Myers, William Starr; Walter H. Newton, eds. [67] He also convinced British Chancellor of the Exchequer David Lloyd George to allow individuals to send money to the people of Belgium, thereby lessening workload of the CRB. [235] After the September 1939 invasion of Poland by Germany, Hoover opposed U.S. involvement in World War II, including the Lend-Lease policy. [182] He also helped arrange passage of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1932, emergency banking legislation designed to expand banking credit by expanding the collateral on which Federal Reserve banks were authorized to lend. [19] Hoover was a mediocre student, and he spent much of his time working in various part-time jobs or participating in campus activities. What does herbert hoover mean? The presidency of Herbert Hoover began on March 4, 1929, when Herbert Hoover was inaugurated as President of the United States, and ended on March 4, 1933.Hoover, a Republican, took office after a landslide victory in the 1928 presidential election over Democrat Al Smith of New York. Despite Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover's expressed opposition to broadcast advertising, radio went commercial on Hoover's watch. [162] Despite the widespread unpopularity of the bill, Hoover felt that he could not reject the main legislative accomplishment of the Republican-controlled 71st Congress. [90] During the post-war period, Hoover also served as the president of the Federated American Engineering Societies. Sie sind auf der linken Seite unten aufgeführt. Überprüfen Sie die Übersetzungen von 'Herbert C. Hoover' ins Irisch. [38], As operating partner, Hoover continually traveled the world on behalf of Bewick, Moreing, visiting mines operated by the company on different continents. [110], As Commerce Secretary, Hoover hosted national conferences on street traffic collectively known as the National Conference on Street and Highway Safety. "Herbert Hoover and the Historians—Recent Developments: A Review Essay", Jansky Jr, C. M. "The contribution of Herbert Hoover to broadcasting. [64] The CRB obtained and imported millions of tons of foodstuffs for the CNSA to distribute, and helped ensure that the German army did not appropriate the food. [125], Many wary Republican leaders cast about for an alternative candidate, such as Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon or former Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes. [85] After U.S. government funding for the ARA expired in mid-1919, Hoover transformed the ARA into a private organization, raising millions of dollars from private donors. [233], During a 1938 trip to Europe, Hoover met with Adolf Hitler and stayed at Hermann Göring's hunting lodge. A wealthy mining engineer, Hoover directed humanitarian relief efforts during and after World Wars I and II. Für alle Bedeutungen von HEHO klicken Sie bitte auf "Mehr". [158] In early 1930, Hoover acquired from Congress an additional $100 million to continue the Federal Farm Board lending and purchasing policies. Fundamental » All languages » English » All topics » Human » People » Individuals » Herbert Hoover. [76] Under the broad powers granted by the Food and Fuel Control Act, the Food Administration supervised food production throughout the United States, and the administration made use of its authority to buy, import, store, and sell food. Hoover became increasingly conservative in this time, and he strongly criticized Roosevelt's foreign policy and New Deal domestic agenda. Herbert Hoover. Herbert C. Hoover; Wikipedia. Two minor planets, 932 Hooveria[275] and 1363 Herberta, are named in his honor. After the outbreak of World War I, he became the head of the Commission for Relief in Belgium, an international relief organization that provided food to occupied Belgium. [215] The incident proved embarrassing for the Hoover administration, and destroyed any remaining chance he had of winning re-election. This article is about the 31st president of the United States. [198] According to legal professor Kevin R. Johnson, the repatriation campaign meets the modern legal standards of ethnic cleansing, as it involved the forced removal of a racial minority by government actors. [252] Hoover favored the United Nations in principle, but he opposed granting membership to the Soviet Union and other Communist states. [100] In response to the Depression of 1920–21, he convinced Harding to assemble a presidential commission on unemployment, which encouraged local governments to engage in countercyclical infrastructure spending. More issues arose in 1904, after the British government formed two separate royal commissions to investigate Bewick, Moreing's labor practices and financial dealings in Western Australia. [87] The Russian famine of 1921–22 claimed six million people, but the intervention of the ARA likely saved millions of lives. [156] In the days following Black Tuesday, Hoover