Horizontal gene transfer seems to be common among many microbes. [29] However, this special characteristic is caused by the presence of repetitive DNA, and transposable elements (TEs). A) The human genome shares 99% of its genes with the mouse genome. One of the most important advances has been the ability to create transgenic mice, in which a new gene is inserted into the animal's germline. Addition of 3′-adenine to blunt ends using Klenow fragment (3′-5′ exo minus), Illumina genomic adapters were ligated and the sample was size fractionated to 175–225 bp on a 2% agarose gel. For this, the word genome should not be used as a synonym of chromosome. The leading mouse models for NIDDM and obesity research were all developed at The Jackson Laboratory: Heart Disease - Elevated blood cholesterol levels and plaque buildup in arteries within three months of birth (even on a low-fat diet) are characteristics of several experimental models for human atherosclerosis: the. Serratia symbiotica) have reduced genomes and a high fraction of pseudogenes: only ~40% of their DNA encodes proteins.[25][26]. Total genome Size. Immunodeficient mice can also be used as hosts to grow both normal and diseased human tissue, a boon for cancer and AIDS research. The main reason why there is such a big variety of sizes is due to the presence of transposable elements. We also present an initial comparative analysis of the mouse and human genomes, describing some of the insights that can be gleaned from the two sequences. Genome size, as defined here, is the haploid nuclear DNA content, or the amount of DNA in one copy of a species' chromosomes. Gametes, such as ova, sperm, spores, and pollen, are haploid, meaning they carry only one copy of each chromosome. Although yeasts, worms and flies are excellent models for studying the cell cycle and many developmental processes, mice are far better tools for probing the immune, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, skeletal and other complex physiological systems that mammals share. Eukaryotic genomes are composed of one or more linear DNA chromosomes. There are many enormous differences in size in genomes, specially mentioned before in the multicellular eukaryotic genomes. The mouse ENCODE project—part of the ENCODE, or ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements, program—aims to examine the genetic and biochemical processes involved in regulating the mouse and human genomes. They multitask", "Scientists hope to attract millions to 'DNA.LAND, "Game of Genomes, Episode 13: Answers and Questions", "Replication of Linear Bacterial Chromosomes: No Longer Going Around in Circles", "Constraints and plasticity in genome and molecular-phenome evolution", "Insights from 20 years of bacterial genome sequencing", "Scientists sequence asexual tiny worm whose lineage stretches back 18 million years", "DNA methylation enables transposable element-driven genome expansion", "The biological effects of simple tandem repeats: lessons from the repeat expansion diseases", "Microsatellites: genomic distribution, putative functions and mutational mechanisms: a review", "Transposable elements and the evolution of eukaryotic genomes", "Comparative genomics and molecular dynamics of DNA repeats in eukaryotes", "The impact of retrotransposons on human genome evolution", "Molecular Biology of Porcine Circoviruses", "Virology – Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Aids, Structure: The Genome And Proteins Of HIV", "A new look at bacteriophage lambda genetic networks", "Genomics of Megavirus and the elusive fourth domain of Life", "Pandoraviruses: amoeba viruses with genomes up to 2.5 Mb reaching that of parasitic eukaryotes", "Small, smaller, smallest: the origins and evolution of ancient dual symbioses in a Phloem-feeding insect", "Genome sequence of the endocellular bacterial symbiont of aphids Buchnera sp. [12][13], Reference genome sequences and maps continue to be updated, removing errors and clarifying regions of high allelic complexity. Launched by NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), ENCODE has been building a comprehensive catalog of functional elements in the human and mouse genomes. 1. Genome-wide Distribution of Translocations from Chr2 I-SceI Breaksite. Genome-wide end-sequenced BAC resources for the NOD/MrkTac() and NOD/ShiLtJ() mouse genomes. In addition, The Jackson Laboratory distributes 2,700 different strains and stocks as breeding mice, frozen embryos or DNA samples. The size distribution of Gectosomes by flow cytometry using FACSAria Fusion Cell Sorter (BD). One possibility is that the proteins fail to fold properly and avoid degradation, instead accumulating in aggregates that also sequester important transcription factors, thereby altering gene expression. [43] The Alu element is the most common SINE found in primates. There are mice prone to different cancers, diabetes, obesity, blindness, Lou Gehrig's