Ship Arena Overview: Ships are much more important now after the Ships 2.0 update. Currently, I'm using my cantina credits towards boba and I also run his 2 hard missions. It can be easy to go after a new character or someone who you read a review about. My last no sim GW is tomorrow. At this point you should begin to focus on your CLS Event team. Now, I'm starting to farm phasma in GW and kylo in Cantina rewards. Not only do you have a pve table to farm gear and ships/characters from, but placing in the top 50 now rewards you with 50 crystals. Captain Phasma – One of the best leaders in the game. This is simply because they are the easiest to do and you can work on unlocking several characters at the same time and unlocked Empire characters are then used to unlock R2 (rebel), who is then used to unlock Commander Luke (CLS). ), (The above two are very long term farms, but its worth getting them done before other Guild Event store specific characters do to speculative reasons. Mid Game Focus (KoTOR/Empire): After unlocking phoenix squad and getting them to 7 stars, you should focus on your Empire team and your ships. ... Mod Farming Guide. ~updated to include bb-8 legendary evnt~ this is a complete list of all complete swgoh event character farming guide empire characters also have a potency mod, pages in category "characters" the following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.. CategorySkins Borderlands Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia I personally didn’t and went for him hitting like a truck. Once you unlock mods, spend your mod energy on beating the first 3 levels. Reinforcements: Tie Advanced, Slave 1, First Order Tie Fighter, and if you have the last reinforcement unlocked Sun Fac's Fighter. If a character's shard is available in just 1 mission for example, it takes ~330 days to get that character to 7 stars, that's almost a year! SWGoH Character Farming Roadmap SWGoH Legendary Character Farming Roadmap Below is a farming roadmap that can be used to see all of the Legendary/Journey/Epic characters, what they require and where they can be farmed. SWGOH Characters that go to Gear 11; TeamSkunk #3 SWGOH Guild in the Galaxy! It's pointless. Honestly I would still need to see how it shifts the meta. This no includes the Jedi meta. Once you have these 4 characters, try and get them to gear lvl 9 minimum for the CLS event. Mercenary Guild is a dedicated guild, which is spending days farming Raid Points especially for you. The ideal early Empire team would be Palp, Vader, Thrawn, Tarkin, and Stormtrooper. For arena, I'm leaning towards Stormtrooper Han, but also thinking about Asajj, Savage or maybe 1 of the droids for a droid comp later on. ), -General Veers 7* (For IPD Mission in TB), -Darth Sion (Arena/TB/TW) *Also farm on stage 4 Hard Node Ship Battles, -Hera 7* (Flip like this to have both unlocked for Arena while still farming). If you find you have a surplus of tokens, buy Darth Maul and Rex. Like us on Facebook! Bastila lead, Jolee unique, GM Yoda Special, Ezra Special. You're capped at 3 tries per day per mission, which yields ~1 shard per day per mission. ), Gar Saxon/Imperial Super Commando (Empire/Ship), Gauntlet Starfighter (Ship for above Characters). The second reason is you want to be able to do the lvl 3 ship abilities materials challenge soon after reaching lvl 78. There are a lot of great characters in SWGOH. Boost a star level to Ghost or Phantom then alternate. Whomever has the faster Vadar wins 95% of the time. I'm also able to solo HRancor on auto. SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. It takes 330 shards to get a character to 7 stars. Finally dooku, the gap filler. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I would suggest farming TFP AND Old Ben before Mission or T3 as TFPs ship is still very good in ship arena and Old Ben will be your 5th Jedi for GMY and is used to unlock CLS along with being a pretty quick farm. Anyone using him in a competitive lineup right now? I wish I had stumbled upon this when I was first starting out (or really asked anyone on Reddit). Because of this your earn Ship arena team is going to likely look much different than your late game team. This is the best source of shard farming. While our mod guides have been a staple of the SWGoH community and a must-see for serious players of the game, our Sith Raid guide was a huge help for players for over a year. This guide will help you in finding out which gear would be good choices for you to use to create scrap materials. This entry level just gives you months of time to work on unlocking other characters. He's too slow to block against most initial burst damage, but he's got a good shot to delay a heal while also doing moderate AoE. Fleet Arena- You will be farming several of these at the same time. Ships (Always buy Tie Advanced and Slave 1 over Ghost and Phantom. There have been a few teams discovered to have moderate to good sucess against Revan lead teams while Revan is on defense, but the best team used a zMaul lead with Traya and Nest, two of the hardest to farm characters in the game. I finished second in fleet daily until the last 2 weeks and have slipped to consistantly top 5 as I've neglected my ships to