be helpful to decrease the stress of the fish. It has a quite simple round body with long dorsal and anal fins. Described from the Maroni in French Guiana and occurs in most river drainages of the country as well as Guyana, Suriname, the Orinoco delta region in Venezuela and island of Trinidad, though in the latter it may not have been recorded since the 1960s. The best container for this fish would be one that can stimulate its natural habitat. The small electric yellow cichlids (3 inches) will be happy in a 30 gallon tank, whereas the larger blue cichlids (8 inches) are better off in a 50 gallon tank. They have black spots on their upper flanks that can be sometimes extended into a short stripe. They inhabit many slow-moving streams and rivers which are flowing in tropical forests. This is a small, timid fish that prefers hiding if it feels danger. They typically spawn in crevices, caves or other secluded areas. These are one of the only fish species from the Cleithracara family. Include about one cichlid per 8 to 10 gallons of water in your tank. Re: Keyhole - add rams or mollies in 20 gallon tank Tue May 05, 2015 12:55 am Well, it's only 48 hours in, but three gold dust mollies are doing fine in there, and the two remaining flag fish (one I hadn't seen in days) are semi-schooling with the mollies. Without a doubt Cichlids are by far one of the most popular types of freshwater fish. The keyhole cichlids are from South America within the area of the Orinoco River. Read on to learn more about each fish so you can decide whether or not they are right for your tank. Space is important. It is generally not fussy in the aquarium and will accept the majority of the prepared foods which is a varied diet containing bloodworms, daphnia, artemia, and more. A dark stripe that starts at the dorsal base goes through the fish eye up to the bottom of its gill cover. Keyhole cichlid is a monogamic fish, it forms couples. Gourami Fish – Care, Tank Mates, Types, Habitat & Details! Cichlids are a large family of tropical fish and the Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is very aptly named because it has a dark blackish marking on the side of its light-brown body that looks just like a keyhole.The Keyhole Cichlid is a very popular species for tropical fish hobbyists to keep and breed because it is very peaceful and although it … thanks. If your aquarium is placed in a room that does not get much sunlight, then you should have sufficient lights on during the day time. Hola! Keyhole cichlids don’t grow too large. Required fields are marked *. Due to this the fish got its name. Cichlids are also territorial, but you can control this behavior by overcrowding them in the tank so they have no space to fight over. Plenty of organics on the bottom usually makes water rich brown colored due to high concentration of tanning agents. What do I … Another common name for them is the African Jewelfish. This is the only way to tell them apart. The fish inhabits numerous slow rivers and streams flowing in tropical forests. The bottom of these rivers is usually covered with branches, fallen leaves, and various fruits from the trees. After the juvenile fish hatch, the parents take care of the offspring, and this may last several months. What's new. It is generally advised that the minimum tank size for Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) should be one of at least 36 inches in length or more due to the fact that a shoal of around six per species should be maintained and the adult fish will be around four inches or more in length. Care Level: Easy; Temperament: Peaceful ; Size: 4 inches; Diet: Omnivore; Minimum tank size: 20 gallons; Keyhole cichlids are often overlooked as community fish, largely because they lack the vivid coloring of others of the cichlid family. Eggs are laid on a hard, flat surface. The female stays near the clutch to guard it and the male guards their territory. The species is popular with fishkeeping hobbyists and is frequently kept in aquariums. The water tank, however, should have enough room for shelters. Populate the tank with a school of cichlids and only one rainbow shark. Why Fish Tank Water is Cloudy? The keyhole cichlids are also identified under the name ‘oval cichlid’ because of their shape. This is an endemic of tropical South America, within Orinoco river estuary area starting from Barima river (Guyana) to Ouanary river (French Guiana). All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. When there is quite a lot of organics on the bottom of the water, it makes it richly brown colored because of the high level of the tanning agents. Details Inside! This means small-grained sand at the bottom of the tank, roots, tree leaves, and snags around. A flat stone, wide leave of a tank plant or a glass surface where they stick their eggs can serve as a place for spawning. Keyhole cichlid information: Scientific name: Cleithracara Maronii Common name: keyhole cichlid Max. Jul 14, 2009. snowflake311. They also have another black spot, and often there is yellow on the side which starts from below the middle of the dorsal fin and then extends down in the mature fish. I use the 25 ft on my big tanks and it’s a game changer. 14. I have a 38-gallon tank with various community fish (see below) plus 2 keyhole cichlids. Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) Find out more : Wild fish are not often available in the aquarium trade with the majority of those seen on sale farmed commercially for the purpose. A few flat stones should also be available for spawning. The keyhole cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is a cichlid fish endemic to tropical South America, occurring in the lower Orinoco Basin in Venezuela and river basins in The Guianas. Just ordered another one! Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is from South America found in the lower Orinoco Basin in Venezuela and the river basins in The Guianas. As a matter of fact, they spend most of their day hiding. The tank that you keepyour Cichlid will be their habitat while they grow up. Latin Name: Cleithracara maronii Tank Size 150 Lt.; Care Level: Moderate Water Conditions: PH:6.0-8.0, KH 9-20, 22°C-25°C Color Form: Black, Green Geographic Region: South American Temperament: Semi-Aggressive Max Size: 15cm Family: Cichlidae WaterConditions: PH:6.0-8.0, KH 9-20, 22°C-25°C Diet: Omnivore Overview. As such, it should not be kept with other aggressive fish species. It’s better to keep it in a school of 6-8 species without large and aggressive tank mates. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. Spawning Dwarf South American Cichlids is best done in a dedicated breeding aquarium with no other fish present. Males can be up to 7-10 cm (4 inches) long, they are a bit larger than females and they have longer rays of dorsal and anal fins; these of adult species reach the end of their tail fin. Photos. This diet should be offered to the fish to keep them healthy and in an optimal condition. It is generally quite non-aggressive, shy, and peaceful. This will enable your small shoal to move around freely. The fish inhabits numerous slow rivers and streams flowing in tropical forests. Butwe always try to mimic as much similarity as possible between the two. This is an endemic of tropical South America, within Orinoco river estuary area starting from Barima river (Guyana) to Ouanary river (French Guiana). Since the fish does not dig the substrate in the fish tank, it means it can be easily kept in most amateur planted fish tanks as well. Wild fish species are hardly ever seen on sale, most of cichlids you see in pet shops were grown in fish hatcheries and private farms. It is impossible to tell between the juveniles and young species, but as for the adult males – they are sufficiently larger than the females and they have larger dorsal and anal fins. Breeding Also you can feed it with live crustaceans or fish, for example, guppy , to stimulate its natural process of hunting. Offering plenty of space for your Cichlids is an easy way to limit aggression. They are renowned for their stunning visual appearance, unique behaviors and fun personalities.They belong to the Cichlidae family, of which there are approximately 3000 species within the family.Cichlids body types range from the tiny Neolamprologus multifasciatus, which are less than an inch long, to the Gian… These fish are hardly ever seen on sale most keyhole cichlids are seen for sale are grown in private fish farms or at the fish hatcheries. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! As such, the amount of time you should leave the lights on in your aquarium varies. When the fish are being kept in a school, you have to understand that the fish is dependent on the territory and they need adequate shelters inside the tank which can be divided into different areas. Member. Causes and Fix. Keep in mind that even non-aggressive Cichlids can lash out at other tank mates if they are not provided a proper aquarium environment. Common name: Keyhole cichlid. Bolivian ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus). When it comes to determining the gender of the fish, it is almost impossible to tell the genders apart, especially in the juveniles and in the young species. For breeding, they require a flat stone, broad leaf of a tank plant or the surface of the glass where their eggs can stick. Menu. Severum Tank should have sand at the bottom, if plants are included in the tank, make sure the plants are not easily up-rooted as Severum Cichlids dig & few may even bite-off leaf's & small plants. When this species is nervous or startled, it gets a blotchy sort of coloration, and it presses its body against logs or rocks, trying to camouflage itself. Adult male and female species create a constant couple that they keep even after the spawning is over. Bottom of these waters as a rule is covered with fallen leaves, branches, various fruit from trees. It is usually in the shape of this spot which gives this fish its common name of ‘keyhole cichlid’. In that case, it’s better to get a heater for your tank, which will help you maintain the temperatures on that level. With an oval-shaped body towards their tank Mates, Types, habitat & Details often. 0 14 it does not show up at the dorsal base goes through the fish feeds worms. 30 gallons will be their habitat while they grow up forms couples farmed! Not clear if they are male or female Cleithracara originates from couple that they keep even the... 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