disease, Huntington's disease, anxiety, aggressive behavior, alcoholism and even drug addiction. The mouse genome has been sequenced, and virtually all mouse genes have human homologs. The amount is even more than the necessary for DNA protein-coding and noncoding genes due that eukaryotic genomes show as much as 64,000-fold variation in their sizes. a Histogram showing the size distribution of microexons that were found to be differentially included across mouse embryonic development. A few related -ome words already existed, such as biome and rhizome, forming a vocabulary into which genome fits systematically. B) A comparison of genomes confirms that mice and humans shared a common ancestry more recently than humans and pufferfish. Mouse Genome completed December 2002, a draft sequence and analysis of the genome of the C57BL/6J mouse strain. [7] The first complete genome sequences among all three domains of life were released within a short period during the mid-1990s: The first bacterial genome to be sequenced was that of Haemophilus influenzae, completed by a team at The Institute for Genomic Research in 1995. The Ts65Dn mouse, developed at The Jackson Laboratory, mimics trisomy 21 and exhibits many of the behavioral, learning, and physiological defects associated with the syndrome in humans, including mental deficits, small size, obesity, hydrocephalus and thymic defects. Origin of term. The mechanism by which proteins with expanded polygulatamine tracts cause death of neurons is not fully understood. A major step toward that goal was the completion in 2007 of the full genome of James D. Watson, one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA. Ovarian Tumors - The SWR and SWXJ mouse models provide excellent research platforms for studying the genetic basis of ovarian granulosa cell tumors, a common and very serious form of malignant ovarian tumor in young girls and post-menopausal women. The Human Genome Project was organized to map and to sequence the human genome. The data may be either a list of database accession numbers, NCBI gi numbers, or sequences in FASTA format. In addition to the sequencing of the human genome, which was completed in 2003, scientists involved in the Human Genome Project sequenced the genomes of a number of model organisms that are commonly used as surrogates in studying human biology. [30][45] Genome size is largely a function of the expansion and contraction of repetitive DNA elements. Enter your email address to receive updates about the latest advances in genomics research. The 1997 film Gattaca is set in a futurist society where genomes of children are engineered to contain the most ideal combination of their parents' traits, and metrics such as risk of heart disease and predicted life expectancy are documented for each person based on their genome. For each 100-kb region of the mouse genome, the size ratio to the related segment of the human genome was determined. The high degree of genetic homology between mouse and humans and the powerful ability to modify the genome of the mouse have established the importance of this model organism in biomedical studies. In humans, the nuclear genome comprises approximately 3.2 billion nucleotides of DNA, divided into 24 linear molecules, the shortest 50 000 000 nucleotides in length and the longest 260 000 000 nucleotides, each contained in a different chromosome. [18] There are also viral RNA called single stranded RNA: serves as template for mRNA synthesis[19] and single stranded RNA: serves as template for DNA synthesis. Invertebrates have small genomes, this is also correlated to a small number of transposable elements. C) Very few genes are conserved in the two genomes. Ensembl - Mouse. Like the bacteria they originated from, mitochondria and chloroplasts have a circular chromosome. Genome size refers to the amount of DNA contained in a haploid genome expressed either in terms of the number of base pairs, kilobases (1 kb = 1000 bp), or megabases (1 Mb = 1 000 000 bp), or as the mass of DNA in picograms (1 pg = 10 −12 g). It is about 350 base pairs and occupies about 11% of the human genome with around 1,500,000 copies. Size distribution of segments and blocks with conserved synteny betwwen mouse and human Total 38.6 33.5 46.4 24.0 DNA 0.9 0.4 3.0 1.0 LTR 9.9 8.7 8.6 4.1 SINEs 8.2 7.6 13.6 10.7 LINEs 19.2 16.5 21.0 7.9 Lineage specific Lineage Human specific TEs Mouse Composition of repeats in the mouse and human genome Fraction of lineage-specific repeats [42], Short interspersed elements (SINEs) are usually less than 500 base pairs and are non-autonomous, so they rely on the proteins encoded by LINEs for transposition. Hoskins RA, et al. In Dictyostelium discoideum, there is another DIRS-like elements belong to Non-LTRs. The HGP began officially in October 1990, but its origins go back earlier. The genomes of RNA viruses can be either single-stranded RNA or double-stranded RNA, and may contain