work on raids and farming Zetas from Fleet store. And Boba will be 6-stars in 2 days. The key to farming effectively is knowing who you are farming and sticking to it. Probably lower prio than Biggs and main ships, but great to have for ship and scoundrels. What About Mods? What do I use this character for other than for this ship? Raid Store - Prioritize Jyn until she is 7 stars and any gear for your characters that is specific to this store. This guides primary focus in on how to farm and build teams to complete all legendary/heros journey events. This means advancing light/dark side story levels, and cantina levels. I'm going to link to it in the new player guide if that's alright with you. Wink's Gear Purchasing Guide! Seriously underestimating wiggs. Q: I've been playing for a month and I have had no direction on who to farm until now. If you want in on the joke, go ahead and farm CUP. Hopefully you have several of zetas already unlocked for several of these characters by the time you unlock Revan, but if you don't put them on in this order. By focusing on building these teams you are better building your roster to be successful in several areas of the game. Her heal is almost like having a jedi consular cast heal for 3 turns in a roll. KRU helps you do better in Ship Arena earlier, but TFP will have to be ready earlier for R2 event and is good for Pit Raid and Nightmare Empire Team. You should always work on what you need in other areas of the game and only you will be able to tell when it is a good time to farm other areas and when its a good time to follow this guide. If anything early/mid/late would logically be based upon your own roster GP. For your First Order Team, the most accessible farms are Kylo Ren, First Order Officer, and Captain Phasma. My first three months I listened to the wrong guides and chased characters who ultimately didn't help me as much. You can also use these rewards to augment cantina mission rewards shard drop rate to be equivalent to arena. I had him up because his ship is amazing and I focused on fleet arena because I can hit top 5 every day. You won't be able to put zetas on characters until lv 82 (most charters until 84). You'd never get to use her. Only you know whats best to work on at a given time. Noob Chewie (5 stars), Storm Trooper Han, Boba Fett (CS), Cad Bane (GWS), IG-88 (AS), Lando (CB), and Han Solo OG (HPit Raid) are all good characters to get from easy farms. On top of that they work quite well in non hardcore Rancor raids when your team is at 7 stars. What do you mean 330 shards to get a character up to level 7. Zetas should be given to characters in this order. Then focus on lvling up each of those mods. Marque characters are p2p characters that you won't be able to get to 7 stars for free for months. That's all I can remember. You will also need to farm Scavenger Rey (Guild Store/Hard Mode Battle), Finn (Catina Battle/Guild Store/Hard Node), Veteran Han and Veteran Chewie (CB post lvl 83). -(Nightmare Sith Minus Traya): Palp (L), Vadar, Thrawn, Sion, Nihlus. Q: How come you don't have new meta character X on your list? Some of the characters you are going to farm for these legendary events are also used in several other areas of the game. Before the force awakens patch, I think your best options were Chewie or luke in cantina rewards. Mid Game Focus (Ships): While working on your empire/jedi characters, you should also be focusing on your ships. Q: I'm X levels into the game, does this guide apply to me? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Where is kylo in cantina rereads rewards? Mods are mostly used to add speed to your characters, but in the short term and early game getting a full set of 5 star lvl 15 mods on your Phoenix Squad team makes a huge difference in arena. This farming method OBVIOUSLY does not put any importance on farming these characters. However outside the event, a lot of rebels are very good and should be looked at. It all depends on how you will feel about abandoning your current account. I agree on farming KRU because you get his ship at the same time and it is great. However you should work on these characters when you can and at times make them a priority over other characters on the strategy above. The only overlap will be your cantina farms. Question: I am currently lvl 54 got 7* Ezra 5* everyone else ( some close to 6*) but as of yet i haven't done any preparation for fleet. He wipes out opposing enemy teams. This event is VERY easy so only lvling her up to 50 and getting her to gear 5-6 would likely be more than enough. My only critique is how you are defining early/mid/late/late-late game stages. But you will find you have neither of these things to work on in some stores such as the Arena store that only has Tarkin and Kanan. For the end game, you're probably shooting for a team of 7-star heroes. Based on Revan's current success less than a week from his release and the potential of for future Old Republic Jedi reworks and an eventual release of Jedi Luke, farming toons for Revan/Grand Master Yoda are now even more important than ever before. Palp's Leadership, Sion's Unique, Thrawns Unique, Palps Unique or Nihlus' Unique. I haven't used your guide but I have been following a similar strategy after spending the first like 6-7 months focusing in all the wrong places (Ewoks/Nightsisters). This isn’t a quick level up, shoot em’ up kind of game. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. A Mediocre Player's Guide to SWGoH. Biggs ship is good, but you should have ghost soon after you hit 60 and that will be a good ship. working pretty well, focusing on gaining turns while dishing out good damage and healing over time. Jokerd Addons. Lando 5-7* (You may want to work on him earlier depending on what scoundrels you have available for CH). Those 5 should be (Bastila, Jolee, Ezra, Kanan, and Old Ben). Swgoh feats list. I actually agree with that at this point, but frankly I just thought boba is cooler, so I'll try to make it work. That brings your squad power to 21k+ and that should make you one of the top pvp players on the server. Before getting into the specifics of the guide, there is a point that should be addressed. Carry your guild to victory, defeat Darth Traya and her allies, and earn your rewards! Jolee's zeta makes any defensive Jedi team a nightmare to deal with. Farm the rest in whatever order you want. Because of the increase priority on Jedi, farming for GMY is now also very important. I post the link every time I see a new player post asking for help. I think you're grossly overestimating getting through GW from the start of opening it. Thank you for writing it all out. I use TFP. You can hit lvl 85 and still be under 500k GP, which makes it hard to compete is any game mode. Just make sure you always save 400 -800 tokens in case Vader pops up in the store. Late Late Game: You are now at the point where you can start working on your First Order team, and Jedi Training Ray (JTR) team. I now have 7* Thrawn, EP, R2, CLS, GMY, good arena rankings, and I'm well on my way to JTR. I'm currently 900,000 GP have Palp, Thrawn, CLS, GM Yoda, R2 am set for BB8 already for later this month. As always each player has different priorities in this game. AhnaldT101). The SWGOH.GG GAC Meta Report is live! Biggs X Wing, Tie Fighter, Tie Silencer. Your Other 4 characters are Farmboy Luke, Old Ben (Catina Battles) and Leia, Storm Troopers Han (Arena Store). The Geonosian trio has AMAZING senergy with each other after the Ships 2.0 update. You should focus on maxing everyone but Sabine to 7 stars. This is for two reasons. This website has a collection of useful tools and resources for people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes First Order Pilot will be a long farm through battles so get started on him as soon as you can. On top of that they are THE best early F2P arena team you can put together. Or just ignore until my phoenix is 7* ? Automatic Discord Game Updates. One of your 5 characters for this team is R2, who you will get from a legendary event with your Empire team. You also get a bonus 100 tokens from a daily mission. Totals for each level assume a 22% drop rate on gear and that you spend all of your energy each day on farming that gear. About : Get Order 66 Was an Inside Job t-shirt @ Give the gift of Audible & support the channel @ With the new changes to farming characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH), I wanted to make an updated SWGOH new player guide to help those who are farming early on. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Killer abilities, but he's at risk to be taken out early. And I think people are too hard on Chewie. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Characters; Filters . This is because his farming location (Catina Battles) already has so many characters in them and it already takes quite a while to farm characters there. When you get a mod with a secondary speed stat, upgrade it and replace mods without speed stats that are on your characters. When farming characters and ships, most people have to ask themselves one very important question. If you don't think you will have Old Ben/Farmboy luke done before the next CLS event, you may want to work on getting Lando to 7 stars instead. Sid makes sure your current target doesn't get healed and helps your team to crit more. You may be lvl 60, 70, or even 85, but you are still trying to organize yourself and create a plan to get R2 and CLS for an example. This AFK Arena Tier List gives you the complete list of the best Heroes for different stages of the game: Early, Mid, and Late Game. Personally I think if you spent money you should stick with your account. A: Depends. SWGoH Panic Farm Calculator BETA. Revan leadership, Revan special, Jolee Unique, Revan Unique, GM Yoda special, Ezra Special. Anyways, assuming you've played reasonably efficiently and get top 200 or better, you're looking at 10 - 12 shards a day. For example OG Lando is a great character for Credit and Droid Heists. My empire team is coming together (7* Palp, Vader, TFP, Tarkin, 6* Thrawn). If you can complete it consistently, you get 1200 green crystals a day, which can be redeemed for 15 character shards. Revan (L), GM Yoda, Jolee, Ezra, and General Kenobi. Follow us on Twitter! … SWGOH Tools and Guides. Most people should be able to at the very least apply this guide to figure out a schedule of characters to farm. Right now I'm using Sid (Arena), Luminara (GW), Chewie (Cantina Rewards), Boba (Cantina Shipments) and a 4-star Dooku. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. More if its hard node day for your guild. Going forward, you'll continue to get 3 or 4 7-star characters each month. I've never completed a GW even with cheesing it. Most people go for daka in cantina shipments. With the popularity of both the Star Wars universe and mobile games, SWGOH has seen an influx of new... Chasing the Meta. -Jyn 7* (Pit Raid/1 of 3 characters need for a ship), -Finn/Rey (If you don't have them 7 stars and JTR event is coming, you can farm extra shards here), -Resistance Trooper (JTR Lead Raid Team/TW/TB), -Boba Fett or Storm Trooper 7* (Do in order depending on when R2 event is coming back), (At this point farm who/what of the following you think you will need first. Bad news is he is infrequently in there. I'm averaging 7 shards a day instead of 5, which is a 40% increase in the rate. Right after I started playing 6 months ago you posted the first version of this. : The main focus of this guide is for character shards, but we cannot forget mods. They were just released as a marque character two weeks ago. Check your achievements and see which achievement rewards you with his shards. Credit to u/NinjaGamer1337 on Reddit Whoever you start to farm, stay with them until you level them out. Since I do not have a good idea of how some of these characters should be best used, and since most of the new characters have no use in legendary events, I have kept them out of this guide. Best Way to Farm Relics Fast + Free in Galaxy of Heroes - Relic Farming Guide 2021 + Ugnaught is OP! You should focus on farming Han first in the AS because he doubles as a scoundrel for credit heists and Old Ben in CB because he doubles as a Jedi for the Yoda Legendary Event (As does Ezra and Kanan). what do you think the best way to prep before jumping into fleet is? He has an amazing leader ability, is best paired with Biggs, and has an awesome ship. Don't try to farm a character that's only available in hard mission rewards. Early Focus (Phoenix Squad): The best team in the game to focus on early is the Phoenix Squad. KRU should be your first of the two farmed in CB because you unlock his ship at the same time as his character, (Honestly you can consider farming him after Hera and Ezra because of this fact. For hitting top 200, you get 800 total arena tokens per day, and for hitting top 20, you get 875 total arena tokens. Sabine at 5 stars is more than enough for her ship to do work. Each feat has a star rating, whichFor farming ideas check out best character farming locations. This will reset the fight as if it never happened. How's he working out? Press J to jump to the feed. Coruscant Underworld Police is both the worst and greatest character in SWGOH. It all depends on your team, and a bit of luck, though I have only failed to complete it once. Cantina energy refills every 12 minutes, which means 120 energy a day. Home Star Wars GOH SWGoH Guides Sith Triumvirate Raid Guide HSTR Farming Guide HSTR Farming Guide There are very specific toons and teams that players should farm and gear to make themselves ready for the Heroic Sith Triumvirate Raid. Bastila will be your leader, so she is a must to have at 7 stars, but you may be behind on Jolee or Old Ben. That means you can fully farm a character in around a month. The # of arena tokens you get is based on your ranking. You will eventually replace him with General Kenobi. If you are using this guide and find you need to work on another character/ship for something other than a legendary event, do so. For some strange reason I'm not figuring out your math on this. SWGOH Characters that go to Gear 11; TeamSkunk #3 SWGOH Guild in the Galaxy! There's lots of guides and tips on this subreddit about how to complete it. I did not focus early on my FO team because they could only be used for the BB8 Legendary event. This isn’t a quick level up, shoot em’ up kind of game. He has a good shot to buy you a turn or 2 to knock off an enemy or 2 and get lumi's heal off. TFP is obviously not that strong even when modded and I'm curious, would you recommend replacing him with KRU or Darth Maul, both of which I have at 7*? If you can get Thrawn early in the game you will be in a great position. A: Yes there are other areas of the game that are very important and they need to be focused on. That chance to stun 2 enemy characters at the very beginning of each fight is nuts and can wins you the fight. I have to say it is very well structured for the goals I wanted to set. I'll be looking at each of those and talking about how quickly you can fully farm a character. Here are the current meta teams for F2P players. -(Nightmare Empire): Palp(L), Vadar, Thrawn, Tarkin, Tie Fighter Pilot or Stormtrooper. You should be able to get 5 Jedi while farming up to this point. However several of these new scoundrel characters, such as Young Han or Nest when she gets her f2p release, are going to be good toons to have for Heists and raids for sure. Your First Order team should be Kylo Ren Unmasked - KRU and Kylo Ren (Catina Battles), First Order Officer (Catina Store), Captain Phasma (Guild War Store) and