They lay eggs in the safety of a cave and guard it, or some of them are mouthbrooders. This little yellow African Cichlid is easy to look after and less aggressive than the others of its family. The average water temperature of Lake Malawi is 77 °F, with a pH = 8.5, a general hardness (GH) around 7, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 10-12. A 55 gallon tank can house up to 15 African cichlids depending on species, maximum size and temperament. However, these beautiful fishes are not easy to maintain. The Malawi Cichlids are some of the most brilliantly colored fishes. Their activity and interaction make them more attractive and liven up the aquarium. The Range of PH: A Venustus can tolerate acidity of just above 7.0, but prefer 8.0 or higher. The tank that you keepyour Cichlid will be their habitat while they grow up. They will most likely be attacked since they will be mostly defenseless. African Cichlids are not for the aquarium that has peace-loving and small-sized fishes. If you want to add more yellow Cichlids, 3 gallons for each fish will be required for each fish. They carry them in their mouth until it’s time to hatch. The male African Cichlids show different moves to attract female Cichlid. For beginners, a 50-gallon cichlid tank is usually a good start. They can defend themselves. From the name peacock, it is obvious that they are colorful, just like peacock’s tail. If you want to keep more than one Cichlid, make enough hiding places or caves for them to claim their territory. Butterfly Cichlids are also very peaceful and hardy. These filters will be enough to keep water moving and for creating small currents. For the herbivores, you can feed them raw fruits and vegetables. Now, you know how do you take care of African cichlids. After that, she leaves and is ready to breed again. The cichlids come in different sizes. Name: Demasoni cichlid Scientific name: Pseudotropheus demasoni Alternative name: Dwarf mbuna Family: Cichlidae Size:3 inches (7.6 cm) Care level: Moderate to hard Minimum tank size: 55 gallons or more for larger groups (recommended to keep in large groups) Temperature: 23 degrees to 27 degrees Celsius Water conditions:5 to 8.5 pH Diet: Omnivorous Lifespan: 10 years Temperament:Aggressive Their different types can be found in countries all along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts such as Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. However, both of these qualities depend from specie to specie. Like Yellow Cichlids, they feed on meat and plants. Lake Malawi is the most famous one. Malawi or African Cichlid. What are the qualities that you loved most about them? Convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) are a freshwater species of cichlid that come from Central America. This dwarf variety reaches 3.15 inches as adults and has a fairly peaceful personality. They can make each other sick. Tank Setup. A mature African cichlid may grow up to 4 to 6 inches. For smaller cichlids and shell dwellers, they can be kept in an aquarium of no less than a 33 gallons. We hope … If you are raising a fry, then you have to be a little patient to see their color and pattern. Always remember to research your species and their needs before deciding the size of the tank. To set up an aquarium for Cichlids, you have to create many hideout places for them. Hence, finding a suitable companion can become challenging. These fish can grow up to 5 inches, but they are not ideal for a small aquarium. Their dorsal fins are found behind their head, which spans all over their body. 1 decade ago. So, if you see the color fading, it can be a signal of poor health. All the Cichlids lay eggs. However, the cichlids are extremely variable in length with some growing up to about 8 to 9 inches long. They are very territorial and need plenty of space to swim and hide in the rocks. Apart from that, you can add bloodworms, wafers, or live food. It depends on specie to specie and can sometimes vary between individuals of the same species as well. You can use caves and even rocks for this. The heater should be enough for the size of your tank. This tank should be 5 ft in length if you are going to house them with other tank mates. Cichlid family has a wide variety of fishes, and they are found in diverse colors and patterns. So, beginners shouldn’t have them or start their aquarium with them. You can use the air pump to create a strong current. Just like the peacock bird, only the male Peacock Cichlid has vivid appearance while the female is drab in appearance. Research about the specie of your fish before feeding them anything. This is one of the brightest colored dwarf cichlids. Your email address will not be published. Don’t use under gravel filter as fine gravels are not suitable for them. Once the eggs are hatched, the mother fish take care of the fries for one or two weeks. They are bigger and more aggressive than other fishes like Guppy, Tetra, and Gourami. As we have already learned that African Cichlids have a diverse variety, here, we will learn about the popular and most common types of them. They usually have a dull appearance and pattern. Their natural habitat has plenty of wood and rocks for them to use as a place to hide in between feeding. The tank size for African Cichlid varies from specie to specie. A 55 gallon tank is generally considered the smallest tank to successfully keep these fish. African cichlids may live up to eight years in your aquarium. They may harass other males, females, or other … Tank Size. Substrate. Use this as a guide to judge the best tank size for your species, remembering that a larger tank is always best and will reduce aggression. The brightness of color and pattern of Cichlid says a lot about them. These fish come from lakes and streams in this region with a moderate amount of current. They are not very demanding or fussy and hence, make perfect fish for beginners. Your subscription could not be saved. The minimum size for an African cichlid tank would be at least 48 gallons with a length of at least four feet for the larger species. The Cichlids are usually found to be living in the gaps between the rocks in their native place. Con… Most African Cichlids originate from giant lakes in Africa, where thousands of species are known to exist. That way you can still house a nice number of compatible cichlids to get you started in the hobby. the price also depends on their age and health as a juvenile Cichlid is less expensive than adults. African Cichlids can be bred in captivity if the conditions are suitable. The first thing that you need todo is to buy an appropriate tank for housing your Cichlid. Make sure the rocks are properly glued together, use safe aquarium glue, to avoid any mishappening. They can also jump out of the tank in excitement, so make sure everything is well covered and protected. Some species can even bite you. The cheapest Cichlids you can buy is available in the range of $5-$15. African cichlid lifespan may differ species to species. Most of the species of this family are found mainly in the three lakes: Lake Malawi, Lake Victoria, and Lake Tanganyika. They have a yellow body with fins having black tips making their appearance stand out from the other fishes. Some of them are herbivores like Tilapia, while some are insectivores like Peacock Cichlids. How Many African Cichlids Can You Put in A 30-Gallon Tank? Gary C . Dwarf Julidochromis, Lamprologus and Neolamprologus from Lake Tanganyika can be kept in aquariums of 20 to 30 gallons. It’s maximum length can be close to 4″. Their whole body has five black vertical bars with horizontal rows of spots either in blue or green color. If you want to add more yellow Cichlids, 3 gallons for each fish will be required for each fish.