one or more separate RNA molecules (segments: monopartit or multipartit genome). H3.3K27R mutation does not affect the genome-wide distribution of H3K27me3 in mouse ESCs. A total of seven known housekeeping genes were chosen as internal controls. Averaged profiles of H3.3 at active enhancers and H3K27-occupied promoters in mouse ESCs. [22][23] If the DNA is replicated faster than the bacterial cells divide, multiple copies of the chromosome can be present in a single cell, and if the cells divide faster than the DNA can be replicated, multiple replication of the chromosome is initiated before the division occurs, allowing daughter cells to inherit complete genomes and already partially replicated chromosomes. A fundamental step in the project was the release of a detailed genomic map by Jean Weissenbach and his team at the Genoscope in Paris. [28] It is surprising the amount of DNA that eukaryotic genomes contain compared to other genomes. Also, eukaryotic cells seem to have experienced a transfer of some genetic material from their chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes to their nuclear chromosomes. [36], DNA transposons encode a transposase enzyme between inverted terminal repeats. [34], Transposable elements (TEs) are sequences of DNA with a defined structure that are able to change their location in the genome. Symbiont of. The mouse genome is 2.5 billion DNA letters long, about 14 percent shorter than the human genome, which is 2.9 billion letters long. Genome-wide map of translocations originating from the I-SceI cassette in chr2, labeled by blue arrow, from A-MuLV-transformed ATM −/− mouse pro-B cells. People conceived outside of the eugenics program, known as "In-Valids" suffer discrimination and are relegated to menial occupations. Within a species, the vast majority of nucleotides are identical between individuals, but sequencing multiple individuals is necessary to understand the genetic diversity. Steward CA, et al. A0. 2009 The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics Science 326 (5956) 1112-1115 [36], Retrotransposons[37] are found mostly in eukaryotes but not found in prokaryotes and retrotransposons form a large portion of genomes of many eukaryotes. A few related -ome words already existed, such as biome and rhizome, forming a vocabulary into which genome fits systematically.[6]. ), and as a source of annotated splice junctions, we used the union of GENCODE Release M16 (Harrow et al. ) In addition, certain diseases that afflict humans but normally do not strike mice, such as cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer's, can be induced by manipulating the mouse genome and environment. A chaos theorist is asked to give his expert opinion on the safety of engineering an ecosystem with the dinosaurs, and he repeatedly warns that the outcomes of the project will be unpredictable and ultimately uncontrollable. A typical human cell has two copies of each of 22 autosomes, one inherited from each parent, plus two sex chromosomes, making it diploid. Mitochondria are sometimes said to have their own genome often referred to as the "mitochondrial genome". Background on Mouse as a Model Organism December 2002. APS", "Genome sequence of the cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus SS120, a nearly minimal oxyphototrophic genome", "The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12", "Biological consequences of ancient gene acquisition and duplication in the large genome of Candidatus Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076", "The dynamic nature of eukaryotic genomes", "Evolution of genome size and chromosome number in the carnivorous plant genus Genlisea (Lentibulariaceae), with a new estimate of the minimum genome size in angiosperms", "Details - Arabidopsis thaliana - Ensembl Genomes 40", "The genome of black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa (Torr. Genome-wide reprogramming in mouse primordial germ cells involves epigenetic imprint erasure leading to totipotency. Microsatellites consisting of 2-5 basepair repeats, while minisatellite repeats are 30-35 bp. Eleven pairs of oligonucleotide probes, including a perfect match and mismatch probe, are used to … Retrotransposon is a transposable element that transpose through an RNA intermediate. Genome Res 2015 Mar [30], Noncoding sequences include introns, sequences for non-coding RNAs, regulatory regions, and repetitive DNA. Poster Specifications. Affiliation 1 Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, Torgerson Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0106, USA. Horizontal gene transfer is invoked to explain how there is often an extreme similarity between small portions of the genomes of two organisms that are otherwise very distantly related. However, see omics for a more thorough discussion. But bigger doesn't always mean better, say scientists. [9][10], New sequencing technologies, such as massive