gathered business and labor leaders, asking them to avoid wage cuts and work stoppages while the country faced what he believed would be a short recession similar to the Depression of 1920–21. ", Arnold, Peri E. "The 'Great Engineer' as Administrator: Herbert Hoover and Modern Bureaucracy. Hoover, Herbert Clark Herbert Hoover. [33] They would remain married until Lou Henry's death in 1944. Wie man das Wort hoover zu definieren? [144] Lou Henry Hoover was an activist First Lady. Even during the Great Depression Republican President Hoover followed … To clean (a surface or material) with a vacuum cleaner: hoovered the rug. [189][page needed] Hoover appointed more African Americans to federal positions than Harding and Coolidge had combined, but many African-American leaders condemned various aspects of the Hoover administration, including Hoover's unwillingness to push for a federal anti-lynching law. [97] Hoover's progressive stances, continuing support for the League of Nations, and recent conversion to the Republican Party aroused opposition to his appointment from many Senate Republicans. [63] With the cooperation of the Wilson administration and the CNSA, a Belgian relief organization, Hoover established the Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB). In the 1940s and 1950s, Hoover's public reputation was slightly rehabilitated by serving in various assignments for Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower, including as chairman of the Hoover Commission. She typified the new woman of the post-World War I era: intelligent, robust, and aware of multiple female possibilities. [91][92], Hoover had been little known among the American public before 1914, but his service in the Wilson administration established him as a contender in the 1920 presidential election. [116] Other accomplishments included winning the agreement of U.S. Steel to adopt an eight-hour workday, and the fostering of the Colorado River Compact, a water rights compact among Southwestern states. [137], Hoover's detractors wondered why he did not do anything to reapportion congress after the 1920 United States Census which saw an increase in urban and immigrant populations. [66], Hoover worked 14-hour days from London, administering the distribution of over two million tons of food to nine million war victims. The American auto industry consumed 70% of the world's output, but British investors controlled much of the supply. Secretary of Commerce was considered a minor Cabinet post, with limited and vaguely defined responsibilities, but Hoover decided to accept the position. Hoover and his wife lived in Palo Alto until her death in 1944, at which point Hoover began to live permanently at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City. The stock market crashed shortly after Hoover took office, and the Great Depression became the central issue of his presidency. However, encouraged by Republican pleas and outraged by Democratic claims, Hoover entered the public fray. definition - Herbert Hoover. At the 1940 Republican National Convention, Hoover again hoped for the presidential nomination, but it went to the internationalist Wendell Willkie, who lost to Roosevelt in the general election. Wenn Sie unsere englische Version besuchen und Definitionen von Herbert Hoover National Historic Site in anderen … The 1920 Census was the first and only Decennial Census where the results were not used to reapportion Congress, which ultimately influenced the 1928 Electoral College and impacted the Presidential Election. [142] He appointed a Cabinet consisting largely of wealthy, business-oriented conservatives,[143] including Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon. [98] To overcome this opposition, Harding paired Hoover's nomination with that of conservative favorite Andrew Mellon as Secretary of the Treasury, and the nominations of both Hoover and Mellon were confirmed by the Senate. [109] He also established the federal government's power to inspect planes and license pilots, setting a precedent for the later Federal Aviation Administration. [127] Hoover won the presidential nomination on the first ballot of the 1928 Republican National Convention. [21] The daughter of a banker from Monterey, California, Lou Henry decided to study geology at Stanford after attending a lecture delivered by John Branner. [79] As head of the Food Administration, Hoover gained a following in the United States, especially among progressives who saw in Hoover an expert administrator and symbol of efficiency. This page was last edited on 22 January 2021, at 16:19. [47] Hoover worked with the Burma Corporation, a British firm that produced silver, lead, and zinc in large quantities at the Namtu Bawdwin Mine. Hoover has been memorialized in the names of several things, including the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River and numerous elementary, middle, and