CICHLIDS Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Red Spotted Severum Assorted Peacock Cichlids Assorted Discus Blue Angel. He is in a 55 right now, been growing up in there since he was less than an inch long. However this variety is a little smaller reaching closer to the 8 inches (20 cm) in length, rather than the almost 10 inches (25 cm) of a full size Jack Dempsey fish. ... My 3 inch warmouth swallowed a full grown pregnant Gambusia. Many people in the cichlid community were doubtful over these results, and proclaimed the tests were run incorrectly and only showed mitachondrial DNA. Temperature : 75°F - 80°F (24°C - 27°C) Water Hardness : 5° to 15° dH. I have a 10 gallon tank with an electric blue jack depmsey that i'm rasing for my friend till he gets big enough to go with the bigger fish in his tank. You could mabe try a jewel cichlid. We explore the big three of the electric blue guild – the Acara, the Ram and the Dempsey. Jack Dempsey fish is native to Central America Atlantic hillsid… how fast do jack dempseys grow? Fast overnight or priority mail shipping. Common Names : Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. I hope to … Angels and Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. He's about 2 inches and will probably go when he's about 3 or 4 inches. Explore Our Forums. Once your electric blue JD has grown to 5 inches, the other Jack Dempsey will have grown to about 10 inches, and it will tear Mr. Blue to shreds. It is carnivorous, eating worms, crustaceans, insects and other fish. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey grows up to 1 foot in length. Manipulated fish in the hobby are being increasingly normalised. It won't fit. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 11 of 11 Posts ... Full Forum Listing. A full-grown adult Jack Dempsey Fish is a picturesque site. my friend did keep a large anglefish with her cichlids and there was no sign of … temp should be 75-80F and it is sujested they can take a wide range of PH between 6-8. Jaguar cichlids get over 2 feet. Gold Jack Dempsey that carry the Electric Blue Gene do not exhibit the coloration of the Electric Blue and the Platinum Jack Dempsey, but they are an important part of our breeding program that helps to strengthen our lines. Oscars need at least a tank 48 inches by 24 inches by 18 inches (tall), if you are lucky to get one that stops growing at 13 inches. In the wild, Jack Dempsey grows up to 15″ (38 cms) long. Just like its parentage, the body of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is stocky and compact. I think he might be getting ready to pass away soon How big do Jack Dempsey fish get? Gian Carlo B Highlands , NJ This is, for me, one of the best species with the Oscar and Jack Dempsey!!! The minimum recommended aquarium size for a pair of bonded Jack Dempseys is 55 gallons (208 liters), but as they … It is also established in Australia, the United States, and Thailand as an introduced species (presumably as an aquarium escapee) which is locally known as the Mexican Blue Frontosa. He has been in the 56 gal tank for the last 5 months. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rare and exotic freshwater fish that comes from South America. they can reach 10 inch in size and can be quite aggressive, most people say you need 55 gallon for 1 of them, anythiing smaller will make them more aggressive. Care Level : Easy. A Friendly Online Community For Cichlid Enthusiasts. I have heard of a bunch of people doing this including a few of my friends. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is an intensely colorful and extremely hardy Cichlid native to still and slow moving bogs, lakes, ponds and swamps in Central America. Its hard to say since a 55 will be pretty full with a full grown BP and full grow JD. So unless your planning on a bigger tank i would stick with what you have. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey; NATIVE FISH Bullhead Largemouth Bass Walleye. Males can reach up to 10in length. the jack dempsey is male, and is very shy and does not pick on the other cichlid, he is about almost full grown. I have had a electric blue jack Dempsey cichlid for a little over a year now and he is about 3 inches. there's 2 goldfish in with him and he doesn't really have a problem with them at all, but he can be a lil territorial around his rock cave sometimes but that's it. -Electric blue jack Dempsey has his partner. Electric blue Jack Dempsey. I can’t get them to eat anything but live or frozen foods, unlike my brown knifefish and dinosaur bichir they’ll eat anything-i like that. The Jack, however, is a temperature resilient fish and can survive in water as cool as the low-middle sixties. Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:58 am. They are African but mix well with american cichlids. It should come as no surprise that a fish named after an aggressive boxer, doesn’t do well with other fish. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Well a few years ago I was given a dempsey and convict hybrid juveniles. starting at $36.00 I automatically think how full grown adults will go in the setup. ... Certified Captive Grown Corals; The Jack Dempsey natively lives in a tropical climate and prefers water with a pH of 6-7, a water hardness of 9–20 dGH, and a temperature range of 22–30 °C (72–86 °F). Size : Anywhere from 6 - 10 inches (15 - 25 cm) pH : 6 - 8.0. Love them or hate them, the bright blue fish are here to stay, but it’s amazing how little is known of these manufactured species. Lifespan : 10 - 15 years or longer JD's need at least a tank 48 inches by 18 inches, since they get 9-12 inches. They … Peacock bass are very easy to catch in Florida! General Freshwater Forum Member Introductions New To The Freshwater Aquarium Hobby Freshwater Fish Diseases,Algae Issues,Emergencies Freshwater Tank Builds. Jack Dempseys are notoriously territorial, generally intolerant of other fish, and will often bite tankmates. Additional Information : Due to the delicate nature of the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey gene it is often rare to see them live past a size of 2-3 inches so it may be worthwhile to purchase these only at over 3 inches although you must be prepared to pay a premium for them at this size as they are extremely rare! It’s recommended to keep mature, bonded pairs together, where they will form family units with their offspring. In a matter of a few months, the dempsey outgrew ever other fish in that tank, and made a snack out of my CAE and 4 inch shark! Jack Dempsey cichlids prefer a tank no smaller than 48 inches, or 50-gallon tank. Last week I got a blood parrot (4in) and put it in the tank. There is the chance you could do both a blue acara and a jack dempsey in the same tank, it would be fairly risky and depend on the aggressiveness of the Jack dempsey but the combination isn't unheard of. As said before, the full-grown Jack can reach 10″ in length. They may end up as an expensive meal! The Jack Dempsey is a medium-to-large fish, which grows to a maximum of an adult size of 10″, but the range is 8-10″, (20-25 cm). Electric Blue & Original Jack Dempseys. Tue May 10, 2011 2:56 am. The electric blue's origin is still debated, but I haven't heard of it being less rowdy than the natural dempsey. It gets along great with my Jack Dempsey.. For full grown JD's I would recommend a tank at least in the 50g range probably. Usually, The Jack Dempsey fish can … This is my electric blue jack Dempsey. 842 likes. And just to cover bases, if they mention numbers, I always think about, "what if a pair forms and spawns". Recommended Communities. The recommended aquarium size for the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey should be 55 gallons or larger. The species has got Rocio name by the name of its describer’s wife; in Spanish “rocio” means “dew” and indicates the presence of sparklet-spots in the fish coloring.Specific name of the fish “octofasciata” comes from Latin words “octo” (eight) and “fascia” (a belt or a stripe) and it is translated as “eight-striped”.In fact the fish has definitely more than eight stripes on its body. He's about 7 inches long , 5 or 6 years old and full grown. They are one of the most popular species in the hobby and are known for their territorial instincts as well as the intense coloration they can bring to any aquarium. He's become blind in one eye and doesn't mate with the female gold Dempsey anymore. At the same time, avoid hyper-aggressive species and species that get much larger, as they could potentially bully S. fryeri. Electric Blue & Original Jack Dempseys are a beautiful fish some what of a killer but will get along with other tank mates The water should ideally be kept at a temperature between 77 and 82-degree Fahrenheit. However, no breed in captivity … Electric blue haps are piscivores, so do not purchase fish significantly smaller than they are. ... Tue May 10, 2011 4:00 am. The results of the test furnished by Dr. Prosanta Chakrabarty proportedly showed that Electric Blue Jack Dempsey are indeed a color morph of octofasciata. They are smaller in the wild than they are in the home aquarium They have a lifespan of 10-15 years. Color Form Blue, Green, White Diet Omnivore Water Conditions 72-80° F, KH 9-20, pH 6.5-8.0 Max. the jack dempsey cichlid comes from central america, Yucatan peninsula, Guatemala and Honduras. I recommend this fish. In a 75, you might get away with a pair of dempseys if they are feeling friendly and loving, but you cannot put any fish with a dempsey unless you have a second tank ready and waiting in case the JD beats on its tankmate. Thanks to @jeans_zoo on Instagram for this Photo of … The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey online. The last 2 months there had also been a 4 inch royal pleco in with him. WORDS: NATHAN HILL. Call for pricing on larger sizes. Gold Jack Dempsey.
electric blue jack dempsey full grown
electric blue jack dempsey full grown 2021