parallel sequencing have also opened up the prospect of personal genome sequencing as a diagnostic tool, as pioneered by Manteia Predictive Medicine. Early thinking held that the genome size should be directly related to the number of genes it contains across the whole tree of life. The human genome is bigger because it is filled with more repeat sequences than the mouse genome. The sequence clusters were created from the UniGene database (Build 107, June 2002) and then refined by analysis and comparison with the publicly available draft assembly of the mouse genome from the Whitehead Institute for Genome Research (MGSC, April 2002). [11], Whereas a genome sequence lists the order of every DNA base in a genome, a genome map identifies the landmarks. DNA viruses can have either single-stranded or double-stranded genomes. d) the current state of the infrastructure for mouse experimentation at your host institution. A trial of epigenome editing in advance to establish the regulatory potential of genomic regions harboring possible causal variants has been suggested [ 45 ]. The film warns against a future where genomic information fuels prejudice and extreme class differences between those who can and can't afford genetically engineered children. Here is a table of some significant or representative genomes. [36] DNA transposons are found in bacteria and make up 3% of the human genome and 12% of the genome of the roundworm C. Researchers also learned to produce useful, new models of genetic disease quickly and in large numbers by exposing mice to DNA-damaging chemicals, a process known as chemical mutagenesis. Both the process of copying DNA during cell division and exposure to environmental mutagens can result in mutations in somatic cells. Archaea and most bacteria have a single circular chromosome,[21] however, some bacterial species have linear or multiple chromosomes. One of the primary photosynthesizers on Earth. The number of chromosomes varies widely from Jack jumper ants and an asexual nemotode,[27] which each have only one pair, to a fern species that has 720 pairs. ... We used mm10 mouse genome assembly obtained from the UCSC Genome Browser database (Karolchik et al. From whole-genome sequence alignments, 344 large (>100-kb) blocks of conserved synteny are evident, but these are further fragmented by smaller-scale evolutionary events. [44] There is no clear and consistent correlation between morphological complexity and genome size in either prokaryotes or lower eukaryotes. This model represents the latest and best improvement of Down syndrome models to facilitate research into the human condition. In the human genome, there are three important classes of TEs that make up more than 45% of the human DNA; these classes are The long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs), The interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs), and endogenous retroviruses. We took advantage of the recent availability of genome sequences for a wide range of species to investigate the mechanism underlying genome size equilibrium over the past 100 million years. The proportion of the genome occupied by coding sequences varies widely. [33], Tandem repeats are usually caused by slippage during replication, unequal crossing-over and gene conversion. Such duplications are probably fundamental to the creation of genetic novelty. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome[89]. Michael Crichton's 1990 novel Jurassic Park and the subsequent film tell the story of a billionaire who creates a theme park of cloned dinosaurs on a remote island, with disastrous outcomes. Adenine Methylation in Drosophila Is Associated with the Tissue-Specific Expression of Developmental and Regulatory Genes.Shah K, et al. [35] These genes are flanked by long repeats at both 5' and 3' ends. Established in 1929, the non-profit center pioneered the use of inbred laboratory mice to uncover the genetic basis of human development and disease. These warnings about the perils of using genomic information are a major theme of the book. TEs are known to contribute to a significant change in a cell's mass of DNA. This checkbox can be useful with short queries and with the tiny genomes of microorganisms. and VastDB . Original Genome: Original Assembly: Figure 1:GeneChip® Mouse Genome 430 Arrays shown in cartridge and HT plate formats. less than 30,000 genes; estimated size is 2.5 Gb, smaller than the human genome; about 40% of the human and mouse genomes can be directly aligned; about 80% of human genes have one corresponding gene in the mouse genome Some bacteria have auxiliary genetic material, also part of their genome, which is carried in plasmids. For example, with a human dna search, 20 is minimum matches required, based on the genome size, to filter out lower-quality results. Animal Genome Size Database: Aspergillus Genomes: Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology: SilkBase: Bombyx mori genome: BGD: Bovine Genome Database : CGD: Candida Genome Database: Chicken (Gallus gallus) Genome: CYORF: Cyanobacteria Gene Annotation Database: Cytogenetics Gallery: OriDB: DNA Replication Origin Database: wFleaBase: Daphnia Water Flea Genome … The top 50 TSGs were chosen, and their mouse homologs (mTSG) were retrieved from mouse genome informatics (www.informatics.jax.org). The mouse genome is contained in 20 chromosome pairs and the current results suggest that it is about 2.7 billion base pairs in size, or about 15 percent smaller than the human genome. Church DM, et al. [30], DNA sequences that carry the instructions to make proteins are referred to as coding sequences. The breakpoints of 160,000 SVs were mapped to base pair resolution, allowing us to infer that insertion of retrotransposons causes more than half of SVs. The development of new technologies has made genome sequencing dramatically cheaper and easier, and the number of complete genome sequences is growing rapidly. A total of 49 mTSGs were found. Duplications play a major role in shaping the genome. In some cases, such mutations lead to cancer because they cause cells to divide more quickly and invade surrounding tissues. Recent empirical data suggest an important role of viruses and sub-viral RNA-networks to represent a main driving role to generate genetic novelty and natural genome editing. The Oxford Dictionary suggests the name is a blend of the words gene and chromosome. For more information on the mouse genome … [95] This pathway is employed in the erasure of CpG methylation (5mC) in primordial germ cells. genome size changes, raising the possibility that these changes may be selectively neutral. The human genome has around 500,000 LINEs, taking around 17% of the genome. PLoS Biol 2009 May 5 ; Mouse consomic strains: exploiting genetic divergence between Mus m. musculus and Mus m. domesticus subspecies. [24] However, some symbiotic bacteria (e.g. If they are excluded (or there’s any MAPQ … b) previous genome engineering experience. Type 2 Diabetes - A metabolic disorder also called Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM), this is the most common form of diabetes and occurs primarily after age 40. Human Homo … Deciphering the forces and mechanisms modulating genome size is central to our understanding of molecular evolution, but the subject has been understudied in mammals and birds. HGP at the start. [36], Genome size is the total number of DNA base pairs in one copy of a haploid genome. D) Little rearrangement of genes has occurred in the two genomes. ... We identified the ratio of reads mapped to both the human and mouse genome in each single cell (Figure 1B). Viral genomes can be composed of either RNA or DNA. [32] Tandem repeats can be functional. Informatics researchers work with the public sequencing consortium to curate and integrate the sequenced mouse genome data with the wealth of biological knowledge collected in Jackson's Mouse Genome Informatics resource. Figure S6. New, reduced feature size means that you can use smaller sample volumes … [8] Among the thousands of completed genome sequencing projects include those for rice, a mouse, the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the puffer fish, and the bacteria E. coli. In 1976, Walter Fiers at the University of Ghent (Belgium) was the first to establish the complete nucleotide sequence of a viral RNA-genome (Bacteriophage MS2). , Divergence patterns of genic copy number variation in natural populations of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) reveal three conserved genes with major population-specific expansions. Genome-wide decrease in H3K27ac levels in individual H3.3K27R mutant mouse ESC lines. Tandem repeats make up about 4% of the human genome and 9% of the fruit fly genome. Genome size varies widely across species. The GeneChip™ Mouse Genome 430A 2.0 Array is a single array representing approximately 14,000 well-characterized mouse genes. Works of science fiction illustrate concerns about the availability of genome sequences. To preserve these extremely valuable strains of mice and to assist in the propagation of strains with poor reproduction, researchers have taken advantage of state-of-the-art reproductive technologies, including cryopreservation of embryos, in vitro fertilization and ovary transplantation. Twenty human disorders are known to result from similar tandem repeat expansions in various genes. The genome includes both the genes (the coding regions) and the noncoding DNA,[2] as well as mitochondrial DNA[3] and chloroplast DNA. [14] The decreasing cost of genomic mapping has permitted genealogical sites to offer it as a service,[15] to the extent that one may submit one's genome to crowdsourced scientific endeavours such as DNA.LAND at the New York Genome Center,[16] an example both of the economies of scale and of citizen science.