m∠BCD = degreesDownload png. In the adjoining figure O is the centre of the circle find the measure of angle from MBA PEA517 at Lovely Professional University BO is the bisector of ∠ CBE So, ∠ CBO = … Geography, 21.06.2019 15:00. In the adjoining figure, AB and AD are adjacent or consecutive sides. Therefore, Angle CAD and angle ACB must be equal, and we know Angle CAD = 70 degres. If an angle is half of its complementary angle, then find its degree measure. Angle DAC = … (ii) Prove that AD is parallel to FE. Arc AB subtends ∠ AOB at the centre and ∠ACB at the remaining part … Hence BD is bisector of angle ABC. Solution: (i) The sum of all exterior angles of the polygon = 360° (ii) Measure of each exterior angle = 360°/8 = 45° (iii) Sum of all the interior angles … Solution: Given: The ratio of the angles is 2:3:4:6. 1 answer . If angle BCD = 52 degree and angle ADB = 42 degree, find the values of x, y and z. Show that ∆BCD is a right angle. 8 units. Find each of the following: -length of AB -length of BD -measure of angle ABC -measure of angle BCD 3 Question 3 The figure to the left shows a swing set with the swing blown to the side by the wind. If ∠QPR = 35°, find the measure of ∠AOB. BGEC is a sector of a circle with centre C and AB = BC = 7,cm DE = 4 and BF = 3.5 cm, then find the the area of the shaded region. In a triangle ABC, angle ABC = 90 and BD is perpendicular to AC. Chord cd is parallel to… In the given figure, ab and cd are straight lines through the center q of a… If BD = 8 cm and AD = 4 cm then find the length of CD? In figure 3.9, measures of some angles are given. SOLUTION: In the adjoining figure, if