high schools across the United States. [239][240], In December 1939, sympathetic Americans led by Hoover formed the Finnish Relief Fund to donate money to aid Finnish civilians and refugees after the Soviet Union had started the Winter War by attacking Finland, which had outraged Americans. The collection was renamed the Hoover War Library in 1922 and is now known as the Hoover Institution Library and Archives. [132] In the South, Hoover and the national party pursued a "lily-white" strategy, removing black Republicans from leadership positions in an attempt to curry favor with white Southerners. He publicly warned that Chinese workers were inefficient and racially inferior. Hoover was born to a Quaker family in West Branch, Iowa. involvement. [81] The United States Food Administration became the American Relief Administration (ARA), and Hoover was charged with providing food to Central and Eastern Europe. [69][70], The United States declared war upon Germany in April 1917 after Germany engaged in unrestricted submarine warfare against American vessels in British waters. Hoover, the 31st United States president, was defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in … [a] His father, Jesse Hoover, was a blacksmith and farm implement store owner of German, Swiss, and English ancestry. Also located at Stanford is the Hoover Institution, a think tank and research institution started by Hoover. He served as United States Under Secretary of State from 1954 to 1957. [227] As Coolidge, Harding, Wilson, and Taft had all died during the 1920s or early 1930s and Roosevelt died in office, Hoover was the sole living ex-president from 1933 to 1953. ", Short, Brant. [68] At the request of the French government, the CRB began delivering supplies to the people of Northern France in 1915. [16], Hoover was a member of the inaugural "Pioneer Class" of Stanford University, entering in 1891 despite failing all the entrance exams except mathematics. [21] He served as student manager of both the baseball and football teams, and helped organize the inaugural Big Game versus the University of California. [184] Though some economists, like William Trufant Foster, favored deficit spending to address the Great Depression, most politicians and economists believed in the necessity of keeping a balanced budget. [205], According to Leuchtenburg, Hoover was "the last American president to take office with no conspicuous need to pay attention to the rest of the world". [133], Hoover maintained polling leads throughout the 1928 campaign, and he decisively defeated Smith on election day, taking 58 percent of the popular vote and 444 of the 531 electoral votes. In our view, Hoover was sincere in his opposition to advertising and did not covertly direct broadcasting toward its adoption. Though he had risen to prominence as a geologist and mine operator, Hoover focused much of his attention on raising money, restructuring corporate organizations, and financing new ventures. [56][57] Hoover and his wife had two children: Herbert Hoover Jr. (born in 1903) and Allan Henry Hoover (born in 1907). [120] He did so with the cooperation of African-American leader Robert Russa Moton, who was promised unprecedented influence once Hoover became president. WE COULD USE A MAN LIKE.. [22] During the summers before and after his senior year, Hoover interned under economic geologist Waldemar Lindgren of the United States Geological Survey; these experiences convinced Hoover to pursue a career as a mining geologist. Hoover sent U.S. Army forces led by General Douglas MacArthur to the protests. Hoover's work impressed his employers, and in 1898 he was promoted to junior partner. Inhaltsverzeichnis. [278] A medicine ball game known as Hooverball is named for Hoover; it was invented by White House physician Admiral Joel T. Boone to help Hoover keep fit while serving as president. (1936). [118] Believing that disaster response was not the domain of the federal government, Coolidge initially refused to become involved, but he eventually acceded to political pressure and appointed Hoover to chair a special committee to help the region. A member of the Republican Party, he held office during the onset of the Great Depression. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. [2] Around age two "Bertie", as he was called during that time, contracted a serious bout of croup, and was momentarily thought to have died until resuscitated by his uncle, John Minthorn. [157] Hoover also convinced railroads and public utilities to increase spending on construction and maintenance, and the Federal Reserve announced that it would cut interest rates. [29] Partly due to Hoover's efforts, the company eventually controlled approximately 50 percent of gold production in Western Australia. [268], Hoover was extremely unpopular when he left office after the 1932 election, and his historical reputation would not begin to recover until the 1970s. [52] Hoover also joined the board of trustees at Stanford, and led a successful campaign to appoint John Branner as the university's president. In Freedom Betrayed, Hoover strongly critiques Roosevelt's foreign policy, especially Roosevelt's decision to recognize the Soviet Union in order to provide aid to that country during World War II. [210] As a result of Hoover's efforts, the United States and other major naval powers signed the 1930 London Naval Treaty. [260] The book was published in 2012 after being edited by historian George H. President Hoover 31st President of the United States; in 1929 the stock … Article bookmarked. [42] He made investments on every continent and had offices in San Francisco; London; New York City; Paris; Petrograd; and Mandalay, British Burma. Advertizing Wikipedia - see also. After leaving office, Hoover enjoyed one of the longest retirements of any former president, and he authored numerous works in subsequent decades. [261], Hoover faced three major illnesses during the last two years of his life, including an August 1962 operation in which a growth on his large intestine was removed. [100] His experience mobilizing the war-time economy convinced him that the federal government could promote efficiency by eliminating waste, increasing production, encouraging the adoption of data-based practices, investing in infrastructure, and conserving natural resources. [101] Hoover sought to foster a balance among labor, capital, and the government, and for this he has been variously labeled a corporatist or an associationalist. [115] His "Own Your Own Home" campaign was a collaboration to promote ownership of single-family dwellings, with groups such as the Better Houses in America movement, the Architects' Small House Service Bureau, and the Home Modernizing Bureau. The third solution to was to fall back on that old tactic of twisting the British tail. [134] Historians agree that Hoover's national reputation and the booming economy, combined with deep splits in the Democratic Party over religion and Prohibition, guaranteed his landslide victory. [83] Throughout the Paris Peace Conference, Hoover served as a close adviser to President Wilson, and he largely shared Wilson's goals of establishing the League of Nations, settling borders on the basis of self-determination, and refraining from inflicting a harsh punishment on the defeated Central Powers. [165], By the end of 1930, the national unemployment rate had reached 11.9 percent, but it was not yet clear to most Americans that the economic downturn would be worse than the Depression of 1920–21. Roosevelt's performance in the popular vote made him the first Democratic presidential nominee to win the presidency with a majority of the popular vote since Franklin Pierce in 1852. [97] While some of the most prominent members of the Harding administration, including Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty and Secretary of Interior Albert B. Statistical review of relief operations (Stanford, 1925) in Google; den Hertog, Johan. A member of the Republican Party, he held office during the onset of the Great Depression. [53], During his senior year at Stanford, Hoover became smitten with a classmate named Lou Henry, though his financial situation precluded marriage at that time. [281], Hoover was inducted into the Australian Prospectors and Miners' Hall of Fame in the category Directors and Management.[282]. [66] American diplomat Walter Page described Hoover as "probably the only man living who has privately (i.e., without holding office) negotiated understandings with the British, French, German, Dutch, and Belgian governments". HH = Herbert Hoover Suchen Sie nach einer allgemeinen Definition von HH? [179] In January 1932, he convinced Congress to authorize the establishment of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), which would provide government-secured loans to financial institutions, railroads, and local governments. [238] After the beginning of the occupation of Belgium in 1940, Hoover provided aid for Belgian civilians, though this aid was described as unnecessary by German broadcasts. However, Hamilton also notes that Hoover was politically inept and failed to recognize the severity of the Great Depression. [131] Smith was more charismatic and gregarious than Hoover, but his campaign was damaged by anti-Catholicism and his overt opposition to Prohibition. He also agreed to manage a separate mine in the Altai Mountains that, according to Hoover, "developed probably the greatest and richest single body of ore known in the world". [31][32] During his time with the mining company, Hoover became opposed to measures such as a minimum wage and workers' compensation, feeling that they were unfair to owners. [197] During the 1930s, approximately one million Mexican Americans were forcibly "repatriated" to Mexico; approximately sixty percent of those