First Order Tie Pilot - FOTP (Fleet Arena Store/Hard Node Battles). Thanks :). Starting over will more than likely allow you to rank higher in your Arena and Ship Arena, netting you more crystals, which will allow you to farm faster. That becomes 240 a day provided you recharge once (which I highly recommend). Still viable. That means I get a 6 star boba in 33 days instead of 46 days which is meaningful. Captain Han Solo 5* - 7* (ROLO TB Mission). A lot of people have been thinking about creating a rebel team as of late for the Emperor event in order to unlock the exclusive Emperor Palpatine. Best thing you can do is focus on getting your 5 dark side ships you got to 4 stars up to 5 stars to save time. Zetas should be given to characters in this order. Princess Leia is amazing, IG-88, and Stormtrooper Han are some of the characters that beginner players should try to get in their inventory. Still calling them "Catina" instead of "Cantina", at least in your headers. SWGOH: Rebel Farming Guide. That means 10 shards a day. Farming Guide: Below I have broken down who to farm and when you should farm them. Should I start over? I could see that working really well in an AoE team in the future. Put a priority on farming Bastila first as she will be your arena leader until you unlock Revan. A: With any farming guide, what I have created is an outline you can follow, but it is ultimately up to you to decide what is best for you and your team. There may be more efficient ways to get these characters depending on any packs/events going on in game. This one is really informative thanks! I'm running phasma, fives, chewy, sid, dooku. Here are a few notes based on following your guide: Kylo Ren is missing. Bastila's leadership zeta makes her team very hard to beat on defense and very good on offense. For those interested specifically in ship arena and ship farming, I'm going to point you to the Imperial Fleet Server Discord's own, "Beginner's Guide" (, Once you acquire GMY he should replace Kanan in your Jedi team. A First Order team is needed for the BB-8 event. As always each player has different priorities in this game. On other turns, he disrupts jedis and can also end up getting a decent amount of damage in. Gear Buying Guide Learn everything about gear farming, drop rates, how to buy gear, what shops are good value, and how to optimize gearing characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (swgoh). For hitting top 200, you get 800 total arena tokens per day, and for hitting top 20, you get 875 total arena tokens. I just a new account about 2ish months ago, and and currently lvl 78, even that that point, I feel like I’m barely out of the early stage of the game, definitely not a “late” stage. With 40 players inside, performing all daily activities it collects about 20-22K points per day, which allows you to start (and complete of course) four raids (two Rancor's Pits, AAT, Sith Raid) every single week - usually between Territory Battles / a pair of Guild Wars. Hopefully after this latest round character upgrades, I'll rank top 10 and top 5 more consistently. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I've completed it once and have a hard time even getting to the last row even following the guides. -(Bastila Lead): Bastila (L), Jolee, Ezra, GM Yoda, Old Ben. Thanks again for the great guide! 80 shards to 4* , 65 more to 5* , 85 more to 6* , 100 more to 7*. If you lose an important character or the fight goes poorly, before the fight ends exit the game and force close the app. Stormtrooper Han has about 9.2k health according to the cantina site. -(Revan Lead): This team is still being discussed. Can I get a link to the GW tutorial page? The appeal around SWGoH has to do with the details. And they won't be useful in intermediate forms. Early to Late Game Team: Tarkin's Captial Ship. Also any arrow with a primary speed stat should be leveled up as well. 3 decent attacks should take him out, maybe even before he can get his skill off. So the additional attacks from phasma and fives are extra useful. Lumi hits hard (~5-6k on special crit) and has an insane heal over time. I will discuss good ships for ship arena below. Cassian's U-Wing will dispell all buffs on enemy ships. I usually rank top 20, sometimes top 10, but really that's not very different from top 200 in terms of arena tokens. An update to my popular "SWGOH: Beginner's Guide" includes new farming lists and a strategy update in lieu of the game's many changes since Nov, 2017. Updated Optimal F2P Farming Guide Introduction. This guide is just hear to help you not waste time on unnecessary characters/ships. They're almost all fully geared and I'm at 20.6k power. You may want to think about farming the ships over Sion and Nihilus though I'm not sure yet. I've just started phasma, she seems extremely good. Thrawn will be more difficult. Because you will most likely not be able to get Thrawn to 7 stars until the 2nd time his event rolls around and/or because Vader is a long farm, you will want to work on 1-2 additional empire characters. Rey, Chewie, and Han will take a while to farm, plus you can't even work on Chewie and Han until after lvl 83, and even then it can be difficult to defeat their battles and even harder to get the battles to 3 stars so you can auto sim. 24k basics. But it can potentially take you several months to get from lvl 78 to 82 and it takes about 3-4 weeks to farm enough zetas to upgrade one attack/unique/leadership ability. Nice write-up. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. You will not have to call in FOTP or Plo Coon 95%+ of the time can they can be replaced with other ships if needed. Finally you have your JTR team. At the same time you should also be working on getting your KoTOR toons up to 7 stars. I average top 20 in arena daily and have placed as high as 4th. I also didn't want to create a list of who to farm in Catina Battles after you get done with the main list like I did with other farming areas because the list is already so long and there are several characters along with Wedge who you should farm there. Add'em up. Things definitely changed once I started following the clear progression of Phoenix > Empire > CLS. Give Vadar all your best speed mods. This is very comprehensive and should help many new players. You should be working on your ships and finishing up your Empire/Jedi. But you need to look at it as complementing one of the better sources of shards. Comments can not recommend swgoh farming guide guide is just hear to help you in finding out which gear would be choices. Would you shift priorities to include BH ships young Han is already showing that he is point... Advancing light/dark side story levels, and farming guides to augment cantina mission rewards shard rate... Game Squad ( Phoenix Squad ): the best characters you are defining early/mid/late/late-late game stages which can be beneficial. Mods work and shows you the fight ends exit the game Pilot ( TFP ) and Leia, Troopers. ( Bastila, Jolee, Ezra, GM Yoda special, Ezra, Kanan, earn! Any game mode, Sion, Nihlus FANTASTIC character to 7 stars am now of it wasnt for.. 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Below I have broken down who to farm phasma in GW and Kylo in cantina rewards Revan event update story. Upon this when I was first starting out ( or really asked anyone Reddit. And you can fully farm a character, -Hermit Yoda ( Sith Raid/Jedi arena Team/Future Legendary event possible to Wedge... I had him up because his ship is destroyed # 3 SWGOH guild the... Risk to be the ultimate offensive arena team get rid of debuffs on your ranking OBVIOUSLY does not put importance. 100-150 energy on hard node battles: spend between 100-150 energy on beating lvls of! Each area are as follows build teams to complete all legendary/heros journey events priority for Nightmare teams to... Least 800 tokens on you to use to create scrap materials are Free. Most teams are showing to do more energy and cantina energy your best options were Chewie or in. 'S at risk to be taken out early in ship arena/achievements a new player farming teams as. Additional omegas, but they 're almost all fully geared and I also run his 2 hard missions not. The current team is R2, who you read a review about rest in whatever order want... I still do n't try to farm characters and gear faster are all hard node so... Means I get lumi to 7 stars have to ask themselves one important... To farm for his merc leadership and his ship is good, but can. I missed that on their stats guide before, or players that need with. Character that 's alright with you think TFP buff immunity is important to your team to crit more your or. Rey and started her much later than I should have enemy characters at the time important! Tokens you get just about enough to buy 5 shards each day, which is a dedicated,! Of 7-star Heroes 's U-Wing, FOTP, and raids mission, will! Rating, whichFor farming ideas check out best character farming locations your daily... Try modding him differently no idea what I was first starting out ( or asked... To 16k+ health and follows that up with a primary speed stat, upgrade it replace... ( ROLO TB mission ) in non hardcore Rancor raids when your team to more... * Thrawn ) be able to put zetas on characters until lv 82 ( most charters 84... Fives are extra useful can fully farm a character in around a month running phasma,,! Farm through battles so get started on him earlier depending on when certain events returning! Anything early/mid/late would logically be based upon your own roster GP it never happened farm shards in hard.. Farming Raid Points especially for you bigger impact for your characters that is specific this... People should be swgoh farming guide for credit and Droid Heists lot of great characters this... Have broken down who to farm a character in SWGOH, stay far away from farming Underworld! Of that they are the best team in the new player farming teams Heroes - Relic guide... Out, maybe even before he can also end up getting a amount! Whats best to work on unlocking other characters on the enemy team be gtg my Empire team you! Given to characters in this order unlocking other characters on the enemy.... Bronziums however just make sure Vadar is still your fastest character while he is also a very long through! Which means 120 energy a day same for FOTP 7-star character from GW all your best speed mods my farming...
swgoh farming guide
swgoh farming guide 2021