[17]. First plant genome sequenced, December 2000. Researchers compare traits such as karyotype (chromosome number), genome size, gene order, codon usage bias, and GC-content to determine what mechanisms could have produced the great variety of genomes that exist today (for recent overviews, see Brown 2002; Saccone and Pesole 2003; Benfey and Protopapas 2004; Gibson and Muse 2004; Reese 2004; Gregory 2005). For polyploids, it's a little more complicated, because the C-value may actually include several genomes. The human genome is 3.1 billion base pairs spread out over 23 pairs of chromosomes … It has been reported that LTRs consist of the largest fraction in most plant genome and might account for the huge variation in genome size. 2007;8(8):R158. Retrotransposons[38] are composed of DNA, but are transcribed into RNA for transposition, then the RNA transcript is copied back to DNA formation with the help of a specific enzyme called reverse transcriptase. Today, researchers at The Jackson Laboratory pursue projects in areas that include cancer, development and aging, immune system and blood disorders, neurological and sensory disorders, and metabolic diseases. The next year, Fred Sanger completed the first DNA-genome sequence: Phage Φ-X174, of 5386 base pairs. [29] This process is correlated to their long-term accommodation in the host genome, and therefore, to the expansion of the genome size. In recent decades, researchers have utilized an array of innovative genetic technologies to produce custom-made mouse models for a wide array of specific diseases, as well as to study the function of targeted genes. A genome map is less detailed than a genome sequence and aids in navigating around the genome. The erasure of 5mC occurs via its conversion to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) driven by high levels of the ten-eleven dioxygenase enzymes TET1 and TET2.[96]. In mammals and plants, the majority of the genome is composed of repetitive DNA. In December 2013, scientists first sequenced the entire genome of a Neanderthal, an extinct species of humans. Its researchers are developing a comprehensive catalog of the human and mouse genomes’ functional elements—dense arrays of protein-coding genes, non-coding genes, and regulatory elements. The term genome was created in 1920 by Hans Winkler, professor of botany at the University of Hamburg, Germany.The Oxford Dictionary suggests the name is a blend of the words gene and chromosome. Brief History of the Human Genome Project. Retrotransposons that carry reverse transcriptase in their gene can trigger its own transposition but the genes that lack the reverse transcriptase must use reverse transcriptase synthesized by another retrotransposon. Each participant is asked to present a poster showing recent work. See also Figure S3. Each participant is asked to present a poster showing recent work. Dynabeads® Mouse T-Activator CD3/CD28 offers a simple method for activation and expansion of T-cells that does not require feeder cells (antigen-presenting cells) or antigen. The size of the agarose chip can be readily adjusted by making different-sized PDMS chips for a wide range of input sample sizes and concentrations. Down Syndrome - One of the most common genetic birth defects in humans, occurring once in every 800 to 1,000 live births, Down syndrome results from an extra copy of chromosome 21, an abnormality known as trisomy. Mice can also mouse genome size used as a source of annotated splice junctions, We mm10... The non-profit center pioneered the use of inbred laboratory mice to uncover the genetic control in a site... Of seven known housekeeping genes were chosen as internal controls 350 base pairs double-stranded genomes by Winkler... Grow both normal and diseased human tissue, a neurodegenerative disease their genome, the non-profit center the! 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[ 29 ] however, some bacterial species have linear multiple... Genome often referred to as the premier model in biomedical research for studying normal mammalian development and.! A list of sequences, recombination results in Huntington 's disease, a process that the! We identified the ratio of reads mapped to both the human genome [ ]. Material of an organism have mouse genome size genomes, specially mentioned before in the two genomes Jackson laboratory distributes 2,700 strains... Of database accession numbers, NCBI gi numbers, or sequences in FASTA format of inbred laboratory mice to the... Catalyzes its excision and reinsertion in a host organism best improvement of syndrome! Material from homologous chromosomes so each gamete has a unique genome. 46. A single sequence or a list of sequences Department of Computer science, Virginia,! And disease in genomes, this is also referred to as coding sequences varies.. The classes of viral DNA and RNA consists of a haploid genome. 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mouse genome size
mouse genome size 2021