deported were birthright citizens. [259] In 1944, he began working on Freedom Betrayed, which he often referred to as his "magnum opus". In 1912, Hoover and his wife published the first English translation of De re metallica. [104], Between 1923 and 1929, the number of families with radios grew from 300,000 to 10 million,[105] and Hoover's tenure as Secretary of Commerce heavily influenced radio use in the United States. According to Professor David E. Hamilton, historians have credited Hoover for his genuine belief in voluntarism and cooperation, as well as the innovation of some of his programs. Though Hoover had not ordered MacArthur's clearing out of the protesters, he endorsed it after the fact. Definition of hoover verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Herbert Clark Hoover (10. elokuuta 1874 – 20. lokakuuta 1964) oli yhdysvaltalainen poliitikko, joka edusti Yhdysvaltain republikaanista puoluetta. "[255] In 1958, Congress passed the Former Presidents Act, offering a $25,000 yearly pension (equivalent to $221,540 in 2019) to each former president. He was a Republican and served between 1929-1933. [190] Hoover also continued to pursue the lily-white strategy, removing African Americans from positions of leadership in the Republican Party in an attempt to end the Democratic Party's dominance in the South. [191] Though Robert Moton and some other black leaders accepted the lily-white strategy as a temporary measure, most African-American leaders were outraged. [166] A series of bank failures in late 1930 heralded a larger collapse of the economy in 1931. [35] He became deeply interested in Chinese history, but quickly gave up on learning the language. [82] Hoover condemned the Bolsheviks, but warned President Wilson against an intervention in the Russian Civil War, as he viewed the White Russian forces as little better than the Bolsheviks and feared the possibility of a protracted U.S. ", Britten, Thomas A. These policies were dubbed "Hooverizing" by government publicists, in spite of Hoover's continual orders that publicity should not mention him by name. The commission recommended changes designed to strengthen the president's ability to manage the federal government. [177], The economy continued to worsen, with unemployment rates nearing 23 percent in early 1932,[178] and Hoover finally heeded calls for more direct federal intervention. Over the objection of many economists, Hoover signed the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act into law in June 1930. ", "An American Friendship: Herbert Hoover and Poland",,,, "USA:n entinen presidentti Herbert Hoover vastaanottaa tohtorinmiekan ja vihitään kunniatohtoriksi", "The Gold Standard and the Great Depression", "Black Disaffection From the Republican Party During the Presidency of Herbert Hoover, 1928–1932", "The Forgotten Repatriation of Persons of Mexican Ancestry and Lessons for the War on Terror", "Hoover and the Historians: the Resurrection of a President", "Gifford Pinchot and the Politics of Hunger, 1932–1933", "The Radio Act of 1927: progressive ideology, epistemology, and praxis", "Herbert Hoover, the Commerce Secretariat, and the Vision of an 'Associative State', 1921–1928", 'Herbert C. Hoover and Poland: 1919–1933. By December 1933, it had been ratified by the requisite number of states to become the Twenty-first Amendment. He also feared that allowing individuals on the "dole" would permanently weaken the country. [48]:102–108[50], In his spare time, Hoover wrote. August 1874 in West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa ; † 20. "[61] By early October 1914, Hoover's organization had distributed relief to at least 40,000 Americans. Hoover did not completely refrain from the use of the military in Latin American affairs; he thrice threatened intervention in the Dominican Republic, and he sent warships to El Salvador to support the government against a left-wing revolution. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. By then Hoover had solved his image problem, and during his 1928 campaign he successfully squelched attacks that alleged he was too close to British interests. He initially sought to avoid committing to any party in the 1920 election, hoping that either of the two major parties would draft him for president at their respective national convention. Hoover was an unusually active and visible cabinet member, becoming known as "Secretary of Commerce and Under-Secretary of all other departments". [86], Despite the opposition of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and other Republicans, Hoover provided aid to the defeated German nation after the war, as well as relief to famine-stricken Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. He took a position with a London-based mining company after graduating from Stanford University in 1895. The American company was founded by William Henry Hoover (1849–1932) and his son Herbert William Hoover, Sr. (1877–1954). While he clearly played important roles in the development of both the progressive and conservative traditions, neither side will embrace him for fear of contamination with the other."[274]. [96], After his election as president in 1920, Harding rewarded Hoover for his support, offering to appoint him as either Secretary of the Interior or Secretary of Commerce. Hoover's wartime push for higher taxes, criticism of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer's actions during the First Red Scare, and his advocacy for measures such as the minimum wage, forty-eight-hour workweek, and elimination of child labor made him appealing to progressives of both parties. I'm thinking of what Herbert Hoover faced during the Great Depression. The Hoover–Minthorn House, where Hoover lived from 1885 to 1891, is located in Newberg, Oregon. [45] The Zinc Corporation developed the froth flotation process to extract zinc from lead-silver ore[46] and operated the world's first selective or differential flotation plant. He was blamed by many Americans for the Great Depression. [188], Hoover seldom mentioned civil rights while he was president. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. [272], Although Hoover is generally regarded as having had a failed presidency, he has also received praise for his actions as a humanitarian and public official. He viewed the Soviet Union to be as morally repugnant as Nazi Germany and supported the efforts of Richard Nixon and others to expose Communists in the United States.[253]. [160], Hoover had taken office hoping to raise agricultural tariffs in order to help farmers reeling from the farm crisis of the 1920s, but his attempt to raise agricultural tariffs became connected with a bill that broadly raised tariffs. People were starving because of Herbert Hoover. Shots were fired by the police in a futile attempt to attain order, and two protesters were killed while many officers were injured. [185] In late 1931, Hoover proposed a tax plan to increase tax revenue by 30 percent, resulting in the passage of the Revenue Act of 1932. In the midst of the economic crisis, Hoover was decisively defeated by Democratic nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 presidential election. His lectures at Columbia and Stanford universities were published in 1909 as Principles of Mining, which became a standard textbook. Contemporaries described Hoover's approach as a "third alternative" between "unrestrained capitalism" and socialism, which was becoming increasingly popular in Europe. For his son, see, Hoover later became the first president born west of the. [186] The act increased taxes across the board, rolling back much of the tax cut reduction program Mellon had presided over during the 1920s. [270] Polls of historians and political scientists have generally ranked Hoover in the bottom third of presidents. Besides having his train and motorcades pelted with eggs and rotten fruit, he was often heckled while speaking, and on several occasions, the Secret Service halted attempts to kill Hoover by disgruntled citizens, including capturing one man nearing Hoover carrying sticks of dynamite, and another already having removed several spikes from the rails in front of the president's train. [27], Hoover traveled constantly across the Outback to evaluate and manage the company's mines. [129] The Democrats nominated New York governor Al Smith, who became the first Catholic major party nominee for president. [75], World War I had created a global food crisis that dramatically increased food prices and caused food riots and starvation in the countries at war. Hoover backed conservative leader Robert A. Taft at the 1952 Republican National Convention, but the party's presidential nomination instead went to Dwight D. Eisenhower, who went on to win the 1952 election. [193] Many black voters switched to the Democratic Party in the 1932 election, and African Americans would later become an important part of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal coalition. [279], Hoover Presidential Library located in West Branch, Iowa, Medal depicting Hoover, by Devreese Godefroi, Hoover was inducted into the National Mining Hall of Fame in 1988 (inaugural class). [258], Hoover wrote several books during his retirement, including The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, in which he strongly defended Wilson's actions at the Paris Peace Conference. And aware of multiple female possibilities his spare time, and mathematics at a night school groups to agreements. Beispiele für Herbert C. Hoover-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an lernen... Imparted a strong work ethic Hoover–Minthorn House, where Hoover lived from to. Living in London in 1902, though they frequently traveled as part of Hoover 's Campaign the... 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